Sonntag, 25. Februar 2007

Please help save Lolita

A message from Astrid

Army "Deliberately Shortchanging" Troops on Disability

The Army is deliberately shortchanging troops on their disability retirement ratings to hold down costs, according to veterans' advocates, lawyers and services members, and the Inspector General has identified 87 problems in the system that need fixing.

Mast planning rules shake-up

By Juliette Astrup

CHANGES to Borough of Poole's planning rules mean applications for many mobile phone masts will never go before councillors.

Masts below 15 metres have "prior approval" status, a procedure where permission is deemed granted if the planning authority does not respond to the developer's application within 56 days.

Councillors used to have the facility to "red flag" these applications and bring them before the committee, usually when neighbours complained.

But last month it was agreed prior approval applications would be excluded from that process.

Peter Watson, head of planning, said the move had been made because these applications rarely came before committee for timing reasons. The date an application was submitted often meant the 56-day response deadline ran out before it could be scheduled for a meeting.

But Cllr Mike Brooke is fighting to have the decision reversed, and calling for extra planning meetings to make sure these applications have a chance to be heard.

"It removes the rights of the residents to see an open, transparent debate at committee," he said. "The decision will be made in a back office.

"It might be done in collaboration with a councillor, but the public won't get to see it."

He said he would be "calling in" the decision to be discussed at next month's scrutiny committee.

Steve Barker, of Sorrel Gardens, is leading a campaign against plans for a 12- metre mobile phone mast on the corner of Pinesprings Drive and Beechbank Avenue in Broadstone.

So far, 70 letters of complaint have been sent and 200 signatures gathered on a petition.

The 46-year-old IT development director said: "Residents feel this is one of the biggest planning issues affecting them. To downgrade it and remove these applications from the full democratic process can only be for the benefit of the planning committee rather than residents."

Mr Watson said the changes in the "red card" procedure simply formalised what was already being done.

He added: "Changes to the procedure ensure that informed decisions relating to mobile phone masts are always made within the correct time scales."

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Justice Department Fires Eighth US Attorney

An eighth US attorney announced her resignation yesterday, the latest in a wave of forced departures of federal prosecutors who have clashed with the Justice Department over the death penalty and other issues.

The Next Pat Tillman-Style Cover-Up?

"There once was a young woman from a St. Louis suburb. She was an honor roll student, she played the violin, she donated blood and volunteered for American Heart Association walks. She elected to put off college for a while and joined the Army once out of school. She was LaVena Johnson, private first class, and she died near Balad, Iraq, on July 19, 2005, just eight days shy of her twentieth birthday. The tragedy of her story begins there," according to Philip Barron.

This Is No Way to Treat a Wounded Warrior

"A day at Walter Reed Army Medical Center is an eye-opener - about our soldiers, our government generally and the Bush administration," says Ann McFeatters. "What I saw was not a lack of caring or quality medical care. But I found a soldier without his legs sent in four different directions for four forms over the course of a day. His exhausted wife, near tears, was pushing him in a wheelchair through ice."

US-Regierung sucht neue Allianzen gegen Iran, Syrien und irakische Schiiten

Seymour Hersh berichtet, dass das Pentagon eine Arbeitsgruppe zur Vorbereitung eines möglichen Luftangriffs auf den Iran eingerichtet und die Nahost-Politik neu ausgerichtet habe.

Rise of the Anti-War Soldier

Informant: Ashley Smith

From ufpj-news

US Developing Contingency Plan to Bomb Iran

Despite the Bush administration's insistence it has no plans to go to war with Iran, a Pentagon panel has been created to plan a bombing attack that could be implemented within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from President George W. Bush, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh reports in the latest issue of The New Yorker magazine.

Military Members Speak out against the war

Informant: bigraccoon

Störung des öffentlichen Friedens durch Mobilfunksender

In der SZ vom 22.12.06 wurde berichtet, dass ein Programmierer sich den „Scherz“ erlaubt hatte, sich in einem Internet-Chatroom als „nächster Amokläufer aus München“ vorzustellen. Daraufhin hat die Staatsanwaltschaft sofort eine Wohnungsdurchsuchung und Beschlagnahmung der Computer dieses Mannes veranlasst.

Der Tatbestand: „STÖRUNG DES ÖFFENTLICHEN FRIEDENS“, der laut SZ-Bericht mit Freiheitsstrafen bis zu drei Jahren geahndet werden kann.

