Donnerstag, 8. März 2007

Health worries over WiFi

Thursday 8th March 2007
BBC1 London News

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Health worries over WiFi

Comments and feedback to:


Dear London News

First of all congratulations on covering the wifi issue. It is particularly concerning since the government are behind a drive to have this technology in all our primary and secondary schools. Over half are reported to already have these systems.

There are safe alternative solutions such as Home Plug (where the internet can be accessed through the mains) or floor boxes which can be put in classrooms and portable laptops simply plugged in and out as required.

Sweden officially recognise electrical hypersensitivity and estimate that up to 5% of the population are sensitive to the radiation emitted by wifi and other devices. This would mean in a class of 30 children that at least one child in each class would be immediately affected in the form of headaches, dizziness, concentration problems, etc Apart from this being unacceptable, this is not even considering the longer term effects of a high risk of cancer and leukaemia already shown up in research. (such as the REFLEX study and others)

I note that in your piece Dr Clark said measurements should be taken in schools! We know what the emission levels from Wifi are. We know they are below the 'guidelines' set by the UK. However we also know, and the HPA will not acknowledge, that these ICNIRP 'guidelines' are set to prevent heating of body tissue over a very short time period. (6 minutes). There are no guidelines to prevent other 'biological' effects (other than heating) that may occur from long term exposure and at lower exposures.

The pulsed microwave radiation emitted from the Wifi transmitters (access points) is still over billions of times higher than the natural background levels that there used to be just 15 years ago! Scientists are saying our bodies do not have repair mechanisms to cope with this new form of radiation now in our environment.

The Wifi transmitters are on all day in our schools. What are we doing to our children?


Sarah Purdy

ICNIRP guidelines for exposure from electromagnetic radiation

From the paragraph entitled "Basis for Limiting Exposure" (page 3)

"Induction of cancer from long-term EMF exposure was not considered to be established, and so these guidelines are based on short-term immediate health effects such as stimulation of peripheral nerves and muscles, shocks and burns caused by touching conducting objects and elevated tissue temperatures resulting from absorption of energy during exposure to EMF.

In the case of potential long term effects of exposure, such as an increased risk of cancer, ICNIRP concluded that available data are insufficient to provide a basis for setting exposure restrictions, although epidemiological research has provided suggestive, but unconvincing evidence of an association between possible carcinogenic effects and exposure levels of
50/60 HZ, magnetic flux densities substantially lower than these guidelines."

NB. By short term, they mean 6 minutes exposure.

Source: Federal Gazette Nr. 43 dated 03 March 1992, ­ Publications of the Federal Radiation Protection Commission, Germany, Volume 24, Page 6

Specific effects which are not related to heating have been described in the scientific literature for approximately 15 years. If a high frequency radiation is amplitude modulated with another frequency, field effects can occur, which do not exist under unmodulated radiation.

These manifest mostly as changes in the permeability of the cell membranes.

For example, it has been found that with high frequency radiation with a frequency of 147 MHz which was modulated with frequencies between 6 and 20 Hz, the calcium efflux from cell cultures was significantly (by 10 ­ 20%) increased for certain frequencies. Generally, a complex dependency of these effects on intensity and frequency has been observed, showing that certain frequency windows are particularly active. These membrane effects have been replicated many times, so that their existence has become accepted scientific knowledge.

It needs to be noted that the SAR values used in some studies were lower than 0.01 W/kg, and therefore significantly below the threshold of thermally relevant intensities.

Zeroing In on Bush-Cheney

Robert Parry writes: "Criminal trials – especially relating to national security scandals – are an imperfect way of learning the larger truth. As with the four-count conviction of former White House aide I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, the charges are often structured narrowly to avoid long battles over classified secrets or inherent presidential powers. But even limited trials can offer important glimpses into the inner workings of an administration, especially one as secretive as George W. Bush’s. Though Libby was convicted only on perjury and obstruction charges, there should be little doubt what the full picture looks like."

