Montag, 18. Dezember 2006

Kucinich wants to know: Impeach Bush/Cheney?

Informant: Scott Munson

Kippt China den Dollar?

The Democratic Majority and Social Security

"The Democratic majority is arriving in the wake of President George W. Bush's failed attempt last year to change Social Security with private savings accounts for younger workers. He claimed that his plan would keep the program solvent for their future," Seth Sandronsky writes. "One of the underreported stories of 2005 was the US public's successful opposition to Bush's plan."

Powell, Baker, Hamilton: Thanks for Nothing

"When Colin Powell endorsed the Iraq Study Group report during his December 17 appearance on 'Face the Nation,' it was another curtain call for a tragic farce. Four years ago, 'moderates' like Powell were making the invasion of Iraq possible." writes Norman Solomon.

FBI: Military Recruiters Ran Cocaine

A Midtown strip mall that should have housed the best of the best served as Corruption Central in Tucson. Two military recruiting stations sit side-by-side there, one run by the Army, the other by the Marines. Between them, a total of seven recruiters were on the take, secretly accepting bribes to transport cocaine, even as most spent their days visiting local high schools. They had help from several more recruiters at an Army National Guard office, where one recruiter was said to be selling cocaine from the trunk of his recruiting vehicle.

Naher und Mittlerer Osten: Kirchen kritisieren Rüstungsexporte in Krisenregionen


Die christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland haben die Lieferung von Rüstungsgütern in Krisenregionen verurteilt. Der Vorsitzende der Gemeinsamen Konferenz Kirche und Entwicklung (GKKE), Stephan Reimers, warf der Bundesregierung am Montag in Berlin eine "expansive" Rüstungsexportpolitik vor. Waffenausfuhren in den Nahen und Mittleren Osten seien eine "Abkehr vom Grundsatz, Waffen nicht in Spannungsgebiete zu liefern". Die GKKE kritisiert, dass im Jahr 2005 Rüstungsgüter im Wert von 1,65 Milliarden Euro in Entwicklungsländer geliefert worden seien, die zugleich Empfänger von Entwicklungshilfe seien.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bestechung und Hilfsgelder: Gekaufter Sicherheitsrat?

Rachel's News #885

Help the Environment: Get a Flu Shot: Kirby essay on thimerosal

Informant: binstock

Waschen und Rasieren: Kurt Beck gibt uns einen Job

Hartz IV: Kein Termin bei Kurt Beck


Bild Zeitung verhöhnt Hartz IV Empfänger Henrico
Heute ein König und morgen Hartz IV auch für Kurt Beck?

Die Bild Zeitung verhöhnt Henrico Frank aus Wiesbaden und nennt ihn den "frechsten Arbeitslosen in Deutschland"

Ein Kommentar der Redaktion

Alles hatte mit einem Protestzuruf auf dem Wiesbadener Weihnachtsmarkt angefangen. Stellvertretend für Millionen von Arbeitslosengeld II EmpfängerInnen "bedankte" sich Henrico Frank für die Arbeitsmarktreform "Hartz IV". Kurt Beck, Spitzenpolitiker der Sozialdemokratie in Deutschland verspottete den Mann und riet ihm (auch stellvertretend) sich zu waschen und zu rasieren. Ein peinlicher Ausrutscher, der von den PR Beratern Beck´s kaschiert werden musste. Gekonnt gingen die Herren und Damen ans Werk. Henrico Frank wurden insgesamt 8 Jobangebote im Billiglohnsektor angeboten. Vermittelt werden sollte, dass Kurt Beck, voller Anstand und Gnade, einem "armen Hartz IV- Empfänger" bei der Jobsuche behilflich ist.

Lesen Sie weiter:

Ihre Redaktion


Selbst wenn Kurt Beck sich rasiert, hat er nicht das Zeug zum Kanzler!

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

14. Dezember 2006

Zu der heute viel zitierten Äußerung des SPD-Vorsitzenden Kurt Beck "Wenn Sie sich waschen und rasieren, finden Sie auch einen Job", erklärt der Bundesgeschäftsführer Dietmar Bartsch:

Wer am Boden liegt braucht Hilfe und keine symbolischen Fußtritte. Statt neuer Konzepte bedient sich der SPD-Vorsitzende alter Vorurteile: Arbeitslose sollen selbst Schuld an ihrer Lage sein. Wenn das die neue Programmatik einer modernen Sozialdemokratie sein soll, dann: "Gute Nacht!"


