Dienstag, 27. März 2007

Arbeitslose in den Krieg? Bundeswehr bekommt zunehmend Probleme in der ARGE

Arbeitslose in den Krieg? Bundeswehr soll Jugendliche "skruppellos" anwerben

Die innenpolitische Sprecherin der Linksfraktion, Ulla Jelpke, wirft der Bundeswehr vor, sie betreibe "eine skrupellose Rekrutierungspolitik". Mit über 600 "Einsätzen" alleine in diesem Jahr wolle sie Jugendliche werben. Die Aktion koste 1,3 Millionen Euro. Dabei mache sich die Truppe in Innenstädten, Schulen, Messen und Ausstellungen "breit". "Karriere-Treffs", Info-Mobile und Messestände des "Zentralen Eventmarketings" der Bundeswehr und der Zentren für Nachwuchsgewinnung richteten sich "primär an die Abschlussklassen" von Schulen, habe die Bundesregierung in ihrer Antwort auf eine Kleine parlamentarische Anfrage der Linksfraktion mitgeteilt.



Bundeswehr bekommt zunehmend Probleme in der ARGE. Nicht nur in Köln

“Seit einiger Zeit stiften AntimilitaristInnen nicht nur in Köln erfolgreich Unruhe bei öffentlichen Auftritten der Bundeswehr. Schwerpunkt sind deren mittlerweile monatlich stattfindenden Werbe- und Beratungsveranstaltungen in Arbeitsämtern. Die Initiative Bundeswehr-Wegtreten schafft es zunehmend, die Bundeswehr in ihrem Streben nach mehr gesellschaftlicher Akzeptanz, verbunden mit ihrer Selbstinszenierung im öffentlichen Raum, eben genau dort anzugreifen und sie dort wieder zurückzudrängen…“ Artikel von Christel Mertens in NRhZ-Online - Neue Rheinische Zeitung Nr. 88 http://www.nrhz.de/flyer/beitrag.php?id=10686

Aus: LabourNet, 30. März 2007


Spekulationen um einen baldigen US-Angriff

Neue Sanktionen gegen Iran beschlossen

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat hat am Wochenende die Sanktionen gegen den Iran verschärft. Die neue Resolution 1747 sieht ein Waffenembargo, Einfrieren von Auslandsgeldern und Reisebeschränkungen vor. Der Iran soll innerhalb von 60 Tagen seine Urananreicherung einstellen. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel betonte beim Treffen der europäischen Staats- und Regierungschefs in Berlin, dass die EU weiterhin offen bleibe für Verhandlungen. "Wenn der Iran zum Pfad der Völkergemeinschaft zurückkehrt, dann sind wir natürlich auch bereit, dem Iran sehr große Angebote zu machen", sagte Merkel am 25. März. Der iranische Außenminister, Manuschehr Mottaki, sagte, das iranische Parlament sei bereit, das Zusatzprotokoll des Nicht-Verbreitungsvertrages zu ratifizieren. Zahlreiche Berichte deuten auf baldige Luftangriffe des Westens hin.


Ominous Signs Suggest Iran War Close


Why the Right Goes Nuclear Over Global Warming

Jonathan Chait writes: "The financial relationship doesn't quite explain the entirety of GOP skepticism on global warming. For one thing, the energy industry has dramatically softened its opposition to global warming over the last year, even as Republicans have stiffened theirs. The truth is more complicated - and more depressing: A small number of hardcore ideologues (some, but not all, industry shills) have led the thinking for the whole conservative movement."



School Faced With Consumerist Barbarism

Philippe Meirieu writes: "Today, the entire social machinery, far from supplying points of support to the child for freeing himself from infantilism, infinitely echoes and reflects exactly that principle education must teach him to free himself from: 'Your impulses are your orders.' Thus has the 'purchase impulse' become the motor of our economic development."


Tillman Family Wants Congressional Probe

Pat Tillman's family firmly rejected the Defense Department's findings into the former NFL star's friendly-fire death in Afghanistan, calling for Congressional investigations into what they see as broad malfeasance and a cover-up. "Perhaps subpoenas are necessary to elicit candor and accuracy from the military," his family said in a statement Monday night, after hearing the results of the latest probes.



US Long Worried That Iran Supplied Arms in Iraq

Flynt Leverett, a senior fellow at the New American Foundation, and a Middle East specialist who worked for the Central Intelligence Agency and on the staff of the National Security Council, said he believed that Iran was supplying munitions to Shiite militias. But Mr. Leverett said the threat to American troops from Sunni insurgents, who draw on Syria and Saudi Arabia for money and other logistical support, was "orders of magnitude" greater than that from Shiites, and he contended that the Bush administration's public emphasis on the EFP's was part of a larger administration strategy to blame Iran "for the failure of the American project in Iraq."



