Dienstag, 20. Juni 2006

Lynne Stewart Asks If US Eavesdropped on Her

A civil rights attorney convicted of aiding terrorists last year wants the federal government to reveal whether any warrantless or illegal electronic surveillance was conducted on her or anyone involved in her case. In a court petition filed Monday, Lynne Stewart contends that such an inquiry is necessary to determine whether government surveillance compromised her case.


Despair at Guantanamo

1000 pages of Pentagon documents concerned with the prison at Guantanamo Bay and obtained by the ACLU through the Freedom of Information Act were released yesterday. They confirm, says the ACLU, "the desperate and immoral conditions" that obtain at the offshore prison.



Albright: Iraq Invasion Encouraged Others

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright criticized the US invasion of Iraq, saying Monday it had encouraged Iran and North Korea to push ahead with their nuclear programs. Albright, who served under President Clinton, said, "The message out of Iraq is that if you don't have nuclear weapons, you get invaded. If you do have nuclear weapons, you don't get invaded."


What's in a Number?

"Though hardly mentioned in mainstream media, this week the Pentagon released notification that three more American soldiers have died in Iraq, bringing the American death toll to 2,500. White House Press Secretary Tony Snow glibly dismissed the tragic milestone saying, 'It's a number and anytime we reach one of these 500 benchmarks, people want something.' To him and the administration, the 2,500 dead and 130,000 Americans currently serving in Iraq are just numbers. If the administration truly believes this war can be reduced to mere numbers, perhaps we should consider some statistics left out of Mr. Snow's arrogant, insensitive and inflammatory remarks," writes Charlie Anderson.


What is Air Torture?


Arab-Americans Sue US Over Re-Entry Procedures

A group of Muslim and Arab-Americans, frustrated by what they say is the climate of suspicion and fear that dogs their re-entry into the United States from trips abroad, sued the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI yesterday, demanding that the courts protect their civil rights.


Without DeLay, Has the GOP Lost Its Moral Compass?


Residents Struggle to Survive, In and Out of Ramadi

As the threat of a giant US military operation in Ramadi lingers and sporadic clashes plague the city daily, residents struggle to cope, both inside and outside the sealed city.



Ex-Bush Aide Convicted in DC Corruption Case

David Safavian, a former Bush administration official accused of covering up assistance he provided to Republican influence-peddler Jack Abramoff, was found guilty on four counts of obstruction and making false statements.


RFK Jr. plans suit over 2004 election: Republicans used a systematic combination of voter disenfranchisement and fraud


Informant: Allan Rubin

From ufpj-news


RFK Jr. plans suit over 2004 election


Published: Monday June 19, 2006

Robert Kennedy Junior told PR Week that he is considering litigation against people responsible for what he says was a stolen 2004 election.


Informant: Gary the Grouch

The Moon-Bush Cash Conduit


Informant: NHNE

EU-Kommission: am Parlament vorbei Fluggastdaten an USA



Für die EU-Kommission geht es auch ohne Parlament

Um schnell ein neues Abkommen zur Weitergabe der Flugpassagierdaten an die USA durchzusetzen, will die EU-Kommission nun das Parlament überspringen und dem Ministerrat die Entscheidung übergeben.


Genetically Altered Corn May Cause Diabetes

The Diabetic Association questions the Human Safety of GM'ed Corn... see the link for multiple sources of latest information on the GM Debate and compare these articles to the Monsanto 'Propaganda Sheet'... all included to make it easy!


Iraq's Uncomfortable Realities

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

One provocative view: Bush can win the conflict, and the rest of us will be the losers.


How is it that Republicans claim tax cuts are fine yet a moderate minimum wage increase will 'cripple' the economy?

Pay Raise Politics

by Jared Bernstein, TomPaine.com http://www.tompaine.com/articles/2006/06/20/pay_raise_politics.php

Was tut man als EU Kommission, wenn einem ein gerade erst installiertes Abkommen vom EU Gerichtshof deinstalliert wird?


Russische Raketenabwehr für den Iran


Nuclear Power: A Leap into the Dark Energy Chasm


Klassen und Kämpfe - Vom Protest zur Revolte?

Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs > Aktionen bei der AWO, Caritas… Gegen

Berlin: Solidarität mit Überflüssigen

„Im Rechtsstreit der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Berlin gegen die Überflüssigen hat sich jetzt der Betriebsrat mit den Überflüssigen solidarisiert. Für ihren Teil des Hausrechts über die Betriebratsräume wurde kein Strafantrag wegen Hausfriedensbruch gestellt. Vielmehr erklären die GewerkschafterInnen ihr Verständnis für die Aktion. Die Überflüssigen quasi als willkommen BesucherInnen…“ Artikel von Tatjana Kunkel vom 20.06.2006 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/2006/06/150561.shtml

Aus dem Text: „…Am Mittwoch stehen die Überflüssigen wieder mal vor Gericht. Der Vorsitzende der Arbeiterwohlfahrt Berlin, Hans Nisblé, ein SPD-Mann, hatte Anzeige gegen die Überflüssigen erstattet. (…) Am morgigen Mittwoch [21.6.] soll nun wieder ein Versuch unternommen werden, die Überflüssigen einzuschüchtern. Ab 9:45 Uhr wird in Berlin Moabit eine Richterin über die Rechtmäßigkeit der SPD, Überflüssige wegräumen zu lassen und über die Legitimität von Widerstand gegen die Agenda 2010 entscheiden…“

Meldung in letzter Sekunde: Der Prozeßtermin wurde heute auf einen unbestimmten Termin verschoben!

Perspektiven der Proteste

Vom Protest zur Revolte?

„Vielen mag der Unterschied zwischen Protest und Revolte marginal erscheinen und dennoch ist er nicht zu unterschätzen: in der Art der Protestformen (Unterschriftenlisten und Demonstrationen vs. Besetzungen, Regelverletzungen und Verweigerung), in ihren Zielsetzungen und – meist dadurch bedingt – auch in ihrer Wirksamkeit. Bezogen auf die aktuellen Widerstandsbewegungen gegen die Hartz-Gesetze und die Agenda 2010 liegt ihr momentan zu konstatierendes Scheitern m.E. in genau diesem Unterschied, den ich im Folgenden an einigen Beispiel aufzeigen möchte…“ Artikel von Mag Wompel http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/aktionen/protestwompel.html

Es handelt sich um einen – exklusiven – Auszug aus dem Buch „Klassen und Kämpfe“, herausgegeben von der jour fixe initiative berlin. Das Buch, gerade erschienen im Unrast-Verlag Münster (ISBN 3-89771-438-8), beinhaltet u.a. Beiträge von Sergio Bologna, Daniel Bensaïd, Moishe Postone. Siehe weitere Informationen und Bestellmöglichkeit beim Verlag http://www.unrast-verlag.de/unrast,2,200,13.html

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Juni 2006

Arbeitswelt USA: der Schwächste fliegt

„Der neue Kapitalismus zerstört neben Arbeitsplätzen auch Lebensentwürfe und gesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen der Demokratie. Das ist die Bilanz von Louis Uchitelle, Barbara Ehrenreich und Richard Sennett. «Vor vierzig Jahren gab es eine stillschweigende Übereinkunft», sagt Joel Rogers, Professor für Politologie, Recht und Soziologie an der University of Wisconsin, «jeder, der zur Schule geht, seine Mitmenschen nicht auf offener Strasse angreift und hart arbeitet, kann es zu etwas bringen.» Einen ähnlich nostalgischen Blick werfen heute viele liberale Intellektuelle auf die US-amerikanische Hochkonjunktur der sechziger Jahre. In Wirklichkeit war auch damals die gesellschaftliche Integration nicht allumfassend, sondern blieb für etliche Minderheiten ein amerikanischer Traum. Doch heute ist es die grosse Mehrheit der Bevölkerung, die erfährt: Bildung, Wohlverhalten und Fleiss allein führen nicht zum Aufstieg, ja diese Bürgertugenden garantieren nicht einmal eine sichere mittelständische Existenz…“ Artikel von Lotta Suter in der schweizerischen WOZ vom 15.06.2006 http://www.woz.ch/artikel/2006/nr24/wissen/13479.html