Wichtige Infos zum Happening am 2. Januar: Waschen und Rasieren – Kurt Beck gibt uns einen Job! am 2. Januar in Mainz

1. Happening
2. Aktionstag 2. Januar
3. Sonderbus von Dortmund nach Mainz

1. Happening

Nachdem letzte Woche der rheinlandpfälzische Landtagspräsident die ganze Veranstaltung noch innerhalb der Bannmeile verhindern wollte, hat das Innenministerium nun die Genehmigung erteilt. Es haben sich inzwischen fast alle großen TV-Sender angekündigt und jede Menge Presse, so dass das ganze wirklich ein Happening sein kann und wir die Gelegenheit haben, unsere Forderungen und Sichtweisen zu formulieren. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass etwaige rassistische, völkische, gewalttätige, sexistische Statements, Aufrufe und Gruppen nicht erwünscht sind. Eine etwaige Teilnahme solcher Gruppen oder Einzelpersonen wird keineswegs geduldet.

Von der Mainzer Polizei gibt es das Versprechen, dass nicht videographiert wird. (Ausnahme: gewalttätige Ausschreitungen). Der Landtag oder die Staatskanzlei darf keineswegs betreten werden. Dies würde durch die Polizei sofort verhindert werden.

Die Veranstaltung findet in Mainz: Am Deutschhausplatz vor der rheinlandpfälzischen Staatskanzlei und dem Landtag.

2. Januar, Beginn ab 10:00. Die offizielle Rasur und Kundgebung wird dann um 11:00 starten.

Es wird darum gebeten, dass möglichst viele ihre Bewerbungsmappen mitbringen, diese werden dann (stellvertretend) dem Pressesprecher der Staatskanzlei übergeben, damit jeder 3 Wochen später einen Job hat – oder wahrscheinlich eher nicht.

12:30 Uhr Übergabe der Bewerbungsmappe und eines antiken Friseurstuhls.

Der Flyer dazu: oder

Es werden auch noch freiwillige Friseure/Innen gesucht. Dazu rufen aber auch noch diverse Zeitungen auf (z.B. Frankfurter Rundschau, SWR, HR, Rheinzeitung, TAZ). Begleitet wird das Happening von fast allen großen TV-Sendern und viele Pressevertreter werden anwesend sein. Deshalb wäre eine Teilnahme aus dem ortnahen Bereich sehr wünschenswert (auch bei Regenwetter). Sollte es regnen, steht für das Rasieren eine Überdachung zur Verfügung.

Ein offenes Mikrophon wird zur Verfügung stehen.

2. Kampagne

2. Jan. – 2 Jahre Hartz IV

Am 2. Jan. werden mindestens in Mainz, vielleicht auch noch in vielen anderen Orten, Aktionen stattfinden, nach dem Motto: „Wir waschen und rasieren uns, und dann bekommen wir selbstverständlich einen Job!“ In Anlehnung an die Diffamierung eines Erwerbslosen durch den SPD-Vorsitzenden Kurt Beck, über den die Medien in den letzten Tage ausführlich berichtet wurde.

Diese Aktivitäten anlässlich 2 Jahre Hartz IV und als Auftakt für das Jahr 2007 werden zeigen, dass der Widerstand weiter geht. Und dass wir den festen Willen haben, Erfolge zu erzielen: In Richtung Abschaffung der Schikanierungen gegen Erwerbslose, Erhöhung des Regelsatzes, gesetzlicher Mindestlohn und Schaffung sozialversicherungspflichtiger, menschenwürdig bezahlter Beschäftigung. Weiterhin wird es in anderen Orten auch noch andere Aktionen geben. Z.B. Kampagne: Stopp! Große Koalition! Von 345 EUR kann kein Mensch vernünftig Leben!

3. Sonderbus

Von Dortmund wird am 2. Januar ein Sonderbus nach Mainz fahren. Eventuell kann dieser über Bonn oder Köln und Koblenz fahren. Der Fahrpreis würde dann ca. 12 EUR betragen. Näheres ab morgen früh auf

4. Mitfahrbörse

Es ist eine Mitfahrbörse eingerichtet. Dort kann man sich als Suche, Biete eintragen. Ebenfalls stehen dort auch schon einige Angebote.

