Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2006

President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of 'a permanent arms industry of vast proportions'

Ike Was Right

Robert Scheer writes: "It’s not primarily about the oil; it’s much more about the military-industrial complex, the label employed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower 45 years ago when he warned of the dangers of 'a permanent arms industry of vast proportions.'"

New Year's Utopianism Needed Fast

David Swanson writes: "Unbeknownst to many Americans, there is overwhelming consensus among scientists that we are very close to reaching a point of no turning back on global warming, which is caused by the burning of fossil fuels. We are approaching a point at which all of the following will become unavoidable: massive desertification, rising sea level, explosive growth of insect populations, widespread habitat destruction, mass extinctions, mass migrations (including of humans), the disappearance of sea life, and in all likelihood wars over drinking water that will make the wars over oil look civilized."

The GOP's $3 Billion Propaganda Organ

Robert Parry writes: "The American Right achieved its political dominance in Washington over the past quarter century with the help of more than $3 billion spent by Korean cult leader Sun Myung Moon on a daily propaganda organ, the Washington Times, according to a 21-year veteran of the newspaper."

Der Philosoph Norbert Bolz über den neokonservativen Zeitgeist

Klimawandel nicht mehr zu stoppen

Nach dem vertraulichen Bericht des UN-Klimarats würden die Temperaturen sogar noch ein Jahrhundert ansteigen, wenn der Ausstoß der Treibhausgase eingestellt würde.

Auf der Suche nach dem neuen Feind alte Fehler machen

Irak: Für die USA ist Muktada as-Sadr der neue alte Sündenbock.

Beim Thema soziale Gerechtigkeit gehen die Ansichten von Wählern und Gewählten weit auseinander

Tiefe Kluft zwischen Politikern und Bürgern

Beim Thema soziale Gerechtigkeit gehen die Ansichten von Wählern und Gewählten nach einer Studie der Bertelsmann-Stiftung weit auseinander.

Will Bush take hint on Iraq?


WASHINGTON -- Public opinion experts say Americans are sending President George W. Bush a clear message as he considers his options in Iraq: Bring the troops home.

Now, he'll have to decide whether to heed their advice. Presidents often struggle to reconcile their personal views with the will of the people, and the stakes are particularly high in wartime.

The public doesn't always get its way. The Vietnam War dragged on for five years after public support for it collapsed in 1968.

"Public opinion is not a referendum. It has no legal power," said John Mueller, a professor at Ohio State University who specializes in wartime public opinion. But it does affect a lame-duck president's ability to get his way, and as his public support wanes, so does his influence, across the board.

Lyndon Johnson was so hobbled by the Vietnam War that he declined to run for re-election. Harry Truman's approval rating plummeted to 23% during the Korean War -- a record low that still stands. He chose not to seek re-election as well.

Bush's overall job-approval rating hovers in the mid-30s, but support for his handling of Iraq has plummeted to the low to mid-20s, with disapproval around 70%, according to three national polls in mid-December.

Even without Iraq, Bush faces a tough final two years in office. Democrats will take control of Congress next month, and even congressional Republicans have been increasingly willing to distance themselves from the politically unpopular president.

War is a question of worth

Iraq looms over everything. Opinion experts say the striking thing about the war is how quickly it lost public support.

It took about 20,000 dead U.S. troops to convince most Americans that the Vietnam War was a mistake. It took just 1,500 in Iraq. The death toll is on track to top 3,000 next month.

Most experts say they think public attitudes toward war are driven by a relatively straightforward cost-benefit analysis: Are the costs of the war, in blood and treasure, worth the benefit of victory?

For most Americans, the equation was a no-brainer in World War II, even though more than 400,000 U.S. military personnel lost their lives out of 16 million who served. Cold War fears about the spread of communism helped maintain support for the wars in Korea and Vietnam, even as the death tolls mounted.

Polls indicate that the stakes in Iraq are less clear. One of the top concerns before the 2003 invasion, weapons of mass destruction, lost its punch when no such weapons were found. At that point, Bush shifted the emphasis to creating a democracy as a bulwark against terrorism.

"Given the right benefits -- protecting our own children, within our borders -- Americans would support all kinds of dramatic costs. The key is, at this moment, they just simply do not see the rationale," said Frank Newport, editor in chief of the Gallup Poll. "The public just doesn't see the benefit."

Looking for a timetable

To be sure, opposition to the war isn't unanimous, and many war critics share Bush's concerns about the consequences of a withdrawal. Though the vast majority of Democrats and independents have turned against the war, Republicans tend to support it. Bush and his aides also take solace in the fact that most Americans oppose immediate withdrawal.

