Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2006


A must see:



Love is the Way.
Love has always been the Way.
Love will forever be the Way.


Love is experienced at many levels.
Divine Love is the most expanded level.
You and everything are Divine Love.


When we have difficulty seeing Divine Love in something,
it is only because of our limited awareness.
As we grow in awareness and embrace more,
we judge less and love more completely. . .
we grow in compassion . . .
we experience more of the love we are. . .
we experience more of the love in all things.


The way to peace is through love.
We cannot create world peace without inner peace
There can be no inner peace without love.


Love is the brilliant and shining way.
Love is not the hard way, nor the easy way.
Love is the ONLY way.
All other ways will lead you to this truth in time.


Open to the love of God . . .
let it lift your heart, your mind, and your soul.
Allow yourself to be a vehicle for Divine Love,
it will transform you, all of you.
Any part of you that resists will gently dissolve in due time,
revealing the real eternal you.


Listen always to the voice within your heart,
it will guide you along on the Way of Love.
Love others despite their shortcomings,
as well as for their shining qualities.
Love others for who they truly are,
rather than for who you want them to be.
Love for the sake of loving. . .
love freely, with joy and passion, and no restraints.
Love and be loved, both are equally important!


Love always embraces, and never rejects.
Love always engages, and never disconnects.
Love always reaches out, and never withdraws.
Love always sees perfection, and cannot witness flaw.
You can never go wrong if you follow the Way of Love.
The Way of Love is always, and forever, the only Way Home.

by Rev. Simeon Nartoomid

© copyright 2006 Spirit Heart Sanctuary ~ all rights reserved



God has a positive answer

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Protect Penguins and Whales from Industrial Fishing


Pentagon Iraq report counts downed trees but can’t see burning forest


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Desperation in the White House

Joseph L Galloway writes: "The White House hopes that their much-trumpeted reshuffling of a failed strategy and flawed tactics will buy time for their bad luck to change miraculously. That this time will be bought and paid for with the lives and futures of our soldiers and Marines - and their families - apparently means little to these wise men, who've never heard a shot fired in anger."



A "Surge" in Wasted Sacrifice

Eugene Robinson writes: "Here's an idea: Let's send more US troops to Iraq. The generals say it's way too late to even think about resurrecting Colin Powell's 'overwhelming force' doctrine, so let's send over a modest 'surge' in troop strength that has almost no chance of making any difference - except in the casualty count. Oh, and let's not give these soldiers and Marines any sort of well-defined mission. Let's just send them out into the bloody chaos of Baghdad and the deadly badlands of Anbar province with orders not to come back until they 'get the job done.'"



Who Will Speak for the Victims?

Elizabeth de la Vega writes: "Democrats routed the Republicans in an election that was a virtual clarion call for accountability and an end to this war. But now we have our new House leader Nancy Pelosi saying impeachment is 'off the table' and Senator Harry Reid considering whether to send more troops to Iraq."



Bundessortenamt: Regierung rechtfertigt Anbauprüfungen mit gentechnisch veränderten Sorten


Das Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz rechtfertigt seine Anbauprüfungen mit gentechnisch veränderten Sorten. Nach Darstellung von Verbraucherschutz-Staatssekretär Gert Lindemann, sind die vom Bundessortenamt durchgeführten Sortenprüfungen "öffentlich und transparent". Das Amt habe einen klaren gesetzlichen Auftrag zur saatgutrechtlichen Sortenzulassung und nehme diese Aufgabe "sehr gewissenhaft" wahr. Gentechnisch veränderte Sorten würden dabei nur geprüft, wenn diese "bereits gentechnikrechtlich untersucht/analysiert und ihr Anbau genehmigt" seien. Die gentechnikrechtlichen Vorschriften bänden auch das Bundessortenamt bei seiner Prüftätigkeit. Daher melde auch das Sortenamt seine Prüfflächen für das gentechnikrechtliche Standortregister.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=14985

Die förmliche Ablehnung der EU-Verfassung durch Referenden in zwei EU-Mitgliedsstaaten hindert die deutsche Bundesregierung nicht daran, diese Verfassung nun massiv weiter voran treiben zu wollen

"Noch zu besprechende Themen": Deutschland will Fahrplan für EU-Verfassung vorlegen (19.12.06)

Die förmliche Ablehnung der EU-Verfassung durch Referenden in zwei EU-Mitgliedsstaaten hindert die deutsche Bundesregierung nicht daran, diese Verfassung nun massiv weiter voran treiben zu wollen. Dies solle während der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft Deutschlands Anfang 2007 geschehen. Es müsse konkret ein Fahrplan vorgelegt werden, was Zeit, Methode und "noch zu besprechende Themen" angehe, sagte der Staatsminister für Europa im Auswärtigen Amt, Günter Gloser, am Dienstag im ZDF-"Morgenmagazin". Die Substanz des Vertrages müsse aber erhalten bleiben.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=14991


Berlin in Brüssel: zur deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft der EU

„Während Franz Müntefering bereits vor einem Jahr die Agenda 2010 als »weitreichenden Fortschritt bei der nationalen Umsetzung der Lissabon-Strategie« lobte, wird der enge Zusammenhang zwischen den wirtschafts-, beschäftigungs- und sozialpolitischen Strategien der EU und neoliberaler Politik in Deutschland in der Öffentlichkeit bislang wenig thematisiert. Anlässlich der bevorstehenden Präsidentschaft Deutschlands im Europäischen Rat, in dem die 25 Staats- und Regierungschefs der EU sowie der Präsident der EU-Kommission die allgemeinen politischen Ziele der EU-Entwicklung festlegen und der das wichtigste politische Gremium der EU ist, ohne ein EU-Organ zu sein, beleuchtet Annette Groth* die Rolle deutscher Regierungspolitik sowie der Interessenverbände von Unternehmen und Arbeitnehmern in der Durchsetzung der Lissabon-Strategie. Und sie macht deutlich, dass der neoliberale Umbau hierzulande keineswegs als Resultat ferner EU-Beschlüsse von »denen da oben« in Brüssel zu begreifen ist…“ Artikel von Annette Groth http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/eu/groth.html

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Dezember 2006


Erfolg für Greenpeace: Europäisches Patentamt widerruft Patent auf tiefgekühlte Embryonen


Nach Angaben der Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace hat die Einspruchabteilung des Europäische Patentamtes (EPA) in München am Dienstag ein Patent auf tiefgekühlte menschliche Embyronen und Keimzellen (Eizellen und Sperma) des Menschen "komplett widerrufen". Greenpeace hatte 2004 gegen das Patent Einspruch eingelegt, weil die Kommerzialisierung menschlicher Embyronen nach den europäischen Patentgesetzen nicht zulässig ist. Zudem hatte die Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft aus München gegen das Patent Einspruch aus technischen Gründen eingelegt. Ihrer Meinung nach liegt beim Patent EP 1121015 "gar keine neue Erfindung" vor. Nachdem sowohl die Patentinhaber als auch Europäische Patentamt offenbar im Vorfeld der Verhandlung angekündigt hatten, dass "den ethischen Bedenken" im wesentlichen stattgegeben würde und von dem Patent lediglich noch die technischen Verfahren übrig bleiben würden, wurde das Patent schließlich komplett widerrufen. Neben den ethischen Gründen wurden dabei auch die technischen Einwände der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft berücksichtigt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=14980

McGovern & Lang warn US military on verge of catastrophe in Iraq


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Lennon's Conviction: You Can Change The World



FBI to Release Last of Its John Lennon Files

The Last Man Standing



CIA sägt politischen Kommentar zum Thema Iran ab

Die den Krieg lieben

Congress must act to solve the climate crisis now


Informant: Bob Banner



Informant: Anna Webb


The United States Is Broke

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Stop TERRORISM against Wild Animals in India

Original Message

Please sign the petition below to appeal to the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, so that the "TERRORISM" against Wild Animals in India is stopped.