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Juni 2006

Zwischen Profit und Protest: das europäische Selbstverständnis im 21. Jahrhundert

Die EU-Grundrechte-Charta und die Verfassungsdebatte


Essbares Grünzeug. Mit einer No-logo-Verfassung ein Kerneuropa stärken

„Die "Denkpause", die Kommissionspräsident Barroso vor gut einem Jahr nach dem französischen "Non" und dem niederländischen "Nee" zum EU-Verfassungsvertrag verordnet hatte, wird abgebrochen. Kanzlerin Merkel und Präsident Chirac haben vom pausierenden Denken genug: Wenn Deutschland Anfang 2007 die Ratspräsidentschaft übernimmt, soll ein neuer Verfassungsentwurf ausgearbeitet werden, der dann 2008 - wenn Frankreich dem Rat vorsteht - verabschiedet werden soll. Als was?...“ Artikel von Elmar Altvater in Freitag Nr. 24 vom 16.06.2006 http://www.freitag.de/2006/24/06240101.php

Kein Plan B, kein Plan C

Elisabeth Gauthier von der Stiftung "Espaces Marx" in Paris über die EU-Verfassung als Herausforderung für Kommunikation, Kosmetik und Pädagogik. Interview von Steffen Vogel und Lutz Herden mit Elisabeth Gauthier, erschienen in Freitag Nr. 23 vom 09.06.2006 http://www.freitag.de/2006/23/06230702.php

Alles auf Anfang

Willem Bos, Sprecher des "Komitees Verfassung Nein" in Amsterdam, über Verfassungsfragen, offizielle Denkpausen und anhaltende Sinnkrisen Interview von Steffen Vogel und Lutz Herden mit Willem Bos, erschienen in Freitag vom 26.5.06 http://www.freitag.de/2006/21/06210801.php

Das europäische Selbstverständnis im 21. Jahrhundert

„Die Ablehnung der EU-Verfassung durch die Franzosen hat nicht nur in Frankreich eine lebhafte Debatte ausgelöst. Auch deutsche Philosophen und Schriftsteller haben sich eingemischt. Während die liberale Lesart behauptet, ökonomische Freiheit vertrüge sich nicht mit sozialer Absicherung, fordern Gegner der EU-Verfassung einklagbare soziale Rechte…“ Eine Sendung von Gerhard Klas in SWR2 Wissen vom 8.6.2006 (mp3) http://mp3.swr.de/swr2/wissen/podcast/swr2_wissen_20060608_sozial_oder_neoliberal.6444m.mp3

Welches Europa?

„Zwischen Profit und Protest: Das europäische Selbstverständnis im 21. Jahrhundert"

Europa braucht eine institutionelle Erneuerung«, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Merkel bei ihrem Treffen mit Jacques Chirac am 6. Juni in Rheinsberg. Unter der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft in der ersten Jahreshälfte 2007, da sei sie sich mit ihrem französischen Kollegen einig, müßte der Verfassungsvertrag wieder auf die politische Tagesordnung…“ Artikel von Gerhard Klas in der jungen Welt vom 12.06.2006 http://www.jungewelt.de/2006/06-12/011.php

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Juni 2006

Ein Festival der vorbeugenden Gefahrenabwehr, ein internationales Sportfest unter Freunden?

Bürgerrechtliche Beobachtungen im Rahmen der Fußball-WM 2006: Ein Festival der vorbeugenden Gefahrenabwehr - Ein internationales Sportfest unter Freunden?

Pressemitteilung des Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie vom 19. Juni 2006 http://www.grundrechtekomitee.de/ub_showarticle.php?articleID=200

Aus dem Text: „…Im Zusammenhang unserer Beobachtungen am 14. Juni 2006 in Dortmund sind wir erschreckt über das Ausmaß vorbeugender Ingewahrsamnahmen. Bei der "weitaus überwiegende(n) Anzahl" der Festgenommenen geschah dies "vorbeugend" (vgl. Presseerklärung der Staatsanwaltschaft Dortmund und der Polizei Dortmund). Jede Festnahme stellt einen schwerwiegenden Grundrechtseingriff dar, der nicht mit bloßen Vermutungen begründet werden darf. Erneut wollen wir uns vor Ort einen Eindruck verschaffen, wie es im Spiele-Alltag um die bürgerlichen Grundrechte bestellt ist. Wir werden uns mit einer Gruppe von Beobachtern und Beobachterinnen am 20. Juni 2006 vor, während und nach dem Spiel Schweden - England in Köln aufhalten und gegebenenfalls das polizeiliche Eingreifen beobachten…“