Weitere Infos unter


Kritik an Beck: Arbeitslose laden zum öffentlichen Waschen und Rasieren in Mainz


Zu einer öffentlichen Wasch- und Rasieraktion lädt das Erwerbslosen-Forum Deutschland heute nach Mainz ein. Unter dem Motto "Waschen und Rasieren - Kurt Beck gibt uns einen Job!" wollen die Teilnehmer dabei gegen den rheinland-pfälzischen Ministerpräsidenten und SPD-Chef Beck in der Nähe der Staatskanzlei protestieren. Zum Abschluss sollen einige von ihnen nach Angaben der Organisatoren in der Staatskanzlei empfangen werden. Aktionen sind den Angaben zufolge bundesweit in 30 anderen Städten geplant.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Seventy-six million Americans are afflicted with food poisoning each year because government won't prevent it

Fed Up With Bad Food

The Bush administration is colluding with Big Oil to fleece taxpayers

Oil Cheats

Why do so many politicians want to send more troops to a war that can't be won militarily?

Surging To Defeat In Iraq

Independent Journalist Corners Colin Powell and Ask About His Pre-War Lies

By David Swanson

On this page, Jonathan Schwartz has posted an analysis of Colin Powell's fraudulent U.N. presentation, together with two short videos just produced by Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy:

In the first, Husseini reads from Bob Woodward's book and asks Powell whether he will admit that he fabricated evidence. Powell blames the CIA, adding a new lie to the old, failing to mention that his own State Department had warned him against making many of the lies he went ahead with at the United Nations.

In the second video, Husseini asks Powell simply whether he knew that Hussein Kamel had said there were no WMDs. You'll recall that Powell cited Kamel as a source of claims that Iraq possessed WMDs without mentioning that Kamel had said the WMDs had all been destroyed (and Kamel had said so on CNN). In this video, Powell amazingly claims he did not know Kamel had said that. Powell is claiming not to have known one of the most basic facts about Iraqi weapons, a fact that was public knowledge, a fact that was acquired by the United States at the same time as the information that Powell did use.

Husseini created these videos together with cameraman Chris Belcher and editor Matthew Bradley. You can find their work at

Some background on Colin Powell's lies:

See also: "The Constitution in Crisis; The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Coverups in the Iraq War," by Congressman John Conyers:

Support independent journalists! Imagine if other reporters asked questions too!

From ufpj-news

Remove ALL machines from elections

A message from BMutiny

How to Spend the War Money

David Swanson writes, "Congress members of both parties, not to mention the White House, have already forgotten the anti-war and anti-Bush vote of November 7th (the Republicans lost one more seat in a runoff on Wednesday) and are dreaming of big Christmas presents for war profiteers. Since we Americans apparently have no other need for any money, and since we enjoy paying our taxes so much, they're planning to approve another $160 billion in 'emergency' (off the books) cash for the war early next year. That's billion with a 'B.' This will be on top of the $70 billion they provided in October. I hate to play Scrooge here, but ain't that a bit much?"

Instant Runoff Voting Is Catching On

"Political reforms such as redistricting reform, fusion, and campaign finance reform have been floundering at the ballot box in recent years, rejected by voters in several states. But another political reform, instant runoff voting, has been quietly racking up impressive victories," writes Steven Hill.

Navy Veteran Detained and Tormented in Iraq by US Military

Detainee 200343 was among thousands of people who have been held and released by the American military in Iraq, and his account of his ordeal has provided one of the few detailed views of the Pentagon's detention operations since the abuse scandals at Abu Ghraib. Yet in many respects his case is unusual. The detainee was Donald Vance, a 29-year-old Navy veteran from Chicago who went to Iraq as a security contractor.


Navy vet says he was tortured by U.S. forces: Suit filed against Rumsfeld

A Navy veteran from Chicago says he was detained and tortured by U.S. forces in Baghdad without being charged. Twenty-nine-year-old Donald Vance was a private security employee in Baghdad at the time of his arrest.

From Information Clearing House

US Special Forces Operating in Europe

US Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with the CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch US allies, prompting a push for tighter rules for military units engaged in espionage.