The signatures and opinions of Animal_Net colleagues can go a long way in ensuring that the sacrifice of the Himalayan Black Bear in Jammu & Kashmir does not go to waste. ' Please sign by clicking here: ' http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/213484384 '

Azam Siddiqui

Message from Linda H.

Impeachment as a moral imperative


By Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez

There is much discussion in peace organizations, bogged down as they are with attempting to create a peaceful environment in a warrior society, on the issue of impeachment. It is sometimes feared that an impeachment initiative might steer us away from our immediate goals with regard to declaring peace now.

I do not believe that pursuing impeachment would divert us from our main focus of defunding and bringing the troops home now, so as to end the illegal occupation of Iraq and aggression against other nations.

If we are to be a people and a movement that is true and genuine, peace at all costs should not be the rallying cry. The cry should be peace with social justice, a peace that is moral, a peace that is genuine. That means that we must, at some level, face our own immorality, our own bloody past and present, and include, among the things to happen once the aggression is ended, full reparation, which is a wider term than reconstruction, because while reconstruction is physical, reparation is emotional and spiritual as well.

Reparation requires facing all that was done wrong. As a first condition of reparation, in this particular aggression, we must look at the architects of inhuman and all-encompassing evil, which includes all of the Bush cadre, including any who are no longer apparently 'in service' such as Mr. Rumsfeld. This is not a partisan issue; it is a moral issue. Morality and truth are non-partisan.

There is nothing violent about seeking reparation, impeachment, the rule of law. If we are to join the nations of the world as a civilized society, which I submit we are not at present, and in some respects, never have been, we must accept the rule of law. The rule of law is fairly well set forth in the documents under which the United Nations was incorporated, including compacts entered into by the nations of the planet such as the Geneva Convention, which we have thumbed our noses at and have broken at every opportunity. These are well thought out prescriptions for collaborative and cooperative coexistence on our wounded planet, without which we will not survive as a (human) race.

Allowing injustice and impunity to thrive and to remain without consequence is against the rule of law, against the basic physical rules of the universe, which state that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Reaction is required to the wholesale murder, maiming, torture, oppression, of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in Irak and elsewhere...

The true violence: to allow impunity.

Statistics show that there is a very small percentage of any population that will in fact take the steps to change things, no matter how bad the conditions, until that 100th monkey effect takes place, until critical mass is achieved. For that reason, those who undertake true activism must work at the risk of their health, family lives, personal comfort, and even at the risk of their lives, to enable the creation of that critical mass.

Some of us work to end torture and to end social injustice and perhaps have been working most of our lives to do this, but I submit that to have a group of committed individuals with the resources of the global village, including internet communication and teleconferencing, gives us an unparalleled opportunity to effect TRUE CHANGE, a true teachable moment to bring forth upon this planet a new global village, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all human beings are created equal and are meant to enjoy the bounties of this planet.

The nations of Latin America, to which most recently are added Ecuador and once again, Venezuela, are saying no to US imperial aggression, are saying, yes, otro mundo es posible, and are frequently saying so with their blood, as in Oaxaca. They do not participate in violence but stand as witnesses, as the Madres de la Plaza de Mayo stood for thirty long years, and as such, stand tall despite the consequences. Once again, this is not violence, although unfortunately it frequently leads to violence against the witness, against the woman or man who says PRESENTE with their last breath.

We must have the courage of our convictions. We must be ready to stand for something, without having to worry about the framing of our most innate and core beliefs. Perennial principles cannot be framed; they simply are.

There is a new world right outside our peripheral vision. But it cannot take place until we stand up to the issues of the day, and demand full investigations, and that people face the consequences of their acts.

For all of the victims, all the desaparecidos, all the abused and wounded and vilified, I cast my vote for impeachment. I will continue to work to right the wrongs, because I need to do so in order to remain sane (as sane as anyone can be in this society/world/ planet).


Silvia Antonia Brandon Pérez

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news


Zwangsarbeit in Deutschland?

eine neue homepage gegen Arbeitszwang

Quelle: Grundeinkommen-Info


Ein-Euro-Jobber fordert von der Uni Hamburg Entschädigung für Zwangsarbeit

Entschädigungsinitiative in Hamburg: Uni weist Forderung zurück

„Mit Schreiben vom 07.12.2006 weist die Präsidialverwaltung der Universität Hamburg die Forderung auf Entschädigung für dort geleistete Zwangsarbeit zurück. Betroffener ehemaliger “Ein-Euro-Jobber” setzt Frist und kündigt Klage vor dem Arbeitsgericht an…“ Meldung vom 19.12.06 bei forced-labour.de http://www.forced-labour.de/archives/50

Siehe auch dort das Schreiben der Präsidialverwaltung der Universität Hamburg (pdf) http://www.forced-labour.de/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/2006-12-15_uni_hamburg_rueckweisung.pdf
und das Antwortschreiben des betroffenen ehemaligen “Ein-Euro-Jobber” vom 18.12.2006 (pdf) http://www.forced-labour.de/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/2006-12-18_fristsetzung_klageankuendigung.pdf

15.000 MigrantInnen in Deutschland zur Zwangsarbeit gezwungen

„Der Oldenburger Sozialwissenschafler Nobert Cyrus legt im Auftrag des Internationalen Arbeitsamtes in Genf eine diesbezügliche Studie vor und schätzt, dass in Deutschland rd. 15.000 MigrantInnen von illegaler Zwangsarbeit betroffen sind…“ Artikel von Thomas Meese vom 19. Dezember 2006 bei forced-labour.de http://www.forced-labour.de/archives/45

Siehe dazu:

Menschenhandel und Arbeitsausbeutung in Deutschland

Studie von Norbert Cyrus im Auftrag der ILO von 2005 (pdf) http://www.ilo.org/public/german/region/eurpro/bonn/download/menschenhandelendfassung.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Januar 2007


Wer darf den Marsch blasen? Während sich die große Koalition über einen Kombilohn verständigt, erfindet Wirtschaftsminister Glos den Reichsarbeitsdienst neu

„Auf den ersten Blick entspannte sich die Debatte der großen Koalition um den Kombilohn. Am Wochenende einigten sich CDU und SPD grundsätzlich auf Eckpunkte für zwei Kombilohn-Modelle für schwer vermittelbare Langzeitarbeitslose und Jugendliche unter 25 Jahren. Firmen, die Langzeitarbeitslose einstellen, sollen einen "finanziellen Nachteilsausgleich" bekommen. Die finanziellen Planspiele gehen von
100.000 Personen aus und weiteren 50.000 jungen Arbeitslosen bis 25 Jahre, die seit mehr als sechs Monaten ohne Job sind. Bei einem Bruttomonatslohn von bis zu 1.000 Euro bekäme der Arbeitgeber 50 Prozent vom Staat erstattet. Die Förderung soll bei Jugendlichen jedoch auf ein Jahr begrenzt werden, ein Teil des Geldes ist für Qualifizierung vorgesehen, wobei aber keine Schulabschlüsse nachgeholt werden können…“ Artikel von Berthold Paetz in Freitag vom 09.03.2007 http://www.freitag.de/2007/10/07100501.php

ABM 2.0

„Nun also Bad Schmiedeberg: Wieder einmal wird ein Dorf im Osten gefeiert, das mit neuen Modellen die Arbeitslosigkeit bekämpft. Die Erfinder sprechen von "Bürgerarbeit". Ökonomen von der Kapitulation des Staates. (…) Wieder einmal soll die Arbeitslosigkeit im Osten besiegt werden. Diesmal heißt die Wunderwaffe: Bürgerarbeit. Ihr Prinzip basiert auf einer simplen Frage: Warum finanziert der Staat in Deutschland Arbeitslosigkeit statt Arbeit? Rainer Bomba, Geschäftsführer der Arbeitsagentur in Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen, hat das Konzept erfunden. Und Bad Schmiedeberg als Labor ausgewählt. Hier bekommen Arbeitslose, die keine Chance auf dem ersten Arbeitsmarkt haben, eine staatlich finanzierte gemeinnützige Tätigkeit - in Kirchen, Vereinen oder Seniorenheimen. Motto: Arbeit für alle. Zur Not unter Zwang…“ Artikel von Jan Keith (Bad Schmiedeberg) und Maike Rademaker (Berlin) in der FTD vom 07.03.2007 http://www.ftd.de/politik/deutschland/169965.html