DOJ Official McNulty Ignored White House in Testimony

The firestorm over the fired US attorneys was sparked last month when a top Justice Department official ignored guidance from the White House and rejected advice from senior administration lawyers over his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. McNulty went well beyond the scope of what the White House cleared him to say when it approved his written testimony the week before the hearing, according to administration sources closely involved in the matter.



The American Ghosts of Abu Ghraib

Former Army Sgt. Sam Provance was one of the heroes of the Abu Ghraib scandal, the only uniformed military intelligence officer at the Iraqi prison to testify about the abuses during the internal Army investigation. When he recognized that the Pentagon was scapegoating low-level personnel, he also gave an interview to ABC News. For refusing to play along with the cover-up, Provance was punished and pushed out of the US military.



Abu Ghraib Film Obscures Truth

Informant: Dorothee Krien


Rush Limbaugh Blasts Our Polar Bear Ad: Fight Back!

Rush Limbaugh just called us "creeps" for running our Polar Bear S.O.S. ad on television and broadcasting the plight of the polar bear across America.

Here's what he has to say ...

"... the ice floe melts into the letters 'SOS,' with the two polar bears on top of the SOS! I predicted little children will see this and say, 'Mommy, mommy, mommy! The polar bears! The ice floe is almost gone! They're going to die! What can we do? What can we do?'"

I guess Rush finally gets it! The point of the ad is, of course, that the polar bear's sea ice is melting away ... along with its future ... and we need to respond quickly.

But Rush and other global warming deniers would stop the Bush Administration from doing the right thing and protecting polar bears before it's too late.

In the face of their opposition, it's more important than ever that you submit your own Official Citizen Comment in favor of polar bear protection -- BEFORE THE APRIL 9 DEADLINE -- at http://www.polarbearsos.org/takeaction

Then, please forward this email to as many friends as you can -- to create a blizzard of comments to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Help us stop Limbaugh and the pro-pollution crowd from sacrificing the polar bear's future.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council


Call your senators TODAY to support Webb amendment barring attack on Iran


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Sweeping changes to global climate seen by 2100


Informant: NHNE

Gulf economies to 'drop the dollar'


Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news

Iran's reduced cooperation with IAEA part of preparation for US attack


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Debate on interspecies cloning reignites


Informant: binstock



Informant: binstock


Internationales Bündnis klagt gegen Patente auf Saatgut und Nutztiere



Informant: binstock


Please share this site: no patents on seeds and animals

Monsanto is attempting to try to OUTLAW gardening by private individuals and try to monopolize all food production. They're therefore trying to get "patents" on seeds. They want to make seed saving by home gardeners a Federal crime. It's the same sort of nonsense as the National Animal Identification Act, which has as it's sole intent to stop individuals growing their own animals for food.



Campaigners fail in efforts to stop phone mast

Mar 27 2007

CAMPAIGNERS have lost their battle to stop a mobile phone mast going up in Caversham after councillors decided it was a bore.

More than 100 neighbours living around the Ilkley Road-Woodcote Road junction challenged Hutchison 3G's proposal for a 41-foot mast concealed in a lamppost, with three equipment cabinets around it.

But Reading borough planners left a decision on the mast to one of their officers [2014] who approved it even though the official deadline for objections had not passed.

And when neighbours turned up for a planning committee debate they were furious to hear councillors discussing the best colour for the equipment cabinets [2014] ignoring their arguments about its position and appearance.

Cllr Richard Stainthorp appeared to be taking a nap while Tory Thames ward councillor Isobel Ballsdon voiced her constituents' concerns and Labour's Cllr Pete Ruhemann later announced: "Frankly,I find this whole business quite boring as a debate."

Later, Ilkley Road resident Christine Bradbury said: "I have sent a letter outlining the reasons why I think the whole thing has been mishandled to committee chairman, Cllr Tom Crisp.

"I am incensed we have such a small voice while councillors sleep,hurl abuse and say how bored they are when dealing with important issues."

Cllr Stainthorp said: "I had read the officer's report, including the objections and how they were addressed, and listened to what Cllr Ballsdon and the resident who spoke had to say.

"I actually listen better when I have my eyes closed.

"I didn't feel either of them added anything to the report, but I actually didn't contribute to the debate about the phone mast."

Cllr Ruhemann said: "I was concerned with the way Cllr Ballsdon, and Reading East MP Rob Wilson with his letter, were climbing the nimbyism band wagon and trying to present a totally baseless case.

"The reality is that almost everybody has mobile phones, and if people want to use them in residential areas then there are going to be masts in residential areas.

"I understand fears about safety,but they are not legal grounds for refusing a phone mast application, and it is irresponsible of anyone to suggest otherwise."

© owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Southern Limited 2007


British Government Concludes More Than 600,000 Iraqis Killed Since Invasion

British government officials have backed the methods used by scientists who concluded that more than 600,000 Iraqis have been killed since the invasion. The government publicly rejected the findings published in the Lancet in October. But the BBC said documents obtained under freedom of information legislation showed advisers concluded that the much-criticized study had used sound methods.


First Guantanamo Trial Sparks Controversy

The David Hicks trial has begun, and was immediately thrown into disarray when the judge effectively disqualified two of his three lawyers. The Australian Democrats and Greens today condemned the ejection of Hicks's lawyers, saying it was further evidence of the judicial process being rigged against the Australian.



FBI Provided Inaccurate Data for Surveillance Warrants

FBI agents repeatedly provided inaccurate information to win secret court approval of surveillance warrants in terrorism and espionage cases, prompting officials to tighten controls on the way the bureau uses that powerful anti-terrorism tool, according to Justice Department and FBI officials.



Ordinary Customers Flagged as Terrorists

Private businesses such as rental and mortgage companies and car dealers are checking the names of customers against a list of suspected terrorists and drug traffickers made publicly available by the US Treasury Department, sometimes denying services to ordinary people whose names are similar to those on the list.


Aides to Bush Ordered Not to Destroy Email

The Republican National Committee and chairman of George W. Bush's 2004 campaign have been ordered to preserve all email related to White House business because they might be relevant to multiple Congressional investigations.


Attorney Firing Spin Proposed by DOJ Spokesperson

283 pages of email and other documents were released Friday that were not part of the Justice Department's initial 3,100-page document dump from the previous Monday. Among the sensitive new email and other documents are discussions of how best to publicly spin the simultaneous firings of six US prosecutors, reports Arlen Parsa.



Grüne erwägen Exportverbot für deutsche Sicherheitstechnik


What Congress gets to know

by Walter Dellinger and Christopher H. Schroeder


The notion that Congress has no legitimate interest in overseeing White House involvement in the administration of law — as White House spokesman Tony Snow suggested last week — has no support in history. President Nixon thought that the White House itself was special and immune from oversight, but this extreme view has never been endorsed by Congress or by any court. The argument for an executive privilege to withhold information from Congress is less obvious, but still substantial. As the Supreme Court has recognized, the privilege of protecting the deliberative process within the White House ‘is fundamental to the operation of Government.’ The country is best served if the president’s advisers are free to give him blunt, candid, even harsh, assessments. Judges and their law clerks, senators and their staffers, editors and their reporters all believe the quality of their work and the candor of their advice benefits from confidential consultations. So it is with the president...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ratcheting up sanctions on Iran is the wrong approach

Independent Institute
by Ivan Eland


The conventional wisdom for dealing with Iran is demanding repeatedly that the Iranians end their uranium enrichment program, and slapping on new sanctions. Although the December 2006 United Nations Security Council sanctions that banned countries from exporting nuclear and missile materials and technology to Iran probably were prudent, widening the sanctions outside the nuclear and missile areas is a mistake. Broadening the sanctions changes their main purpose from being instrumental to being merely punitive...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Why Monsanto loves ethanol

by Andrew Leonard


For some time, How the World Works has been convinced that the rush to biofuels will significantly boost the ongoing rollout of genetically modified organisms. There’s just too much money at stake in the energy business for it to be otherwise. The popularity of the latest biotech crops is a perfect illustration of this. These seeds aren’t cheap — they are top-of-the-line products. But for well-financed farmers and industrial-scale agribusinesses aiming to cash in on ethanol demand, seed costs are not a significant barrier. It seems reasonable to expect, in the not-too-distant future, quadruple- and quintuple- and sextuple-stacked hybrids that do all kinds of fancy things such as incorporate herbicide resistance, targeted pesticides, and modifications that make the corn cheaper and easier to industrially transform into ethanol. As more and more modifications are incorporated into a single organism, our ability to understand and predict how wide-scale proliferation of those organisms will affect the greater environment will become even more difficult than it already is...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


War-funding puzzlement

National Review
by Fred Thompson


The House’s emergency war-funding bill contains several conditions on how the war should be run. They’ll never become law but they ’send signals’ they say. They’re big on sending signals in Washington. But what I was really surprised to find in the bill was what looked like $25 billion in pure pork. Since a lot of the people who voted for the bill campaigned against pork, I was puzzled. I’m puzzled there’s $283 million for dairy farmers in an emergency war-funding bill. But there’s also $74 million for peanut farmers so, I figured our soldiers are eating a lot of peanut-butter sandwiches; they need more milk to wash them down with. Hey, I’m trying to keep an open mind, here, okay? But I also wondered why the bill gives $25 million to spinach producers...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


