Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2006

Bush and the Family Franchise

"On the eve of a report that repudiates his son’s leadership, former president George H.W. Bush broke down crying when he recalled how his other son, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, lost an election a dozen years ago and then came back to serve two successful terms," writes Eleanor Clift. "The elder Bush has always been a softie, but this display of emotion was so over the top that it had to be about something other than Jeb’s long-ago loss."

Global Warming, Local Initiatives

Frustrated with the federal response to global warming, hundreds of cities, suburbs and rural communities across the nation have taken bold steps to slash their energy consumption and reduce emissions of the pollutants that cause climate change.

Seven Million in Prison: US Has Most Prisoners in World

Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates have contributed to the United States having the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world, according to criminal justice experts. A US Justice Department report released on November 30 showed that a record 7 million people - or one in every 32 American adults - were behind bars, on probation or on parole at the end of last year.

CIA Is Undermining British War Effort, Say Military Chiefs

British intelligence officers and military commanders have accused the US of undermining British policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, after the sacking of a key British ally in the Afghan province of Helmand.


Date : 08.12.06

Angry residents have stepped up their campaign against plans to erect a second mobile phone mast in their road as a formal application is submitted to the city’s planning office.

Whitehouse Common Road resident, John De Mascio, is spearheading the drive.

"We have seen a good reaction from local people but still not as much as I would like," he said.

He now plans to drum up more support by knocking on doors and asking people to sign a petition against the mast which is planned for the junction with Rectory Road.

Retired local physicist, Dr John Walker, says there is now enough evidence to be sure of the risks.

"People who don't sign this petition are signing their own death warrants," he said.

"The Government will not fund any research into the health risks so it all has to be done voluntarily.

"But research carried out all over the world shows the effects of radiation from the masts lead to a depleted immune system, which can cause behavioural problems, depression, anxiety, cognitive and memory troubles and eventually cancer and leukaemia."

He added: "Just because it is a slow effect doesn't mean there is no effect and we are doing our future generations no favours especially when masts are put so close to schools."

Mr De Mascio called the proposals 'a disgrace'.

"There is already one mast there on the other side of the road and we have been told this one will be a 3G mast which is very strong."

He added: "It will be used to provide the emergency services with information but also for the ordinary man in the street."

Sutton Trinity Ward Councillor, David Pears is backing the residents in their campaign.

"I have written to the Council to show my opposition," he said.

"It is a horrible thing which will make the junction with Rectory Road more dangerous.

"It will also be out of character with the area - it is another hideous thing we don't want in that location.

He added: "Whilst the government won't admit it, the health implications are important, there is even a notice there warning people of the emissions.

"It is not just by chance these cancer clusters have occurred.

"The mast has got to be in the right place and this is not the right place for it."

Residents have until December 15 to express their views to the Council's planning department.

For more news, visit

Informant: Eileen O'Connor

Forgotten Animals of Appalachia

A message from Vida

Please forward to any who you know might be close enough to help.

Original Message


Please crosspost far and wide for foster homes, adoptive homes or rescues for these dogs.


Dogs in Clay County, WV, need homes, fosters, or rescues BEFORE WINTER..

This was posted on Best Friends Network.....
11 Dogs Need Homes Before Winter - Clay County, WV

Many of you have already heard about the Clay County West Virginia dogs, which due to lack of funds and other resources, live outside all year round.

Fortunately, some of them have been adopted. Unfortunately, there are still 11 of them left. Some of these dogs have lived at the shelter, outdoors, for several years.

If rescues would consider just taking one of these dogs, they could at least come inside before it starts snowing.

If you are unable to rescue, please consider sponsoring one of them. A sponsorship would get these dogs neutered or spayed and all their shots. This would make them more appealing to rescues since there would be no cost to them.

Rescue contact: Sherri at (

Rescue application: (

Transport to the northeast available. If rescues can take them, we will find a way to transport to them!


1. Rodney ~ here since 2004! ~ SPONSORED ~ SWEET!
2. Faddle ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005! ~ SPONSORED
3. Bongo ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005! ~ SPONSORED
4. Fawkes ~ Sponsored ~ here since 2005! ~ SPONSORED
5. Arizona ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005!
6. Ruger ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005!
7. Chong ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005! PARTIALLY SPONSORED
8. Remy ~ here since 2005! ~ SPONSORED
9. Kix ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005!
10. Gomer ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005!
11. Sarge ~ needs a sponsor! ~ here since 2005!

Thank you!!!


click on Forgotten animals of Appalachia

Denise Bash


A message from Pam

This Australian petition has been created by a NSW councillor, and Whale Call Cafe, to be presented to the Japanese Embassy, so of course, the more signatures the better!

Please sign and forward.


