HR811-Sales-Hearings in House

(Tommorrow and next Thursday)

If you live near DC, please attend these "HR811-Sales-Hearings" as an observor and pass out any of these to the House Committee Members and talk to their 'election integrity' legislation staffers:

C-Span is unlikely to cover these "HR811-Sales-Hearings" because the House Admin Committee has yet to announce them publicly, even though one is tommorrow (Thursday)!

The Hearings before the House Administration Cmte. on Electronic Voting are stacked with testimony by HR811 and DRE supporters (see list below).

For example, the two persons sceduled to testify on election audits have no math or statistical qualifications (Candice Hoke is an attorney) and Larry Norden does not have a math background either. Both Hoke and Norden co-authored a misleading "analysis" in support of HR811's audit.

HR811 election audits are mathematically insufficient (having probabilities well below 50% for detecting outcome-altering vote miscount in many US House races); over-audit in large-margin races in districts with many precincts; and can be gamed by creating smaller numbers of larger precincts, by simply declaring state "recounts" (even without any hand recounts), or by hiding vote miscount in a couple of large absentee ballot counts.

Despite the fact that I am the foremost authority on election audit mathematics in the U.S. today, Larry Norden of the Brennan Center shunned my overtures to meet with him when I traveled to the NYC area a few weeks ago, and I have not been invited to testify before Congress, despite my expertise and my ability to clearly explain the mathematics with charts and pictures to the Congress.

A more effective election audit could be done for the same cost!

For another example of who is testifying, Eric Clark is the MS Secretary of State, who recently adopted state-wide paperless DREs at a time when anyone who could read about it knew better.

Ted Selker, is a proponent of DREs w/ VVPATs and high-tech solutions from MIT and has said: "The best future schemes might include computer agents that check one another and create internal audits to validate every step of the voting process." and "A better option would allow people to verify their selections with recorded audio feedback." and "The government should invest in research to develop and test secure voting technology, including DREs and Internet voting."

David Wagner, another person scheduled to testify, is another co-author of the "analysis" recommending the insufficient, inefficient, scam-able, HR811 audits along with Norden and Hoke.

The three co-authors of the "sham HR811 audit analysis" who will be testifying before the House during these "HR811-Sales-Hearings", neglected to mention that in any US House district with fewer than 400 precincts the HR811 audit has little chance of detecting vote miscount that could alter the outcome, nor do they mention that the HR811 audit is AS BURDENSOME for election officials as a more effective election audit would be.

The two pretend "audit experts" are way too smart to be unaware that they are not experts in audit mathematics. Do they care for their country and the future well-being of the world enough to be honest?

forwarded below from Joe Holder, another "pretend audit expert" who coauthored the "analysis" in support of HR811's ineffective and inefficient audit but who is not scheduled to testify yet at the "HR811-Sales-Hearings":

I do not know the time of day that the hearings are scheduled yet.

Post details: Upcoming Congressional Hearings on Electronic Voting
03/13/07 Upcoming Congressional Hearings on Electronic Voting

I'm not sure where to find or point you to more information, but the Subcommittee on Elections of the House Administration Committee has a number of very interesting upcoming hearings. These don't appear to be listed on the Committee's website ( ).

This Thursday (3/15) there are two hearings; one on disabled access and paper records in voting systems and the other on source code disclosure and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) software in voting systems (I may very well be wrong about the scope of the hearings).

Witnesses for the disabled access panel include:

* Diane Golden - Consortium of Citizens with Disabilities
* Kelly Pierce - Disability Access Voter, Working Group Cook County
* Eric Clark - Mississippi Secretary of State
* Ted Selker - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Witnesses for the source code disclosure panel include:

* David Wagner - UC Berkeley, ACCURATE
* Matt Zimmerman - Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Brian Behlendorf -, Apache Software Foundation

Then, next Tuesday (3/20) there will be a hearing on, I believe, auditing elections. I know Larry Norden of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law will be testifying and I believe Candice Hoke from the CSU Law School Center for Election Integrity will also testify.

Kathy Dopp


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