A matter of political survival

Fox News
by Susan Estrich


What’s the difference between testifying in private, with no oath, tapes or transcript, and answering the same questions in sworn, public testimony? Or to put it another way … if you’re willing to tell all in private, why make a federal case of doing it under oath in public? If it’s a question of principle, what’s the principle? It certainly isn’t about secrecy. In general, you might think that the reason to have private sessions is to keep things private. But in this context, nothing could be more absurd...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


You’re fired

The American Prospect
by Robert Kuttner


The House of Representatives should begin impeachment proceedings against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Gonzales, the nation’s highest legal officer, has been point man for serial assaults against the rule of law, most recently in the crude attempt to politicize criminal prosecutions. Obstruction of a prosecution is a felony, even when committed by the attorney general. The firings of U.S. attorneys had multiple political motives, all contrary to longstanding practice. In some cases, Republican politicians and the White House were angry that prosecutors were not going after Democrats with sufficient zeal. In other cases, they wanted the prosecutors to lighten up on Republicans. In still others, exemplary prosecutors were shoved aside to make room for rising Republican politicians being groomed for higher office...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The Pentagon’s power to jail Americans indefinitely

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G. Hornberger


The presiding judge in the Jose Padilla case has held that the Sixth Amendment’s guarantee of a speedy trial does not protect American citizens from being indefinitely incarcerated by the Pentagon. Padilla had filed a motion to dismiss the case on the ground that the federal government had denied him his right to a speedy trial. Padilla has been in custody since May 2002 and his trial, which is scheduled to begin in April, is not being held until some five years later...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Government is a fatal attraction


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


The Ganglia of Four

Fred On Everything
by Fred Reed


The US is fighting a war crucially dependant on religion, politics, and culture without knowing anything about the religion, politics, or culture. Think about it. The GIs are late adolescents who have only the vaguest notion of where they are. The State Department has bright people who do know a lot about Islamic lands but, aside from being ignored, I doubt they much get out of the Green Zone. The upper ranks of American government? How much time have Congress, the Senate, Bush, Cheney, or Rice spent in Moslem countries?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The future looks very bleak

Unknown News
by Leon Fisher


The crash of the US economy has begun. Although the reasons for the now-accelerating economic fiasco have been in place for decades, the chickens are only now coming home to roost. The murder weapons used to kill the economy are ‘free trade,’ outsourcing, illegal immigration, special work visa programs, and unrestrained government spending,which have all contributed to the death of what was just a few decades ago the economic powerhouse of the world... [editor’s note: Actually, “illegal immigration” has been one of the factors that has kept the US economy afloat for longer than it otherwise would have been - TLK]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Interventions without end?

by Pat Buchanan


Stephens believes the successors to Bush and Blair will find they have no option but to intervene to prevent the new world disorder. Perhaps. But given the rage and revulsion Americans feel at having been stampeded into Iraq and pinioned in Baghdad, unable to stop the bleeding but unwilling to walk away in defeat, the American appetite for intervention has probably been sated for a long, long time. U.S. global hegemony is history. Like every nation, America must now choose — between what is vital and worth fighting for, and what may be ‘idealistic,’ but is not worth a war...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Who Is Supporting and Who Is Opposing Current Election Reform Legislation?

Monday, March 26, 2007

RE: Who Is Supporting and Who Is Opposing Current Election Reform Legislation? http://www.opednews.com/articles/genera_kathy_do_070325_who_is_opposing_or_s.htm

Will Congress pass election reform legislation by early 2007 in time to be in effect by the 2008 general election? Will The U.S. Congress Pass Any Election Reform Legislation?

Election reform bills have been proposed by U.S. Congressman Rush Holt and Senator Bill Nelson (HR 811 & S559) and by Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones and Senator Hillary Clinton (HR1381 & S804). These bills all require improvements to voting technology; strengthen the roll of the US Election Assistance Commission; and require the same election audit protocols.

Who is FOR these election reform bills?

The same organizations which pushed through the Help America Vote Act in 2002 also support the Holt and Nelson bills. Common Cause, MoveOn, and People for the American Way (PFAW); plus a new group called VoteTrustUSA [1] , the Brennan Center, and a few computer scientists such as Ed Felten of Princeton University, and Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins University publicly support the Holt and Nelson proposals. The ACLU supports the Clinton and Tubb-Jones bills.

The opponents of current Congressional election reform proposals include strange bedfellows: election integrity activists, election officials, and voting system vendors.