Israel: residents destroyed cellular antennas

Israël : Residents destroyed celullar antennas


The neighbours did a "lynch" to cellular antennas

By Shimon Afargan


The residents of a building on Barlev 4 street in Beer Sheva, took in the weekend a very unusual step in order to protest against the cellular antennas on the roof of the penthouse in the building where they live. The broke into the penthouse, destroyed the antennas and caused to the equipment damage of tens of thousands of dollars. Several months ago, the residents of the building were amazed to find out that the roof on the 8th floor was rented for $1200 a month to Cellcom, that erected there 3 cellular antennas inside the flower-pots. The people asked Cellcom to remove the antennas immediately, because they are a real danger for them and their children. Several weeks ago, dozens of the building's residents, among them many children, started suffering from strong headaches. "I took my little boy, who suffered of strong headaches, to an expert physician, and he was interested to know whether we had cellular antennas on the roof", told one of the residents, "I said that yes, and he said that this was probably the reason for the headaches".

Another resident told "Maariv" that the neighbours asked Cellcom and the municipality to remove the antennas, but were rejected with excuses, "When we saw that it didn't help, we decided to take steps in order to remove the antennas from the building" he told.

After all their efforts to remove the antennas had failed, dozens of the building residents decided to take the law into their hands. In the night between Thursday and Friday, they broke into the penthouse. They destroyed the place, broke the antennas and caused damage to the expensive technological equipment that was there, also the equipment that was inside the penthouse.

When Cellcom learnt about this, a security officer was called into the place, 2 security guards and an amstaf dog. When the residents threatened to cause them damage if they didn't leave the place, Beer Shevas' police was called to the place too, the policemen calmed them down after a long time. The policemen from Beer Sheva police station negotiated between the residents and Cellcom, and they reached a temporary solution- the equipment will not be operated until they reach to an agreement.

"We had no other choice, it is not possible that for greed the residents will get cancer because of the dangerous radiation that the antennas emit. If Cellcom does not remove the antennas, we will destroy the penthouse and the rest of the infrastructure that is left in the place. This is probably the only language they understand. Antennas on roofs are mortal danger" clarified one of the residents.

The Cellular Companies Forum said in response: "The installations were erected with approval and permission. We see very seriosly the damage to the antennas and infrastructure".

Two of the residents who destroyed the antennas were interviewed to two channels on TV today's morning, each one to different programme. They told:

* They went to the environmental ministry and were ignored, the same with the municipality.

* the antennas are there for two years

* after a 1+ years many men in the area became impotent, and got fertility problems.

* the child with the doctor story - the doctor heard many complaints on headaches from people in the area

* the child got also testicles problem, and the doctor said these problems will also hurt the next generation of the people who developed them.

* all these problems started 3/4 year ago, after 1+ year since the antennas were erected there.

* during the last half a year, the children have had headaches and nausea, also the adults have them, but especially the children.

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Specter and Leahy introduce bill to restore habeas corpus

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Minister Wants to Turn Church's Cross into a Mobile Phone Mast

A CLERGYMAN wants to let a mobile phone company erect a cross- shaped mast on the roof of his church.

The existing cross would be taken down to make way for the speciallybuilt transmitter.

In return, communications company Hutchison, which runs the Three network, will make a donation to the Peter Lee Memorial Methodist Church in Peterlee, County Durham.

The scheme has been greeted with horror by some local people, but minister Todd Gile called it 'a winwin situation'.

He said: 'The church is in the business of worshipping God and making disciples and this is a legitimate fundraiser to support the ministry.

'I believe everything we do is designed to facilitate the gospel and this is just a use of our facilities, like renting out our rooms for the community.

'As long as it does not detract from the rest of the church and is not immoral, then it is kind of a win-win situation.' But local councillor Ted Hall said the plan would turn the church into a commercial enterprise.

'It is totally repugnant to me and creates a precedent for the rest of the churches in the area,' he said.

'The symbol of the cross should remind people to speak to the Lord rather than to phone their mother.' Mr Gile, an American who moved to Peterlee from Indiana with his wife a year ago, confirmed that church authorities had given the plan the go-ahead.

He said the money would be used for the upkeep of the building and added: 'It won't be an eyesore and will look just like the existing cross.

'John Wesley, the father of the Methodist church, always said, "Make all you can, save all you can and spend all you can for the cause of the gospel".'

Hutchison corporate affairs manager Mike Alexander said the comareaspany is looking to apply for planning permission by the end of the month and wants to hear the views of local people.

He said lots of operators have used church buildings to house their equipment because third-generation, or 3G, phone technology needs to be quite near to residential 'We recognise there is a balance-between that and the environmental impact, so churches are a good solution.' The church is around 50 years old and was one of the first to be built in the new town, which was named after Peter Lee, a local miners' leader and prominent Methodist who died in 1935.

Advances in technology have seen phone masts shrink from around 90ft to 25ft greatly increasing the places where they can be hidden.

There is one on a floodlight at Griffin Park, the West London home of Brentford football club.

The spire of St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol contains four Vodafone masts and a mast disguised as a tree overlooks an estate in Baxenden, Lancashire. Other masts have been hidden in chimneys, lampposts and flagpoles.

(c) 2006 Daily Mail; London (UK). Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved.

Source: Daily Mail; London (UK)

© 2002-2006 All rights reserved

Informant: Dances Alone

37 million poor hidden in the land of plenty

More than one in 10 citizens live below the poverty line, and the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening.

