Ask Anheuser-Busch to STOP promoting Bullfighting
A message from Eleanor
Original Message
Yes, the pictures are graphic!! You shouldn't look if you are squeamish like me! I looked and I won't ever forget! This has to stop. Thanks, Summer, for this great petition!!!
Love, Eleanor
Hi Everyone, Please sign this petition (how could one not?) against bullfighting! Disgusting spectacle - BEWARE - there are graphic photographs so just skip to the signing part really fast!
Love and hugs, Kisses Jessie
Original Message
Please take a moment to sign this petition...
Thank you.
Original Message
Yes, the pictures are graphic!! You shouldn't look if you are squeamish like me! I looked and I won't ever forget! This has to stop. Thanks, Summer, for this great petition!!!
Love, Eleanor
Hi Everyone, Please sign this petition (how could one not?) against bullfighting! Disgusting spectacle - BEWARE - there are graphic photographs so just skip to the signing part really fast!
Love and hugs, Kisses Jessie
Original Message
Please take a moment to sign this petition...
Thank you.
rudkla - 29. Aug, 22:31