According to Douglas A. Kellner, Co-Chair of the New York State Board of Elections, "Congress got it wrong when it passed the Help America Vote Act in 2002 and there is a high probability that HR 811 in its current form could create another form of expensive mischief that could interfere with efficient administration of elections." [2]

The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the National Association of Counties (NACo) wrote a joint letter on March 19, 2007 urging members of Congress "to oppose H.R.811, S.559 or other legislation that would require dramatic changes in state and local election laws". [3]

Doug Lewis, Founder and Executive Director of the Election Center, opposes having elections subjected to independent manual audits. Lewis told Congress that "Humans count large numbers of ballots less accurately than voting equipment" because "their minds wander" and if outside agencies conducted audits that would "turn the process of live ballots over to people who … will be handling the ballots without the training of what to look for or what to do if there are problems with the ballots." and "there is unlikely to be sufficient time with the audit process specified in HR811." [4]

Is Lewis right? Should we trust his representation of election officials? Not according to Engineer Charles Corry, former member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) voting system guidelines committee. [5] According to its web site, The Election Center brings local election administrators together with suppliers of election products and services and conducts training and certification programs for election administrators and vendors. The Election Center served as an incubator for the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED) until 1989. In fact, Lewis is a former director of the Voting Systems Program for NASED; and set up a lobbying meeting in 2003 to help voting machine vendors convince the public to accept their products. [6] Other co-founders or board members of The Election Center include:

* Thomas Wilkey, Executive Director of the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) since 2005 and a former chair of the NASED Voting Standards Board, a past-president of the NASED and past chair of NASED's ITA Committee; and

* Donetta Davidson, Chair of the EAC served with Wilkey and Lewis on the board of The Election Center and also was on NASED's Voting Standards Board while Wilkey was the Chair.

Davidson, Wilkey, and Lewis were largely responsible for the control, selection and oversight of the voting machine test labs and the certification of voting machines, most of which were not secure and not independently auditable. [7] Even after the National Institute of Standards and Technology, as technical advisor to the EAC, reported that "the DRE provides no independent capability to detect whether fraud has not caused errors in the records. In principle, a single clever, dishonest programmer in a voting machine company could rig an entire statewide election" and said that the NIST research staff "do not know how to write testable requirements to satisfy that the software in a DRE is correct"; and the Carter-Baker Commission, the US Government Accountability Office and the League of Women Voters recommended auditing election results, Davidson, Wilkey, and Lewis continued to oppose independent audits of election results.

Many groups of long-time election integrity activists also publicly oppose provisions in the Clinton and Holt bills and have written extensively of the flaws of these election reform bills that need to be fixed.

Kathy Dopp of the National Election Data Archive showed that the proposed election audits would result in low minimum 10% success rate for detecting vote miscount that could alter an election outcome despite the fact that the election audit costs of these bills is from 50% to 95% more than an election audit that is 99% effective. [8]

Nancy Tobi of Democracy for New Hampshire and Ellen Theisen of Voters Unite showed that the US Election Assistance Commission had not accomplished any of its functions and that it would be dangerous to our form of government to cede so much power over elections to the federal executive branch, let alone give it more authority like the Holt and Clinton bills do. [9]

Computer technicians and computer scientists wrote papers showing that the time frames that these election reform bills require for developing and implementing new requirements for voting equipment [10] are unreasonable, and would be virtually unenforceable and could cause a repeat of the HAVA-like buying cycle of voting equipment prior to the establishement of standards and proper certification and enforcement procedures. [11]

Black Box Voting's Bev Harris, Blogger Brad Friedman, Dopp, Tobi, John Gideon of Voters Unite, Bruce O'Dell of the National Election Defense Alliance, and many others wrote lists of reasons why these election reform bills would not work as written. [12]

In sum, the Holt, Clinton, Nelson, and Tubbs-Jones bills face substantial opposition and seem unlikely to pass in the Senate.

An upcoming sequel to this article will present an alternative proposal for election reform legislation that was written over many months by election activists, computer scientists, and election officials, that recommends splitting election integrity legislation into several bills that each address fewer topics; requires sufficient citizen oversight; allows reasonable time frames for implementing secure, publicly disclosed election technology for voters with disabilities; does not reauthorize the U.S. E.A.C.; bans practices which disenfranchise voters; and requires sufficient manual audits to ensure the accuracy of all federal election outcomes by 2008; where the best measures in the Holt and Clinton bills would be split into sections and redrafted into new, more practically achievable bills. Any help that you can be in getting this legislation sponsored would be greatly appreciated.

--------- END ----------

[1] Warren Stewart of VoteTrustUSA testimony on election reform before the House Admin Committee: http://electionarchive.net/docs_other/HearingTestimony/StewartTestimony.doc

[2] Doug Kellner, NYS Board of Elections Co-Chair' comments: http://www.wheresthepaper.org/CommentDouglasAKellner.htm

[3] Joint letter of National Association of Counties and National Conference of State Legislatures http://electionarchive.net/docs_other/HearingTestimony/NCSL-NACoopposeHoltBill.pdf

[4] Testimony of Doug Lewis before the Election Reform Hearing of the House Administration Committee http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/HouseAdminElectionTestimony2007/HouseAdminTestimony-DLewis-3-20-2007.pdf

[5] Trust our Officials?" Dr. Charles Corry's bibliography on "Questionable (and crooked) Election Officials" http://www.ejfi.org/Voting/Voting-51.htm#clerk Dr. Corry is an engineer and former Marine corporal.