Aus: LabourNet, 12. März 2007


Alltägliche Schikanen

5.457 Sanktionen in 2006 - ARGE Chef Märkischer Kreis musste gehen

„Der Märkische Kreis hat in NRW die höchsten Sanktionsqoten. Der Geschäftsführer Herr Odebralski hat in dem Medien öffentlich Sanktionen als das geeignete Mittel gegen Hartz IV - Empfänger erklärt. (…) Die Lenkungsgruppe der ARGE Märkischer Kreis hat am 12. März 2007 in einer außerordentlichen Sitzung den Geschäftsführer Ulrich Odebralski abberufen…“ Meldung der Tacheles-Online- Redaktion vom 14.3.07 http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de/harry/view.asp?ID=1648

Blödmann von Amts wegen

„…Für den Elzer Jörg Schwier eine Unverschämtheit ohnegleichen: Auf einem Schreiben der Bundesagentur für Arbeit wurde er als „Blödmann“ bezeichnet. Fein säuberlich gedruckt stand die Beleidigung links oben im Feld für den Dokumentennamen des Briefs, den der 39-jährige Elzer Anfang März erhalten hatte. Dies empfand Schwier als absolute Frechheit….“ Meldung vom 14.3.07 bei tacheles http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de/harry/view.asp?ID=1646

Aus: LabourNet, 15. März 2007


BMWi und IZA stellen Studie zu Workfare und Bürgerarbeit vor

„Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft hat das IZA eine Studie zur "Umsetzung des Workfare-Ansatzes im BMWi-Modell für eine existenzsichernde Beschäftigung" erarbeitet. Diese Studie wurde am 13. Mai von IZA-Direktor Klaus F. Zimmermann und BMWi-Staatssekretär Walter Otremba in Berlin vorgestellt und ist ab sofort kostenlos verfügbar. Das BMWi-Modell sieht vor, von Empfängern staatlicher Lohnersatzleistung eine Gegenleistung in Form von Bürgerarbeit zu verlangen. Dadurch soll der Anreiz gestärkt werden, die eigene Existenz durch eine Vollzeit-Tätigkeit selbst zu sichern. Das IZA hatte im letzten Jahr errechnet, dass durch die Umsetzung dieses Modells ein Beschäftigungseffekt von bis zu 1,4 Millionen Arbeitsplätzen ausgelöst werden kann. Hierdurch könnten die öffentlichen Haushalte jährlich um rd. 25 Milliarden Euro entlastet werden. Den aktuellen IZA-Untersuchungen zufolge kann das BMWi-Modell ohne größeren organisatorischen Aufwand umgesetzt werden…“ Aus der IZA-Pressemitteilung. Siehe dazu:

Die BMWi-Pressemitteilung vom 13. Mai 2008 http://www.bmwi.de/BMWi/Navigation/Presse/pressemitteilungen,did=247270.html

Die IZA-Studie zur Umsetzung des BMWi-Modells als IZA Research Report No. 18 (pdf) http://www.iza.org/en/webcontent/publications/reports/report_pdfs/iza_report_18.pdf

Die IZA-Studie zu den beschäftigungs- und finanzpolitischen Auswirkungen des BMWi-Konzepts als IZA Research Report No. 12 (pdf) http://www.iza.org/en/webcontent/publications/reports/report_pdfs/iza_report_12.pdf

"Aktivierungsstrategie" für Arbeitslose. Das Wirtschaftsministerium macht sich für "Bürgerarbeit" stark, um Arbeitslose zur Aufnahme regulärer Arbeit zu zwingen

„Das Wirtschaftsministerium propagiert neue Maßnahmen, wie Arbeitslose dazu genötigt werden können, Arbeit aufzunehmen. Das Institut für die Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) hat dazu im Auftrag des Ministeriums eine Studie mit dem Titel "Umsetzung des Workfare-Ansatzes im BMWi-Modell für eine existenzsichernde Beschäftigung" ausgearbeitet, die allerdings sehr spekulativ und wenig belastbar zu sein scheint…“ Artikel von Florian Rötzer in telepolis vom 14.05.2008 http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/27/27917/1.html

Bürgerarbeit: 39 Stunden schuften für die Stütze

„Fordern und Fördern in Reinkultur: Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) hält an seinem Konzept der Bürgerarbeit im Kampf für Vollbeschäftigung fest. Demnach sollen Langzeitarbeitslose für ihre Grundsicherung prinzipiell eine Gegenleistung in Form von Arbeit erbringen. Nach einem am Dienstag in Berlin vorgestellten Gutachten des Bonner Instituts zur Zukunft der Arbeit (IZA) kann das Modell funktionieren, wenn es Teil einer verbindlichen und abgestuften Vermittlungs- und Aktivierungsstrategie ist…“ Artikel in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 14.05.2008 http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wirtschaft/aktuell/?em_cnt=1333732

Aus dem Text: „…Und so soll das Workfare-Konzept funktionieren: "Es sieht eine Arbeits- oder Ausbildungspflicht von 39 Wochenstunden vor. Als Gegenleistung gibt es unbefristet eine staatliche Grundsicherung in Höhe des ALG II-Satzes", erklärt Hilmar Schneider, Direktor für Arbeitsmarktpolitik des Instituts und Mitverfasser der Studie. Dagegen seien die Ein-Euro-Jobs in der Regel zeitlich befristet und würden hauptsächlich als Test auf die Verfügbarkeit eingesetzt. "Workfare hilft zu erkennen, wer wirklich bedürftig ist", sagte Schneider. Denn es motiviere Arbeitslose zum Handeln: "Wenn sie sowieso arbeiten müssen für die Grundsicherung, lohnt sich der Aufwand, einen Job zu suchen."…“

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Mai 2008


Wer Hartz IV erhält, soll Strafarbeit ableisten

Unglaubliche Vorschläge aus dem Wirtschaftsministerium: Wer Hartz IV Empfänger ist, soll Strafarbeit ableisten. Hartz IV Empfänger sollen sogenannte Bürgerarbeit ableisten und dafür kein Geld erhalten. Das Konzept der "Bürgerarbeit" bzw. der Strafarbeit soll nach Angaben des Wirtschaftsministeriums eine geeignete Maßnahme sein, um den Anreiz auf Vollbeschäftigung zu erhöhen.

Lesen Sie weiter: http://www.gegen-hartz.de/nachrichtenueberhartziv/0344e19a9d131ae08.php


Sektor Bürgerdienst

Ein-Euro-Jobs haben reguläre Arbeitsstellen im öffentlichen Bereich verdrängt. Doch Wirtschaftsminister Glos möchte Pflichtarbeiten für Erwerbslose noch ausbauen.


Schlechte Noten für den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt

Löhne und Arbeitslosigkeit stagnieren längerfristig, im boomenden Niedriglohnsektor nähert sich Deutschland den USA an.



