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Die Suche nach »/fontana« hat 6 Resultate geliefert.
Things you must believe to be a voter
Strike the Root by Retta Fontana 07/30/07 The emperor is not actually naked. If you voted for him, his use of force (war/rulings/deceptions/po wer grab/secrecy) is different and right, not like the last... ...
rudkla - 1. Aug, 11:27
Government is a fatal attraction
http://www.strike-the-root .com/71/fontana/fontana9.h tml Informant: Thomas L. Knapp http://freepage.t woday.net/search?q=%2Ffont ana ...
rudkla - 27. Mär, 16:30
Find freedom friend
Strike the Root by Retta Fontana 01/01/07 There's a tremendous temptation to falter in the face of the truths of life in America today. Some days it's almost more than I can bear. It's painful as h...... ...
rudkla - 2. Jan, 14:24
Little Gitmos everywhere
Strike the Root by Retta Fontana 10/17/06 Today there are no kids playing kickball in the street. Kickball is as outdated now as the game of 'kick the can' that my parents' generation played. This is... ...
rudkla - 18. Okt, 15:32
Freedom is an inside job
Strike the Root by Retta Fontana 08/16/06 Freedom doesn't come from the point of government guns or from legislation of governing bodies. It doesn't come from the Constitution .... True freedom doesn't... ...
rudkla - 17. Aug, 15:04
Leave my children behind, please
Strike the Root by Retta Gontana 08/01/06 Governm ent tries to control what you eat and drink. It regulates your healthcare, transportation and education. It controls what you are allowed to think, say,... ...
rudkla - 2. Aug, 15:44