Bush Administration Loses Some Spin Control in Washington

If President Bush ever thought things couldn't get any worse, he might want to reconsider. After six years of setting the national agenda with help from a compliant Congress, Bush is losing control of events in Washington. The new reality hit home Tuesday on multiple fronts.

Iran in Congress's Sights

David Swanson writes: "The US House Committee on Foreign Affairs is prepared to follow in Dick Cheney's footsteps and shoot a friend in the face. I just sat through a hearing on Iran, and there is apparently universal bipartisan agreement in the committee that Iranians feel kindly toward Americans and welcome them as friends, and that Iranians should be brutally punished by the toughest economic sanctions possible. This simple truth went unstated: sanctions kill. Who remembers this exchange on your television a decade back?"

Selbstverpflichtungen in der Kritik: Rückkehr zur Ordnungspolitik?

In Politik und Verbänden vollzieht sich hinsichtlich ihrer umweltpolitischen Forderungen ein Wandel. Noch vor Jahren plädierten fast alle einhellig für mehr "marktwirtschaftliche Instrumente" in der Umweltpolitik, für mehr Kooperationen mit der Wirtschaft und für freiwillige Selbstverpflichtungen der Industrie. Ge- und Verbote waren megaout, die Umweltverbände wollten sich modern geben. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit ist hier eine Kehrtwende zu beobachten. Es hagelt zunehmend heftige Kritik an freiwilligen Selbstverpflichtungen und dergleichen. Selbst vom Bundespräsidenten war solches zu hören. Die Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) fordert nun radikal: "Es muss endlich Schluss sein mit Selbstverpflichtungen, jahrelangen Lippenbekenntnissen und Absichtserklärungen." Es zeigt sich, dass auch die Forderungen der Umweltverbände konjunkturellen Zyklen unterliegen. Scheinbar folgen sie vielfach der öffentlichen Stimmung.

Delight for Avoch residents as mast plan is scrapped

By Shirley Hastings
Published: 09 March, 2007

BLACK Isle residents who feared they could soon be living with a mobile phone mast near their homes breathed a huge sigh of relief this week at news the plans have been shelved.

The announcement from Orange ended months of worry for residents living near the Knockmuir site, in Avoch, where the controversial mast had been proposed.

The company’s original proposals could have seen a 10-metre pole, telecommunications equipment and landscaping on the site.

However, the plans provoked fears about the mast’s impact on public health and the landscape. Other worries included it worsening visibility at a junction at Knockmuir/Killen Road.

In a letter to Avoch and Killen Community Council, which opposed the plans, Orange explained that following a review of its coverage, it decided to join forces with rival company Vodafone to create a combined network of mast stations. As a result of this it will no longer be pressing forward with its plans for Avoch.

A spokesman for the company said, “In the medium term is it likely that only sites capable of accommodating combined Orange and Vodafone coverage via shared antennae will be progressed. Over the long term, it is envisaged that both operators will work to fully integrate network infrastructure.”

He explained this would reduce the necessity of new base station sites, and allow the removal of redundant equipment where both operators currently have capacity and are able to make provision.

“As a result, Orange will no longer be progressing the proposal to physically develop a base station in the Avoch area, although requirements are subject to on-going review.”

At a public meeting held back on June last, attended by 35 villagers, mostly from Knockmuir View and houses nearest the site, Orange gave assurances it would re-open negotiations with Broadlands for a site on its land at Arkendeith.

This site was favoured by the community but negotiations never reached an agreement.

Commenting on the news that plans had been shelved, community council chairman Martin Gill, said he was pleased for villagers who objected to the plan, which had caused them months of worry.

“Whilst we all want good reception on our mobile phones, the siting of masts is a difficult issue,” he said. “In this case, we felt the proposed mast was too close to houses and intrusive to the landscape. The community council favoured an earlier plan for a mast at Arkendeith, but Orange was unable to come to an agreement with Broadland.”


