Freitag, 30. März 2007

Department of Homeland and Security wants master key for DNS


DHS demand for DNS master key alarms nations

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Department of Homeland Security will den Masterschlüssel fürs DNS

US-European Showdown Over CIA Operatives

The Bush administration is warning that US cooperation with German intelligence agencies could be jeopardized if that country pursues attempts to extradite 13 CIA officers charged with illegally abducting a German Muslim on suspicions of terrorist connections.

Condi's Free Ride

GAO: Looming Threat to US Oil Supply

A report released Thursday by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office concludes that worldwide oil production will eventually grind to a halt and the United States has no strategy in place to deal with the possible catastrophic results.

Konflikt zwischen Iran und Großbritannien nimmt groteske Züge an

Committee Requests Secretary of State Rice to Testify

The Committee has formally requested Secretary Rice to testify before the Oversight Committee on April 18th regarding the Administration’s claims that Iraq sought uranium from Niger, White House treatment of classified information, the appointment of Ambassador Jones as "special coordinator" for Iraq, and other subjects.

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Legislating Leadership on Iraq

The New York Times weighs in on Iraq: "This week it was the Senate's turn. Like the House last week and the voters last November, the Senate made clear Tuesday that Americans expect to see the disaster in Iraq brought to an early and responsible end. President Bush's reaction was instantaneous, familiar in its contempt for views that do not follow his in lockstep, and depressing in its lack of contact with reality."

Giuliani Faces Questions About 9/11

Rudy Giuliani's White House aspirations are inescapably tied to September 11, 2001 - for better and for worse. While the former mayor of the nation's largest city was widely lionized for his post-9/11 leadership - "Churchillian" was one adjective and "America's mayor" was Oprah Winfrey's assessment - city firefighters and their families are renewing their attacks on him for his performance before and after the terrorist attack.

Tell Congress to Protect Utah's Wildlands

Utah's Red Rock Wilderness includes some of the nation's most valuable and threatened wildlands. World-renowned for their stunning beauty - with incredible sandstone arches, narrow meandering redrock canyons, and wild rivers - Utah's publicly owned wild places are home to desert bighorn sheep, cougar, endangered peregrine falcon, and countless other wildlife species.

Alarmingly, destructive impacts from exploding new oil and gas drilling, improper off-road vehicle (ORV) use, and other development threaten these priceless lands and their resources.

America's Red Rock Wilderness Act (ARRWA) would protect over 9.5 million acres of federal public lands in Utah by adding them to the National Wilderness Protection System. With broad-based bipartisan support growing behind the bill, the time has come to finally pass this legislation - but Members of Congress need to hear your voice!

You can help by calling your Congressional Representative and Senators now - use the contact info and talking points below.

Let them know you want them to cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act. Your calls will help ensure that your Representative and Senators are among the original cosponsors of this critical bill when it is introduced in early April. Cosponsorship creates valuable political momentum by demonstrating public support that other members of Congress can see and support themselves.

Kathy Kilmer
The Wilderness Society

Visit The Wilderness Society's legislator look-up page to find your Representatives' and Senators' contact information by clicking here:

or simply call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.

If your Senator is on the list below, there is no need to place a phone call to that office, unless you'd like to THANK your Senator for introducing or cosponsoring this important bill!

Richard Durbin - IL (Introduced the bill) John Kerry - MA Benjamin Cardin - MD Robert Menendez - NJ Jack Reed - RI Maria Cantwell - WA Russ Feingold - WI

Please use the talking points below to tell your Representative and Senators in your own words why you want them to protect wild Utah.


1) Please cosponsor America's Red Rock Wilderness Act - preferably as an original cosponsor before it is introduced in early April.

2) Utah's public wild lands are a national treasure that are important to me, which I want Congress to protect for current and future generations to enjoy.

3) Utah's wildlands are precious and irreplaceable. They are valued by the public for many reasons, such as:

* Outstanding geologic formations and scenic beauty;
* Important wildlife habitat, including home to at least two dozen endangered or sensitive species;
* Some of the richest concentrations of prehistoric ruins in the world; and
* World-renowned recreation opportunities including hiking, canyoneering and boating and rafting along the Colorado, Green, San Juan, Dolores rivers.