Einführung eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens von 1200 Euro


Quelle: Grundeinkommen-Info


The states are encouraging the nation to start moving toward renewable energy

Renewable Energy: How It Will Happen

Weihnachten mit Hartz IV: "Sozialdetektive" fahnden nach Weihnachtsbäumen

„Verwundert blieben Passanten in der Mönckebergstraße im nachmittäglichen Weihnachtstrubel stehen: Eine verkrüppelte kleine Tanne ohne Nadeln auf einem Bollerwagen versperrte ihnen den Weg. Dahinter finstere Gestalten mit Sonnenbrille und Schlapphüten. Auf Armbinden war zu lesen: „ARGE Prüfdienst“. Einem Flugblatt konnte der interessierte Leser entnehmen, dass es sich um „Sozialdetektive“ handelte, die zur Mitarbeit aufriefen: Ein Arbeitslosengeld 2 – Bezieher kann sich keinen Weihnachtsbaum leisten. (…) Hat so ein „Schmarotzer“ und „Parasit“ (Wolfgang Clement, Minister a.D) dennoch einen frischen Weihnachtsbaum, dann muss einfach Missbrauch vorliegen. Den aufzudecken, dafür seien die „Sozialdetektive“ da. Die Schlapphüte hatten Geschenke mitgebracht, die geschmackvoll unter dem nadellosen Tännchen drapiert waren. Auf den Paketen war zu lesen: „Ein-Euro-Jobs, Nötigung, Willkür, Zwangsumzug, Zwangsarbeit“…“ Bericht von Wolfgang Joithe bei PeNG! Aktive Erwerbslose und Geringverdiener http://www.peng-ev.de/presse.php

Überflüssige besuchen "Roland Berger"

„Spektakuläre Party in Düsseldorf: „Die Überflüssigen“ küren die Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger zum „Ausbeuter des Jahres“ 2006. „Die Überflüssigen“ haben wieder zugeschlagen: Heute haben gegen 11 Uhr etwa fünfzehn „Überflüssige“ der Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger in Düsseldorf einen Besuch abgestattet. Anlass war eine feierliche Urkundenüberreichung, bei der Roland Berger zum „Ausbeuter des Jahres“ gekürt wurde. Die Partygäste brachten reichlich Sekt und Konfetti mit und nagelten eine Urkunde an eine Wand im Empfangsbereich. Der überraschten Sekretärin wurden Blumen überreicht…“ Bericht von „autorIn“ vom 14.12.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/12/164102.shtml

Berlin: Flugblattregen bei Dussmann

„Am Donnerstag, dem 14.12.2006, gab es Proteste im Berliner Kulturkaufhaus Dussmann in der Friedrichstraße. Aktivist_innen verteilten in den Räumlichkeiten Flugblätter, lasen Texte zum Thema Arbeit und veranstalteten einen Flugzettelregen. (…) Auf fast allen Ebenen des vierstöckigen Gebäudes verteilten Aktivist_innen verschiedene Flugblätter zu verschiedenen Themen. Eines thematisiert Dussmanns Niedriglöhne (s.u.), ein anderes Dussmanns Beteiligung an den mißerablen Freßpaketen für Flüchtlinge…“ Bericht von „Dusel“ vom 16.12.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/12/164213.shtml

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Dezember 2006


Diskriminierung und Islamophobie in der EU

Festung EU

Die Hüter des neuen Eisernen Vorhangs

Besuch bei der EU-Grenzagentur "Frontex", die die Routen der Boat-People vor Westafrika absperren soll. Artikel von Paul Flückiger in der taz vom
19.12.2006 http://www.taz.de/pt/2006/12/19/a0140.1/text

EUMC präsentiert Berichte über Diskriminierung und Islamophobie in der EU

„Der Bericht "Muslime in der Europäischen Union: Diskriminierung und Islamophobie", der heute von der Europäischen Stelle zur Beobachtung von Rassismus und Fremdenfeindlichkeit (EUMC) veröffentlicht wird, präsentiert vorliegende Daten zur Diskriminierung von Muslimen in den Bereichen Beschäftigung, Bildung und Wohnungswesen. Islamophobie manifestiert sich weiters in Akten von verbalen Drohungen bis hin zu körperlichen Übergriffen gegen Personen und Eigentum. Der Bericht unterstreicht, dass Art und Ausmaß der gegen europäische Muslime gerichteten islamophoben Vorfälle nach wie vor unzureichend dokumentiert und gemeldet werden. In dem Bericht empfiehlt das EUMC den Mitgliedstaaten, das Berichtswesen über Vorfälle zu verbessern und effektivere Maßnahmen zur wirksamen Bekämpfung von Diskriminierung und Rassismus einzuführen. Diskriminierung ist rechtswidrig und könnte das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl von Muslimen zur EU untergraben…“ EUMC Pressemitteilung vom 18. Dezember 2006 http://eumc.europa.eu/eumc/index.php?fuseaction=content.dsp_cat_content&contentid=4582ddc822d41&catid=43d8bc25bc89d&lang=DE

The report: Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia

Englische Vollfassung (pdf) http://eumc.europa.eu/eumc/material/pub/muslim/Manifestations_EN.pdf

„Muslime in der Europäischen Union: Diskriminierung und Islamophobie“

Highlights des EUMC-Berichts (deutsch, pdf) http://eumc.europa.eu/eumc/material/pub/muslim/EUMC-highlights-DE.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 19. Dezember 2006


Loss of Federal Funding Cause of Rise in Violent Crime

Many communities, particularly those in urbanized areas, may be headed into a period of sustained crime increases. Experts cited an increase in the number of young men in their crime-prone years, diminished crime-fighting assistance from the federal government, fewer jobs for people with marginal skills, and even the ongoing growth in methamphetamine use in some places. The numbers come amid heightened criticism of the federal government from many police chiefs and state law enforcement officials, who complain that the Bush administration has retreated from fighting traditional crime in favor of combating terrorism and protecting homeland security.


Judge Rakoff compared the government's subpoena of the ACLU to the Nixon administration's effort to stop the New York Times and the Washington Post from publishing a secret history of the Vietnam War

Prosecutors Drop ACLU Subpoena in Document Fight

Judge Rakoff compared the government's subpoena of the ACLU to the Nixon administration's effort to stop the New York Times and the Washington Post from publishing a secret history of the Vietnam War. "There seems to be a huge difference," Judge Rakoff said, "between investigating a wrongful leak of a classified document and demanding back all copies of it, and I'm old enough to remember a case called the Pentagon Papers." Mr. Romero, the ACLU's executive director, said the case would have a lasting impact. "It certainly helps the press and whistle-blowers to resist the strong-arm efforts of the government."



White House Accused of Censorship

Flynt Leverett, former senior director for Middle East affairs at the National Security Council and a former CIA analyst, said the White House ordered a CIA censor board to excise parts of the 1,000-word op-ed article on US policy toward Iran that he had offered to the New York Times.


Winning by Losing?

William Fisher writes, "Five years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, 'Islamophobia' - intensified by the war in Iraq and US government actions at home - has left millions of American Muslims fearful of harassment, discrimination, and questionable prosecutions, and confused about their place in American society."



Torture is now part of the American soul

by George Monbiot


After thousands of years of practice, you might have imagined that every possible means of inflicting pain had already been devised. But you should never underestimate the human capacity for invention. United States interrogators, we now discover, have found a new way of destroying a human being...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Top ten things not to do in Iraq

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


Ever since the Iraq Study Group (ISG) issued its recommendations, the debate in Washington has swirled around what to do about the mess in Iraq. Unfortunately, both the recommendations of the study group and the contradictory inclinations of the Bush administration are 'bridges to nowhere.' Both groups are in denial about the chaos in Iraq and are not yet ready to offer the tough solutions that could stabilize the country. Perhaps they should accept the top ten things not to do in Iraq ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Talking surge

by James Brooks


'Everyone in town is talking 'surge' now', a Pentagon adviser explained to NPR listeners the other day, and you could almost feel the country buckle up its mind for another bloody disaster ahead. One big 'final' push to defeat the popular resistance of the Iraqi people. Just to see if we can do it, before we leave. 'It probably won't work, but it's worth a try.' For an alternative to this patent nonsense, we are told to look to the deliberations of the Iraq Study Group, which only offer proof that the US has no intention of either leaving Iraq or letting Iraqi oil slip out of its grasp. In addition to an indefinite military presence, the ISG recommends a number of specific steps to tighten controls over Iraqi petroleum and economic policy in favor of corporate oil. It's simply an elite debate about how best to achieve the common objective, which has nothing to do with the expressed goal of the American people, i.e. to get the h... out of there...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The United States of punishment

by William Blum


2.2 million imprisoned ... 'We're Number One! USA! USA! USA!' ... 7 million -- one in every 32 American adults -- either behind bars, on probation, or on parole ... When it comes to sentencing, let me tell you, people, and pardon my language, the United States is one ... beginning with mandatory minimum sentences ... there are tens of thousands of young men rotting their lives away in American prisons for simple possession of a drug, for their own use, for their own pleasure, to enjoy with a friend, no victims involved. Do you think a person should be in prison if he hasn't hurt anyone? Either physically, financially, or in some other real and serious manner?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


