Our freedom and our rights
Liberty For All
by Clark Walter
The birth of this Nation signaled the dawn of a new day in the history of Mankind's struggle against the bondage of class distinctions and tyrants. We cannot today fully appreciate the tremendous impact of this event. Mankind had finally broken the shackles that had destined him to be a slave since the dawn of time. America would prove that equality of opportunity, coupled with the protection of our unalienable rights granted equally by our Creator, would inspire men and women to achieve a freedom that they, themselves, never dreamed was possible... (written 07/13/02; posted 12 07/06)
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Clark Walter
The birth of this Nation signaled the dawn of a new day in the history of Mankind's struggle against the bondage of class distinctions and tyrants. We cannot today fully appreciate the tremendous impact of this event. Mankind had finally broken the shackles that had destined him to be a slave since the dawn of time. America would prove that equality of opportunity, coupled with the protection of our unalienable rights granted equally by our Creator, would inspire men and women to achieve a freedom that they, themselves, never dreamed was possible... (written 07/13/02; posted 12 07/06)
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 8. Dez, 15:45