Montag, 19. März 2007

When Climate Message Is Strong, Attack the Messenger!

In his examination of framing and language, Joe Brewer looks at the use of framing in discourse regarding global warming: "William J. Broad's article, 'From a Rapt Audience, a Call to Cool the Hype,' in the science section already ranks as one of the most popular articles of the day. This article is filled with misuses and abuses of language designed to undermine the credibility of Al Gore as a messenger for global warming."

For Many Iraqis, Hunt for Missing Is Never-Ending

The past year of dizzying violence in Iraq has produced thousands of Iraqis like Ms. Rashid - sad-eyed seekers caught in an endless loop of inquiry and disappointment. Burdened by grief without end or answers, they face a set of horrors as varied and fractured as Iraq itself.

Democrats in Congress Kick Oversight Into Overdrive

Less than three months since they took control of Capitol Hill, Democrats in both chambers have cranked the powerful Congressional oversight machinery into overdrive.

Senator Schumer: "We Do Have Evidence" Gonzales Lied Under Oath

When asked on Meet the Press Sunday morning if he "had any evidence that a US attorney was removed and that removal jeopardized an ongoing investigation," Senator Schumer said he does, and that the evidence is "becoming more and more overwhelming."

SPD als "Vollstrecker von Sozialabbau"

Der SPD-Abgeordnete Ottmar Schreiner fordert eine politische Kehrtwende seiner Partei. "Es muss etwas passieren, denn die Unzufriedenheit innerhalb der Partei wird immer größer", sagte der Bundestagsabgeordnete der "Hamburger Morgenpost am Sonntag". "Nach der Gesundheitsreform und der Rente mit 67 jetzt auch noch eine massive Absenkung der Unternehmensbesteuerung,­ das hält die SPD nicht aus", fürchtet der SPD-Politiker.

Europäischer Gerichtshof soll "Ausbeutung des Kabeljaus" stoppen

Der WWF klagt vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof (EuGH) in Luxemburg gegen "die anhaltende Überfischung" des Kabeljaus durch die EU-Flotte. Die am 19. März eingereichte Klage zielt auf den Rat der Europäischen Union, der nach Ansicht des WWF mit den im Dezember 2006 beschlossenen Fangquoten gegen europäisches Umweltrecht verstößt. "Wir ziehen jetzt die juristische Notbremse gegen das andauernde Versagen der Fischereipolitik", so WWF-Sprecherin Karoline Schacht.

Take action: 10 days to stop the seal hunt!

Phone mast campaigners stage protest

By Gerran Grimshaw

RESIDENTS angered by a mobile phone company's refusal to take down a controversial mast staged a protest outside the firm's York store on Saturday.

Ever since the Orange mast was put up in Sheriff Hutton in October 2005, villagers have been campaigning to have it taken down.

Now the company has ended negotiations with the village's mast protest group, and has said the mast will be turned on in the near future.

The angry residents vowed to take their protest to the front door of the Orange Shop, in Coney Street, York.

Linda Murphy, from the mast protest group, said the group had proof that Orange had offered to take down the 15-metre structure if Ryedale District Council paid the £60,000 costs.

Mrs Murphy, who lives only 85 metres from the mast and has two young children, said: "Since Christmas, we've been negotiating with Orange to see if the village as a whole is willing to raise the money to pay for the mast to be taken down.

"But we had a letter from them last week saying they have no intention of negotiating further, and said they will now turn the mast on. They said any damage to it would be considered criminal damage."

She said the council said it could not justify spending so much on one community.

"The mast was put up because Ryedale District Council was too slow stopping it," Mrs Murphy said. "We've been left to pick up the pieces as a community."

She said residents were concerned about the potential long-term health effects of having the mast so close to people.

An Orange spokesman said: "While Orange has secured all necessary consents, direct action by a limited number of residents has to date prevented the completion of works to allow the site to operate.