This holiday season give the gift of freedom

Liberty For All
by Donna Mancini


I am sick and tired of the Nanny State! I believe we the individuals would be much wealthier, happier, more peaceful (read non-violent) if we were allowed to keep our own money and run our own lives, instead of the big-government Bureaucracy that forces us to relinquish control of our life, liberty and property to the arbitrary whims of lawmakers, tyrannical majorities and bureaucrats! Where did this idea come from that individuals 'are the government' and thus the property of elected officials, merely because we get to 'vote' for so called 'representatives?'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The United States cannot go to war absent a declaration of war from Congress


by Paul Hein


Perhaps the most convincing evidence of the irrelevance of truth can be found by examining politics -- if you've got a strong stomach. It is simply true that for a state to make anything other than gold and silver coin a legal tender is against the law. Period. The Constitution gives the states no options in the matter. The legislators in every state take oaths to uphold the Constitution, yet disregard it entirely in this obvious and undeniable respect. Doesn't the truth of their perfidy matter? Do voters know -- and if so, do they care? In truth, the United States cannot go to war absent a declaration of war from Congress -- but it has been doing it repeatedly now for years. Is the truth politically inexpedient? That's probably a rhetorical question...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


America's original foreign policy

by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


Last week, I wrote about the critical need for Congress to reassert its authority over foreign policy, and for the American people to recognize that the Constitution makes no distinction between domestic and foreign matters. Policy is policy, and it must be made by the legislature and not the executive. But what policy is best? How should we deal with the rest of the world in a way that best advances proper national interests, while not threatening our freedoms at home? I believe our Founding Fathers had it right when they argued for peace and commerce between nations, and against entangling political and military alliances. In other words, noninterventionism...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


China dollar dump?

Free Market News Network
by Anthony Wile


1) The Federal Reserve Bank ceased publishing 'M3' data in March, making it nearly impossible for anyone to know how much cash is being printed. China said this act made it impossible to tell how much a Dollar is worth. 2) The U.S. dollar has lost upwards of thirty percent (30%) of its value against other foreign currencies in the recent past, meaning China has lost almost $300 billion simply by holding U.S. dollars in its reserves. 3) The U.S. has no plans whatsoever to reduce deficit spending or ability pay down any of its existing debt without printing money to pay it off. Again, the article: 'For these reasons China has decided to implement an aggressive sell-off of U.S. dollars before the rest of the world does so'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The voters are in revolt


The voters are in revolt against both wars in the Middle East, communist-style oppression at America's airports, the disgusting Patriot Act, surveillance cameras everywhere, the teutonic concept of 'Homeland Security,' the government's secret prison system and its foul, shameful regime of illegal abduction, confinement, and torture...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


13 states, DC sue EPA

USA Today


More than a dozen states sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Monday to lower soot levels from smokestacks and exhaust pipes, a move state officials say would save thousands of lives. The states argue that the Bush administration is ignoring science and its own experts in refusing to slightly reduce the allowed threshold for soot. The 'fine particulate matter' in soot contributes to premature death, chronic respiratory disease and asthma attacks, said New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ACLU prevails in document secrecy fight

Houston Chronicle


After demanding that the American Civil Liberties Union turn over a classified document it had been given and prove it had destroyed every copy of it, the government agreed Monday to make the document about photographs of detainees public. The document -- marked 'secret' in bold but small print on the top of its first page -- described when and how the military Public Affairs Office permits the media to photograph enemy prisoners of war and detainees in Iraq. It was dated more than a year after the release of pictures of American soldiers tormenting Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Phone masts a big turn-off

By Linda Piper

IN A blitz on mobile phone masts, Bexley councillors have turned down eight applications for new masts in the borough in the past month.

At the planning control committee meeting last week, members turned down applications for five masts.

This follows a further three rejections at the committee's November 23 meeting.

For people living in the Penhill area of Bexley, it was their fifth attempt to fight off plans for a mast near their homes.

This time it was T-Mobile which applied to put a 32ft mast on the grass verge outside 179 Harcourt Avenue at the junction with Penhill Road.

Bexley has already refused an application from O2 in 2004, which was also refused on appeal and two applications from Orange in June this year.

All of them were turned down for similar reasons, including concerns it would increase the street clutter and would be visually intrusive.

Two applications for phone masts in Halfway Street, Sidcup, were also refused last week.

One proposed by Orange would have stood outside 190 and 192 Halfway Street and the other from Huchison 3G was proposed for outside 188 Halfway Street.

The committee also refused another application by Hutchison 3G for a 40ft mast on the Sidcup-bound carriageway of North Cray Road, opposite 48 St James Way.

One of the reasons the committee turned down the application was because the proposed site is on the edge of the High Beeches conservation area.

The fifth application was another attempt to site a mast near the Great Harry pub.

T-Mobile applied to put a mock telegraph pole-style mast in Parsonage Manorway fronting Cray Road.

Last month, councillors turned down an application from Orange for a mast in the same street, at the junction with Eastry Road and along the street from the pub.

At the same meeting, O2 was refused permission for a mast in Erith Road, Barnehurst, near the entrance to the Bexley Care Trust offices.

And it turned down T-Mobile's bid for a 55ft high mast which would have towered over the trees on a piece of green belt land off Tile Kiln Lane, Bexley.

l People have until December 22 to write objecting to an appeal by T- Mobile to be allowed to put a phone mast at the William Camden pub in Avenue Road, Bexleyheath.

The proposal was refused by Bexley Council.

People should write, enclosing three copies of their objection, to the Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/14, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.

© Copyright 2001-2006 Newsquest Media Group


Asian Timber Cabal Threatens Creation for Your Dinner Table


AN INCREASE IN TROOPS? What is Harry Reid thinking?



December 19, 2006

Harry Reid: More Troops to Iraq!

Democrats Prepare to Fund Longer War


Informant: Duane Roberts


Konzerne müssen Treibhaus-Emissionen vollständig offenlegen


Keine Macht für G8!

Wir wehren uns gegen Krieg, Sozialabbau und Umweltzerstörung!

Die Welt, in der wir leben wollen, sieht anders aus!



From Sophia D.


sophiadalle hostess of save felines from torture

peace to all of use whatever body we may be in

and please do write those letters for the cows in india! and read my blog and lets have a dialogue about leather hmm?

sophia dalle nyc ground zero

Make cat and dog meat illegal for consumption


I'm passing this on from Helen H


A message from Sophia



I'm passing this on from Helen H


A message from Sophia

Dolphins and Porpoises are Being Needlessly Slaughtered


I'm passing this on from Helen H


A message from Sophia

Save The Gorillas-Stop poaching and help efforts to stop ebola breakout


I'm passing this on from Helen H - I'm sure you've signed most,but Save the Gorillas is badly in need of more signatures.


A message from Sophia

Kucinich Warns Against Escalation

Mon Dec 18, 11:26 AM ET

To: National Desk

Contact: Andy Juniewicz, 216-409-8992, for the Office of Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich

CLEVELAND, Dec. 18 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich warned that today's news reports of a planned "surge" of up to 50,000 additional troops to Iraq, plus the extraordinary increase in proposed FY 2007 funding for the war, clearly points to a sharp U.S. escalation of the conflict.

