Take Action Today: Global Protest - China's Brutal Fur Trade

****Cross Post Widely****

An open letter to animal advocates & activists
(especially those in New York City & surrounding areas)

Friends/Fellow Activists,

On February 13, 2007, New York City will join other cities around the world in a coordinated day of action and opposition to the cruel and inhumane Chinese fur trade. The purpose in forming the International Anti-Fur Coalition was to find a way to amplify our voices and to give added power and urgency to our message, by having simultaneous protests take place around the world and focused on one issue.

Earlier today, you may have seen the incredible news about the action that took place in China. For those of you who have not seen the newspaper article about the rescue of 400 cats from certain death and use for their flesh and their fur, here is a link to the article:


The picture above is of some of the rescued cats and is a cogent reminder of why we do what we do.

In China, organized protests are forbidden. There is no pretense at freedom of speech and there is very little government sensitivity to the concept of animal rights and the people who believe in and fight for those rights. Yet, 100 people took a stand today. One of them ended up in the hospital after a confrontation with the police. The result? ....some 400 cats were saved from a brutal and senseless ending. Direct action in its purest form.

While this drama was unfolding in China, the valiant and courageous crew of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society faced off against the Japanese whaling fleet to defend a pod of whales. As I read the journal of one of the crew members, it was clear that they are making great sacrifices to stand between the whales and those that would spill their blood. They are prepared to put their lives on the line to save a whale.

In New York City, there are predictions of bitterly cold weather on Tuesday and there is the potential for snow. Not the ideal conditions for a protest on 12th Avenue just off the river. The wind is going to be frigid. I wish all demos could be held in 85 degree weather in full sunshine. Then again, I wish there wasn't a need to do the demos at all.

Let us take inspiration from those 100 activists that stood up to the police and the Sea Shepherds who are defending the whales at great personal risk in the most challenging conditions.

Bundle up, dress in layers, dot forget hats, gloves and scarves and warm footwear. If you dress appropriately there is no reason that the weather should keep you from speaking out for the animals. If you need any more inspiration, click on the link above or look at the picture and take a look at the rescued cats. Look at them as individuals. I am sure you will see one that reminds you of a cat you know. Take heart from those that were rescued. Don't forget about all those that are left behind. If you live in the area, please do whatever you can to join the protest. If you cannot attend, make a pledge to contact those listed below to voice your concern and your protest. Global Day of Action against Chinese Fur Location: Chinese Consulate Office 520 12th Avenue, NY (between 42nd & 43rd Streets) New York, NY Tuesday, February 13, 2007 New Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Police/Sound Permit Approved Event



Chinese Embassies and Consulates in the U.S.

Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.
2201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 20007
Tel: (202) 338-6688 or (202)5889760
Fax: (202) 588-9760

Chinese Consulate General in New York, N.Y.
520 12th Avenue New York, NY 10036
Tel: (212) 244-9392
Fax: (212) 465-1708

Chinese Consulate General in Chicago, Ill.
100 West Erie Street Chicago, IL 60610
Tel: (312) 803-0095
Fax: (312) 803-0110

Chinese Consulate General in Houston, Texas
3417 Montrose Blvd. Houston, TX 77006
Tel: (713) 520-1462
Fax: (713) 521-3064

Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, Calif.
443 Shatto Place Los Angeles, CA 90020
Tel: (213) 807-8088
Fax: (213) 807-8091

Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco, Calif.
1450 Laguna Street San Francisco, CA 94115
Tel: (415) 674-2900
Fax: (415) 563-049

If you live outside of the USA, just do a "google" search for the Embassy or Consulate Office closest to you.

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: centcom @war-online.org or visit our website at: http://war-online.org

Informant: Ima Vegan


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Februar 2007


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