Special Forces clash with the CIA

U.S. Special Forces teams sent overseas on secret spying missions have clashed with the CIA and carried out operations in countries that are staunch U.S. allies, prompting a new effort by the agency and the Pentagon to tighten the rules for military units engaged in espionage, according to senior U.S. intelligence and military officials.

From Information Clearing House

Why we stand for immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq

Informant: Ashley Smith

EU-Dienstleistungsrichtlinie: wie Gewerkschaften und soziale Bewegungen ausgetrickst wurden

Artikel von Klaus Dräger in der SoZ - Sozialistische Zeitung – vom
Dezember 2006

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2006

Coming soon: Hartz IV Österreich „Wir nennen es Grundsicherung“

Artikel in der österreichischen Zeitschrift Malmoe vom 20.11.2006

Aus dem Text: „…Als Kern des neuen Modells bezeichnete Buchinger die Integration von Sozialversicherung und (bislang je nach Bundesland unterschiedlich geregelter) Sozialhilfe, das eine Untergrenze für die Leistungen aus Arbeitslosenversicherung und Sozialhilfe einzieht. Als Grundprinzip soll die Aktivierung zur Arbeitsbereitschaft gelten. AMS-Vermittlungsbemühungen sollen dann verstärkt auch auf Sozialhilfebeziehende angewendet werden. Wer nicht arbeitswillig ist, soll keine bedarfsorientierte Grundsicherung bekommen. Als Höhe nannte Buchinger 726 Euro abzüglich Krankenversicherungsbeitrag, 14mal pro Jahr. Das Einkommen von PartnerInnen soll angerechnet werden, und wer Vermögen hat, muss erst dieses bis zu einer Grenze aufbrauchen, bevor er/sie Anspruch auf Grundsicherung hat. Das gilt nicht nur für Geldvermögen, sondern auch für Wohnungseigentum (wobei die konkrete Umsetzung derzeit umstritten scheint). Diese Elemente - Integration von Arbeitslosenversicherung und Sozialhilfe, Anrechnung von Vermögen und Zwang zur permanenten Arbeitsbereitschaft - sind genau die Kernpunkte im berüchtigten Hartz IV-Konzept, das seit kurzem in Deutschland jenen das Leben schwer macht, die als "Unterschicht" durchs Feuilleton gejagt werden….“

Kinder zweiter Klasse

„Während die Koalitionsverhandlungen in Österreich weiter nur schleppend vorangehen, bekommen legal im Land lebende Ausländer die unter der alten Regierung verschärften Fremdengesetze mit voller Härte zu spüren…“ Artikel von Brigitte Zarzer auf telepolis vom 13.12.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 18. Dezember 2006

Telephone operators camouflage transmitters injurious to health as palms

Telefonbetreiber tarnen gesundheitsschädliche Sender als Palmen

Gran Canaria, 18.12.2006

Die Telefonbetreiber von Mobiltelefonen auf den Kanaren tarnen ihre Sendemasten in oder hinter Palmen und Schornsteinen. Das bestätigte gestern der Anwalt der Asociación de Afectados por las Antenas de Telefonía Móvil (ATEMO), Pablo López, während einer Versammlung von Sendemast-Gegnern in Gran Canaria. Juan de la Várcena, Arzt in Ruhestand, fügte hinzu, dass die genannten Sendegeräte in Bäumen, aber auch in Klimaanlagen versteckt wären und so, dem Menschen einen erheblichen, gesundheitlichen Schaden zufügen können. Hier berufen sich die Sendemast-Gegner auf eine unabhängige Studie, die durch Nachbarn von aufgestellten Antennen in Auftrag gegeben wurde. Laut Studie sei die Strahlung die von den Sendemasten ausgeht unter anderem für bis zu 40 tote Personen in ein und derselben Strasse in Gran Canaria Capital verantwortlich. Ziel von ATEMO ist es eine einheitliche, gesetzliche Regelung bei der Aufstellung und Platzierung der Sendemasten zu erreichen. Dies wolle man durch eine Unterschriften-Aktion bewirken, die bereits jetzt schon rund 4.500 Bürgerinnen und Bürger unterzeichnet hätten.

Copyright © 2005-2006 Radio Megawelle Canarias S.L.