"In seeking to respond to local concern, Orange met directly with representatives of the district council, where the authority discussed a variety of issues - including funding a search of alternative solutions.

"Having conducted a review of siting options without recourse to public funds, Orange maintains that the base station is located suitably when set against national planning guidance.

"As such, it is Orange's intention to take forward plans to connect power to the long established site and provide network coverage to the local area.

"Orange remains committed to liaising with local stakeholders where appropriate."

© Copyright 2001-2007 Newsquest Media Group

Mögliche Gefahren der Handystrahlung

Handys können Krebs auslösen

Zunahme der Hirntumore bei Handy-Vieltefonierern: Risiko steigt um 39 Prozent

Lösen Handys Krebs aus, Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung?

Handy am Ohr: Hirntumor?

Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark: kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys?

Elektrosmog als Krebsrisiko: Kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Flucht aus Oberammergau: Pfarrer flüchtet vor Handy-Strahlung

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Dems Lay Down for Bush's Next War

Informant: Corey

Christliche Nächstenleihe

„1,4 Millionen Mitarbeiter beschäftigen die deutschen Kirchen – Pfarrer, Küster, Pflege- und Reinigungskräfte, aber auch Bankangestellte. Für sie gilt in Sachen Mitbestimmung seit Weimar ein Sonderrecht. Von allgemeinen Trends des Arbeitslebens sind aber auch sie betroffen. So wollen auch konfessionelle Betriebe den zunehmenden Kostendruck seitens des Bundes und der Kassen durch Lohnsenkungen kompensieren. Mittlerweile haben sie unzählige Subunternehmen gegründet, um »preiswerte« Beschäftigte quasi an sich selbst zu verleihen…“ Artikel von Stefan Konrad im Neues Deutschland vom 16.03.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 19. März 2007

Billboarding the Iraqi Disaster

Anthony Arnove looks at the numbing numbers four years into the war and puts them next to the better known - and equally numbing - numbers in Darfur, comparing the response in US progressive circles to both tragedies. Looking at what the US attack on Iraq has unleashed, and at widespread appeals for US military intervention in Sudan, Arnove notes: "The focus on Darfur serves to legitimize the idea of US intervention at the very moment when the carnage that such intervention causes is all too visible and is being widely repudiated around the globe."


Billboarding the Iraqi Disaster

Anthony Arnove begins his exploration of the conditions in Iraq four years after the US invasion this way: "As you read this, we're four years from the moment the Bush administration launched its shock-and-awe assault on Iraq, beginning 48 months of remarkable, non-stop destruction of that country ... and still counting. It's an important moment for taking stock of Operation Iraqi Freedom."

Hometown Baghdad

View the first three episodes of Hometown Baghdad, a documentary web series following the lives of a few Iraqi 20-somethings trying to survive in Baghdad. See what life is like in a war zone.


Dems Go Lukewarm On Global Warming

Pelosi opts for what is politically easy to do on climate change. It's time to raise the bar.

Burdening Brazil With Biofuels

by Lúcia Ortiz and David Waskow,

An ethanol pact between Bush and Lula da Silva may not be in the best interests of the U.S. or Brazil.

Pirates Of Wall Street

by Philip Mattera,

For workers and their communities, private equity firms aren't the white knights they pretend to be.

After four years, we ask: how much longer will this unjustifiable war continue?

Forsaking Our Morality

by C. Welton Gaddy,

Alberto Gonzales is the latest imperious conservative tripped up by his own ideological arrogance

Why Conservatives Can't Govern

by Robert L. Borosage,

Korruptionsvorwurf gegen Roland Koch

Die Korruptionsvorwürfe gegen Hessens Ministerpräsidenten Roland Koch erhärten sich. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, den Freien Wählern, eine Wählergemeinschaft in Hessen, im April 2006 angeboten zu haben, die Wahlkampfkosten für die Kommunalwahl 2006 rückwirkend zu erstatten, wenn diese sich bereit erklärten, nicht zur Landtagswahl 2008 anzutreten.