All content copyright 2007 Scottish Provincial Press Ltd.

Weltagrarpolitik ist Neokolonialismus

Ernährungssouveränität als Gegenkonzept

Keep the pressure on Denmark!

Fight Climate Change, Not Wars for Oil!

Informant: Ted Glick

From ufpj-news

The War Money Can Be Stopped

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Deeply Imperfect Abuse

The State Department's annual human rights report left out one well-known violator.

Informations-Abend Mobilfunk

Mittwoch 14.3.07 19:00 Uhr:
Bad Herrenalb, Ev. Gemeindehaus, Im Kloster 39


Prof. Dr. Klaus Kniep, Heilbronn, Mobilfunk - Pro und Kontra.
Prof. Kniep ist stellvertretender Hauptgeschäftsführer der IHK Heilbronn-Franken, Lehrbeauftragter der FH Heilbronn, renommierter Fachanwalt u.a. für Bau- und Verwaltungsrecht. Er hat zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen u.a. zu Mobilfunk gemacht.

Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, Bamberg, Ergebnisse ärztlicher Erhebungen an 220 Mobilfunkstandorten.
Dr. Waldmann-Selsam ist praktizierende Ärztin, sie war Mit-Initiatorin des Bamberger Appells und sie erhebt und veröffentlicht Kasuistiken.

Im Anschluss an die Vorträge ist Zeit für Fragen und Diskussion vorgesehen.

Der Eintritt ist frei.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ruth Wolfstieg
Bürgerinitiative gegen Mobilfunkanlagen im Wohngebiet von Neusatz
und unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft
Sprecher: Rainer Günther
Hindenburgstr. 33/1
76332 Bad Herrenalb
Fon/Fax: 07083-525054

Sibel Edmonds needs your help: 30 Groups calling for new hearings

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news


Whistling Freedom

by Tom Devine,

Without whistleblower protections, government integrity is just a slogan.

Democrats to Unveil Troop Withdrawal Plan

In a direct challenge to President Bush, House Democrats are advancing legislation requiring the withdrawal of US combat troops from Iraq by the fall of next year.

Guantanamo Trials Begin Without a Lawyer or Reporter in Sight

The Bush administration plans to begin secret proceedings against fourteen "high-value" terrorism suspects currently being held at Guantanamo Bay. The military tribunals, scheduled to begin tomorrow, will take place behind closed doors and away from the scrutiny of the media. None of the suspects will be able to have a lawyer present.

The Gonzales Eight

"It already seemed clear that the Bush administration's purge had trampled on prosecutorial independence," writes the New York Times. "Now Congress and the Justice Department need to investigate possible ethics violations, and perhaps illegality. Two of the fired prosecutors testified that they had been dismissed after resisting what they suspected were importunings to use their offices to help Republicans win elections. A third described what may have been a threat of retaliation if he talked publicly about his firing."

Bush's New US Attorney a Criminal?

Thomas Gottschalk verhöhnt Hartz IV Empfänger

Thomas Gottschalk verhöhnte in der ZDF Show "Wetten dass..." Hartz IV Empfänger: "Bierdosen, das sind doch Hartz-IV-Stelzen."

In der am Samstag ausgestrahlten ZDF Show: "Wetten dass...??" hat der Entertainer und Showmaster, Thomas Gottschalk, bei der Wette des "Bierdosenstapelns", Hartz IV Empfänger indirekt als Säufer betitelt. Thomas Gottschalk hatte gesagt, dass die Bierdosenstapel eines Wettkandidaten auch "Hartz-IV-Stelzen" genannt werden können. Gottschalk wörtlich: "Bierdosen, das sind doch Hartz-IV-Stelzen." Das Lachen des Publikums verstummte bei so manchem Fernsehzuschauer. Bei solchen "Scherzen" kann sogar ein Kurt Beck noch etwas lernen, der vor einiger Zeit einem Erwerbslosen riet, "er solle sich ersteinmal waschen und rasieren."


