America: A police state?
Liberty For All
by Ed Lewis
The writer knows that many people believe America is developing into a police state in which human rights, justice, truth, liberty, and overall righteousness are going by the wayside along with security, such as that provided by our shores being defended against invasion. The writer maintains, though, that America is already a police state and that security of the people has nothing whatsoever to do with its development...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Ed Lewis
The writer knows that many people believe America is developing into a police state in which human rights, justice, truth, liberty, and overall righteousness are going by the wayside along with security, such as that provided by our shores being defended against invasion. The writer maintains, though, that America is already a police state and that security of the people has nothing whatsoever to do with its development...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 7. Dez, 15:59