EU-Energie-Paket droht zur Farce zu werden: nach der Auto- ist nun die Energielobby dran

Nachdem in den letzten Wochen bereits die ursprünglich mal ambitionierten Klimaschutz-Ziele der EU-Kommission unter dem Einfluss der Autolobby schrittweise zurückgefahren wurden, wurde auf der gestrigen Tagung der EU-Wirtschafts- und Energieminister damit begonnen, den nächsten Teil des im Januar vorgestellten Energie-Pakets den Interessen der Energielobby anzupassen.

Landtagsabgeordneter Kress vertritt Interessen von Bayer

Der NRW-Landtagsabgeordnete und frühere Angestellte des Bayer-Konzern Karl Kress scheint sich auch im Ruhestand seinem alten Arbeitgeber Bayer höchst verbunden zu fühlen. Er befürwortet die umstrittene Verbrennung von australischem Giftmüll in Anlagen des Bayer- Konzerns und den Bau einer Kohlenmonoxid-Pipeline von Dormagen nach Uerdingen, gegen den der Kreis wegen hoher Risiken für die Anwohner Klage einreichen will.

US-Stützpunkte in Deutschland schließen

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

19. März 2007

Am 20. März 2003 begann der völkerrechtswidrige Krieg der USA und ihrer "Koalition der Willigen" gegen den Irak. Dazu erklärt der außenpolitische Sprecher des Parteivorstandes Wolfgang Gehrcke:

Der Beginn des Irak-Krieges basierte auf Gewalt, Lügen und Bruch des Völkerrechts. Millionen Menschen in aller Welt haben gegen diesen Krieg demonstriert, Hunderttausende auch in Deutschland. Sie alle hatten mit ihrem Nein zum Krieg Recht. Der US-Krieg gegen den Irak hat Terrorismus nicht bekämpft, sondern verstärkt. Er hat die Verbreitung von Massenvernichtungswaffen nicht eingedämmt, sondern befördert. Und er trägt nicht zur Demokratisierung bei, sondern die Demokratie auch in den Krieg führenden Ländern wird eingeschränkt. Die Befürchtungen der Linken haben sich bestätigt. Deutschland ist tiefer in den Krieg verstrickt, als es die Bundesregierung zugegeben hat. Das Urteil des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts im Falle des Majors Pfaff hat eindeutig festgehalten, dass auch die rot-grüne Bundesregierung sich völkerrechtswidrig verhalten hat. Ohne dass der deutsche Luftraum genutzt und die US-Stützpunkte in Deutschland zu Drehscheiben des Krieges gemacht worden wären, wäre es der Bush-Administration sehr schwer gefallen, diesen Krieg zu führen. Vier Jahre Irak-Krieg und die Drohung eines neuen Krieges gegen Iran machen es unumgänglich, dass die US-Militärflüge über Deutschland ohne konkrete Genehmigung im Einzelfall eingestellt und die Verträge über die US-Stützpunkte aufgekündigt werden. Ohne den Abzug der US-Truppen aus dem Irak wird es keine Stabilisierung im Lande geben. Auch das ist eine Konsequenz des Krieges.

Church phone mast 'risk to pupils' lives'

By Clare Semke
Health re3porter

Residents and pupils from Portsmouth High School protest outside St Judes Church

A CHURCH stands accused of endangering the health of hundreds of pupils in a bid to make money.

Parents and residents are protesting at plans for a G3 mobile phone antenna at St Jude's Church, Kent Road, Southsea.

The church will rake in thousands of pounds a year if the controversial proposal is approved.

But St Jude's is just yards from a residential area and Portsmouth High School and parents fear the long-term health of over 200 of its youngest pupils will be at risk.

Mary Williams, whose six-year-old daughter Eleanor is a pupil at the school, said: 'Although the jury's out on whether any damage is caused by these phone masts there is no evidence to prove these things are safe. Why take a risk with our children's health for the profit of the multi-billion pound telecommunications industry?

