Samstag, 24. Juni 2006

A Statement by Ehren Watada's Mother

Carolyn Ho, mother of war resister Lt. Ehren Watada, asks the nation to support her son at an upcoming National Day of Action on June 27th. She says that her son "demonstrates that one does not relinquish the freedom to choose what is right, even in the military, and that the freedom to choose what is right transcends the allegiance to man and institutions."

Emergency Petition: Pass the Voting Rights Act!

Iraqi PM Calls for Withdrawal Timetable

The new Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has drafted a national reconciliation plan that will be released on Sunday. The plan includes a timetable for withdrawal of occupation troops from Iraq, amnesty for insurgents, release of all security detainees from US and Iraqi prisons, and compensation for victims of coalition military operations.

Die Bush-Regierung versucht, den Lauschangriff auf die internationalen Finanzdaten zu rechtfertigen

Transparenz total

Die Bush-Regierung versucht, den Lauschangriff auf die internationalen Finanzdaten, dessen Aufdeckung sie nicht verhindern konnte, zu rechtfertigen, Legitimation, so die kaum rechtsstaatliche Begründung der fürsorglichen Big-Brother-Regierung, ergebe sich durch den Erfolg, aber auch der scheint nicht groß zu sein.


Lauschangriff auf die Finanzen

Die ohne richterliche Genehmigung erfolgte Durchsuchung von Datenbergen über internationale Finanztransaktionen durch die CIA war spätestens Ende 2002 öffentlich bekannt, nur kümmerte sich damals in der Terrorhysterie niemand darum, was zeigt, wie sich die Zeiten geändert haben.

Gläserne Patienten beim Bush-Besuch

060623 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060622 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

060621 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter

The WHO Model Legislation for EMF Human Exposure Act

I am forwarding you for posting this attachment--the WHO "Model Legislation for Electromagnetic Fields Protection" -- that I have just received.

I speed-read "The WHO Model Legislation for EMF Human Exposure Act". I would say it's advantageous for us EHS activists to be aware of its definition of terms, its proposed goals, et al so that it--the WHO-- may be challenged on not adhering to any of these, as occassion arises. Also, I noted these points: the Act excluded the military from its "Scope and Application" (3.2); it gave due recognition to the importance of "frequency of the field" when considering "Basic Restrictions."


Imelda, Cork

Families prepare for phone mast battle

24 June 2006 09:31

Families living on a sprawling estate look set for a fresh battle to stop a mobile phone mast being built at the heart of their community.

Telecommunications giant O2 has submitted plans for a 12.5 metre mast with enclosed antennae and ground-based equipment cabinets on highway verge on Dussindale Drive, Thorpe St Andrew.

The choice of site initially caused outrage among people living in the area as it was just yards from a plot of land at Vane Close, off Dussindale Drive, where work to build a £4m primary school has started.

The application was withdrawn by O2 in March following a successful community campaign opposing the mast, but now the company has put in a separate application for a mast on the road opposite an existing 10m mobile phone mast operated by Orange.

“It's down the road from the first one,” said a spokesman for O2. “We're getting out of the area of where people were saying they didn't want it - hopefully we're going to be out of the way of them.”

The spokesman said the mast was needed to provide adequate access and cover for mobile users in the area. But families who fought so hard to stop the mast last time are not impressed they will be faced with another battle to stop this one.

Roy Francis, 52, from Vane Close, who started a petition against the previous mast application, said he was shocked to hear more proposals had been lodged with Broadland District Council.

Mr Francis, an aircraft engineer, said he would support objectors to the mast even though it was further away from the site of the school.

“It's still a very densely populated residential area,” he said. “I wouldn't want it next to my house; it's hard to visualise 12.5 metres.”

Michelle Dickerson, a mum of two who lives on Association Way, off Dussindale Drive, said: “There's obviously a need for mobile phone masts, but I don't know why they have to be right outside our house.”

After their victory in March, Mr Francis thanked the Evening News for raising awareness about the issue among people living in the area.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools, until it is proved they are safe, through our Put Masts on Hold campaign.

Are you battling a mobile phone mast application where you live? Telephone Evening News reporter Peter Walsh on (01603) 772439 or e-mail .

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

History Of 'New Energy' Invention Suppression Cases

Informant: Lotus

Sea Lions and Dolphins May Join War Games

Alongside the submarines, ships and airplanes participating in large-scale military exercises in the Pacific this month, a team of sea lions and dolphins are expected to patrol the sea. Opponents of the program say the military should not train animals for use in warfare.

Tacoma turns out for Watada

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Whistleblower Exposes Bush Officials Traded Abramoff Favors

Jack Abramoff and other lobbyists redefined "access and influence" inside this Administration. Smith blows the whistle on officials described as Abramoff's 'point man' inside the Department of the Interior.