Kucinich (D-OH) once again called on Congressional leaders to reverse course on planned approval for the next round of funding for the war in Iraq.

The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/16/world/middleeast/16military.html?th&emc=th today reported that the Administration is considering a "surge proposal" that could send as many as 50,000 more troops to Iraq. Critics of the surge proposal told the Times that "the military benefits would be short-lived unless the higher troop levels were sustained."

Kucinich, who announced his candidacy on Tuesday, has consistently maintained that the $70 billion which Congress appropriated for the war just two months ago should be used to: bring the troops home now, fund a plan for international coalition forces to secure Iraq, and provide for reconciliation of the Iraqi people and reconstruction of their country, without privatization mandates.

"The new Democratic Congress must stop the President from escalating the war. We must not appropriate any new funding. Up to $160 billion for the war will be asked for in the spring. That would bring the total for the war for FY 2007 to $230 billion. This amount is almost double the $117 billion spent in all of FY 2006.

"The news reports that up to 50,000 more troops could be sent to Iraq, together with a request to double the funding for the war, clearly points to an escalation of the Iraq war at a time when it is widely stated by military and policy experts that the war cannot be won militarily.

"The Democratic Congress has a mandate from the people to stop the war, bring the troops home, and help Iraq take a new direction. We cannot do that if we appropriate more funds which set the stage for a sharp escalation of the war."

For further information:

Editable broadcast quality audio and video comment by Kucinich is available to download at http://www.kucinich.us

Kucinich, a Democratic Congressman from Ohio and ranking Democrat on the Government Oversight Subcommittee of National Security, International Relations and Emerging Threats, organized 125 Democrats to vote against the war resolution in October of 2002. He has been the leading spokesperson for diplomacy as a means of creating conditions for Human Security.




US Army Might Break Goodyear Strike

The US Army is considering measures to force striking workers back to their jobs at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber plant in Kansas in the face of a looming shortage of tires for Humvee trucks and other military equipment used in Iraq and Afghanistan. A strike involving 17,000 members of the United Steelworkers union has crippled 16 Goodyear plants in the US and Canada since October 5.


Unions Hope Democrats Will Counter GOP Policy Changes

For the past six years, unions that represent most federal employees have argued that the Bush administration has been hostile to the needs of workers - keeping pay raises low, trying to prevent employees from organizing in the departments of Defense and Homeland Security, and outsourcing government jobs to the private sector. Now, the change in control of Congress gives unions much more powerful allies in the legislative branch.



Corporate Agribusiness Is Behind Our Deadly Food Supply

First it was spinach. Now it's green onions at the Taco Bell. What's next? The growing anxiety over our nation's food supply is enough to make you chew your nails - unless of course they're contaminated with E. coli as well. Is nothing safe?


Eli Lilly Said to Play Down Risk of Top Pill

The drug maker Eli Lilly has engaged in a decade-long effort to play down the health risks of Zyprexa, its best-selling medication for schizophrenia, according to hundreds of internal Lilly documents and email messages among top company managers.



Eli Lilly Secret Docs: Zyprexa


Mother Wonders If Psychosis Drug Helped Kill Son

An autopsy showed that 41-year-old John Eric Kauffman, who was 5 feet 10 inches, weighed 259 pounds when he died. His mother believes that the weight he gained while on Zyprexa contributed to the heart disease that killed him.



China's River Dolphin Declared Extinct

The first species to be erased from this planet's great and ancient Order of Cetaceans in modern times is not one of the charismatic sea mammals that have long been the focus of conservation campaigns, like the sperm whale or bottlenose dolphin. It appears to be the baiji, a white, nearly blind denizen of the Yangtze River in China.



Carmakers Fight Global Warming Lawsuit

The six largest automakers asked a federal judge to toss out a lawsuit by California that accuses them of harming human health and the environment by producing vehicles that contribute to global warming. The American and Japanese auto companies filed a motion Friday to dismiss the state's suit, and an attorney for the carmakers said Saturday that state officials who want to reduce auto emissions should do it through regulation, not litigation.



Walk for Change: In Search of Peace

Peace mom Cindy Sheehan begins, "As dissatisfaction with the occupation of Iraq soars and the carnage seemingly continues unabated, the new Democratic Congress is on board with staying the disastrous course that BushCo and the Republican-dominated Congress has set for our nation. We progressives who put the Democrats in power so that they could change the course cannot, must not, allow the Congress to give the insaniacs in the White House more money to fund what we all now know is a mistake based on lies."



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


White House Tightens Publishing Rules for USGS Scientists


Informant: bmf512

Plünderung der Wirtschaft durch Investmentkonzerne: Hedgefonds und andere Heuschrecken in freier Wildbahn



The Iraq Study Group: Official damage control and cover-up


Informant: Amy Sasser


What Patriotic Christians Can Do For America

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Among the hundreds of email letters I receive, scores of them ask the same question: "I see the problem, but what can I can do?" Today's column is an attempt to answer these people......



Nuclear Weapon Nearly Detonated in the United States

A watchdog group charges a nuclear warhead nearly exploded in Texas when it was being dismantled at the government's Pantex facility near Amarillo.


From Information Clearing House

Dollar dropped in Iran asset move

Iran is to shift its foreign currency reserves from dollars to euros and use the euro for oil deals in response to US-led pressure on its economy.


From Information Clearing House

It's Either Occupation or Education

Two in three children in Iraq have simply stopped going to school, according to a government report.


From Information Clearing House


U.S. seeks to rein in its military spy teams

U.S. Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with the CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch U.S. allies.



Iraqi ex-minister spirited from police custody

Plain-clothes Americans have taken a former Iraqi electricity minister, who is a dual U.S. citizen, from Iraqi police custody where he was awaiting trial on corruption charges, Iraqi officials said on Monday.


Former Iraqi Cabinet minister escapes police custody in Baghdad

A dual U.S.-Iraqi citizen and the country's only postwar Cabinet minister to be convicted of corruption has escaped police custody for a second time, an Iraqi official said Monday.


From Information Clearing House

Bush administration elaborates plans for bloodbath in Iraq

Reports on the Bush administration’s discussions on a change of course in Iraq indicate that Washington is preparing a major new bloodbath as part of a desperate attempt to salvage its nearly four-year-old bid to conquer the oil-rich country.


From Information Clearing House


Demetrius Crocker: the terrorist you've never heard of

By Alex Koppelman

Unlike alleged al-Qaida terrorist Jose Padilla, right-wing "dirty bomber" Demetrius Crocker was investigated and prosecuted the old-fashioned constitutional way.



US and Latin America: Overview for 2006, Perspectives for 2007

By James Petras

The weakest link in Washington’s projected strategy in Latin America is the re-emergence of socio-political movements, like those which burst forth in the late 1990’s and first years of the new century: The MST in Brazil, the workers, peasant and Indian movements in Bolivia and Ecuador and the mass uprising in Oaxaca and electoral protests in Mexico are in the process of re-grouping, none having suffered a historic defeat.



Designer Monsters

By William Blum

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a man seemingly custom-made for the White House in its endless quest for enemies with whom to scare Congress, the American people, and the world, in order to justify the unseemly behavior of the empire.



U.S. Troops Should Leave Country, But How Will America Then Keep Control of Oil Fields?

By Linda McQuaig

Advising the Bush administration on how to deal with the Iraq fiasco, the report of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group urges the president to clarify that Washington does not seek to control Iraq's oil. It then gets down to business and sets out exactly how Washington should take control of Iraq's oil.



Impeach Bush, By State Congress action

Bush Impeachment groups websites


Pass them around.