'Fifty years from now I don't want my daughter getting ill because the church wants some money.'

Portsmouth High School is to write to church bosses to air their concerns.

Senior school head Jenny Clough said: 'Steps should be taken to ensure my girls' health is maintained. Over 200 girls aged between three and 11 are less than 75 metres away from the proposed site.

Parochial Church Council vice-chairman Richard Portlock would not reveal exactly how much the church stood to make from the deal but said it was less than 10 per cent of it's annual budget of £100,000.

'We are required to take into account all relevant factors when making our decision and we will endeavour to do so.'

The Parochial Church Council was discussing plans behind closed doors today.

Last Updated: 19 March 2007

All rights reserved ©2007 Johnston Press Digital Publishing

'We should be scared stiff',,329745924-121571,00.html

Informant: NHNE

Rising Sea Levels Threaten Indian Islands

After a 10-year study in and around the Bay of Bengal, oceanographers say the sea is rising at 3.14 millimeters per year in the Sunderbans, against a global average of 2 mm, threatening low-lying areas of India and Bangladesh. "At least 15 islands have been affected, but erosion is widespread in other islands as well," said Sugato Hazra, an oceanographer at Jadavpur University in Kolkata, the capital of West Bengal.

Did a Right-Wing PR Firm Bribe NYT, WSJ, MIT, and Others?

A "media and research" company called eSapience has filed a breach-of-contract lawsuit against the California investment firm C.V. Starr & Co., helmed by Maurice "Hank" Greenberg. Not the typical public relations firm, eSapience, run by conservative, free-market academics, buys and manipulates influence at the very highest levels of academic and intellectual circles. The suit brings to light the extremes to which a group of right-wingers have taken the phrase "marketplace of ideas," and exposes the lengths to which some will go to buy intellectual influence.

Protests in US Seek End to Iraq War Four Years On

Peace demonstrators are ready for at least a thousand candlelight vigils around the US today and are demanding an end to the war in Iraq four years after it began. Between 25,000 and 30,000 people marched in New York's streets Sunday, braving near-freezing temperatures in a second day of national rallies marking the fourth anniversary of the war.

Leahy Intends to Subpoena White House Officials

The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman says he intends to subpoena White House officials involved in ousting federal prosecutors and is dismissing anything short of their testimony in public. The White House is expected to announce early this week whether it will agree to let political strategist Karl Rove, former White House counsel Harriet Miers, and other officials testify, or will seek to assert executive privilege in preventing their appearances.

Leahy Subpoenas: "Tired of Getting Half-Truths"

Yesterday on ABC's "This Week," Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) called on key White House officials such as Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify under oath. This comes after the Senate Judiciary Committee authorized Senator Leahy to issue subpoenas to eleven current and former Department of Justice officials.

Elektrosmog von Funkanlagen weit unter Grenzwerten

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Messergebnisse lagen klar unter Grenzwerten

Welchen Wert haben Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk?

Strahlung unterm Grenzwert

The over-under on the Alberto Gonzales resignation is now a matter of days

Going, going, gone

The American Prospect
by Terence Samuel

The over-under on the Alberto Gonzales resignation is now a matter of days. But whatever it is, take the under. He’s done. He may not make it through the weekend, as more damaging e-mails continue to emerge showing both the administration’s arrogance in removing U.S. attorneys and its deceit in covering up its reasons for the firings. The demise of Gonzales may signal the final unraveling of the Bush White House, because at the heart of this particular scandal are two commodities most prized by this administration: loyalty to the president and a ruthless expediency in the service of political goals. Together, these two have made the Bush White House both successful and fearsome. But based on what we have seen so far, Gonzales’ chief offenses may turn out to be these exact characteristics...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The original American foreign policy

by US Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)