WM-Tickets absurd

„Die "Personalisierung" der Fußball-WM-Tickets ist eine Farce. Unter dem Deckmantel der "erhöhten Sicherheit" wurden tausende von Fans erfasst, ein schwunghafter Handel von Adressen und Ticket-Tauschbörsen hat Geld, Energie und vor allem unendlich viel Zeit gefressen ohne sichtbaren Erfolg für die Fans - im Gegenteil. Die "Nachrichten aus Fifa-Absurdistan" haben wir hier gesammelt…“ Nachrichtensammlung bei FoeBuD e.V. http://www.foebud.org/rfid/wm-tickets-absurd

Aus: LabourNet, 20. Juni 2006

Cleaning house

The Price of Liberty
by Lady Liberty


I don't know too many people who actually like to clean. I do it largely because I can't stand the results if I don't. Cleaning is boring, messy, dirty, and oftentimes tiring. It can also be a bigger job than we think when we first determine to take it on. Worst of all, it's all too often thankless. But again, consider the results of your failure to clean, and I expect you'll go get your vacuum cleaner and do what you must. There are another couple of houses besides yours and mine that could use a good cleaning. Whether we like it or not, we're responsible for them almost as much as we are for our own homes. I'm referring, of course, to both Houses of Congress...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

It's all about Iran

The Power of Narrative
by Arthur Silber


The Bush administration is suffocating under the punishing weight of the catastrophic failures of its policies in every area, and it can only be saved by another major crisis, even an entirely invented one. They hope that such a crisis will serve to unite the country behind them once again, at least to the extent required to save them from the equivalent of political death...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Is this really war?

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Sheldon Richman


In 1985, Wilson Goode became the first U.S. mayor to bomb his own city. In an effort to rid a West Philadelphia neighborhood of a ragtag, violent, back-to-nature organization called Move, which had engaged in a shootout with police, Goode ordered explosives dropped on the Move house from a helicopter. The whole block of row houses burned, 61 homes in all. Eleven people were killed, five of them children. Some 250 people lost their homes. Goode came in for universal condemnation and ridicule. Too bad for him he didn't drop his bomb in a foreign country and call it war...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Money Driven Medicine

Review: Money Driven Medicine, part 2
Medical Freedom Channel
by Steve Trinward


(Note: This is an attempt to do justice to a very valuable book on what went wrong with healthcare, without trying to review the work based on only a partial reading. Each section deals with several chapters of the book. Part One can be found in the archives, here.) http://www.isil.org/channels/archives/2485

The issue of 'profitability' in the arena of health and wellness is addressed meticulously and respectfully in Chapters 3 and 4 of Money Driven Medicine http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/006076533X/rationalrev08-20 , Maggie Mahar’s objective and well-researched volume about how 'healthcare' turned into the monster it has become. First she tackles the 'for-profit' realm, asking if it truly represents 'A Flaw in the Business Model' or whether the idea of profit-making healthcare can ever really operate properly...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Good government: a hit or a myth?

Liberty For All
by Garry Reed


Sunday is my day to knock back in the recline-o-matic, sip on a glass of sun tea, and lazily browse the local gazette. All was tranquil until I sipped and reclined my way to an editorial page offering by Neal Gabler (Senior Fellow at the Norman Lear Center at USC) entitled 'Mr. Businessman goes to Washington.' That's when I nearly inhaled an ice cube. There are two great myths about government, asserts the Senior Fellow. Myth one: government is inefficient, bloated and wasteful. Myth two: politicians are more interested in serving themselves than serving the good of the nation...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How we can get there from here