4) Threats to proposed Red Rock Wilderness are serious and growing from increasing oil and gas development and irresponsible off-road vehicle recreation.

* In the last few years, BLM has leased over 125,000 acres of lands in America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

5) The time is now to support and pass America's Red Rock Wilderness Act.

* 161 Members of the House and 16 Senators cosponsored ARRWA in the 109th Congress, most of whom have returned this Congress, and many of the new members of Congress ran on environmental platforms. This Congress represents the best chance in years to protect Utah wilderness.

BACKGROUND: WHAT'S AT STAKE Utah's Red Rock wilderness is a national treasure famed for rugged beauty and incredible geology. Swirling red sandstone is studded with vibrant green vegetation, sparkling rivers, and abundant wildlife. The lands to be protected by America's Red Rock Wilderness Act are unique in their splendor and diverse resources.

First introduced in 1989, ARRWA represents over 20 years of field work, research and documentation by conservationists. Distressed by the woefully small fraction of Utah wildlands recommended for federal wilderness designation by the BLM in their original 1980 survey, citizen volunteers completed field surveys documenting nearly six million acres of pristine backcountry worthy of wilderness protection. A second and more extensive citizens' inventory completed in 1998 brought the total eligible acreage to more than nine million.

The lands to be protected in ARRWA are blessed with unmatched resources. Beyond their breathtaking beauty and opportunities for hiking, boating, and other recreation, Utah's BLM wildlands are also home to at least two dozen endangered or sensitive wildlife species; endangered desert tortoise, peregrine falcons, and Bonneville cutthroat trout share habitat with desert bighorn sheep, cougar, and other animals. ARRWA lands also boast some of the richest concentrations of prehistoric ruins - left by America's ancient Anasazi and other cultures - in the world. The huge canyon systems of the Colorado, Green, San Juan, and Dolores rivers are yet another remarkable feature of ARRWA lands.

Yet these special places are under attack by damaging impacts from oil and gas development, mining, illegal road construction, and ORV use. The clock is ticking. Currently more than two-thirds of Utah's BLM lands are available for oil and gas leasing, and some 3.5 million acres have been leased to date - including over 125,000 acres of proposed wilderness lands. Withdrawing proposed wilderness lands from oil and gas development would have minimal impact on our national energy situation - recent government figures show that "technically recoverable" undiscovered natural gas and oil resources on lands within America's Red Rock Wilderness Act amount to less than 4 weeks of natural gas and roughly 4 days of oil at current national consumption levels ("economically recoverable" would be even less).

Similarly, roughly 75% of BLM lands in Utah lack any real protection from ORV use that can cause extensive damage to fragile desert soils, streams, vegetation, and wildlife. Furthermore, thousands of visitors come to Utah's canyons and desert expanses hoping to experience solitude and quiet, but instead are now treated to the inescapable buzzing of all-terrain vehicles and dirt bikes on Utah's 100,000-plus miles of dirt roads and old mining tracks. Though thousands of acres of wildlands have been lost in recent decades, we still have the opportunity to protect much of this land as wilderness before we lose these irreplaceable lands to development.

Fortunately, support for ARRWA has never been higher. The cause of Utah wilderness is supported by The Wilderness Society, Sierra Club, Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, and Wasatch Mountain Club, as well as more than 230 other national and regional conservation groups. Additionally, last year in the 109th Congress, 161 Representatives and 16 Senators cosponsored ARRWA. With the election of many new environmentally friendly members last November, there is the real chance to significantly increase support for Utah wilderness and actually start moving the bill through Congress this year.

As they have for many years, ARRWA will be sponsored by our champions, Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) in the House, and Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) in the Senate. Each bill will likely be introduced in early April, and it's important that as many cosponsors as possible sign on to support the bill before it is introduced. Your calls to your Representative and Senators will ensure they are among the original cosponsors of this critical bill when it is introduced.

Please call your Representative and Senators today.

Stop The Big Brother State


According to David Scharf, "...our leaders try to enforce more and more repressive laws and instrumentalize the public fear of terror to justify them."

The evidence keeps mounting that Bush policies disproportionately benefit the very rich

Income Inequality Worsens

Behind the testimony on the U.S. attorney firings is a plan to thoroughly politicize government

Politics Over Performance

Many Americans suffer the consequences of hazardous housing

The Tip Of The Iceberg

by John Bartlett,

Many Americans—not just the soliders at Walter Reed—suffer the consequences of hazardous housing.