[6] In 2003 Doug Lewis set up meetings with the lobbying firm, Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) to help Diebold, Sequoia, ES&S and other voting machine vendors. See http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_andi_nov_070322_halting_holt_thought.htm

[7] In fact all three have opposed requirements which would make voting machines independently auditable.

[8] "Fool Me Once: Checking Vote Count Integrity" http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/US/paper-audits/TierElectionAuditEval.pdf and "Federal Audit Election Audit Costs" http://electionarchive.org/ucvAnalysis/US/paper-audits/TierElectionAuditEval.pdf

[9] DeForest Soaries says that "EAC and Federal efforts for election reform 'A Charade,' 'Travesty'! http://www.ejfi.org/Voting/Voting-6.htm#soaries

"Why not Re-Authorize the EAC" http://electionarchive.net/docs_other/EAC-DoNotReauthorize.pdf

"The US Election Assistance Commission Has Not Done its Job" http://www.votersunite.org/info/TestimonyTheisen03-13-07.pdf

[10] for voters with disabilities and for publicly disclosed software

[11] "Avoid Another HAVA Train Wreck: Software Disclosure Requirements are a Good Long Term Goal but Need to Be Redrafted in Current Federal Election Integrity Legislation." http://electionarchive.net/docs_other/dopp/VotingSystemSoftwareDisclosure.pdf

David Wagner, computer scientist's testimony on election reform before the House Admin committee: http://electionarchive.net/docs_other/HearingTestimony/wagner.pdf Refer also to endnote xiii.

[12] "Critical changes are needed to Holt's HR811" http://electionarchive.org/ucvInfo/US/ChangesNeeded2HR811.pdf

"Holt's HR 811, A Deceptive Boondoggle -- 10 Blunders to Fix" by Bruce O'Dell http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_bruce_o__070221_holt_s_hr_811_a_dece.htm

"What's Wrong with Holt II (HR 811)" by Bev Harris of Black Box Voting http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_bev_harr_070208_what_s_wrong_with_ho.htm

"Summary of E-Voting as a Ponzy Scheme" by Nancy Tobi of Democracy for New Hampshire http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/node/view/3571 or http://www.democracyfornewhampshire.com/files/PonziSummary.pdf

"New Version of Holt Bill: A Giant Step Backwards" by Nancy Tobi of Democracy for New Hampshire http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_nancy_to_070207_new_version_of_holt_.htm

Brad Friedman says he would support HR811 if it would ban DRE electronic ballot voting systems.

"Essential Revisions to HR811" http://www.pdamerica.org/articles/news/2007-02-27-08-16-39-news.php

HR811 Review by Marion Beddill http://noleakybuckets.org/holt811/holt811detail.shtml/

Kathy Dopp
National Election Data Archive


Immer weniger Sozialstaat, immer mehr Kriminalität

Petition und öffentlicher Kommentar von Armin Kammrad, Augsburg, vom

Aus: LabourNet, 27. März 2007

Deutsche Arbeitslosenstatistik: Manipulation oder Fälschung? Der Einfluss der Ein-Euro-Jobs

Artikel von Michael Schumacher von Februar 2007 bei forced-labour.de (pdf) http://www.forced-labour.de/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/2007-02-27_schumacher_arbeitslosenstatistik.pdf

Aus: LabourNet, 27. März 2007


Online-Petition zur Arbeitslosenstatistik

„Der Petent fordert: Der Deutsche Bundestag möge beschließen, dass das statistische Bundesamt die offizielle Zahl der Arbeitslosen in Deutschland veröffentlicht. Als Arbeitslosenzahl soll gelten: Die Summe aller im gesamten Berichtszeitraum arbeitslosen bzw. arbeitsuchenden Menschen, die Leistungsbezieher nach dem SGB III (ALG I), nach dem SGB II (ALG II), arbeitsuchend mit oder ohne Leistungsbezug sind oder sich in einer Arbeitsgelegenheit, einer Fortbildungs- oder sonstigen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Maßnahme befinden.“ Petition eingereicht durch Naomi-Pia Witte am 22. Mai 2007 http://itc.napier.ac.uk/e-Petition/bundestag/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=455

Aus: LabourNet, 15. Juni 2007

They Bought the War, But We Can Still End It!



