Please Contact Your US Senators and US Representative in December
Thank you for all your help and support.
We urgently need to push the US Congress to pass effective election integrity legislation ASAP and not the kind of ill-considered legislation that Common Cause helped push through in 2002 or has been trying to push through recently.
Please print this 2 page (2-sided) document and send it to your two U.S. Senators and your one U.S. Representative:
I've attached a cover letter that you could revise and use to send it if you would like. Please be sure to include your Senator or Representative's name and address at the top of any cover letter, and your own name and address at the bottom. Here are the web sites to obtain the fax numbers or mailing addresses of your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative: and
It is critical to mankind's future that we ensure the integrity of our democracy in time for the 2008 federal elections, which means that legislation must be passed by Spring 2007.
Please pass this request on to your friends and ask them to also send letters and include our recommendations for federal legislation to ensure the integrity of our democracy. Please do this in December because bills are being written now, in advance of the January session, and it is urgent that Congress not hastily pass another ill-considered bill without sufficiently consulting with experts.
There is nothing more important to safeguard our future than to safeguard our democracy.
Thank you.
I am currently working on creating a list of experts (computer scientists, attorneys, researchers, investigators, mathematicians/statisticians specializing in voting and elections) soon who can help review detailed legislative language.
The fact that the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) rejected the advise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to require software independent voting systems this week, shows how urgently some of our recommendations are needed - before the TGDC votes to adopt the 2007 voluntary federal voting system guidelines.
Best Regards,
Kathy Dopp
We urgently need to push the US Congress to pass effective election integrity legislation ASAP and not the kind of ill-considered legislation that Common Cause helped push through in 2002 or has been trying to push through recently.
Please print this 2 page (2-sided) document and send it to your two U.S. Senators and your one U.S. Representative:
I've attached a cover letter that you could revise and use to send it if you would like. Please be sure to include your Senator or Representative's name and address at the top of any cover letter, and your own name and address at the bottom. Here are the web sites to obtain the fax numbers or mailing addresses of your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative: and
It is critical to mankind's future that we ensure the integrity of our democracy in time for the 2008 federal elections, which means that legislation must be passed by Spring 2007.
Please pass this request on to your friends and ask them to also send letters and include our recommendations for federal legislation to ensure the integrity of our democracy. Please do this in December because bills are being written now, in advance of the January session, and it is urgent that Congress not hastily pass another ill-considered bill without sufficiently consulting with experts.
There is nothing more important to safeguard our future than to safeguard our democracy.
Thank you.
I am currently working on creating a list of experts (computer scientists, attorneys, researchers, investigators, mathematicians/statisticians specializing in voting and elections) soon who can help review detailed legislative language.
The fact that the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) rejected the advise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to require software independent voting systems this week, shows how urgently some of our recommendations are needed - before the TGDC votes to adopt the 2007 voluntary federal voting system guidelines.
Best Regards,
Kathy Dopp
rudkla - 6. Dez, 14:29