The four unspeakable truths

by Jacob Weisberg


When it comes to Iraq, there are two kinds of presidential candidates. The disciplined ones, like Hillary Clinton, carefully avoid acknowledging reality. The more candid, like John McCain and Barack Obama, sometimes blurt out the truth, but quickly apologize. For many presidential aspirants, the first unspeakable truth is simply that the war was a mistake...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The battle over fired US attorneys

Christian Science Monitor


The Bush administration’s controversial firing of eight US attorneys sets up a major clash between the White House and the new Congress, as Democrats step up efforts to rein in new presidential powers. At issue is whether the Justice Department’s decision to replace these top federal prosecutors was a political purge and, if so, what Congress can do about it. As a start, lawmakers are revisiting a last-minute provision added to last year’s reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act at the request of the Justice Department. It gives the president authority to replace a US attorney without going back to the Senate for confirmation...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Handy: Segen oder Fluch?



Einsporn 5-03-07

Vortrag zum Stammtisch am 02. April 2007, 15.30 Uhr, Kleeblatt Bischofsheim

Es gilt das gesprochene Wort !

„Handy – Segen oder Fluch?“

Dipl.-Ing. Otto Einsporn VDI, 63477 Maintal

s. rtf- Dateianlage

Der HLV gibt diesen Kurzvortrag im Einverständnis mit Herrn Einsporn gerne zur weiteren Verwendung bekannt – vielleicht kann er einigen nützliche Informationen bieten.

Ökonomisierte Verfassung: über den Abbau von Grundrechten und Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Rede von Eckart Spoo, Publizist, Mitherausgeber und verantwortlicher Redakteur der Zweiwochenschrift Ossietzky, aus Anlaß der Verleihung des Erich-Mühsam-Preises 2007 an das Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie, Lübeck, 4.März 2007, dokumentiert in Junge Welt vom 08.03.2007

Gefahr im Überfluss. Soziale Kontrolle und sozialer Ausschluss im 21. Jahrhundert.

Artikel von Tobias Singelnstein und Peer Stolle in Jungle World vom 28. Februar 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 8. März 2007

Konkurrenz und Klassenkampf: Sparen, lernen, mobben

„Haben Sie schon einen Vertrag für die private Altersvorsorge abgeschlossen? Wenn nicht, ist es allerhöchste Zeit, denn die Regierung hat beschlossen, dass Sie auch noch für etwas anderes sparen müssen: für die Bildung….“ Artikel von Jörn Schulz in der Jungle World vom 21. Februar 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 8. März 2007

Uni-Misere: wie an deutschen Hochschulen für 1 Euro geforscht und ohne Lohn gelehrt wird

„Die großen Zielvorgaben klingen zweifelsohne gut: Elite-Unis, Exzellenzinitiative, Leuchttürme der Wissenschaft – damit will die Politik die Forschung in Deutschland international konkurrenzfähig machen. Über die Qualität der Lehre an deutschen Hochschulen spricht man besser nicht. Kein Wunder, denn dort sind die Bedingungen nicht elitär, sondern prekär. Da lehren Privatdozenten, die ohne Vergütung Seminare anbieten müssen, um ihre Lehrbefugnis aufrecht zu erhalten und da betreuen Lehrbeauftragte Studenten, die immer mehr Anteile des Pflichtlehrangebotes übernehmen und gratis oder für ein paar hundert Euro ein ganzes Semester unterrichten….“ Text zum Beitrag von Eva Müller, Frank Konopatzki in der MONITOR-Sendung Nr. 559 am 1. März 2007

Aus: LabourNet, 8. März 2007

As Biofuels Boom, Will More Go Hungry?

Using plants to feed our fuel needs may be a great idea, and the biofuels gold rush could be a money-spinner for several poor countries, but some experts warn people may go hungry as food prices rise.