Urge the Administration to Abandon Dangerous New Nuclear Plan


Informant: Corey

Now scientists create a sheep that's 15% human

Scientists have created the world's first human-sheep chimera - which has the body of a sheep and half-human organs.


From Information Clearing House

The Myth of "Underdevelopment"

The stupendous fortunes that were-and still are being extracted by the European and North American investors should remind us that there are very few really poor nations in what today is commonly called the Third World. Brazil is rich; Indonesia is rich; and so are the Philippines, Chile, Bolivia, Zaire, Mexico, India, and Malaysia. Only the people are poor.



Bush Alone

With nearly two years remaining in his presidency, George W. Bush is alone. In half a century, I have not seen a president so isolated from his own party in Congress -- not Jimmy Carter, not even Richard Nixon as he faced impeachment.


From Information Clearing House


Bush alone
Human Events

by Robert Novak


Republicans in Congress do not trust their president to protect them. That alone is sufficient reason to withhold statements of support for Gonzales, when such a gesture could be quickly followed by his resignation under pressure. Rep. Adam Putnam, the highly regarded young chairman of the House Republican Conference, praised Donald Rumsfeld last November, only to find him sacked shortly thereafter. But not many Republican lawmakers would speak up for Gonzales even if they were sure Bush would stick with him...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


More Veterans Calling The Streets Home

An Estimated 200,000 U.S. War Veterans Are Homless

From Information Clearing House

US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.


From Information Clearing House

Two US, one French aircraft carrier in Gulf region

The United States and France have bolstered their naval presence in the Gulf region to three aircraft carrier groups to support operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, US and French naval sources said on Monday.


From Information Clearing House

U.S. documentary shows everyday abuse of Abu Ghraib

The interrogations innocent Iraqis like Abbas suffer every day deserve as much attention as the now infamous photographs of abuse at Abu Ghraib, Tucker said.


From Information Clearing House


U.K. aides backed study that placed Iraq death toll at more than 600,000

British government officials backed the methodology used by researchers who concluded that more than 600,000 Iraqis had been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, the BBC reported Monday.


Iraqi deaths survey 'was robust'

The British government was advised against publicly criticising a report estimating that 655,000 Iraqis had died due to the war, the BBC has learnt.


From Information Clearing House


Has time run out for restoring American democracy?

Democracy Dreaming

By Joel S. Hirschhorn

Every rebellion is waged because the benefits sought outweigh the risks taken. Jefferson and the other Founders knew that. Not fixing the government they gave us dishonors them and all the Americans that have died and sacrificed for their country. And it makes our lives miserable and penalizes future generations. Has time run out for restoring American democracy?



Never in modern history has country been forced to pay for its death, torture, and destruction with its own money, its own oil revenues


Afghanistan Proves It


Sanctioning The Next War of Aggression

By Daniel M Pourkesali

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has once again voted to impose yet another sanction on Iran for its failure to suspend a legal activity allowed by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty [1], to which Iran remains a signatory state, and that the IAEA itself has found no indication of any nuclear material being diverted to military purposes.


Iran would be attacked at the beginning of April (Russian military experts)

According to the Russian weekly magazine Argoumenty nedeli, a military action will proceed during the first week of April.


The Pentagon will attack Iranian military targets (Russian expert)

The Pentagon projects to conduct soon a massive attack against the Iranian military infrastructure, estimates the General Leonid Ivachov, vice-president of the Academy of geopolitical sciences.


Iran-Britain Conflict Shows the Dangers of Our Ongoing Presence in Iraq

By Glenn Greenwald

The "debate" over whether to withdraw our troops constantly highlights the dangers of leaving but almost completely ignores the dangers of staying.



If Bush and Gonzalez have nothing to hide, they have nothing to worry about

by Pastor Chuck Baldwin

However, I am reminded of both Bush's and Gonzalez's response to critics of the draconian Patriot Act, and other policies highly invasive to the private lives of American citizens, when they arrogantly replied, "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." Well, now the shoe is on the other foot. If Bush and Gonzalez have nothing to hide, they have nothing to worry about......



Aged, Frail and Denied Care by Their Insurers

Tens of thousands of elderly Americans have received life-prolonging care as a result of their long-term-care policies. With more than eight million customers, such insurance is one of the many products that companies are pitching to older Americans reaching retirement. Yet thousands of policyholders say they have received only excuses about why insurers will not pay.


El Nino Has Bigger Bite With Climate Change

Bolivia is entering its fourth month of onslaught from El Nino, the climate phenomenon that has grown stronger, and threatens to return with even greater force. Experts consulted by Tierramerica agreed that the Andean region should prepare for more frequent and intense visits from El Nino as a result of global climate change.



Australian Farmers Told to Leave Dry South

Severe droughts and global warming are forcing Australia to consider opening up one of the world's last untouched agricultural frontiers.


