Row erupts over controversial mobile phone masts ban

Please go to the Formby Times website to vote NO to the survey online in favour of lifting the ban for Sefton Council to place masts on council land and buildings, the survey may not be available for much longer, please vote NO ASAP. The survey is available on the front page of the Formby Times, download here:

Also see news article below. Should Sefton Council end its ban on mobile phone masts being sited on council land?

A ROW has erupted over plans to lift a controversial ban on mobile phone masts being put up on council property.

A moratorium currently exists which prohibits the council from erecting mobile phone masts on its land and buildings.

The moratorium was rushed through in 2000 in response to people’s fears about the effect of the masts.

But critics have been pushing for months for the ban to be lifted, saying the rules lead to masts being put up in places less acceptable to the community. Read more:

Views from Eileen O’Connor

The council land ban for phone masts needs to remain in place

I strongly advise Sefton council to keep the moratorium ban for phone masts on council land or buildings in place.

The phone industry are un-elected officials who forcefully and undemocratically ignore the wishes and concerns of local communities. The Industry do not have a good track record with regards to working sympathetically with local communities and have repeatedly take no account of placing masts next to residential homes, schools, hospitals or buildings where people work. The phone industry continually appeal for unsuitable locations and will use council land such as the highway and council buildings with the easiest access and suitability for their network coverage. They will take no account of health concerns.

Birmingham City Council lifted the ban to allow phone masts on their land and buildings in 2005 and implemented 19 recommendations containing tighter regulation. However, very little evidence exists to show that the majority of the recommendations have been carried out. Birmingham City Council had to relocate a mast from tower block of flats to another block in order to demolish the tower. This was a long drawn out battle and the council had little or no authority over their own property which resulted in an empty tower with a phone mast on the roof and encouraged crime and vandalism in the area.

I would recommend the Lib Dem Cllr Tony Robertson and Sefton Council ensure that the mobile phone companies indemnify Sefton council from any future court actions that may result from the current situation whereby mobile phone masts are located on buildings and government-controlled land. Many court decisions have been taken recently in France against the industry and compensation has been paid out in some cases. Judges have ordered the removal of masts due to health considerations. I realise the Council can earn £1000’s per year from renting land to phone mast companies, but is the short term financial gain worth the risk?

The public deserve protection and look towards people in authority especially our elected official’s to protect public health. However, history has shown that time and time again nothing is done until compelled to take action by the courts. The problem is real and the science is here, its time to take action to protect public health. Go to the Radiation Research Trust website to view peer reviewed and published scientific research, legal information and political action.

Here are a few questions:

Should Sefton Council be allowed to expose the public 24/7 to phone masts radiation?

Who gave the Government or council permission to expose the public to untested and unregulated pulsed microwave radiation?

Are the councillors willing to take responsibility for health?

Will the phone industry indemnify Sefton council to ensure that the council is not at any liability to future claims for loss of health which may result after long term exposure to mobile phone masts?

The next council meeting is at Southport Town Hall on 22nd October at 6.30pm, I would recommend that residents attend this important meeting. The public should ask each and every councillor to sign a statement of accountability and take personal responsibility for taking this very serious decision.

Short term financial gain today could turn out to be false economy for tomorrow!

Eileen O'Connor
Director Radiation Research Trust & E-magazine


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