An Iraq War Turning Point

by The Nation Editors

Whatever happens next, Congress has laid down a significant marker in the quest to end the war.

Wireless City Projects

I was appalled to see the news about the planned blanket Wifi coverage in Brighton. Wifi systems use microwaves at a 2.4 GHz frequency (exactly the same as microwave ovens). There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence that long term low level exposure to microwaves causes cell damage in humans, animals and plants, leading to a wide range of illnesses. The health effects range from tinnitus, lack of concentration and insomnia to leakage of the blood brain barrier, spikes of high blood pressure and heart palpitations in the short term to the development of cancer in the long term. More and more people are also developing electrohypersensitivity (EHS) as a result of being exposed to low level microwaves from mobile transmitters and other wireless applications. The government currently advises GPs not to recognise this condition. However in Sweden where it is recognised and statistical data exist, the official estimate is that already 3% of the entire population suffer from this condition. This number is expected to rise as more people become permanently exposed. Just as with passive smoking, people will no longer be able to protect themselves from unwanted microwave exposure in a city with blanket wifi coverage. It is the duty of the government and local authority to protect its citizens’ health and safety by allowing them to have the choice not to be exposed. I urge the council to review this decision and adopt a precautionary approach to this issue.

Andrea Klein


I am so p... off with the Sussex Argus yet again not publishing any of the several letters written my MS members in response to its "Wireless City" cover story a week and a half ago, I have sent the following to four local newsletters in Brighton.

I am in no doubt whatsoever now that they are suppressing anti microwave letters due to the amount of publicity they give to the Telecom industrys products.


With years of almost total blanking from Councillors after sending information to all of them about the health damage caused by Mobile phone masts (and mobiles, DECT phones, WiFi, wireless baby monitors etc), I was surprised to see Councillor Jeane Lepper writing in April's Hollingdean News standing up for the rights of her constituents against the power of telecom companies to place their health damaging masts virtually anywhere.

This should be a major issue in the impending Council elections. The mountain of evidence proves conclusively that phone masts cause everything from cancer to strokes, leukaemia and Motor Neurone disease to epilepsy. This has been known to thousands of people campaigning against masts for years. Yet the Brighton Argus, as with most newspapers, continues to hype mobiles and WiFi relentlessly whilst printing almost none of the many letters sent to their letters page by myself and other concerned campaigners in Mast Sanity ( trying to warn people of the harm these technologies are causing.

Jeane Leppers' article suggests that other Councillors would oppose further mast applications at the corner of Mountfields and The Crestway in Hollingdean. Why then, have these Councillors not responded to my emails over the years?

I suggest that anyone concerned about the virtually unopposed escalation in wireless technology in Brighton & Hove study the Mast Sanity website
( ) and write to the Argus about the effects of this now almost unavoidable technology and the lack of any sane planning controls on their siting, before the forthcoming elections. People also need to know which Councillors will actually stand up for our rights on this issue if they are elected. Certainly not Councillor Roy Pennington, long term Vice Chair of the planning committee, who never refuses a mast whenever he has a casting vote as he thinks mast campaigners are all misinformed. I shudder to think of the health damage this man has caused to huge numbers of people.

In "On the Precautionary Approach and the Stewart & NRPB Reports", Dr Graeme Blackwell (see attachment) quotes from the UK Governments' own Stewart Report into the ICNIRP guidelines used everywhere as the safety measure for phone masts. Note that researchers worldwide are unanimous in that it is the pulsing frequency of the microwaves which cause the damage, NOT the thermal emissions of the masts. Measuring only the thermal emissions, ICNIRP guidelines are thus almost totally useless as safety criteria: "The balance of evidence suggests that exposures to radiation below NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines do not cause adverse health effects to the general population.

"There is now scientific evidence, however, which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these guidelines.

"We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.

"We recommend that a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available."

Dr Blackwell:

"Note that the specific reason for advocating a precautionary approach is scientific evidence that exposure at levels "below NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines" may have adverse health effects. How, in the name of all that's rational, can the ICNIRP guidelines be reckoned to satisfy the need for a 'precautionary approach' that is specifically advocated PRECISELY BECAUSE scientific evidence indicates that there may be effects that those guidelines don't cover???