Judge Blocks Mountaintop Mine Permits

A federal judge ruled Friday that the Army Corps of Engineers illegally issued permits for four mountaintop removal mines without adequately determining whether the environment would be harmed. US District Judge Chuck Chambers rescinded the permits.



Australian Faces US Military Judge in Guantanamo

Australian prisoner David Hicks stood before a US military judge at the Guantanamo Naval Station on Monday to answer a charge of providing material support for terrorism by fighting for al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The 31-year-old former kangaroo skinner is the first prisoner charged in the revised military tribunals created by the US Congress after the Supreme Court struck down an earlier version that President Bush had authorized to try foreign captives on terrorism charges.



Gonzales Aide Goodling to Invoke Fifth Amendment

Monica Goodling, a Justice Department official involved in the firings of federal prosecutors, will refuse to answer questions at upcoming Senate hearings, citing Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination, her lawyer said Monday. "The potential for legal jeopardy for Ms. Goodling from even her most truthful and accurate testimony under these circumstances is very real," said the lawyer, John Dowd.


Time for Answers

"The news that Monica Goodling, counsel to the attorney general and liaison to the White House, is invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination takes the United States attorney scandal to a new level. Ms. Goodling's decision comes just days after the Justice Department released documents strongly suggesting that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not been honest about his own role in the firing of eight federal prosecutors. Mr. Gonzales is scheduled to testify before the Senate in three weeks, but that is too long to wait. He should speak now, and explain why he continues to insist that his department did nothing wrong," writes the New York Times.



How rich is this?

Classically Liberal
by CLS


So we have Monica Goodling, an aide to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales refusing to testify before Congress by invoking her Fifth Amendment rights. Interesting. A Fifth Amendment right is the right to not testify against oneself. But was Goodling accused of committing a criminal act? Or is she just covering up for her superior, Gonzales and the Torturer-in-Chief who besmirches the Oval Office by his presence?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


White House Use of Outside Email Accounts Questioned

Emails released by the Department of Justice over the past two weeks in conjunction with a Congressional investigation into the firings of eight US attorneys show that White House officials have communicated with staffers at the DOJ about the attorney purge using email accounts maintained by the Republican National Committee in possible violation of the Presidential Records Act.



Vets speak at the march on the Pentagon (Mar. 17, 2007)


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


Next-up News n°216


Next week NORAD war game sets up


Informant: Useful I.

NESARA Scam: National Economic Stabilization & Recovery Act


Source: APFN
Informant: Jack Lancaster

Subverting Iran: Washington's Covert War inside Iran


Informant: Valerie

Mobilfunk soll Stress auslösen



Gegen Masten bei Schulen

Bisher geheime Studie heizt Konflikt um Handymasten an

Wirkungen von GSM-Sendeanlagen auf den Menschen

Their New America is Not America

by Nancy Levant

We the people have no representation. No one stands for the liberty of the people – no one – and no presidential contender will save our rights, our land, our liberty, or Constitution. Therefore, let us begin on the most negative of notes. We the people are now told whom to believe, what to believe, how to live, what to worship, how to work, and to follow all the new codes for behaviors, opinions, and actions. We the.....



Gegen Masten bei Schulen



Bisher geheime Studie heizt Konflikt um Handymasten an

Wirkungen von GSM-Sendeanlagen auf den Menschen

Mobilfunk soll Stress auslösen

Inhumane Raid Was Just One of Many


We Must Speak Up For The Dead and Dispossessed in An Epidemic of Rage



Americans Face A Moral Reckoning



Fighting For Air: Frontline of War on Global Warming


City Asks Court Not to Unseal Police Spy Files



Three Fired U.S. Attorneys Balked At Seeking Death Penalty



Senate GOP Says No to Al Gore-Global Warming Concert at Capitol



UN resolution chiefly PR for US-led campaign against Iran


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Menschenrechte nicht energiepolitischen Erwägungen unterordnen

Die Generalsekretärin der Menschenrechtsorganisation Amnesty international (ai) Barbara Lochbihler fordert die Europäische Union auf, bei ihren Beziehungen zu Zentralasien "die Menschenrechtsfrage nicht energie- oder sicherheitspolitischen Erwägungen unterzuordnen". Mit Blick auf das Treffen der EU-Troika mit zentralasiatischen Staaten am 27. und 28. März in Kasachstan fordert die Organisation, in der zur Zeit unter deutscher Ratspräsidentschaft erarbeiteten Zentralasienstrategie sollten die Menschenrechte fest verankert werden. Die EU solle massiv Einfluss auf die Staaten Zentralasiens nehmen, um dort die Menschenrechtssituation entscheidend zu verbessern, fordert Amnesty.


Email your Members of Congress: tell them to close the Guantanamo prison


Informant: Bob Banner



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