But polling experts say the overall sentiment is clear. A majority of Americans think the war was a mistake, don't think it will make America safer and don't think the United States will win. Large majorities want to see the troops come home by early 2008.

"It's clear now that the public is looking for a timetable for withdrawal. If the administration doesn't like that, my advice would be, you have to somehow convince Americans of the benefits of continuing there," Newport said. "I think there's wisdom in the collective views of the public. A wise leader pays attention to it."

Jeffrey Kimball, a professor emeritus of history at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, said most presidents would take the hint, especially after voters registered their displeasure in the midterm elections. The Democratic victories were widely viewed as a repudiation of Bush's Iraq policy, although the president contends that the results were a call for bipartisan cooperation.

"The signals, to any rational leader, are there to see," said Kimball, the author of three books on the Vietnam War. "Normally people respond to that. I think he could salvage his presidency to a degree if he could admit some mistakes and then work to get out in a graceful way."

And if Bush ignores public sentiment?

"The only thing that could cut the war off is Congress cutting off the funds or impeachment," Mueller said. "They would have to impeach both" Vice President Dick "Cheney and Bush."

Neither option seems likely. However, the Democratic Congress could try to attach policy strings to war-funding bills that push toward withdrawal, and it could increase pressure for withdrawal by using congressional hearings to grill administration officials and highlight problems in Iraq.

From ufpj-news

Residents ready for third mast

By Keighley News reporter

Bradley residents look set for their third fight against siting a mobile phone mast in the village.

T-Mobile has submitted plans to Craven District Council to erect a 15ft mast at Sirebank Farm, Jackson's Lane.

The move comes after 600 residents breathed a sigh of relief when Orange's two attempts at siting at mast at Quarry Field were rejected.

Bradley Parish Council brought forward its December meeting to consult on plans and agreed to object as it felt there was insufficient time to review the plans because of Christmas.

The principle of a phone mast was not ruled out, but councillors were concerned about the effect on the landscape and health worries.

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group

Reservist Due for Iraq Is Killed in Standoff With Police

Army Reservist James E. Dean had already served 18 months in Afghanistan when he was notified three weeks ago that he would be deployed to Iraq later this month. The prospect of returning to war sent Dean into a spiral of depression and on Christmas, Dean barricaded himself inside his father's home with several weapons, threatening to kill himself. After a 14-hour standoff with authorities, Dean was killed yesterday by a police officer after he aimed a gun at another officer.

Asked to Serve Again, a Soldier Goes Down Fighting

The sniper fired. It was a clean shot, if there is such a thing. And down for good fell another US soldier. His name was Sergeant James Dean. Only Dean was killed at the front door of his childhood home, the day after Christmas and three weeks before his redeployment, shot by a sniper representing the government for whom he had already risked his life in Afghanistan.

Bush Hires Lawyers to Prepare for Congressional Probes

President Bush is bracing for what could be an onslaught of investigations by the new Democratic-led Congress by hiring lawyers to fill key White House posts and preparing to play defense on countless document requests and possible subpoenas.

Where Are the Christians?

"Goode is the congressman who wrote his constituents: 'If American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration, there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Quran in his personal private ceremony.' Immigration? What has a single Muslim congressman got to do with immigration? Easy. If you've learned anything from Messrs. Bush and Cheney over the past six years, it's that conflating wildly unrelated issues can get people so spooked that it works," writes William Fisher.


The Troubling Worldview of the 'Rapture-Ready' Christian

Fish 'starving to death'

* By Vincent Morello

* December 27, 2006,20867,20978108-29277,00.html

FISH species on the Great Barrier Reef are starving to death because climate change is killing off their food source, an environmental study has found.

Rising sea temperatures have bleached more than 30 per cent of the world's coral reefs, a five-year study by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CoECRS) has found.

As a result, smaller fish which would normally feed on live coral are dying off, which could throw the fish food chain out of balance, and consequently hinder local fishing and tourism operations.

The coral damage is predicted to double by 2030 if sea temperatures continue their warming patterns, CoECRS senior researcher Morgan Pratchett said.

The starving fish fail to breed and fail to migrate to thriving reefs.

"Fish can be very territorial and it may be hard for refugee fish, which have lost their reef, to relocate elsewhere because the locals will try to keep them out," Dr Pratchett said.

CoECRS was set up in 2005 in Townsville, Queensland, to study coral reefs over a five-year period.

It is a partnership between three Queensland universities and two marine research organisations. Dr Pratchett and his colleagues spent five years charting the collapse of coral-feeding butterfly fish on the reef following severe bleaching between 2000 and 2002.