Bush Embarks on Ethanol Diplomacy to Rebuff Chavez

US President George W. Bush visits Latin America this week to try to improve his reputation and influence in a region where anti-American voices like Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez are on the rise. Bush is expected to cozy up to moderate leftists like Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, hoping to woo him with a much-touted plan to cooperate on the production of biofuels like ethanol.

House Democrats Say Consensus Is Forming on US Troop Withdrawal

House Democrats have pushed back consideration of the budget resolution and the Iraq supplemental spending bill because they haven't been able to resolve differences between those who want to mandate a clear date for withdrawal from Iraq and those who don't. But leaders are still saying they expect a floor vote before the Easter recess, and they are stressing that they have reached consensus in some key areas.

Why Cheney Lost It When Joe Wilson Spoke Out

"Testimony at the Libby trial showed a vice president obsessed with retaliating against former ambassador Joseph Wilson for writing, in the New York Times op-ed section on July 6, 2003, that intelligence had been 'twisted' to justify attacking Iraq. How to explain why the normally stoic, phlegmatic Cheney went off the deep end?" asks Ray McGovern.

Next-up News n°203

Phone mast fears at new school site

08 March 2007 | 11:00


Myland County Primary School headteacher David Young said he was surprised that after 10 years of waiting people were given only a week’s notice for such an important meeting.

FEARS have been voiced that a new primary school in north Colchester is being built close to a radio mast.

A public meeting held to discuss the new school was also the subject of criticism after parents and other interested parties were only given a week's notice about the meeting.

The new school on the former Turner Village Hospital site would have spaces for 210 pupils and open in September 2009.

Figures compiled by the county council forecast the area will be lacking 281 school places by the year 2011 and many of those will be in the catchment areas served by Myland Primary School and North Primary School.

A new school has been in the pipeline for the area for ten years.

The meeting on Tuesday night at Myland Primary School heard how a radio mast in the grounds of Colchester General Hospital was close to the proposed school site.

The mast serves the emergency services as well as mobile phone technology and one parent claimed it was “exceptionally close to the school site.”

A spokeswoman for Essex County Council said: “Following on from the public meeting on Tuesday night concerns have been raised by someone about a radio mast.

“We are checking whether that radio mast would impact on the proposed school site at all.

“We are now checking on the intensity of the radio waves from the mast rather than the distance from the school.

“As part of the consultation process we will be feeding back any information to the local community.”

Myland Primary School headteacher David Young also said he found it “surprising that after ten years of waiting we are given a week's notice for such an important issue.”

But the county council spokeswoman said that the meeting had been advertised in the local press and the official consultation document had been delivered to local homes with the meeting details, as well as it being advertised with parish councils.

She added that updates would be put on the county council's website and another meeting would be held before the consultation period ended on April 11.

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Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional Ltd. All rights reserved.

MoveOn Calls on Congress to Stop Escalation into Iran

How Does an Era End?

Congress's Upcoming "Free" Trade Brawl: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Limited Options and Endless Possibilities

Ted Rall

4 Years After Invasion, Many Iraqis Look Back With Longing

Talk Floats of A Possible Scooter Libby Pardon by Bush


Why Libby's Pardon Is a Slam Dunk

Frank Rich writes: "Even by Washington's standards, few debates have been more fatuous or wasted more energy than the frenzied speculation over whether President Bush will or will not pardon Scooter Libby. Of course he will."

Vermont: 36 Towns Call For Impeachment Probe of President

IDA Continues Opposition to Barbaric Canadian Seal Slaughter

Annual marine mammal massacre only weeks away

Rally at Texas State Capital a Resounding Success

by Devvy Kidd

Everyone: Get on the phone (forget e-mails; Congress critters get about 300,000 a month) and call your federal house member and demand they pass HCR 40 to stop this major thrust to destroy a sovereign America. Alert: Montana Just Says NO! to The Security and Prosperity Partnership. In a land slide vote of 94 to 5 a resolution opposing the SPP has passed the House in the State of Montana......