With years of almost total blanking from Councillors after sending information to all of them about the health damage caused by Mobile phone masts (and mobiles, DECT phones, WiFi, wireless baby monitors etc), I was surprised to see Councillor Jeane Lepper writing in April's Hollingdean News standing up for the rights of her constituents against the power of telecom companies to place their health damaging masts virtually anywhere.

This should be a major issue in the impending Council elections. The mountain of evidence proves conclusively that phone masts cause everything from cancer to strokes, leukaemia and Motor Neurone disease to epilepsy. This has been known to thousands of people campaigning against masts for years. Yet the Brighton Argus, as with most newspapers, continues to hype mobiles and WiFi relentlessly whilst printing almost none of the many letters sent to their letters page by myself and other concerned campaigners in Mast Sanity ( ) trying to warn people of the harm these technologies are causing.

Jeane Leppers' article suggests that other Councillors would oppose further mast applications at the corner of Mountfields and The Crestway in Hollingdean. Why then, have these Councillors not responded to my emails over the years?

I suggest that anyone concerned about the virtually unopposed escalation in wireless technology in Brighton & Hove study the Mast Sanity website
( ) and write to the Argus about the effects of this now almost unavoidable technology and the lack of any sane planning controls on their siting, before the forthcoming elections. People also need to know which Councillors will actually stand up for our rights on this issue if they are elected. Certainly not Councillor Roy Pennington, long term Vice Chair of the planning committee, who never refuses a mast whenever he has a casting vote as he thinks mast campaigners are all misinformed. I shudder to think of the health damage this man has caused to huge numbers of people.

In "On the Precautionary Approach and the Stewart & NRPB Reports", Dr Graeme Blackwell (see attachment) quotes from the UK Governments' own Stewart Report into the ICNIRP guidelines used everywhere as the safety measure for phone masts. Note that researchers worldwide are unanimous in that it is the pulsing frequency of the microwaves which cause the damage, NOT the thermal emissions of the masts. Measuring only the thermal emissions, ICNIRP guidelines are thus almost totally useless as safety criteria: "The balance of evidence suggests that exposures to radiation below NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines do not cause adverse health effects to the general population.

"There is now scientific evidence, however, which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these guidelines.

"We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach.

"We recommend that a precautionary approach to the use of mobile phone technologies be adopted until much more detailed and scientifically robust information on any health effects becomes available."

Dr Blackwell:

"Note that the specific reason for advocating a precautionary approach is scientific evidence that exposure at levels "below NRPB and ICNIRP guidelines" may have adverse health effects. How, in the name of all that's rational, can the ICNIRP guidelines be reckoned to satisfy the need for a 'precautionary approach' that is specifically advocated PRECISELY BECAUSE scientific evidence indicates that there may be effects that those guidelines don't cover???


Wireless broadband Internet dangers


Wireless internet zone to cover City of London

BBC news to add comments

Interesting but not surprising that there is no thought given to the possible health effects. Do people realise that the frequencies used for wifi are higher than for mobile phones and the intensities emitted from the wifi transmitters will be of the same order of magnitude (measured in the street) as from a phone mast? These are phone masts by any other name coming to a street near you but with no planning permission needed at all! See for what to expect in the way of symptoms if living near a wifi transmitter.


Item published

Brighton's fortnightly Kemptown Rag has come up trumps again and published yet another of my anti telecom rants (that makes about 4 now this year) as always uncensored!




We see constant reassurances from the telecoms industry that their phone masts are safe near schools and housing. Now Brighton and Hove Council wants to follow other major cities in covering us with WiFi - which emits exactly the same frequency microwaves as phone masts.

From 1993, in America for six years, the Telecoms Industry employed 200 research doctors – at a cost of $28.5 million – to study the safety of their microwave systems ( ). The 15 epidemiological studies showed increased tumours, genetic damage, a greater risk to children, and damage to the blood-brain barrier. The scientist leading these studies predicted 30,000-50,000 cancers worldwide in 2006 alone - of just one type of cancer. These results were suppressed.