Strike the Root
by Jim Davies


So the main task to be completed in my opinion is to so educate every member of society one by one as to convince him that a zero government society is the only kind consistent with his human nature and the only one that will maximize his pleasure in life; and that must be done by reason. So the two obstacles to surmount are the vast numbers involved, and the ugly fact that most people have been so well indoctrinated that they are barely open to reason; they live rather by myth, prejudice and superstition...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Win one for the Gipper

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland

Although on the surface, things have been going well lately for President Bush on Iraq -- the killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the installing at long last of a permanent government in Iraq, and a vote of support in the U.S. House of Representatives for the President's Iraq policy -- it is easy to forget that even if the United States wins the war in Iraq, it loses. Even if the Bush administration eventually creates, in the words of the House resolution, a 'sovereign, free, secure and united Iraq,' the big winner there will be Iran...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Two words can cripple or kill your case for liberty

Free Market News Network
by Michael Cloud


'Never' and 'Always.' Too often, too many of us over-claim and over-promise when we make the case against Big Government -- and the case for freedom. When criticizing Big Government, you might claim: 'Government never works.' 'Welfare never helps.' 'Drug Prohibition never succeeds.' When justifying liberty, you might assert: 'The marketplace always gives us better goods at lower prices.' 'Private enterprise always brings out the best in people.' 'Free men and women are always tolerant and generous.' You want to tell people how destructive Big Government is. And declare the virtues and blessings of freedom. But attaching the words 'never' and 'always' to the results of Big Government and freedom may well cripple or kill your case...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The silly truth about NSA spying

The Price of Liberty
by L. Reichard White


Now they're going to protect us by tapping our phones and reading our E-mail. Right. And "The check's in the mail," "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you" - - And "SURE I'll respect you in the morning." As the Senate Judiciciary Committee hearings on Bush's NSA plan to tap your phone, read your e-mail, secretely sneak into your house and bug your computer, etc. sink impotently into the sunset, there are a few things you might want to consider...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

For students, cost of protest can be high

Christian Science Monitor


Jennifer Avilez says her parents, both from Mexico, worked hard their whole lives to get her into a good school. So when she walked out of that school in late March to protest an immigration bill passed by the House, she did it for all those who hadn't achieved as much. 'Other people need to have the same chance as they did,' she says. 'This country was started by immigrants, after all.' But her protest came to a halt when she was arrested and accused of criminal behavior by the local police. The case against Jennifer, a student who takes AP courses at Stony Point High School in Round Rock, Texas, is one of hundreds like it that pit students' free-speech rights against local rules against truancy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pensioner in anti-US protest to be prosecuted

Independent [UK]


The Government faces a test of its new anti-terror legislation after deciding to proceed with charges against a pensioner arrested while protesting at an American communications base. Seven weeks after becoming one of the first individuals arrested under a little-noticed clause in the Serious Organized Crime and Police Act, Helen John, 68, of Keighley, west Yorkshire, was charged yesterday with criminal trespass and bailed to appear next week before magistrates in Harrogate, north Yorkshire. Mrs John and a fellow peace campaigner, Sylvia Boyes, 62, were arrested on 2 April while crossing the sentry line at Menwith Hill, the US communications base in the Yorkshire Dales...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Senate: Flag amendment one vote from passage

Think Progress


The U.S. Senate is one vote away from passing a constitutional amendment that would criminalize desecration of the U.S. flag. If successful, it will mark the first time in 214 years that the Bill of Rights has been restricted by a constitutional amendment, and will place the United States among a select group of nations that have banned flag desecration, including Cuba, China, Iran, and Iraq under Saddam Hussein"... [editor's note: The authors of the article seem to have forgotten that any such amendment must also be ratified by the states. Not that I doubt that will happen, mind you -- congressional idiocy tends to be contagious - TLK]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Federal contracts up 86% under Bush, 600% for Halliburton

Raw Story


A new report claims that a 'shadow government' of federal contractors has exploded in size over the last five years. The document, compiled at the request of Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and distributed to RAW STORY, indicates that procurement spending increased by over $175 billion between 2000 and 2005, making federal contracts the fastest growing component of federal discretionary spending...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hearing for Guantanamo prisoner delayed