Bush's domestic spying

How America is rapidly becoming a police state

From Information Clearing House

Were Sears Tower "Terrorists" Set Up?

ANDREWS: So somebody had approached him to give him money to blow up buildings?


Second Mistrial in Sears Tower Case

Julienne Gage reports for The Washington Post, "A federal judge in Miami declared a second mistrial Wednesday in the case of six men accused of plotting to blow up Chicago's Sears Tower, and attack other targets, when a second jury failed to reach a verdict on the charges. The decision is a setback for the Bush administration, which had touted the case as an example of the government's ability to prevent terrorist attacks but has failed to win convictions in two attempts."

Poverty Not a Pressing Issue for the Press

The fight against poverty, which calls for a multipronged effort against hunger, inequality, and social marginalisation, is a pressing issue in Latin America. But it is apparently not for the press. In Colombia, where roughly half of the population lives in poverty, the only nationwide newspaper, El Tiempo, dedicates just 0.8 percent of its coverage to the issue.

From Information Clearing House

No army is so powerful as an idea whose time has come

Patrick J. Buchanan: Needed

A new policy on Islam: As one watches U.S. Armed Forces struggle against Sunni insurgents, Shia militias and jihadists in Iraq, and a resurgent Taliban, all invoking Allah, Victor Hugo's words return to mind: No army is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Bush’s Austria trip has underscored just how much Europeans dislike the U.S. president

It’s more than just simple dislike. A Harris Interactive/Financial Times survey released Monday found that 36 percent of Europeans view the United States as the world’s greatest threat to “global stability.”

From Information Clearing House

In 2003, U.S. Spurned Iran's Offer of Dialogue

An unusual two-page document spewed out of a fax machine at the Near East bureau of the State Department. It was a proposal from Iran for a broad dialogue with the United States, and the fax suggested everything was on the table -- including full cooperation on nuclear programs, acceptance of Israel and the termination of Iranian support for Palestinian militant groups.

The height of humiliation

Threatened, abused, raped and tortured: such is the fate of untold numbers of Iraqi women amid the barbarous practices of the occupation.

From Information Clearing House

Democracy in chains

By Greg Palast

US Republicans are planning to change the law to stop black, Hispanic and Native American voters going to the polls in 2008.

Our freedoms and working conditions were won through the suffering and sweat of our fathers and grand fathers in their struggle against commercial interests

H a r l a n C o u n t y USA

Least we think that America was built by the starched shirts and expensive suits featured on FOX News and CNN.

This documentary will help to remind us that our freedoms and working conditions were not won by U.S. soldiers in foreign lands but through the suffering and sweat of our fathers and grand fathers in their struggle against commercial interests.

Click here to watch.

Crackdown in Ramadi

Global warming surpassed natural cycles in fueling 2005 hurricane season

Informant: NHNE

CREW Forces Dept. of Labor to Release Anti-Union Docs and E-mails

Lieberman Stays the Course With Bush

Our Best Move Now is to Cut and Run

Friendly Fire Ambush

So Many Have Sacrificed So Much in Iraq, and For What?

Nukes and Double Standards

In Struggle For Women's Freedom, Which Side is US On?

It's Official: We Live in Hot Times

Privacy Advocates Slam AT&T on Customer Records

World Energy Consumption Could Be Cut by Half If Clean Technology Applied


Secret U.S. Program Tracks Global Bank Transfers

This Line Is Insecured

Mobile phone users warned of lightning strike risk

Fri Jun 23, 2006 1:52 PM BST

LONDON (Reuters) - People should not use mobile phones outdoors during thunderstorms because of the risk of being struck by lightning, doctors said on Friday.

They reported the case of a 15-year-old girl who was using her phone in a park when she was hit during a storm. Although she was revived, she suffered persistent health problems and was using a wheelchair a year after the accident.

"This rare phenomenon is a public health issue, and education is necessary to highlight the risk of using mobile phones outdoors during stormy weather to prevent future fatal consequences from lighting strike injuries," said Swinda Esprit, a doctor at Northwick Park Hospital in England.

Esprit and other doctors at the hospital added in a letter to the British Medical Journal that usually when someone is struck by lightning, the high resistance of the skin conducts the flash over the body in what is known as a flashover.

But if a metal object, such as a phone, is in contact with the skin it disrupts the flashover and increases the odds of internal injuries and death.

The doctors added that three fatal cases of lightning striking people while using mobile phones have been reported in newspapers in China, South Korea and Malaysia.

"The Australian Lightning Protection Standard recommends that metallic objects, including cordless or mobile phones, should not be used (or carried) outdoors during a thunderstorm," Esprit added.

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Informant: Alfonso Balmori


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