Police called to calm anti-mast protest

Police were called in after the protest turned angry

POLICE are currently at the scene of an anti-mast protest which is threatening to turn nasty.

Officers have been called in after protesters attempted to tear down barricades at the site of the controversial building work.

Speaking from the scene, News Shopper reporter Robert Fisk says about 15 campaigners are claiming mobile phone giant T-Mobile has broken its word.

They say a meeting was due to be held tonight between them, T-Mobile and police before any work began.

He said: "The mood here has changed and the protestors are very angry, saying work was only suppose to start after tonight's meeting."

Workmen have erected the barricades around themselves to stop the protestors getting anywhere near the work.

St Paul Cray residents have fought a six-month battle to stop mobile phone giant T-Mobile erecting the mast on the corner of St Paul's Wood Hill and Bedington Road.

This morning, workmen arrived at the scene to attempt to erect the mast for a third time.

Campaigners, who say they are worried about the health effects of the mast, gathered and were being kept away from the workmen by barricades.

Last month, an attempt to erect the mast turned nasty when campaigners argued with security guards brought in to keep them away.

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This story is related to this one:
http://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/bromnews/display.var.879386.0.mast_campaigners_want_mass_march.php which regards a mass demonstration and march on Downing Street. I for one think we should all support this and be there if we can. I will be...




The story on News Shopper's home page quotes Sam Anderson who I know is very keen to help organise a mass protest in London. She does not use e-mail but I can let you have a contact telephone number if you so wish.

David Baron
Mast Sanity


Thanks David

I note there is a contact number for her in the article (020 8302 4043).
If this is not correct then please let me know the correct one. I will
try to call her this evening. I think the tide of public opinion is
beginning to turn in favour of the (real) evidence and I think we should
use all our resources to seriously capitalise on this. A large well
coordinated march would certainly help!




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