Anti-life ethics in Iraq

by Jacob G. Hornberger


In arriving at his conclusion that the war on Iraq was warranted, Weigel is implicitly claiming that it is morally justifiable for U.S. soldiers, including Catholics, to kill Iraqi people (none of whom had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks) in order to achieve regime change in Iraq. It would be difficult to find a more morally and ethically abominable and perverted view of human life than that. What Weigel is saying is that when measured against regime change in Iraq, the life of an Iraqi citizen -- or the lives of thousands of Iraqis -- is of only secondary importance...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

In China's pocket

Boston Globe
by Robert Kuttner


The high-profile mission to China of key administration economic officials looks like another predictable fizzle. The delegation, headed by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Federal Reserve c hairman Ben Bernanke, is long on state dinners and photo ops, short on real progress. That's because the Chinese have learned to play their American trading partners like a soothing violin, and the Americans are all too willing to dance to the tune. Despite the precarious condition of the U S dollar, the Chinese central bank keeps lending us dollars by the hundreds of billions, so that we can keep buying their cheap products. The more we owe them, the less leverage we have. As the cliche used to have it, damn clever, these Chinese. A better interpretation would be: Damn stupid, these Americans. Bernanke, Paulson and company make a big deal of China's deliberately undervalued currency. By intervening in money markets to keep the yuan cheap, China makes its products artificially discounted...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

This do-nothing Congress did all the wrong things

Christian Science Monitor
by Daniel Schorr


At 4:35 a.m. last Saturday, Sen. Bill Frist performed his last act as majority leader. To the handful of members still there, he announced the adjournment of the 109th Congress 'sine die' -- that is, forever -- leaving behind the most unproductive session in recent history. Congress has been in session only 103 days this year, compared with 110 for President Truman's 'do-nothing Congress.' It did not perform its most basic constitutional duty -- to vote the appropriations necessary to run the government. Of 11 departmental appropriations, it had managed to pass only two -- defense and homeland security. The rest of the government was left to limp along on a stopgap resolution that was constantly in danger of expiring -- the next deadline is Feb. 15...

Excess baggage

The American Prospect
by Greg Anrig


When the outgoing Republican Congress failed to enact appropriations bills for the fiscal year that began October 1, all of their difficult spending decisions were left squarely on the shoulders of the new Democratic majority. Journalists and their sources invoked apt metaphors of sabotage. As David Rogers of The Wall Street Journal wrote: 'Like a retreating army, Republicans are tearing up railroad track and planting legislative land mines to make it harder for Democrats to govern when they take power in Congress next month.' Rogers might just as well have been describing the entirety of what conservatives have been doing to both the executive and legislative branches of government for the past six years. ... The central if unstated mission ... is to weaken the public sector in order to minimize its capacity to tax and regulate the private sector...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Harry Reid & ethics rules

Fox News
by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann


If you think that the change of leadership in both houses of Congress will lead to a complete overhaul of the undeniably corrupt system that has been the status quo for decades, think again. Any hope of a major overhaul in congressional ethics rules will likely run into one large insurmountable obstacle: Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Just this week, the Senate Ethics Committee, showing once again that it is a virtual oxymoron with a tin ear, found that Reid had not violated Senate rules when he accepted front row boxing seats on three separate occasions from the Nevada State agency, that was publicly opposing Reid's pending bill to create a federal agency with oversight over boxing. The tickets were valued at between $1400 and $2000 each. Nice perk. While for some inexplicable reason, gifts from State and local governments are permitted, the Senate Ethics manual specifically states: 'Senate and Senate staff should be wary of accepting any gift where it appears that the gift is motivated by a desire to regard, influence, or elicit favorable official action.' The rules also caution about the impropriety of accepting repeated gifts from the same source...,2933,236757,00.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The second looting of New Orleans

by Jordan Flaherty


In conversations this week with scores of New Orleans residents, including organizers, advocates, health care providers, educators, artists and media makers, I heard countless stories of diverted funding and unmet needs. While many stressed that they have had important positive experiences with national allies, few have received anything close to the funding, resources, or staff they need for their work, and in fact most are working unsustainable hours while living in a still-devastated city. Research backs up the anecdotal reports. A January 2006 article in The Chronicle of Philanthropy argued that the amount given to post-Katrina New Orleans was 'small-potato giving for America's foundations, which collectively have $500-billion in assets.' The article also asserted, 'just as deplorable as the small sums poured into the region are the choices foundations have made about where the money should go.' In other words, very little of the money had gone to organizations directed by or accountable to New Orleanians. In discussions this week, one prominent New Orleans-born advocate and lobbyist called this phenomenon the 'Halliburtization of the nonprofit sector'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