The Freiburger, Naila, Wolf, Hutter, Santini, Oberfeld, Bamberg (etc) studies ( ) all show increased cancers and illnesses from this industrys' microwaves.

MPs have three times raised the problem of clusters of children (11 or more) with leukaemia around masts (Hansard (21.5.04 & 1.3.05) . Since then another cluster of 12 children has emerged.

O2's Angela Johnson assures us that the World Health Organisation (WHO) allows them to plant their phone masts next to schools and housing. The WHOs' Radiation Health Protection Committee is responsible for the subject of Cellular Technology and Powerlines health effects. It's eight representatives are all mobile phone operator ex employees.

The chairman of this committee, Dr Michael Repacholi, recently resigned following revelations that he received 150,000 dollars a year directly from the cellular phone industry for meetings and travels. Repacholi is documented to have invited power industry representatives to review scientific work and participate in evaluating health standards of electromagnetic fields emitted by power lines. The names of these representatives are all documented. Repacholi systematically downplayed and ignored for years many scientific findings with one common ground: those which show that the cellular technology is not safe and cannot be freely distributed without a health price for the world population. He now works for the nuclear industry and was recently seen on a Panorama programme on nuclear power telling viewers that small amounts of radiation does you good..

How analysts in the Arab world see the Iraq war

Christian Science Monitor
by Helena Cobban


Policymakers and strategic analysts in the Arab world have little confidence that [the] current US troop surge in Iraq will do much more than — at best — postpone a complete political-security breakdown in Iraq, which, they fear, could then spread across the Middle East. During my lengthy recent discussions with experts in Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, and with some well-connected Iraqis in Jordan, I heard a lot about how Iraq’s collapse has been affecting these Arab societies. The news from my Iraqi friends — leaders in quasi-governmental and nongovernmental organizations — was grim. These were people who (on human rights grounds) had supported the US invasion in 2003, and who then worked hard to build an effective, democratic order in their country. Now, I found them downhearted — but thoughtful, as they tried to pinpoint the worst of many US mistakes in Iraq. They told piercingly tragic stories about the violence and sectarianism that affects everyone there. I asked one of these friends what he thought would happen if US forces leave Iraq in the near future. He said there’s a possibility this would concentrate the minds of his countrymen on the need to find a workable reconciliation. ‘But if the Americans stay, we can expect the situation to remain bad,’ he said...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq deadline: an extraordinary political moment

The Nation
by William Greider


Take a deep breath. The nation has arrived at an extraordinary political moment. The Congress is about to instruct the President he should withdraw from the ongoing war. Yes, I know the fine print in the House and Senate versions has lots of wiggle room. But the congressional action is still breathtaking when you think about it, possibly without historic precedent. I assumed it would take many months and numerous failed efforts for the new Democratic majority to reach this juncture. When House leaders kept softening their terms, I even thought it might be a good thing for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to lose the first time around. She would then be assailed by outraged Americans and get the message: stiffen up, this is not business as usual. I was mistaken. Many of the final details are disappointing, but the message has been delivered and received — get out of Iraq. It will rule politics until the American exit actually occurs...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Mind how you walk, it could be a crime

Telegraph [UK]
by Philip Johnston


My favourite is automatic gait recognition. This identifies people by the way they walk and the Government has asked Ministry of Defence scientists to develop it for widespread use. Cameras are programmed to pick up on a particular gait, thereby making it impossible for a suspect to escape by covering his face. Even Orwell did not come up with “gaitcrime”...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A citizen’s peace lobby

by Michael Foley


Tina Richards has an idea. Tina is the mother of a Marine scheduled for his third tour of duty in Iraq who took on Rep. David Obey (Dem., Wisconsin) and the Democratic leadership over funding for the war. Though her home is Missouri, she’s in the process of moving to the Washington, D.C. area to keep up the fight to end the war. Her idea is simple. Bring 10,000 concerned citizens to Washington this summer to lobby their Congressional representatives and counter the ten thousand paid lobbyists who ensure that ours is the most lavishly financed and most seriously immune to change legislature in the world...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