Rockford Register Star


The U.S. military suspended a pretrial hearing Monday at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base for a Canadian detainee accused of killing a U.S. Green Beret, saying base security personnel must first help investigate the recent deaths of three detainees. Two Saudis and a Yemeni hanged themselves in their cells on June 10, according to the military. Their bodies were flown aboard a commercial charter jet Friday from the U.S. base in Cuba to Yemen and Saudi Arabia. They were the first reported detainee deaths at the prison since it opened in January 2002...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Iran: Bush issues ultimatum on uranium

Washington Examiner


President Bush told Iran on Monday that nations worldwide won't back down from their demand that Tehran suspend uranium enrichment. 'Iran's leaders have a clear choice. We hope they will accept our offer and voluntarily suspend these activities so we can work out an agreement that will bring Iran real benefits,' Bush said a day before leaving for Vienna, Austria, where he will talk with European Union officials who are leading efforts to resolve the nuclear dispute...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Italy seeks US GI's indictment for killing

USA Today


Italian prosecutors requested the indictment of a U.S. soldier Monday in the fatal shooting of an Italian intelligence agent at a checkpoint in Baghdad -- a case that saw the agent mourned as a national hero. Authorities were seeking the indictment on charges of murder and attempted murder, said one of the prosecutors, who asked that his name not be used because a new law in Italy allows only the chief prosecutor to speak to the media. The fatal shooting of Nicola Calipari on March 4, 2005, angered Italians, already largely opposed to the war in Iraq...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The quiet transformation of America to systems governance

To Catch a Crook?
by Lynn Stuter

As chaos and violence become more frequent in America, the result of the humanist philosophy undergirding political, government and social institutions, people are coming more and more into contact with law enforcement which people errantly believe, in the face of the quiet transformation of America to systems governance, is there.....


American's For Constitutional Enforcement

by Nancy Levant

As we are responsible for the current condition of our nation, we have a lot of soul searching to do. Our landslide votes, which were cast by the unethical influence of what we now realize is a completely controlled media, created the monster that we now call “government.” Our American dreams, way of life, our primary religion.....


The Chicago City Council voted to ban the sale of foie gras in the city

Chicago Makes History: After months of campaigning by The HSUS and other organizations, the Chicago City Council voted to ban the sale of foie gras in the city. Foie gras is cruelly produced by force-feeding ducks and geese unnatural amounts of food through a pipe thrust down their throats, which can cause severe injuries, organ rupture, and even death. We applaud the Aldermen of Chicago for seeing this abusive product will no longer be tolerated in the Windy City.


No Battery Eggs campaign: Companies Go Cage-Free

From the campuses of Google and AOL to those of Ohio State University and Dartmouth, our No Battery Eggs campaign has saved hundreds of thousands of hens from lives of misery in battery cages. Read more about the companies and schools our Factory Farming Campaign is working with to free hens from cages.


H.B. 5557: Easy Action for Farm Animals

Congressmen Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) and Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) have introduced a bill that would require producers supplying animal products to the federal government to comply with minimal animal welfare standards. Please ask your representative to co-sponsor and support H.B. 5557, the Farm Animal Stewardship Purchasing Act. It will only take a minute or two, but could make a real difference in the lives of millions of animals.



Moby Makes Music for Animals: Internationally renowned and Grammy-nominated musician Moby has long advocated for the improved treatment of animals raised for meat, eggs, and milk. The HSUS is proud to introduce to you his powerful video on farm animals, their conditions on industrialized factory farms
https://community.hsus.org/ct/Wp1FRl41hzWZ/, and what each one of us can do to help reduce their suffering.

Canada Pays Environmentally for U.S. Oil Thirst


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Au hasard dans la rue 4,4 V/m

Image de la semaine / Picture of the week

L'Expansion: Free asticote les rois du portable


World Health: A Lethal Dose of US Politics

The Bush administration's tactics, often cloaked as reform measures, in reality aim to bring UN agencies like the WHO more in line with US commercial and political interests. At the WHO, at least, that process has come at the expense of the UN agency's stated mission, commitments and, perhaps most significant, its global credibility as an impartial and apolitical actor.


US Troops Press Ahead With Ramadi Operation

Helicopters flew over the Iraqi town of Ramadi and warplanes could be heard overhead as US troops hunted down insurgents in the rebel stronghold on Monday, a Reuters witness said. Shops were shuttered and most residents stayed home, fearing a US offensive on the scale of the one that inflicted heavy destruction and loss of life in nearby Falluja in 2004.



