Petition for homeless animals in the Middle East

Best Friends Animal sanctuary (Utah) is such a good and reputable place!....I have dealt with them for many years.

PLEASE take the time and sign this petition which would allow the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary to help.... Save.... and evacuate animals from Lebanon.



Subject: Petition for homeless animals in the Middle East

To view an online version of this email, click here .

Dear Members Friends,

The ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon is quite fragile. And for the animals caught in the war zone, life is still very precarious. We urgently need your help in evacuating some of them to safety. Best Friends is working with groups in both Lebanon and Israel. This e-mail is about how we are organizing an evacuation of about 300 dogs and cats from around Beirut. The animals are in the care of BETA (Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) – a truly dedicated group and Lebanon’s only animal welfare organization. In the early days of the bombing, when their shelters were being damaged, BETA volunteers moved all the dogs to a farm in the hills outside Beirut. This looked like a safer situation. But now local people are complaining about the dogs and are threatening to poison them at night. This creates an increasingly urgent situation. Hundreds of people in the United States have offered to adopt these displaced pets, and Best Friends is acting on behalf of BETA to make this possible. The big challenge is organizing the transport. Several carriers have agreed to bring the animals to the United States, and at discounted prices. And we have now spoken with the Israeli Embassy about the possibility of lifting the blockade that is still unofficially in place so that we can get the transport under way.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION: We have set up a respectful petition to the government of the State of Israel, supporting our request and asking them to lift any blockade that may be in place and that could prevent the evacuation of these homeless pets. Please view and sign the petition here .

SPONSOR THE EVACUATION: We’re estimating a further cost of about $200 for each of the 300 cats and dogs who will be brought to the United States. (They’ll be coming to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary for further health and behavior checks, and then on to new homes.) Your donation to this effort, large or small, will be a huge help. Basically, we can’t do this without you. So please go to and make whatever donation you can. This rescue effort is now moving into high gear. We’ll have updates throughout the weekend and next week on how it’s developing. So please check in regularly at . As always, thank you for caring. And let’s join together in the simple knowledge that kindness to animals can help us all reach beyond our human conflicts and bring us one small step closer to peace.

Michael Mountain
Best Friends Animal Society

P.S. We’re still gathering information on what the urgent needs are for displaced pets in Israel, and we’ll address this in our next e-mail. But there is only one animal rescue group in the whole of Lebanon, supply routes are blocked and the most critical need right now is to evacuate the group of dogs and cats in their care to safety. Thank you so much for being part of this.

This email was sent by:
Best Friends Animal Society
5001 Angel Canyon Road, Kanab, UT 84741


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