Protection of Ojibway Prairie Complex

A message from Davida

Target: Eddie Francis, Mayor, City of Windsor
Sponsor: Elena Pintilie

Windsor-Essex County is one of the most ecologically important regions of Canada. Although small in size, it has a great richness of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else in the country. Unfortunately, it also is one of the most threatened. Originally a forest covered expanse dotted with grasslands, less than 4% of the County currently remains as forest. Most of Ontario’s endangered species live within the landscape of which Windsor-Essex County is a part.

Some extremely important and rare natural areas remain. For example, Windsor-Essex is fortunate to contain the 322 hectare Ojibway Prairie Complex. It is one of the best examples of tall grass prairie and oak savannah in Ontario and contains 500 types of plants (69 of which are species at risk), and several endangered and threatened animal species, including eastern massasauga rattlesnake, eastern fox snake, yellow-breasted chat, red-headed woodpecker, and gray fox. Four species of butterfly found at Ojibway are considered rare or very rare in Ontario.

Now this rare and fragile prairie is threatened. The City of Windsor is proposing a truck route through part of the Ojibway Prairie Complex. This four lane highway would bisect the Spring Garden Area of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSI) portion of the Ojibway Prairie Complex and would have a devastatingly negative impact on its natural features and ecological functions, including an important natural corridor for animal movement.

At the recent Ontario Nature Annual General Meeting, delegates representing our 140 member organizations and 18,000 members passed a resolution declaring:

the entire Spring Garden Area of Natural and Scientific Interest and Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve are inappropriate for a truck route and are off limits to those planning the route to a second international crossing.

A strong public response will help Ontario Nature make sure that the City of Windsor reconsiders this transportation option and provides full protection for the Ojibway Prairie Complex.

Make a difference to the future for Ojibway Prairie by taking action by August 30th!


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