A petition for the nurses in Libya: Free the Bulgarian Medics in Libya

From Slavena R.

Yesterday I posted an alert regarding the innocent Bulgarian nurses who were sentenced to death in Libya. (Please have a look at it, if you are interested. The title is "Innocent nurses sentenced to death in Libya")
[ http://tinyurl.com/yxom6f ]

Today I found a link to a petition about it. It’s in French, but you could use the Babel Fish in order to translate it. http://babelfish.altavista.com/

The link for the petition is http://www.abolition.fr/ecpm/french/petitions.php?ref=18
Probably you would like to sign it.

My own appeal was connected with a suggestion for giving additional support to the nurses by prayer and creative visualization. It’s probably a bit controversial and I received both positive and negative feedback. However, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to the Amnesty International Group members, who were mainly supportive. Even the only skeptical response finished with something in the direction of “well, as nothing else helped, we might as well try that”.

......I believe in seeking solutions......

However, it seems that even more prayers and positive thoughts are needed, so please keep sending them in the air! Myself, I do it whenever I can - when I sit in the train, when I wait in the car on a red light, when I’m preparing for going to bed.

Thank you for your support Love: Slavena

A friend of mine just sent me a link to another petition - this time in English. It was started after the nurses' first death sentence back in 2004 but people are still signing it.

The link is: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/bulgaria/

Please do whatever you feel you can. It is possible to sign BOTH petitions. The French one is very straightforward and needs little translation, it can be figured out. The English one has gained MANY signatures in the past few hours. Slavena says, in Amnesty International group, that it will take a miracle to save these innocent nurses. Can we help make one happen?

B Mutiny T


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