Bleaching causes the corals to shed their natural bacteria and die.

"Ours and other studies indicate that when coral bleaching occurs, affecting up to 10 per cent of the reef, it affects the abundance of nearly two-thirds of the fish species on that reef.

"As the damage rises to 20 per cent and above, there is a marked decline in the richness of fish species on the reef and the losses can last for years."

But coral-feeding fish will return if the corals recover, Dr Pratchett said.

Informant: binstock

A locked Cabinet

Boston Globe
by H.D.S. Greenway


When George W. Bush first announced his Cabinet in 2001, many old Washington hands thought it was as good a national security team as had ever been assembled. And so it seemed. These were experienced people from previous administrations when Republicans had reason to claim they were more effective guardians of the nation's security than the Democrats. I had hoped the son would follow the same path as his father, James Baker and Brent Scowcroft. How hollow that hope seems now. Vice President Dick Cheney, whom Scowcroft says he can hardly recognize anymore, has turned out not only to be the most powerful vice president in history, but also one of the most destructive. ... Cheney's manipulation of intelligence before the Iraq war is now legend...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Study war for peace

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The government bends the law to hide what it has no business hiding

You call that a secret?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

82nd Airborne brigade headed to Kuwait



Defense Secretary Robert Gates has signed orders that will send the 82nd Airborne Division's 2nd Brigade to Kuwait shortly after the new year, senior defense officials said Tuesday. The decision to send the unit was first reported earlier this month. The soldiers, who are based at Fort Bragg, N.C., are expected to be deployed to Iraq early next year, and the move could be part of a short-term surge of troops to the battlefront to quell the ongoing violence...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Worldwide Petition for Companion Animals in Japan

Please also forward and cross-post for companion animals.



FDA Lab Closure Plan Endangers Public, Watchdogs Say

The Food and Drug Administration is aiming to cut back its research infrastructure at a time when critics say monitoring and regulation are more crucial than ever.

In Many Villages, Alaskans Face Physical and Cultural Erosion

The last time chronic flooding forced this tiny Alaska village to relocate, sled dogs pulled the old church to its new home three miles away, far from the raging Ninglick River. That was in 1950 and life was simpler in Newtok, mostly a collection of traditional sod dwellings. Modern structures gradually took over the new site as the river again crept to the edge of the Yupik Eskimo community. Persistent erosion has eaten an average of 70 feet of bank a year, and now melting permafrost is subsiding, further subjecting the village to severe flooding from intensifying storms. So once again, Newtok must move, leaving residents and officials grappling with an unprecedented crisis that looms over scores of native villages along Alaska's increasingly battered western coast.

Warming Law Applies Pressure to Industries

California's landmark law to drastically cut greenhouse gases could boost the state's economy or make it even more expensive to live in California. It may do both. The Global Warming Solutions Act, which drew international attention when it became law in September, is vague on details about how the state must cut emissions that cause the planet to warm - most notably carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Still, the act portends unprecedented change in the ways Californians live and work, probably affecting the power that we use, the cars we buy and how our food is grown.

The Ninth Ward Revisited

Bob Herbert writes: "Spike Lee, who has made a stunning six-hour documentary about New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina, was telling me the other day about his first visit to the city's Lower Ninth Ward, which was annihilated by the flood that followed the storm. After more than a year his voice was still filled with a sense of horrified wonder. 'To see it with your own eyes,' he said, 'and you're doing a 360-degree turn, and you see nothing but devastation.... I wasn't born until 1957 but I automatically thought about Hiroshima or Nagasaki or Berlin after the war.'"

Interior, Pentagon Faulted In Audits

Defense auditors said that deal cost taxpayers millions more than necessary, and they have referred the matter for possible criminal investigation.

From Information Clearing House

Disappearing world: Global warming claims tropical island

Rising seas, caused by global warming, have for the first time washed an inhabited island off the face of the Earth.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. pursues financial strategy against regimes it can't otherwise corral

Over the past year, the Bush administration has persuaded bankers across Europe and Asia to choke off some Iranian and North Korean access to the world financial system, using the taint of terrorism and corruption as leverage.

From Information Clearing House

Noam Chomsky Comments on the Iraq Study Group Report

What matters is the opinion of Iraqis. If there is remaining doubt, the question of withdrawal should be submitted to a referendum, conducted under international supervision to minimize coercion by the occupying forces and their Iraqi clients.

From Information Clearing House

Soldier went AWOL over atrocities

Soldier tried to report abuses but was rebuffed.