I have written before about the critical need for Congress to reassert its authority over foreign policy, and for the American people to recognize that the Constitution makes no distinction between domestic and foreign matters. Policy is policy, and it must be made by the legislature and not the executive. But what policy is best? How should we deal with the rest of the world in a way that best advances proper national interests, while not threatening our freedoms at home? I believe our founding fathers had it right when they argued for peace and commerce between nations, and against entangling political and military alliances. In other words, noninterventionism. Noninterventionism is not isolationism. Nonintervention simply means America does not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations. It does not mean that we isolate ourselves; on the contrary, our founders advocated open trade, travel, communication, and diplomacy with other nations...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq, Iran and The Lobby

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Excellent mps on Aspartame

Here's an excellent mps on aspartame:


Global warming is a 'weapon of mass destruction'

Climate experts hit back after being accused of overstating the problem.

From Information Clearing House

Hicks was forcibly sedated, says lawyer

DAVID HICKS was left frightened and confused after being forcibly sedated at Guantanamo Bay last month and then told of new charges the prosecution wanted to bring against him, his US military defence lawyer, Major Michael Mori, has said.

A man of extraordinary courage

Unknown News
by Robyn Shelly


Michael Mori was appointed Defense counsel for David Hicks in November 2003, some two years after Hicks had first been interned. … Michael Mori is indeed something of a modern day Atticus Finch. His passion for the law is apparent in his defense of his client, and his defense of the law itself, which was under attack from men who wished to subvert the accepted standards of legality for their own ends. Whatever one might think of Major Mori’s client (and I for one think he was fairly naive and foolish to end up in Afghanistan), there is no doubt that the lawyer in this case was not a military stooge; he was man who has a deep commitment and, indeed, love of his chosen profession. His integrity, honour and compassion were apparent as he spoke out against the inherent bias of the proposed military tribunal system. What cost this might bring to the Major in years to come is yet to be seen, but the vitriol shown by Colonel ‘Mo’ Davis, the chief US prosecutor, makes it hard to believe that Major Mori has not killed his own career in the process of defending Hicks...

From Information Clearing House

The Unauthorized Biography of Dick Cheney


"In Dick Cheney's World, what he says is frequently more fiction than fact"

Russia to increase global clout to combat U.S. unilateralism

Russia’s foreign minister harshly criticized what he called Washington’s unilateral foreign policy on Saturday, and said Moscow intended to counterbalance it with its increasing global clout.

From Information Clearing House

Czech village rejects US radar base

Residents of a Czech village have voted against hosting a US anti-missile radar station, fearing it will make the village a military target, amid a gathering of anti-war protesters in the nation's capital.

From Information Clearing House

Worldwide protests mark Iraq war

A series of anti-war demonstrations in countries including the United States, Canada, Australia, Spain and Britain occured ahead of the fourth anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq.

VIDEOS: March on the Pentagon

A portion of the march leaving from the Mall next to the Lincoln Memorial across the Memorial Bridge.

From Information Clearing House


Anti-war activists march on Pentagon

Washington Post


Thousands of demonstrators protesting the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq marched on the Pentagon yesterday, jeered along the way by large numbers of angry counter-protesters. Organizers billed the antiwar rally as marking the 40th anniversary of the 1967 march on the Pentagon. At times, verbal clashes during the cold and blustery day demonstrated that the bitter divisions of four decades ago sparked by Vietnam are very much alive in the debate over Iraq...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Moderate believers give cover to religious fanatics

Moderate believers give cover to religious fanatics -- and are every bit as delusional.

Everything Wrong With Iraq, The Media, And The Right

The One Video Clip Explaining Everything Wrong With Iraq, The Media, And The Right

On Meet the Press, they expressed their commitment to "fair and balanced" debate by having on disgraced war supporter Richard Perle and indicted, deposed ex-congressman Tom DeLay against Admiral and Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak and Former Democratic Rep. Tom Andrews of Win Without War.

From Information Clearing House

Defense chief raps withdrawal deadline

Both the Pentagon and the Iraqi government have gotten the message that Congress is losing patience with the war, said Gates.