See what each of several States are doing at the State Congress level to Impeach Bush here ! (below)

Impeach Bush, By State Congress action http://www.impeachbush.tv/impeach/states.html

Bush Demands His Own Impeachment

Informant: ranger116


Iraq attacks at highest level in two years


The Republican’s War

Informant: ranger116

Perpetual War for Peace?…Iraq…Iran…& the Corporate Agenda

This feature length television program - with internationally known experts Antonia Juhasz, Rostam Pourzal, and Raed Jarrar- is now available for online viewing at http://www.traprockpeace.org/traprock_video/

Traprock Peace Center produced this program (also available as a DVD) on November 3, 2006, featuring speakers with the Just Foreign Policy tour - http://www.justforeignpolicy.org . Sunny Miller served as Moderator and Executive Producer. See speaker biographies below. This 1 hour and 45 minute program includes audience discussion.

If you would like a DVD of this entire program, contact Traprock Peace Center at 413-773-7427.

“Perpetual War for Peace?” …Iraq…Iran…& the Corporate Agenda" also featured an exhibit of 15 photographs of Iraq, Iran and Lebanon by photojournalists.

These remarkable speakers and the photo display toured throughout the Northeast, Nov. 1-12.

Speaker Biographies

Antonia Juhasz, activist, author, and policy-analyst Antonia Juhasz is a visiting scholar at the Washington, DC-based Institute for Policy Studies and author of The Bush Agenda: Invading the World, One Economy at a Time (REGAN, HarperCollins, 2006). The Bush Agenda has been described as “a resounding call to action,” by John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. The Organizer, one of India’s largest newspapers, called it “A meticulous expose of corporate America’s intentions in the Gulf.” Juhasz reveals the “oil time-line” now driving the end of the war and the corporate globalization agenda in Iraq and throughout the Middle East while offering specific actions we can take today to change the course of history.

Juhasz served previously as the project director of the International Forum on Globalization and as a legislative assistant to two United States Members of Congress. A frequent media commentator and award-winning writer, her work has appeared in dozens of newspapers and publications including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and New York Times. She is a contributing author to Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World is Possible (Berrett-Koehler, 2004) and the forthcoming book, A Game as Old as Empire (Berrett-Koehler, 2007). She lives in San Francisco.

Rostam Pourzal, President of the U.S. branch of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran Rostam Pourzal is an independent researcher and organizer for human rights and is the president of the US branch of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran. He advocates direct and sustained dialog without pre-conditions between Iran and the United States. Mr. Pourzal visits Iran regularly and has served on the boards of several Iranian-American organizations. He has been interviewed on dozens of well-known broadcasts, including CNN International, Pacifica Radio, Aljazeera, and MSNBC. In 2004, he worked with the Fellowship of Reconciliation to send two goodwill delegations (three dozen American citizens) to Iran. That ground-breaking initiative was widely reported on BBC, CNN, and other world media.

Raed Jarrar, Iraq Project Director at Global Exchange, architect Raed Jarrar was in Iraq during and after the 2003 invasion, and took part in a number of humanitarian and political projects there including two first-hand experiences in establishing and leading volunteer grassroots organizations and NGOs based in Iraq. Raed Jarrar was the Country Director of CIVIC Worldwide, the only door-to-door casualty survey in Iraq after the US invasion in 2003. He also established an NGO called “Emaar” that carried out work in Baghdad and the nine cities of the south, coordinating with local authorities, community leaders and other NGOs. He maintains a popular web-log that includes analysis and news summaries regarding Iraq and the Middle East. In addition, Raed promotes The Iraq Reconciliation Plan, proposed by the Iraqi Parliament in June 2006. Raed Jarrar most recently was part of a Global Exchange delegation that brought together citizen activists from the US and current Iraqi Parliamentarians in Jordan to share information and strategies for ending the war. Find more at: http://raedinthemiddle.blogspot.com

*** Photo Exhibit by Award Winning Photo Journalists
(For permission to use photographs, please contact Just Foreign Policy, 202 448-2898. When permission is granted, please attribute appropriately.)

Lynsey Addario Photojournalist from the United States sharing images from Iraq. Addario’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Associated Press, Time Magazine, Newsweek, among others. Addario’s photo essays from Iraq, Darfur, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mexico have won her accolades around the globe. Now based in Istanbul, Turkey, Addario is documenting conflict, human interest stories, and people throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Mohammad Kheirkhah Photojournalist from Iran sharing images from Iran. Kheirkhah is a freelance photographer working for United Press International in Tehran. He is also a contributor photographer to document IRAN Images.

Andrew Stern Photojournalist based in New York City sharing recent images of the war in Lebanon. Stern has photographed in over 20 countries and his award winning work has appeared in The Guardian Weekend Magazine, Readers Digest, Harper’s Magazine, The New York Times, Internazionale, and many other publications domestically and internationally. Stern is committed to documenting critical social and political issues and is co-author of We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anticapitalism Verso 2003.

Ramin Talaie Photojournalist born in Iran now based in Brooklyn, New York sharing images from Iran. Talaie has been published in The Guardian, the New York Times, among others.

Copyright notice: This video is © 2006 Traprock Peace Center; all rights reserved. Permission granted to copy in full only, without changes and with attributions, for free distribution only, and notice that it is used with permission of Traprock Peace Center, all rights reserved. Such use does not require prior permission, but does require notice to Traprock so we may gauge the reach of our programs. For notice, questions or permissions, including requests for a DVD of this program, contact: charles@traprockpeace.org or call Traprock at 413-773-7427.

From ufpj-news


Revealed: UK's mobile phone mast money makers


Mo 18 Dez 2006

Snapshot survey shows schools using masts to boost budgets.

The vast amounts of money UK councils earn from mobile phone masts on public buildings - including schools - has been revealed for the first time.

A More4 News Online probe shows councils are raking in thousands of pounds a year from renting out civic sites for masts - a controversial practice encouraged by government.

Critics have accused government of ignoring calls to change the planning rules for masts - many say the health debate surrounding such structures has not been resolved.

Six of the councils who took part in the survey revealed revenues of more than £100,000 a year.

Birmingham City Council earns more than £590,000 from masts on its buildings. The authority used to have a ban on such structures.

Many of the masts are on council housing blocks and offices, while some are even on schools.

Authorities in Edinburgh, Oxfordshire, Portsmouth, York and Aberdeen were found to have masts on schools.

The councils said in the vast majority of cases the schools were consulted first - and the revenue from the masts went to the schools' budgets.

A list of the annual revenues councils receive from permitting masts on their buildings:

Birmingham City Council: £590,973
Leeds City Council: £410,000
Haringey Council: £256,852
Ealing Council: £133,250
Bristol City Council: £125,230.40
Edinburgh City Council: £119,139
Cambridge City Council: £83,992
Glasgow City Council: £83,351
Portsmouth City Council: £63,920
Norwich City Council: £62,100
Brighton & Hove City Council: £47,000
Plymouth City Council: £44,550
Coventry City Council: £44,429
City of York Council: £33,217
Aberdeen City Council: £8,000
Southampton City Council: £5,571
Oxfordshire County Council provided a figure of £175,603 as its revenue from mobile phone masts, but says it is a one-off income, rather than an annual income.

Breakdown by council
Location and costs by council. Download original spreadsheets and other documents.

Key figures respond to the More4 News investigation.


ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/no_surge.php

It is astonishing to remember that a mere six years ago George Bush campaigned on the accusation that the Clinton administration had let the readiness of our military deteriorate. Today nearly all our military experts, even those speaking at peril to their careers, agree that our armed forces have been broken by the strategically idiotic occupation of Iraq. And yet the Bush administration has now coined a new slogan for "stay the course," in utter and diffident defiance of the will of American people. They are trying to sell us on yet one more "surge" in Iraq, perhaps the one that will finally break our own backs. What Germany could not do in World War II, what Japan could not do, George Bush has singlehandedly nearly accomplished already, the destruction of our armed forces.

There is only one possible outcome from more such bull headed obstinacy, a surge in casualties, a surge in red ink budget deficits, and sadly yes, a SURGE in insurgency. At a time when many are worried about how to logistically extract the troops we have there already, what the Bush administration is looking to do is to drive even faster going the wrong way on the freeway. And IF there were to be a further increase now, it would push off prospects of any meaningful withdrawal for another couple years, conveniently until the currently scheduled end of the Bush presidency. What is this silly talk about two to three months? It would take longer than that just to get more troops in. Are supporters of this idea nuts? They most certifiably are.