EMFs and health-related issues topic of Aurora town meeting

Jun 20, 2006
Serena Willoughby,
Staff Writer

The possibility of a power generation facility being built in Aurora and the proposed Holland transformer were up for debate at Aurora town hall last Wednesday.

Presenters included Dr. Magda Havas an expert on EMFs (electro-magnetic fields) and Ian Munro, a local electrical engineer who has served on several resident advisory committees and is an expert on the Ontario Power Authority.

Dr. Havas presented her research that included interviews with people who've experienced heightened sensitivity to EMFs, which has caused a range of symptoms from headaches, to increased instances of attention deficit disorder and some forms of childhood cancer, she said.

EMFs are invisible lines of force created whenever electricity is generated, such as through power lines, cellphones, computers and appliances.

She showed video footage that depicted the physical reactions of people who suffer from the effects of electromagnetic fields, given off by household items such as computers, TVs, microwaves and cordless phones.

Dr. Havas recommends monitoring EMF levels in your home by having an expert test them, using equalizing devices and by simply staying away from them.

However, some medical experts have called Dr. Havas' work inconclusive.

While Health Canada recognizes the existence of studies linking EMFs and childhood cancer, it calls evidence "very weak".

After an evaluation of scientific data, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified EMF magnetic fields as "possibly carcinogenic" to humans based on studies of childhood cancer.

Mr. Munro's presentation at the meeting consisted of an overview of what is being done to make sure there is a regular supply of energy to Aurora.

He pointed out the last report released by the Ontario Power Authority called for local power generation in York Region to meet power needs beyond 2011.

The Holland transformer, in the last stages of the environmental assessment process will meet power needs up until that point.

Aurora Councillor Phyllis Morris, who organized the meeting, pointed out the need for early consultation in Aurora, if a local generation facility is being planned.

"We can't leave it till the last minute, it's already 2006, we need early public consultation about this," she said.

© Copyright York Region Newspaper Group


U.S. continues to have a serious problem with its image following its unilateral international policies

A small update about an important survey showing the U.S. continues to have a serious problem with its image following its unilateral international policies. Also time to update you on two activities where the Boycott Bush network was invited during the World Peace Forum starting this week in Canada.

1. Survey

In a recent world survey carried out in 15 countries this spring and released on June 13, 2006, the Pew Research Center has found out that good will towards the United States declined in many countries over the past year, except in China, Britain, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Majorities in Japan, Nigeria, Britain and India have positive views of the U.S.

Pew Research Center
http://pewglobal.org/reports/display.php?ReportID=252 (newsrelease)
http://pewresearch.org/reports/?ReportID=27 (summary)
http://pewglobal.org/reports/pdf/252.pdf (complete survey 62 pages)

Article in International Herald Tribune June 13th 2006 http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/06/13/news/pew1.php

Interesting input for our work and for the World Peace Forum.

2. World Peace Forum

Two Boycott Bush workshops where we will participate during the World Peace Forum in Vancouver and Victoria (Canada) next week.

WORLD PEACE FORUM: BOYCOTTING FOR PEACE & JUSTICE WORKSHOP. Tuesday June 27. 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at UBC location PURPOSE of WORKSHOP: To provide information about boycotts, their background, how to increase the effectiveness in future and past successes. This is intended to be an activist workshop, so involved participants can talk about strategies & networking & exchanging data. For the first 40 minutes we will have introductions & the 2 resource people will each speak about 10-15 minutes on their own campaigns. Then we will have discussion & questions so the resource people will be able to elaborate on aspects that are unknown & important to attendees. We hope by the end that everyone will have a solid basis of understanding about boycotts, their value and future action plans.

BOYCOTTING FOR PEACE & JUSTICE WORKSHOP. VICTORIA. June 28. 7:30pm to 9:30pm at UVIC Graduate Student Building meeting room. We will be the only resource network at this event - so organizers will briefly provide background on Boycott COKE & summarize any action suggestions that came out of Vancouver workshop. The rest of the meeting we will do a presentation for 20 minutes and then again we will try to build up strategies and action plans. We will also get resource material to distribute as in Vancouver.