High black arrest rate raises call for inquiry

San Francisco Chronicle


San Francisco police arrest African Americans for serious crime at a much higher rate than officers in California's other biggest cities. Black people in San Francisco are arrested for felonies at nearly twice the rate they are in Sacramento. They are arrested at twice the rate of black people in Fresno, three times the rate in San Jose, Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Diego, and four times the rate in Oakland. The disparity between San Francisco's black felony arrest rates and the seven other largest cities' -- measured by the number of African Americans arrested per 1,000 black residents -- is so large that many experts and civic leaders who reviewed the numbers said they are 'disturbing' and require an investigation...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Thousands March to Protest Police Killing of Sean Bell

Activists protest NYPD murder of groom

Kansas City Star


Thousands of protesters counted in unison to 50 to mark the number of shots police fired in the wedding day death of a groom as they marched Saturday along Fifth Avenue on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. One of the survivors of the Nov. 25 shooting that killed Sean Bell led marchers from his wheelchair through Manhattan's famous shopping district. ... Among the marchers were clergy, city leaders, politicians and entertainer Harry Belafonte. Other demonstrators waved signs and chanted as they marched. 'Stop NYPD Racist Terror,' read one sign. 'Jail the Cops,' read another...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Thousands March to Protest Police Killing of Sean Bell

A protest march cut a solemn swath through crowds of Christmas shoppers and the joyous mood of the holiday season in Midtown Manhattan yesterday in a rebuke to the police for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in Queens on his wedding day last month.

Three NY Detectives Acquitted in Bell Shooting

Michael Wilson reports for The New York Times: "Three detectives were found not guilty Friday morning on all charges in the shooting death of Sean Bell, who died in a hail of 50 police bullets outside a club in Jamaica, Queens."

Bell Family, Friends Say, "It's Far From Over"

John Eligon reports for The New York Times: "Nicole Paultre Bell, the woman who was to marry Sean Bell the day he was killed in a hail of 50 police bullets, vowed on Saturday to continue demanding accountability for his death, delivering her remarks in a tone that was a departure from her more familiar gentle demeanor."

Outcome of NYPD Case Leads to Call For Special Prosecutor

Richard Pyle, of The Associated Press, reports, "A coalition of civil rights advocates on Sunday urged changes in the handling of police misconduct and brutality complaints after the acquittal of three officers involved in the shooting death of an unarmed man on his wedding day. They also called for a permanent state-level special prosecutor to investigate such cases. 'The verdict in the Sean Bell case proves it is almost impossible to successfully prosecute cases of police misconduct, especially in homicide cases,' said lawyer Norman Siegel, former head of the New York Civil Liberties Union."

216 Arrested in Protests of Sean Bell Case Acquittals

Thomas J. Lueck, of The New York Times: "In the largest public protest against the acquittal of three detectives in the shooting death of Sean Bell, 216 people were arrested on Wednesday in carefully orchestrated demonstrations that halted traffic at busy intersections in Manhattan and Brooklyn, the police said. The demonstrations, described by the Rev. Al. Sharpton as 'pray-ins,' played out on a bright spring afternoon as boisterous displays of civil disobedience in which people signed up to be arrested, assuring organizers and lawyers that they were carrying proper identification to show...


40,000 Take 5th Ave In March For Bell" Heard All Over The World"

A roiling crowd of 40,000 protesters poured onto Fifth Avenue yesterday to protest the fusillade of 50 cop bullets that killed a groom on his wedding day - and to demand better treatment by the NYPD.

200 Arrested in Massive Show of Civil Disobedience Over Police Acquittals in Killing of Sean Bell

On Wednesday, demonstrators halted traffic at six busy intersections in Manhattan and Brooklyn.

From Information Clearing House


Find a Cure for 'Contagious Shooting'

The Verdict and the Questions Not Asked

Families fight to stop phone mast plan


18 December 2006 09:09

Families fighting a mobile phone mast close to a popular city park are urging homeowners to give the campaign one final push to defeat an appeal by the operator.