And worse yet, Harry Reid was just quoted as saying he might go along with their surge lunacy. He really needs to hear from us. American deaths from roadside bombs in Iraq are even now at their highest rate ever. There is no honor whatsoever in sending our brave service people into a rigged fight. There is no defense against such weapons, at least none which our troops are likely to ever be given. Our troops are in a shooting gallery where it is impossible to tell friend from foe. They are dying for absolutely no other reason but politicians who are too cowardly to admit they were wrong, with the pathological liars in the White House at the top of the indictment.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.peaceteam.net/no_surge.php

They are talking about doing more of exactly what has not worked at all before. This is the "pouring gasoline on fire" school of foreign policy. There is nothing more our military can do. Everyone knows this. More troops will not provide security. They will only exacerbate insecurity. Our military presence in Iraq is political poison, and the prescription is NOT to increase the dose. Their vain adventure was doomed from the start, and not because the American people lack the stomach for a just fight. What they don't have the stomach for are lies about war, and being played for suckers by their own presumptive leaders.

The good news is that moderate Muslim voices can make a comeback if we stop escalating the military provocation. In Iran, the cleric reformer Rafsanjani is regaining influence. And the ONLY reason that is happening is because we haven't yet assaulted their country also, though Bush and Cheney have been chaffing at the bit to do that too. It's long past time to get our troops the HELL out of there, to gain whatever diplomatic advantage we can from what little bargaining power Bush has not already squandered. Otherwise with 90% of the Iraqi people already wanting us to just leave, it is likely a matter of short time before the rest of them DO in fact stand up, AGAINST us, all of them. And that would be the biggest surge of all, unless WE stand up first, speak out, and CONTINUE to press our demand that our troops come home NOW.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

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You Did It! Harry Reid Backed Down!

December 21, 2006

Many thanks to those of you who took action this week to contact Senator Harry Reid about his remarks that he would support sending more troops to Iraq. His office was flooded with calls and emails on Tuesday! Below is a statement Senator Reid posted yesterday, saying that he does NOT support an escalation of the conflict and wants to bring out troops home. Let’s be clear: He only backed down because of the pressure he felt from the grassroots. Let’s see this as an important victory, and a lesson that we must be on constant alert to push this new Congress to end the war.

Good job!

Your friends at CODEPINK

Statement by Senator Harry Reid,
December 19, 2006

Frankly, I don't believe that more troops is the answer for Iraq. It's a civil war and America should not be policing a Sunni-Shia conflict. In addition, we don't have the additional forces to put in there. We obviously want to support what commanders in the field say they need, but apparently even the Joint Chiefs do not support increased combat forces for Baghdad. My position on Iraq is simple:

1. I believe we should start redeploying troops in 4 to 6 months (The Levin-Reed Plan) and complete the withdrawal of combat forces by the first quarter of 2008. (As laid out by the Iraq Study Group)

2. The President must understand that there can only be a political solution in Iraq, and he must end our nation's open-ended military commitment to that country.

3. These priorities need to be coupled with a renewed diplomatic effort and regional strategy.

I do not support an escalation of the conflict. I support finding a way to bring our troops home and would look at any plan that gave a roadmap to this goal.

It's been two weeks since the Iraq Study Group released its plan to change the course and bring our troops home. Since then, the President has been on a fact finding tour of his own administration -- apparently ignoring the facts presented by those in the military who know best. The President needs to put forth a plan as soon as possible, one that reflects the reality on the ground in Iraq and that withdraws our troops from the middle of this deadly civil war.

P.S. Don't forget to check out our plans for the mass mobilization in Washington D.C. on January 27th. Find out more about our upcoming actions and how to join us here.


Fury at mast appearance

ANGRY home owners in a Linlithgow housing estate are furious that a massive phone mast has been erected.

The mast at Wilcoxholm Farm, which overlooks Bailielands, appeared a couple of weeks ago. Residents are concerned that the mast, for the T Mobile telephone network, is a health hazard. There is no firm scientific evidence that low-level frequencies emitted by such devices can trigger cancers.

However, one Bailielands resident, who asked to remain anonymous, told the Gazette: "It's an inappropriate location for such a device. "We were all surprised when it appeared on the horizon a couple of weeks ago because no-one knew anything about it and we were never given any chance to object to it." She continued: "There was no advertising, no neighbour notification. ''It doesn't appear to have needed planning permission. How can that be?"

Kingsfield ward councillor Tom Kerr said he had been approached by local residents at his regular surgery. "They complained about the mast and I've also heard that there's a story doing the rounds in town that I'm somehow involved with it. "I'd like to kill stone dead the rumour that it's in my back garden. "The mast is at least a quarter of a mile from my home."

Councillor Kerr said he had no recollection of receiving any correspondence from T Mobile in connection with the mast. "The application for planning permission was received by West Lothian Council in April and it was approved in June," he said. "It has taken since then for the company to construct the mast. "The nearest adjacent neighbours to the site are Network Rail and there was no obligation on the applicant to notify residents in Bailielands. ''The application received no objections and was approved through delegated powers."Councillor Kerr added: "Had I been more aware of the appli-cation I could have asked for it to be referred to committee but it's not within my powers as a councillor to seek additional neighbour notification."

According to a West Lothian Council spokesman, there was no need to notify neighbours. Explaining why, he said: "The Bailielands residents were not notified about this phone mast as the railway line lies between the site and their houses. "In cases like this, the owner of the land between the site and the houses is notified. "The planning application was not advertised since there was no requirement to do so and consent was granted under delegated powers."

18 December 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.



Congress often doesn’t know what it’s voting on


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

East Preston villagers' boost to church

VILLAGERS in East Preston have joined forces with their local church to help raise more than £50,000 needed to maintain the building. The running costs of the 1,000-year-old grade 1 listed St Mary the Virgin Church are so high that earlier this year a proposal to install a mobile phone mast in the clock tower was even considered to bring in much-needed funds.

At the time, the vicar, John Lyon, said that it could only go ahead if local people agreed and in July, after several letters of objection, the offer was turned down.

This left the church still needing around £50,000 to carry out essential maintenance work on damp in the building and when coupled with the annual running costs of around £7,500, makes for a serious deficit.

Stepping into this breach came a group of local residents, some of whom do not even attend the church, who are determined to save it.

Sarah Leighton, 47, of Vicarage Lane, is one of those who has stepped forward to support the church.

She said: "I'm not religious but I feel that the church is an important part of our community and of our history. It would be a real shame if it was to fail. It's a link to the past for people in the area and is part of our heritage.

"There were a group of us who were against the mast and we said that if the offer was turned down we would help the church start a fund-raising drive.

"We are doing a leaflet-drop to everyone in the village to make them aware of the church's funding difficulties and then we will be looking at how we can raise the cash.

"Anyone with ideas and enthusiasm is welcome to join us."

Father Lyon told the Gazette: "The church belongs to the people and I always said that if there was sufficient opposition to the mast it would not go ahead, but it had to be considered.

"It's very important that we have the support of the community and I am grateful for it."

lSeveral fund-raising ideas are in the offing, including a flower festival. The first event takes place on Saturday, when the Millionheirs barbershop group will give a carol concert at the church, at 7pm.

Tickets are £8, including refreshments, and are available on the door.

18 December 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.


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Lifelong Learning, Thought Control & Behavior Modification

by Nancy Levant

In other words, the “advocates” are assessing how America’s “licensing and credentialing mandatory trainings” are taking root in our places of employment, in the American adult, and in all American children. In other words, how are we coming along as Communist citizens of the one-world government? Is worker/laborer behavior modifying, which in translation means carrying out the new rules and regulations in the workplace? Are youngsters.....



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