From Information Clearing House

Third of Iraqi children now malnourished

Caritas Internationalis and Caritas Iraq say that malnutrition rates have risen in Iraq from 19 percent before the US-led invasion to a national average of 28 percent four years later.

From Information Clearing House

A Good Kicking: Torture Goes Unpunished


The Panorama special called A Good Kicking investigates the torture of seven Iraqi civilians in 2003 while held in British custody in Basra. One man, a hotel receptionist called Baha Mousa, died and had 93 injuries on his body. soldier, who asked to have his identity protected, told Panorama: "What I saw in that cell wasn't interrogation. It wasn't detention. It was torture as far as I am concerned. It was brutal. It was barbaric."

Blair, Bush Could Face Probe at The Hague

By Gethin Chamberlain

TONY Blair could face the prospect of an International Criminal Court investigation for alleged coalition war crimes in Iraq.

Pelosi's Disastrous Misstep on Iran

Informant: Carol Moore in DC

From ufpj-news

US ready to defend interests in Middle East for decades: Gates

Informant: ranger116

Scandal over lawyers moves nearer to Bush

Informant: ranger116

Court 'can envisage' Blair prosecution

Informant: ranger116

The Late, Great American Nation

Informant: bdpoe

Tell MoveOn and Congress to Get Real

Our young people today are having to cope with the highest level of pulsed microwave radiation than any generation before them

Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 03:27:14 EDT

We are hearing today of yet another stabbing involving a teenager, which has sadly resulted in the loss of another young life. The BBC are asking for comments on what we can do to address this rapidly growing problem; experts will be wheeled in to approach the problem from every angle.

It is only a couple of weeks since we were told that many of the young people served with ASBO's are suffering from mental illness and have no comprehension of what is expected of them. Then just a couple of weeks before that we were told that British children are the "unhappiest" in Europe. We can see that borne out by the statistics on the number of young people dependant on antidepressant drugs and - alarmingly, the number of suicides in this age group.

I believe that we are ignoring one major factor in all of these "investigations". Our young people today are having to cope with the highest level of pulsed microwave radiation than any generation before them. They are possily being bombarded 24/7 from a growing plethora of wireless devices - many specifically for the use of children (as in the wireless networking in schools). They will be sitting all day in a level of emissions which would be unlawful in many other countries (many schools have mobile phone masts within the school grounds - or within metres of the perimeter). Many homes now have DECT or mobile phones, instead of a landline - and, of course, we are still witnessing the targetting of young people by the Mobile Phone Operators - despite official DOH advice (in their leaflet "Mobile Phones & Health) that children under 16 should only use these devices for emergency purposes.

My MP, Sir Patrick Cormack, obtained a supply of these leaflets for us when we wanted to distribute them in our village and had trouble accessing them - but they are now seven years old and a replacement is long overdue. There is much independent scientific evidence to warrant action. Expert Government advice has indicated that "we do not know what effect this relatively new technology will have on the developing brains and immune systems of our young people". Despite this, nothing is being done to highlight this risk - neither by the HPA nor any of the childrens' charities who are dedicated to protecting the welfare of this vulnerable group.

It is imperative that a precautionary priniciple is adopted when uncertain technology is introduced - otherwise we are doomed to continue to repeat the mistakes we have made in the past with tobacce, asbestos, thalidomide, BSE (to name but a few).

The BBC, like most other media sources, have firmly hitched their wagon to the wireless star - the preferred option of contact now appears to be text. We are being encouraged to watch the news on our mobile phones, and many of the reports from around the world are brought to our screens via mobile phone. However, I would hope that this "marriage" will not prevent a serious investigation into the growing likelihood of serious health risks of the widespread use of mobile technology.

Cllr Sylvia Wright


Paediatricians warn against mobile phones

Warum muss Alarm-System auf Digi-Funk umgestellt werden?


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