National Roundup of Nonviolent Action

February 22, 2007

Nonviolent activists across the United States have entered offices of Senate and Congressional representatives to "assemble peaceably," seeking assurance that the elected officials will vote against President Bush's proposed $93 billion dollar supplemental spending bill that would fund ongoing war in Iraq.

Sign up to participate: For a list of local campaigns that are currently underway see:

In Fairbanks, Alaska, on February 20, 2007, nine people entered the office of Senator Ted Stevens to deliver "emphatic requests" to end the war and then began reading the names of Iraqis and Americans who were killed in Iraq. They separated the names of Americans by age. When ordered to leave, they were only half way through the commemoration of the twenty one year old U.S. troops who died in Iraq. Seth Warncke was issued a citation, while Rob Mulford and Don Muller were taken to the Fairbanks Correctional Unit where they spent the night in jail and were released after 23 hours in custody. They were charged with criminal trespass and ordered to appear in court on April 4, 2007.

For more information: Don Muller donmuller 907-747-8808 Rob Mulford mulfordrob 907-457-5578

On Feb 21, in Toledo, OH seventeen Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Occupation Project participants entered Congresswoman Kaptur's office. Nine people refused to leave when the office closed. The group had visited Congresswoman Kaptur's office last week and urged her to sign a pledge to vote against further war funding, with the understanding that they would assemble peaceably in her office the following week. Two of Congresswoman Kaptur's staff persons left the office to change clothes and then returned to remain with the activists. The building closed at 11:00 p.m., but several of the activists plan continued commemorating U.S. service members and Iraqis who have died in Iraq, respectfully reciting the names. Four people were arrested: Jeff Klein, Steven Miller, Larry Coleman, and Trudy Bond.

For more information: Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition Mary Anthony 419-367-4586 Mike Ferner 419-729-7273

A similar action is underway as of the evening of February 21, in Portland, ME, where seventeen people entered the office of Congressman Tom Allen. Sixteen people have remained in the office, and more are planning to arrive before the office closes at 11:00 p.m. They represent Peace Action Maine, Veterans for Peace and Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space. No arrests have been made at this time. The group is also continuing their commemoration of those Iraqis and members of the military who have lost their lives and are asking for a commitment from Tim Allen to vote against any additional war funding.

For more information: danny

In St. Louis, MO, activists have occupied the offices of Senator Claire McCaskill, and Congressman Russ Carnahan. There have been repeated arrests over the past few weeks and plans for ongoing occupations are continuing.

For more information: occupation -

or call Betsy at Vets for Peace 314-725-6005

In Denver, CO, on February 21st, four Occupation Project participants commemorated the dead and presented photos of Americans who have died in Iraq to the staff in Senator Ken Salazar's office.

For more information: Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

In Portland, OR, 2 people were arrested at about 3:30 PST in Senator Gordon Smith's office. They were told that no one could speak to them and they could come back another day. They decided to stay.

For more information: Contact Troy Horton
Whitefeather Catholic Worker,

In Madison, WI, a group visited and occupied the office of Senator Herbert Kohl. Office occupations began on February 7 and will continue weekly throughout the campaign. Activists are reading the names of U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens killed in the war. For more information, contact: Joy First, jsfirst

In Seattle, WA, on February 21st, activists planned to maintain a presence in Senator Maria Cantwell's office from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., reading the names of the dead and transcripts from the Citizens Tribunal, along with singing and chanting remembrance of those who've been killed in Iraq.

For more information: Erin Alexander, 206-856-4059 Erin_Alexander2003

In Charlottesville, NC, an occupation took place at Congressman Virgil Goode's office. At 3:45 p.m., activists entered the office and three were intending to remain beyond the closing office hours. This is the first of weekly Wednesday actions planned for the remainder of the campaign.

Contact Jennifer Connor 434-465-1111

In Chicago, IL, on February 21st, at an ecumenical prayer service hosted by the American Friends Service Committee, the Eighth Day Center for Justice, and numerous other Chicago faith based peace groups, people gathered to pray for forgiveness, as a nation, for the times we had not spoken out against the war. Wanting to assure that the Senators of Illinois understood their remorse and knew that the participants decried the war and ongoing funding of the war, twenty-five participants walked to the offices of Senators Durbin and Obama to deliver a letter. Senator Obama's office staff told the assembled group that they wanted to receive their letter, but, unfortunately, the Federal Building was locked and the participants in the prayer service were not allowed to enter. When a high school student who had joined the prayer service placed a cell phone call to Senator Durbin's office, he was disappointed that the staff member hung up the phone after a very brief exchange. Eventually, three of Senator Durbin's staff members emerged from the Federal Building to receive the letter.

For more information: American Friends Service Committee 312-427-2533 Eighth Day Center for Justice 312-641-5151

Yesterday, February 20th, in Chicago, IL four women were arrested as they knelt in the lobby of the Federal Building, chanting a litany in remembrance of Iraqis and Americans who have been killed in Iraq. Prior to their action, ten women met with Senator Durbin's chief of staff for the district and asked the Senator to exercise more leadership by rebutting claims that failure to approve the supplemental spending constitutes failure to support the U.S. troops. A spirited group of women gathered outside the building in support of the women who were arrested.

For more information: Dickelle Fonda, 847 491-9748 (office) -
847-682-5038 (cell)

In Los Angeles, CA, on February 22nd, activists plan to risk arrest in the office of Representative Henry Waxman, following repeated visits.

For more information, contact Kyle or Kamgi Finch, 323-301-2823
email: be-love

More information will very likely be available tomorrow, and we will readily update you as we learn more about these promising campaigns.

Voices for Creative Nonviolence
Chicago office

Voices for Creative Nonviolence
1249 W Argyle Street #2, Chicago, IL 60640 Phone: (773) 878-3815 E-mail: info


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Februar 2007


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