From Information Clearing House

Will Bush or Blair be held responsible?,,3-2518729,00.html

U.S. Military graduates calls War in Iraq illegal and criminal

America stands shamed in the eyes of the world thanks to the Bush administration’s crime spree. And, as a partial result, the Democrats scored a resounding triumph in an election where only 40.4% of eligible Americans cast ballots. 40.4%! So much for urgency.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. officials send fugitive minister out of Iraq

A fugitive former Iraqi minister, with dual U.S. citizenship, flew to Jordan in an American plane after escaping from a Baghdad jail earlier this month, Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakheet said on Tuesday.

From Information Clearing House

More of the Same in 2007

Incoming congressional leaders have publicly stated their support for increasing troop levels, and Democrats have no intention of pursuing any serious withdrawal plan in Congress. They will not withhold war funding. The war will plod on, and Democrats will call for more of the same.

UK raid angers Basra politicians

Basra City Council has withdrawn co-operation from UK forces in southern Iraq after the police's serious crimes unit was disbanded by troops. More than 1,000 troops blew up a police station run by the unit, which has been blamed for robberies and death squads.

From Information Clearing House

Historical Perspectives on Latin American and East Asian Regional Development

By Noam Chomsky

There was a meeting on the weekend of December 9-10 in Cochabamba in Bolivia of major South American leaders. It was a very important meeting. One index of its importance is that it was unreported, virtually unreported apart from the wire services.

In Somalia, a reckless U.S. proxy war

By Salim Lone

Undeterred by the horrors and setbacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, the Bush administration has opened another battlefront in the Muslim world. With full U.S. backing and military training, at least 15,000 Ethiopian troops have entered Somalia in an illegal war of aggression against the Union of Islamic Courts, which controls almost the entire south of the country.

Washington's Game in Turkmenistan

Why Did Russia And China vote to sanction Iran?

By Jorge Hirsch

While Russia may prefer for its own reasons that Iran not enrich uranium, it fully recognizes that Iran's pursuit is legal under international law. Furthermore, as Western news media constantly emphasize, Russia and China have extensive commercial ties with Iran, hence it is not in their interest to antagonize Iran. Their support of UNSC1737 doesn't seem to make sense.

Iran backed dangerously into a corner

Top Ten Myths about Iraq 2006

By Juan Cole

Myth number one is that the United States "can still win" in Iraq. Of course, the truth of this statement, frequently still made by William Kristol and other Neoconservatives, depends on what "winning" means. But if it means the establishment of a stable, pro-American, anti-Iranian government with an effective and even-handed army and police force in the near or even medium term, then the assertion is frankly ridiculous.

Troop 'surge' in Iraq would be another mistake


Robert Gates' report to the White House on his discussions in Iraq this past week is likely to provide the missing ingredient for the troop ''surge'' into Iraq favored by the ''decider'' team of Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush.


Kampf um die Vorratsdatenspeicherung,1185,OID6211106_REF1_NAV_BAB,00.html


Grundrechte > Kommunikationsfreiheit und Datenschutz > Vorratsspeicherung

Einhellige Ablehnung der Koalitionspläne zur Vorratsspeicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten

„27 Verbände lehnen in einer heute veröffentlichten Gemeinsamen Erklärung einen Gesetzentwurf von Bundesjustizministerin Brigitte Zypries ab, dem zufolge künftig Daten über jede Nutzung von Telefon, Handy, E-Mail und Internet auf Vorrat gesammelt werden sollen (sog. "Vorratsdatenspeicherung"), damit sie Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaften zur Verfügung stehen. Die Verbände bezeichnen es als "inakzeptabel", dass ohne jeden Verdacht einer Straftat sensible Informationen über die sozialen Beziehungen, die Bewegungen und die individuelle Lebenssituation von über 80 Millionen Bundesbürgerinnen und Bundesbürgern gesammelt werden sollen…“ Pressemitteilung vom Montag, den 22.01.2007, darin auch die Gemeinsame Erklärung vom 22.01.2007 im Wortlaut:

Aus: LabourNet, 23. Januar 2007


27 gegen Datenzwangsverhaltung, AT-Land schläft


Verfassungsbeschwerde geplant Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung meldet 10.000. Teilnehmer

Der Protest gegen die geplante sechsmonatige Speicherung von Kommunikationsdaten wird immer breiter. Der Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung meldete am Dienstag den 10 000. Teilnehmer an der von ihm vorbereiteten Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen das Vorhaben der Bundesregierung. Jurist und Arbeitskreis-Mitglied Patrick Breyer betonte, es sei ein "offensichtlich unverhältnismäßiger Eingriff" in die Grundrechte der Bürger, das Kommunikations- und Bewegungsverhalten der gesamten Bevölkerung zu protokollieren, um die Aufklärungsquote "um mikroskopische 0,0006 Prozent steigern zu können".