"Krankheitsverleugnung": Niedrige Fehlzeiten Indiz für neue Gesundheitsrisiken

Analyse in den aktuellen WSI-Mitteilungen

„Die Fehlzeiten wegen Krankheit sind so niedrig wie nie. Doch diese auf den ersten Blick positive Entwicklung könnte Vorbotin eines neuen Gesundheitsrisikos sein - wenn Beschäftigte Erkrankungen zunehmend verdrängen, statt sie auszukurieren. In Betrieben lassen sich Formen von "Krankheitsverleugnung" beobachten. Das zeigt eine von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung geförderte qualitative Studie von Dr. Hermann Kocyba und Dr. Stephan Voswinkel, Soziologen am Institut für Sozialforschung in Frankfurt am Main…“ HBS-Pressemitteilung vom 29.03.2007

Siehe dazu auch die Kostprobe als Böckler-Impuls 6/2007 (pdf):

Arbeitnehmer unter Druck: Keine Zeit für Krankheit

Aus: LabourNet, 30. März 2007

Bundesagentur für Arbeit besorgt: Hungerlöhne nehmen zu

„Die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) hat mit der Warnung vor einer wachsenden Zahl armer Arbeitnehmer die Debatte über Mindestlöhne belebt. Selbst der öffentliche Dienst zahlt laut BA solche Armutslöhne…“ Artikel von Markus Sievers in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 30.03.2007

Aus dem Text: „…Armutslöhne gibt es laut Alt auch im öffentlichen Dienst. Etwa 13 000 Beschäftigte bezögen dort zusätzlich zu ihrem Gehalt Leistungen aus der Grundsicherung. Solche Einzelfälle habe es selbst bei der BA gegeben. Dies sei inzwischen abgestellt worden, versicherte Alt. "Hier haben wir die Löhne aufgestockt." Kritik an der Nürnberger Behörde kommt dagegen vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB). Dessen Arbeitsmarktexperte Wilhelm Adamy erklärte auf FR-Anfrage, die Bundesagentur widme dem Thema Lohndumping "zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit". Dies gelte für Weiterbildungsaufträge, bei denen die BA nur auf den Preis und nicht auf die Bezahlung der Lehrkräfte achte. Und dies gelte auch für die Arbeitsvermittlung, wo die Lohnhöhe keine oder kaum eine Rolle spiele…“

Siehe dazu auch:

Hartz IV im Öffentlichen Dienst. Artikel von Sven Astheimer in der FAZ online vom 29. März 2007.

Darin heisst es: „…Alt bereitet die Entwicklung des ergänzenden Leistungsbezugs Sorge. Nach der Einführung von Hartz IV im Januar 2005 erhielten knapp 290.000 Personen zusätzlich zu ihrem Erwerbseinkommen noch staatliche Transferleistungen. Eineinhalb Jahre später war es bereits eine Million. (…) Für Alt zeigt dies bereits, dass sich einige Branchen „auf Kosten der Steuerzahlers“ auf niedrige Löhne einigen…“

Ist dies nicht genau die Funktion eines Kombilohns????

Aus: LabourNet, 30. März 2007


Mehr arbeiten, viel mehr und für viel weniger


Geschäfte mit Hungerlöhnen - Auf Kosten des Steuerzahler

Manuskript der ZDF-Frontal 21-Sendung von Wolfgang Kramer, Friedrich Kurz und Rita Stingl vom 28.08.2007 (pdf),5587,7000147,00.pdf

Behörden als Lohndrücker

Video der ZDF-Frontal 21-Sendung von Wolfgang Kramer, Friedrich Kurz und Rita Stingl vom 04.09.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 6. September 2007

Persönliche Daten im Visier

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

30. März 2007

Heute wurde die so genannte zentrale Antiterrordatei frei geschaltet. Dazu erklärt die stellvertretende Parteivorsitzende Katina Schubert:

Die zentrale Antiterrordatei eröffnet vollkommen neue Möglichkeiten des Datenzugriffs und des Datenaustauschs. Wir leben jetzt im Zeitalter der allumfassenden Überwachung. Vorbei sind die Zeiten, in denen sich Polizei und Geheimdienste erst mühsam den Zugriff auf persönliche Daten erstreiten mussten. Ab sofort ermöglichen die komplette Kennzeichenerfassung von Fahrzeugen, die Kontrolle sämtlicher Kreditkartenbesitzer in der Bundesrepublik und der Zugriff auf Konten eine Überprüfung jedes einzelnen. Jeder und jede stehen unter Generalverdacht, niemand kann mehr nachvollziehen, von wem und warum persönliche Daten gespeichert oder weitergegeben werden. Beispielsweise können Geheimdienste jetzt direkt auf die Daten von Kraftfahrzeughaltern zugreifen. Die Freischaltung der zentralen Antiterrordatei ist ein gravierender Einschnitt in die bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechte. Die Linkspartei.PDS bleibt bei ihrer Forderung: Der Schutz von Bürgerrechten muss Priorität haben. Die Trennung von polizeilicher und geheimdienstlicher Arbeit darf nicht beseitigt werden. Die Geheimdienste müssen kontrolliert werden und alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger das Recht haben, über persönliche Daten zu bestimmen.


Friday, March 30, 2007

Leaders in four election integrity organizations are delivering a proposal to the Congress calling on the members to sponsor better election reform legislation.

According to leaders of The National Election Data Archive, Black Box Voting, Democracy for New Hampshire, and Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections, OH, there are serious flaws in current election reform proposals proposed by U.S. Congressman Rush Holt and Senator Bill Nelson (HR 811 & S559) and by Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Senator Hillary Clinton (HR1381 & S804).

Some election officials agree. Douglas A. Kellner, Co-Chair of the New York State Board of Elections in a March 20, 2007 email correspondence said: "Congress got it wrong when it passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 and there is a high probability that HR 811 in its current form could create another form of expensive mischief that could interfere with efficient administration of elections."

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) have also written a joint letter on March 19, 2007 urging members of Congress to oppose HR811/S559.

Yet, federal election reform legislation is critically needed in early
2007 if it is to be in effect in time to assure the accuracy and truth of 2008 federal elections.

Kathy Dopp, President of the National Election Data Archive with help from state and county election officials and other election integrity activists such as Bev Harris, Director of Black Box Voting; Nancy Tobi, Cofounder of Democracy for New Hampshire and Chair, NH Fair Elections Committee; and Phil Fry of Citizens' Alliance for Accurate Secure Elections OH have authored a "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation". The key ideas of their proposals are

1) citizen oversight of elections,
2) sufficient manual counts of paper ballots to verify the accuracy of election outcomes,
3) prohibit and monitor voter disenfranchisement, and
4) well-planned, long-term improvement of voting systems.

They are also recommending that the US Election Assistance Commission be dissolved.

According to Dopp, their "One-Page Concept Proposal for Federal Election Reform Legislation" has more reasonable time frames, enforceable requirements, provisions for citizen oversight, respect of states' rights and flexibility, provides sufficient funding to cover its requirements, and is more cost-efficient and effective than current election reform proposals.

Attached is the "One-Page Concept Proposal for Election Reform Legislation" along with detailed comments.

Any feedback on the proposal and any help that you can be in getting this legislation sponsored would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

Kathy Dopp,
President of National Election Data Archive

Democrats move to protect species act

Informant: binstock

Military beefs up Internet arsenal

The U.S. military is quietly expanding capabilities to attack terrorist computer networks, including websites that glorify insurgent attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq, military officials and experts say.

From Information Clearing House

Barack Obama Inc.: The birth of a Washington machine

It is also startling to see how quickly Obama's senatorship has been woven into the web of institutionalized influence-trading that afflicts official Washington. He quickly established a political machine funded and run by a standard Beltway group of lobbyists, P.R. consultants, and hangers-on.

Obama's K Street project

While Obama has decried the influence of special interests in Washington, the reality is that many of the most talented and experienced political operatives in his party are lobbyists, and he needs their help.

From Information Clearing House

Musharraf warns of 'ominous confrontation' in Gulf

President General Pervez Musharraf warned on Wednesday that rising tensions in the oil-rich Gulf risk leading to a confrontation that could affect the entire world.\03\29\story_29-3-2007_pg7_13

Musharraf is losing Pakistan

The president's grab for another five years of power has backfired.

Another stiff test for Musharraf

From the mountains of Pakistan's tribal areas to the capital Islamabad and up to the insurgent coastal belt of Balochistan province bordering Iran and Afghanistan, pan-Islamists are developing a united front ultimately to take on the West and its allies in the region.

From Information Clearing House

A fake British map?

