Stop Putting America's Security at Risk

Sen. Evan Bayh has introduced the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act to increase the use of alternative fuels and cut our dependence on foreign oil.

Despite the widening war in the Mideast - and the heat wave at home - Senate Republicans want to go home without acting on this urgent bill!

I hope you'll sign his petition to call on your Senator to support the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act.

Bob Fertik

Did you know that right now, the U.S. is more dependent on oil from unstable Middle Eastern countries than we were on September 11, 2001?

And as if putting our national security on the line weren't enough, our economic security is at risk with record gas prices on the rise again.

We need a solution to this problem. That is why I have introduced the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act - which will reduce our oil consumption by 2.5 million barrels a day - an amount equal to 100 percent of what we currently import from the Middle East.

But to pass it, I need you help. Can I count on you to help me spread the word and push for passage of this crucial legislation?

Click here to send a message to your U.S. Senators asking them to support the Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act.

It's time to break our dependence on foreign oil and make our country safer and more secure. This energy plan would do just that by:

* Providing incentives for the production of renewable, clean-burning ethanol so that, instead of importing oil from the Middle East, America's farmers will produce America's fuel;

* Speeding development of new fuel-efficient vehicles such as plug-in hybrids, and accelerating the use of advanced lightweight materials in automobiles;

* Offering tax incentives for buying hybrids and other fuel efficient vehicles to make them more affordable and accessible to more American families; and

* Requiring the federal vehicle fleet to reduce its overall oil consumption by 30 percent by moving toward alternative fuels like ethanol and bio-diesel.

And it has an added benefit: creating good jobs here in the United States. My bill has strong bi-partisan support with 27 co-sponsors from both parties. But given the importance of this issue, we simply cannot take anything for granted.

Click here to send a message to your Senators today!

Once you've taken action, we'll still need your help. It's important that we recruit the support of as many people as possible to show just how many Americans are demanding a real solution to our energy crisis! Please forward this message to five of your friends and ask them to join us now.

Thank You,

Evan Bayh


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