A proposal by telecommunications giant 3 to put up a 15-metre mast at the corner of Parmenter Road and South Park Avenue in Norwich has already been thrown out by the city council, but now the company is appealing against the decision.

People who want to object only have until January 10 to do so, and protesters are concerned the campaign may get derailed over the Christmas period.

When the application went before the city council earlier this year 54 letters of objection were sent in, one of which was signed by 11 people. A petition of more than 200 names was also collected but was not submitted and this will now be sent to the planning inspectorate to demonstrate the strength of feeling in the area.

Mike Nichols, of Sotherton Road, is one of those leading the campaign.

He said: “This appeal is going to be carried out by written report and so there will be no opportunity to attend, but we can write, as many of us did before.

“We would encourage everybody to write in again, and I would like to see everybody who did not write in last time to write in now.

“We need to show the strength of feeling. It is just before Christmas and people just do not have the time to get their heads round this, but they need to act.”

Locals cite a number of reasons for their objections to the mast, which would be situated close to the Eaton Park boating lake.

They are concerned about the possible health risks, as the mast would be close to their homes as well as four schools and a community centre, and also worried about the visual impact of its impact on the value of their homes.

Previously, William Comery corporate affairs manager for South East Ericsson, the company installing the mast on behalf of 3, said that because of a lack of coverage in the area eight sites had been looked at and the Parmenter Road location was found to be the most suitable.

“There has been a lot of research into health and mobile phones,” he said.

“Most recent was a World Health Organisation Report which came out in May. It concluded that there were no adverse short or long term health risks.”

Letters of objection should be sent in triplicate by January 10 to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/16, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.

The application reference number is APP/G2625/A/06/2031808/NWF

For more information visit

Are you worried about plans for a mobile phone mast in your area? Contact Dominic Chessum on (01603) 772428 or email dominic.


Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

New Brunswick's Coastline Victim Of Global Warming

Informant: NHNE

The Christmas Truce

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Informant: NHNE



Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Informant: ranger116

"These people should be court-martialed"

Pentagon eyes $468.9 bln budget for fiscal 2008

The Pentagon is likely to ask for an additional $100 billion to fund the Iraq and Afghanistan wars early next year.

From Information Clearing House

Blair: UK troops to stay in Iraq until job done

Blair defended London's plans for a gradual withdrawal of its 7,200 troops in the south, mostly in and around oil-rich Basra, as Iraq's fledgling security forces take over.

From Information Clearing House

Omissions In the Iraq Study Group Report

How could a nation born as a great democratic experiment rebelling against the divine right of monarchs become instead now one worshipping the divine right of capital and capable of being even more repressive.

Sham Courts And Instant "Justice": Legal System in Iraq Staggers Beneath the Weight of War


Soldiers who have little if any training in gathering evidence or sorting the guilty from the innocent are left to decide whom to detain. The military conducts reviews to decide whom to release, yet neither Iraqi detainees nor defense lawyers are allowed to attend, according to military documents and interviews.

Die Erde dreht sich auch ohne Handy

Handys retten Leben?

The bipartisan 'imperial mindset' of the Iraq Study Group

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Powell: We Are Losing In Iraq

Informant: NHNE

Gore: Time Is 'Now' To Mobilize On Global Warming

Informant: NHNE

US accused of using aid to sway votes in UN security council

The US uses its aid budget to bribe those countries which have a vote in the United Nations security council, giving them 59 per cent more cash in years when they have a seat, according to research by economists.,,1973770,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12

Informant: rafeswhiterose


Informant: Quechick Barnyard


Santa Claus is Chinese or, Why China is Rising and the US is Declining

Americans Are No Imperialists

You're Dying for Nothing

A Judicial Victory for the Leader

Is The Country More Secure Because of President Bush’s Policies?

Senator Joseph Biden: Recycling his favorite folly

by Devvy Kidd

Our nation is going to perish from lack of knowledge unless we all become a Paul Revere and help get the truth out on a massive scale. The destroyers never rest and unless the American people wake up and realize how they're being herded and manipulated into the wrong direction, America isn't going to survive and it's the Joe Biden's serving in office who are working towards that goal. Trouble is brewing in our republic from enemies foreign and domestic.....

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