Fake Maritime Boundaries

Producing a fake map of the Iran/Iraq boundary, notably unfavourable to Iran, we can only harden the Iranian position.

A fake British map? More on the Captured Brits

"The British Government has published a map showing the coordinates of the incident, well within an Iran/Iraq maritime border. The mainstream media and even the blogosphere has bought this hook, line and sinker.

From Information Clearing House

Refugees on the Highway from Hell

In the four years since the Iraq war began, 2 million refugees have left the country. The journey to Syria is a dangerous one -- but as it gets safer, the trip is becoming more and more popular.,1518,474205,00.html

From Information Clearing House

The Racist War on Immigrants

By Stephen Lendman

Emma Lazarus' memorable words on Lady Liberty's pedestal once had meaning as a new nation grew. No longer in a country hostile to the tired, the poor, the huddled masses, the wretched refuse, the homeless and many others not making the grade in a white supremacist Judeo-Christian state worshiping wealth and privilege.

Bush's Long History of Tilting Justice

By Joseph D. Rich

THE SCANDAL unfolding around the firing of eight U.S. attorneys compels the conclusion that the Bush administration has rewarded loyalty over
all else. A destructive pattern of partisan political actions at the Justice Department started long before this incident, however, as those of us who
worked in its civil rights division can attest.

Follow the e-mails

By Sidney Blumenthal

The discovery of a previously unknown treasure chest of e-mails buried by the Bush administration may prove to be as informative as Nixon's
secret White House tapes.

Wars usually end when the lying can't staunch the bleeding, and the stench

Perfidious Albion and the lying American

By John Helmer

Wars usually start with one large lie. Throwing more troops into the breach requires a great many little lies. Wars usually end when the lying can't
staunch the bleeding, and the stench.

Gulf War Veterans Tested Positive for Depleted Uranium

Working to Diagnose Marine Animal Die-Off

An increase in the deaths of marine animals has led to an investigation to diagnose the cause. Experts believe that nutrient runoff from farming, rising ocean temperatures and discarded waste such as cat litter are contributing to the conditions linked to the deaths.

Bush War on Terror Draws Fire as Misguided Venture

Five and one-half years after the September 11 attacks, President George W. Bush's war on terror has emerged as a wasteful, misguided exercise that poses its own threat to US national security, experts say.

Ex-Aide Implicates Gonzales in US Attorney Firings

In testimony that is likely to ratchet up the pressure on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Kyle Sampson, his former top aide, directly contradicted his old boss in testimony Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Aide contradicts Gonzales in probe

USA Today


Attorney General Alberto Gonzales falsely asserted in public statements that he was not involved in discussions about the abrupt removal of eight federal prosecutors, his former chief of staff told a congressional panel Thursday. In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kyle Sampson said he repeatedly consulted with the attorney general before the controversial dismissals. He described Gonzales’ claims of non-involvement as ‘inaccurate’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Story Time in the Senate

The New York Times editors examine the latest testimony in the US attorney firings: "In his Senate testimony yesterday, Kyle Sampson, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, tried to be a 'loyal Bushie,' a term Mr. Sampson used in his infamous email message to describe what he was looking for in United States attorneys. But if Mr. Sampson was trying to fall on his sword, he had horrible aim. In testimony that got so embarrassing for the White House that the Republicans tried to cut it off, Mr. Sampson simply ended up making it clearer than ever that the eight prosecutors were fired for political reasons."

CODEPINK Sends a Message to Capitol Hill

produced by the Washington Post for their home page today

The Obama Illusion

Informant: Henry Duke


From Adriana

End the Seal Hunt by Using Your Buying Power!


Take Action to End the Seal Hunt

Watch: Latest Seal Hunt Footage

Common Sense Budget Act Charts New Course for US Economy

Environmental Defense Campaign Urges Congress to Put a Cap on Carbon

New Voices For A New War

A Similar Attack on Americans Could Have Led to Casualties and an Excuse For Bush to Bomb Iran

Better That Iranians Didnt Go After Yanks

Prosecutors and the Death Penalty

Message To The Man In The Bunker

We Were Torturing People For No Reason

Czech President Vaclav Klaus: Environmentalism As Bad As Communism

US Income Gap Is Widening Significantly

Data Shows

Antiwar Theme Plays Well to Labor Group


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