A Weaker Dollar and a Receding US Influence

Central banks worldwide began discarding the dollar in favor of the euro in an attempt to minimize their losses following the decline in the value of the US currency.

From Information Clearing House

George W. Bush and his entire senior administration lied

A History Of Lies

WMD, Who Said What and When

U.S. Ranger alleges war crimes

"We are looking to be able to prosecute 30 to 40 members of Task Force 626 for war crimes, including rape, murder, et cetera," Sommer said in a telephone interview this week.

U.S., Iraqi troops seal off Haditha - residents

Residents in Haditha, said electricity has been cut off and that no food is being allowed into the city.

From Information Clearing House

Photos confirm US raid child deaths

Al Jazeera has obtained exclusive footage that confirms children were among the victims of a US air raid northwest of Baghdad. Local officials said that the bodies of 17 civilians, including six children and eight women, had been pulled from the debris of two houses in al-Ishaqi.

US casts sole ‘no’ vote against proposed treaty restricting arms trade

By Kaleem Omar

The United States, which is the world’s biggest exporter of arms and accounts for more than 50 per cent of all arms exports, on Wednesday became the only country in the United Nations to vote against letting work begin on a new treaty to bolster arms embargoes and prevent human rights abuses by setting uniform worldwide standards for arms deals. The vote in the 192-nation UN General Assembly was 153-1, with the United States casting the sole “no” vote.

Boomerang Effect: When Will the First IED Strike Cleveland?

By William Lind

The Bush administration, as usual, has it exactly backwards. The danger is not that the “terrorists” we are fighting in Iraq will come here if we pull out there.

Baker vs. “The Lobby”

How Many More Will Die For Bush’s Ego?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Are the American people, Congress, and the American Establishment going to let the death toll continue to mount day by day for the two more years it takes for Bush to become history?

Iraqi oil: hiding the crime

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Disposable Oceans?

Here in the middle of the Pacific, plastic marine debris is a harsh reality that marine creatures large and small have to live with. But for those of us onboard the Esperanza, the real impact of plastic on our oceans is still unfolding.

Umweltschutz als politische Aufgabe

Das Umweltbewusstsein der Deutschen ist weiter gestiegen. Das geht aus der neuen Studie zum Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland hervor.

Arktis bis 2080 schneefrei?

Durch den Klimawandel könnte der Nordpol bis 2080 schneefrei sein – prognostiziert eine Klimakonferenz in Bremen.

Viehzucht umweltschädlicher als Autos

Fleischproduktion: Schon für 18% aller Treibhausgasemissionen verantwortlich.

Nachhaltige Entwicklung über Klimaökonomie

Der Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung diskutierte mit dem renommierten britischen Volkswirt Sir Nicholas Stern über wirtschaftliche Folgen des Klimawandels.

Der "friedliche Aufstand der Habenichtse gegen die Armut"

Der spanische Innenminister hat jüngst erklärt, das, was wir jetzt und noch stärker in den nächsten Jahren als Völkerwanderung erleben, ist der „friedliche Aufstand der Habenichtse gegen die Armut“. Darauf müssen wir mit einer humanitären Offensive vor Ort reagieren.

Almosen sind die größte Beleidigung der Armen

27 Dollar, dafür gibt es in New York gerade mal ein Abendessen. Für die Ärmsten der Armen hingegen ein Leben in Würde und Selbständigkeit: Geliehene 27 Dollar reichen für den Sprung zum Kleinstunternehmer.

Muhammad Yunus: Kleine Kredite mit großer Wirkung

Mit der Gründung der „Grameen“-Bank, die vor 23 Jahren erstmals damit begann, armen Frauen mit Kleinkrediten zu einem selbst erwirtschafteten Einkommen zu verhelfen, ist Yunus etwas gelungen, wovon die meisten Politiker und Konzernlenker der Welt nicht mal zu träumen wagen: Er verschaffte Millionen von Rechtlosen und Unterdrückten die Chance auf ein Leben in Würde und mit Stolz auf das selbst Erreichte. Interview mit dem Friedensnobelpreisträger 2006: Prof. Muhammad Yunus.

Menschenrechte brauchen verbindliche Regeln für transnationale Unternehmen

Zum Tag der Menschenrechte am 10. Dezember fordern das Forum Menschenrechte und das CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung die Bundesregierung auf, im Jahr 2007 konkrete Maßnahmen zur Einführung verbindlicher internationaler Regeln für Unternehmen zu ergreifen.

Alle Versuche, politische Probleme militärisch zu lösen, sind zum Scheitern verurteilt

Friedensstrategien in einer unfriedlichen Welt

Die Bundeswehr wird in immer neue Einsätze geschickt: Bosnien, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kongo, Libanon etc. Immer neue Bundeswehreinsätze schaffen aber keine Sicherheit, im Gegenteil, die Unsi­cherheit wird erhöht. Alle Versuche, politische Probleme militärisch zu lösen, sind zum Scheitern verurteilt. Unschuldige Menschen sterben, Länder werden verwüstet, Hass und Verzweiflung wachsen an.

If we lie to the government we go to jail, if they lie to us we go to war

Informant: Ben Noyes


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Dezember 2006


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