With many thanks to Theresa Wolfwood from the Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation to have arranged for both workshops. This will also offer us the opportunity to table our action and campaign proposal during several seminars, workshops and meetings bringing together thousands of peace campaigners. www.worldpeaceforum.ca

Keep us updated about your work concerning the boycott in you part of the world.

With kind regards,

Pol D'Huyvetter

Voor Moeder Aarde vzw, lid van Friends of the Earth International K. Maria Hendrikaplein 5
9000 Gent - Belgium
Tel +32-9-242 87 04 Skype "poltanner" GSM +32 495 28 02 59
Fax +32-9-242 87 51
mailto: pol@motherearth.org

On the New Class War in America

In case you haven't noticed, modern American politics is marked by vicious partisanship, with the great bulk of the viciousness coming from the right. It's clear that the Republican plan for the 2006 election is, once again, to question Democrats' patriotism.

Audio and transcript

When international law and science are silenced, the only outcome is darkness


From Information Clearing House

Dr. Stephen Sniegoski on the Neocon Agenda

8 Minute Video

US still main threat to stability in European eyes

Europeans remain deeply suspicious of US foreign policy in spite of President George W. Bush's concerted attempts since the start of his second term to improve transatlantic relations.


Proof lacking on Iran weapons

The hostile policy of the Bush administration toward Iran, with sanctions imposed and the threat of possible military action, is based solely on suspicion.


From Information Clearing House

Bush warns Iran on "nukes"

Bush warned Iran of "progressively stronger political and economic sanctions" if Tehran refuses to freeze sensitive nuclear activities in return for talks.


From Information Clearing House

US Representative Maxine Waters and “Out of Iraq” Congressional Caucus Launch Campaign to Bring US Troops Home

To accomplish its goals, the “Out of Iraq” Caucus will work with other Congressional Caucuses and national organizations to hold hearings, press conferences and town hall meeting to educate the American people and pressure the Administration to conclude the war in Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. Forces Attacks Ramadi

Helicopters flew over the Iraqi town of Ramadi and warplanes could be heard overhead.


SOS Ramadi

The first heavy attack on Ramadi by the American and Iraqi forces was launched last Friday, the 9th of June. Ramadi is the capital of the Anbar province and is situated about 100 km west of Baghdad, on the Euphrates.


From Information Clearing House


US rejected Iranian overtures in 2003


Bush’s Baghdad Photo-op

By Mike Whitney

The media gobbled up Bush’s photo-op with their customary zeal. The visit was yet another successful Rove-coup that probably nudged Bush’s approval ratings upward, but achieved nothing substantive. The pictures of smiley-faced politicians glad-handing and chest-thumping appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the country.


Murtha on Iraq, Rove and Staying The Course

4 minute video

"He's in New Hampshire. He's making a political speech. He’s sitting in his air-conditioned office on his big, fat backside-saying stay the course. That’s not a plan!"

Click here to watch Windows media and transcript

If the Federal Government Disappeared


On Killing Iraqi Children


VeriChip CEO wants to use RFID to 'chip' immigrants


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Climate sensors dropped from U.S. weather satellite package


The U.S. government decided to strip several climate instruments off a suite of polar-orbiting satellites intended to provide the next generation of weather and climate-monitoring data for military, civilian, and scientific users.

Science http://www.sciencemag.org .
19 June 2006.

[Subscription Required]

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Dollars, Not Sense: Government Contracting Under the Bush Administration


New CFA Analysis of Real Estate Cartel Explains How It Can Set Prices


Federal Minimum Wage at Lowest Point in 50 Years


Reclaim the Issues - "Occupation, Not War"


Two Minutes to Midnight: The Nuclear Peril


Fight for a Free Press


Sending Shameful Signals



In Harm's Way


US Struggles to Get Message across to Muslims


Japan Seizes Control of Whaling Group after Historic Vote


Pro-whaling Nations Plot Diplomatic Coup

Japanese Whaling A Barbaric Spectacle

U.S. Learns to Live with Less Freedom



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Juni 2006


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