Vorratsdatenspeicherung = Abschaffung des Informantenschutzes.

Vorratsdatenspeicherung heißt: Die Regierung plant die totale Protokollierung aller elektronischen Kommunikationsdaten von jedem Bewohner dieses Landes. Für Journalisten bedeutet das die faktische Abschaffung des Informantenschutzes.

Dagegen protestiert das netzwerk recherche. Am 22.01. wurde zusammen mit 26 weiteren Buergerrechtsorganisationen die "Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Gesetzentwurf über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung" unterzeichnet. Im Wortlaut:

Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Gesetzentwurf über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Der Gesetzentwurf zur Neuregelung der Telekommunikationsüberwachung sieht vor, Telekommunikationsunternehmen ab Herbst 2007 zu verpflichten, Daten über die Kommunikation ihrer Kunden auf Vorrat zu speichern. Zur verbesserten Strafverfolgung soll nachvollziehbar werden, wer mit wem in den letzten sechs Monaten per Telefon, Handy oder E-Mail in Verbindung gestanden hat. Bei Handy-Telefonaten und SMS soll auch der jeweilige Standort des Benutzers festgehalten werden. Bis spätestens 2009 soll zudem die Nutzung des Internet nachvollziehbar werden.

Eine derart weitreichende Registrierung des Verhaltens der Menschen in Deutschland halten wir für inakzeptabel. Ohne jeden Verdacht einer Straftat sollen sensible Informationen über die sozialen Beziehungen (einschließlich Geschäftsbeziehungen), die Bewegungen und die individuelle Lebenssituation (z.B. Kontakte mit Ärzten, Rechtsanwälten, Psychologen, Beratungsstellen) von über 80 Millionen Bundesbürgerinnen und Bundesbürgern gesammelt werden. Damit höhlt eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung Anwalts-, Arzt-, Seelsorge-, Beratungs- und andere Berufsgeheimnisse aus und begünstigt Wirtschaftsspionage. Sie untergräbt den Schutz journalistischer Quellen und beschädigt damit die Pressefreiheit im Kern. Die enormen Kosten einer Vorratsdatenspeicherung sind von den Telekommunikationsunternehmen zu tragen. Dies wird Preiserhöhungen nach sich ziehen, zur Einstellung von Angeboten führen und mittelbar auch die Verbraucher belasten.

Untersuchungen zeigen, dass bereits die gegenwärtig verfügbaren Kommunikationsdaten ganz regelmäßig zur effektiven Aufklärung von Straftaten ausreichen. Es ist nicht nachgewiesen, dass eine Vorratsdatenspeicherung besser vor Kriminalität schützen würde. Dagegen würde sie Millionen von Euro kosten, die Privatsphäre Unschuldiger gefährden, vertrauliche Kommunikation beeinträchtigen und den Weg in eine immer weiter reichende Massenansammlung von Informationen über die gesamte Bevölkerung ebnen.

Rechtsexperten erwarten, dass das Bundesverfassungsgericht eine Pflicht zur verdachtslosen Vorratsspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten für verfassungswidrig erklären wird. Außerdem wird erwartet, dass die EG-Richtlinie zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung vor dem Europäische Gerichtshof keinen Bestand haben wird. Die Richtlinie verstößt gegen die im Europarecht verankerten Grundrechte und ist in vertragsverletzender Weise zustande gekommen. Irland hat bereits Klage gegen die Richtlinie erhoben. Der Ausgang dieser Klage sollte zumindest abgewartet werden.

Als Vertreter der Bürgerinnen und Buerger, der Medien, der freien Berufe und der Wirtschaft lehnen wir das Vorhaben einer Vorratsdatenspeicherung geschlossen ab. Wir appellieren an die Politik, sich grundsätzlich von dem Vorhaben der umfassenden und verdachtsunabhängigen Speicherung von Daten zu distanzieren.

Weitere Informationen:

Mitmachen: Sammelklage gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung

Offene Briefe gegen die Vorratsdatenspeicherung
Überzeugen Sie die Bundestagsabgeordneten .

Schäubles Daten-Exhibitionismus gefährdet die Sicherheit der Europäer Pressemitteilung von Netzwerk Neue Medien e.V. (NNM), STOP1984 und FoeBuD vom 12.02.2007 .

Aus: Newsletter Netzwerk Recherche, #40, 16.02.2007

Where Will You Be When the Boat Capsizes?

Bush's Great Leap Forward


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