Families fight to stop phone mast plan


18 December 2006 09:09

Families fighting a mobile phone mast close to a popular city park are urging homeowners to give the campaign one final push to defeat an appeal by the operator.

A proposal by telecommunications giant 3 to put up a 15-metre mast at the corner of Parmenter Road and South Park Avenue in Norwich has already been thrown out by the city council, but now the company is appealing against the decision.

People who want to object only have until January 10 to do so, and protesters are concerned the campaign may get derailed over the Christmas period.

When the application went before the city council earlier this year 54 letters of objection were sent in, one of which was signed by 11 people. A petition of more than 200 names was also collected but was not submitted and this will now be sent to the planning inspectorate to demonstrate the strength of feeling in the area.

Mike Nichols, of Sotherton Road, is one of those leading the campaign.

He said: “This appeal is going to be carried out by written report and so there will be no opportunity to attend, but we can write, as many of us did before.

“We would encourage everybody to write in again, and I would like to see everybody who did not write in last time to write in now.

“We need to show the strength of feeling. It is just before Christmas and people just do not have the time to get their heads round this, but they need to act.”

Locals cite a number of reasons for their objections to the mast, which would be situated close to the Eaton Park boating lake.

They are concerned about the possible health risks, as the mast would be close to their homes as well as four schools and a community centre, and also worried about the visual impact of its impact on the value of their homes.

Previously, William Comery corporate affairs manager for South East Ericsson, the company installing the mast on behalf of 3, said that because of a lack of coverage in the area eight sites had been looked at and the Parmenter Road location was found to be the most suitable.

“There has been a lot of research into health and mobile phones,” he said.

“Most recent was a World Health Organisation Report which came out in May. It concluded that there were no adverse short or long term health risks.”

Letters of objection should be sent in triplicate by January 10 to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/16, Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.

The application reference number is APP/G2625/A/06/2031808/NWF

For more information visit http://www.planningportal.gov.uk/pcs

Are you worried about plans for a mobile phone mast in your area? Contact Dominic Chessum on (01603) 772428 or email dominic.

chessum @archant.co.uk

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.



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