Urge House Democrats to Begin Impeachment in the First 100 Hours

Let's Gather Signatures on Impeachment Weekend

It's impeachment weekend - let's gather signatures on our impeachment petition: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/petition

Last weekend we organized over 60 successful impeachment events around the country, thanks to your outstanding efforts.

Even FOX News noticed! On Monday, our own David Swanson and former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman went into the lion's den to argue for impeachment on Hannity & Colmes: http://www.democrats.com/node/11407

We're having an impact - Bush's polls are dropping to record lows near 30%. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 when his approval fell to 24%.

But we're not waiting for Bush beat Nixon in a race to the bottom. Congressional Democrats should begin impeachment hearings right after they complete their 100 hour agenda in early January.

If you haven't already, please sign our Ten Reasons to Impeach Bush and Cheney Petition online: http://www.democrats.com/peoplesemailnetwork/88

Then print this PDF version of our petition, make copies, and collect signatures from friends and neighbors.

One good place to collect names is right in front of your Representative's office, if there is passing foot traffic. You should bring a big sign so your Representative (and staff) can't miss it. Other good locations are busy malls, libraries, and post offices. Be creative! You can also go door-to-door in your neighborhood and bring your petition to work or church.

Collect and submit names anytime, but especially on Impeachment Weekend, December 16-17, 2006.

If you'd prefer to collect petitions with a group, join your local Impeachment Committee: http://democrats.com/cdic-find or help us organize one: http://www.democrats.com/cdic

Collecting Petitions on the Street

It's not easy to get the attention of passing strangers, so here is the 5-second pitch we use as passersby come into earshot:

"Would you sign our petition to impeach Bush and Cheney?"

If they agree, you hand them the clipboard and they sign, and while they are signing you can say:

"We will deliver this petition to our Congressman, Joe Blow. You can have even more impact if you send an email to him directly, so if you don't mind we will email you with the link to our online petition. And if you have a few extra minutes right now, we have paper so you can send a handwritten letter, which is the best of all - and we'll deliver it personally.

Thank you so much for your support!"

Put a graphic link to the petition on your website with this link: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/petition

Urge House Democrats to Begin Impeachment in the First 100 Hours

Impeachment is not on the Democrats' priority list, but you can write it in: http://www.dccc.org/100hours/survey

Forward this message to everyone you know!



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Dezember 2006


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