Beim Mobilfunk in die Offensive gehen

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, werte Mitstreiter und Mitstreiterinnen,

Anbei die nachfolgende PM im heutigen HANAUER ANZEIGER.
[ ]

Im Gegensatz zu vielen Hauptverantwortlichen auch hiesiger Kommunen hat der Landrat die Situation bezüglich der Einflussnahme bei der Mobilfunkthematik erkannt und mahnt zu Recht an, dass die Stadt- und Gemeindeverantwortlichen von ihrer Planungshoheit Gebrauch machen sollten.

Allerdings ist die vom Landrat Herrn Erich Pipa angeführte "Freiwillige Selbstverpflichtung" zwischen den Kommunen und Betreibern keine verlässliche Garantie dafür, dass die Betreiber von dieser Vereinbarung Gebrauch machen. In vielen bekannten Fällen wurde hier auf eklatanteste Weise dagegen verstoßen. Außerdem ist der Passus, "soweit dies wirtschaftlich vertretbar ist" ein typischer Gummiparagraph.

Die BI Bruchköbel ImoWoB e.V. hatte von Anfang an den Gebrauch der Planungshoheit eingefordert und zugleich auch immer wieder darauf hingewiesen, dass Planungshoheit auch Planungspflicht für die Hauptamtlichen bedeutet!!!

Wenn ich mich an die endlosen Dialoge und Diskurse erinnere, die alleine die ImoWoB e.V. seit 2001 mit unseren Hauptverantwortlichen - den Bürgermeistern Ermold, Roth und Ersten Stadtrat Dziony - hat führen müssen, bis es nach vielen Jahren zur Auftragsvergabe eines neutralen Planungskonzeptes gekommen ist, dann kann man nur das Fazit ziehen, dass die Verantwortlichen über Jahre die Problematik einfach ausgesessen haben. Dabei ist nicht vergessen, dass kritische, unbescholtene Bürger, die von ihren Grundrechten Gebrauch gemacht haben, lange Zeit in perfider Form diskreditiert und diffamiert wurden.

Es ist gut, dass nunmehr, auch sozusagen Gemeinde- und Städteübergreifend, der einzig richtige praktikable Lösungsweg aufgezeichnet wurde.

Alfred Tittmann

Protest over phone mast plan

More than 100 campaigners fighting plans for a new mobile phone mast near two Shrewsbury schools are to hold a demonstration at the proposed site.

They will protest against phone giant O2’s plans to site the 41ft antenna next to the junction of Copthorne Park and Copthorne Road.

More than 100 demonstrators are expected at the rally at 3.15pm on Friday. Leading campaigners will also meet with O2 managers and MP Daniel Kawczynski to urge the company to relocate the mast.

They say it is too close to homes and Woodfield County Infant and St George’s Junior schools.

A spokesman for the protesters said today: “We are hoping to get some of the councillors along on Friday as well as children and their parents. There seems to be growing support now for what we are doing.

“We are trying to get as many people as possible on Friday. We will also be meeting O2 and Daniel Kawczynski. I would like for O2 to meet with all of the campaigners face to face.

“There will be a lot of people standing at the mast site with signs saying Say No To O2 which is our campaign.

“We are also trying to get together a formal committee and have started a petition. I am sure we can stop this ma- st going up.”

Councillors rejected the scheme but O2 won a planning appeal last month.

O2 says it has made a significant financial commitment to the site. It claims there is no evidence masts are harmful and it would provide better coverage.

Omega this is not true. See under:

Anti-mast campaigners will meet tomorrow at Woodfield County Infant School, at 7.30pm.

Protesters have also set up an e-mail address for people to share concerns: no-phonemast

© 2007 - all rights reserved

Armstrong Moon Video Update: Is This An Experiment?

Informant: ranger116


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