Meine provozierende Frage: ist es nicht viel mehr eine Störung des öffentlichen Friedens, wenn in der Nachbarschaft von Mobilfunksendeanlagen die Menschen massiv krank werden (siehe Bamberger Ärzteinitiative, Oberammergau, die vielen ‚Krebscluster’ in Deutschland, in unserem Kreis in Schäftlarn, Icking und Geretsried)?

1. Wie können wir die Staatsanwaltschaft dazu bringen, einzuschreiten?

2. Wie können wir die Bürgermeister dazu bringen, den Notstandsparagraphen des BGB anzuwenden, weil ‚Gefahr im Verzug’ ist, und die Sender abzuschalten?

3. Wie können wir diese Bürgermeister gegen die Rechtsaufsicht der Landratsämter (die wiederum vom Innenministerium beobachtet werden) unterstützen, damit dieser Beschluss Bestand hat?

Für rege Rückmeldungen bedanke ich mich im Voraus

Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt
1. Vorsitzender Bürgerinitiative Wolfratshausen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog e.V.

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 3/2007

McVeigh had high-level help - Call to reopen Oklahoma bomb case

According to Oklahoma bombing conspirator, ranking officials were involved in the attack.

Nichols says bombing was FBI op

The only surviving convicted criminal in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is saying his co-conspirator, Timothy McVeigh, told him he was taking orders from a top FBI official in orchestrating the bombing.,1249,660197443,00.html

From Information Clearing House


Nichols says bombing was FBI op,1249,660197443,00.html

Informant: ranger116


Call to reopen Oklahoma bomb case

The FBI man in charge of collecting evidence from the government building destroyed by the Oklahoma bomb has called for the case to be reopened.

From Information Clearing House

46 of 49 Nations OK Ban on Cluster Bombs

Some key arms makers - including the U.S., Russia, Israel and China - snubbed the conference of 49 nations. Of those attending, Poland, Romania and Japan did not approve the final text.,,-6435402,00.html

Shell, Repsol, Total, Defy U.S. to Seek Iran Deals

President George W. Bush's campaign to turn Iran into an economic pariah is being rebuffed from Spain to Malaysia as countries and companies pursue long-term agreements to tap into the world's second-largest reserves of oil and gas.

From Information Clearing House

American armada prepares to attack Iran

The addition of a second aircraft carrier to its strike groups has fuelled the belief that America is gearing up for a fight with Iran. Not since the Iraq war in 2003 has America amassed so much fire power around the Gulf.

From Information Clearing House

100,000 on London anti-war march demand all troops out of Iraq

A huge demonstration filled the streets of central London today, calling for all occupying troops to be withdrawn from Iraq, no replacement of Britain’s nuclear weapons system and no attack on Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Former U.N. Envoy Supports Iraq Pullout

President Bush should follow British Prime Minister Tony Blair's lead and start withdrawing troops from Iraq, former U.N. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke said Saturday.,,-6438256,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Another U.S. Military Assault on Media

"They killed our colleagues, closed so many newspapers, arrested hundreds of us and now they are shooting at our hearts by raiding our headquarters. This is the freedom of speech we received."

From Information Clearing House

Will America Face the Truth About 9/11?

By Mark H. Gaffney

If we have the courage to face the fact that our nation has descended into a swamp of corruption and evil, perhaps we can still salvage the future for ourselves and our children. We should draw strength from the knowledge that the 9/11 nightmare, bad as it was, might have been even worse.

Tony Blair Makes Comical Ali Seem the Voice of Reason

By Marina Hyde

The former Iraqi regime spokesman's boasts seem almost prophetic. Unlike the prime minister's deluded declarations.

Israel Seeks All Clear for Iran Air Strike

By Con Coughlin in Tel Aviv

Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph can reveal.


Israel Wants to Fly Over Iraq to Bomb Iran

Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. To conduct surgical air strikes against Iran's nuclear program, Israeli war planes would need to fly across Iraq. But to do so the Israeli military authorities in Tel Aviv need permission from the Pentagon.

Iranians worried by rumors of a US attack

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Umweltgifte machen dick

Eine "zivilisatorische Vergiftungserscheinung ausgelöst durch Chemikalien" hat der Neurobiologe Frederick vom Saal von der University of Missouri auf der Jahrestagung zur Förderung der Wissenschaften in San Francisco beklagt. Demnach sind Dicke nicht allein Schuld an ihrer Überfülle, sondern diese ist auch durch zunehmende Umweltgifte verursacht.

Ist die Erde noch zu retten? Wege aus der Klimakatastrophe

Der dritte Teil des Weltklimaberichts rät zu schnellem Gegensteuern. Nicht nur beim CO2, auch bei anderen Treibhausgasen wäre rechtzeitiges Vermeiden die billigste Lösung. Eine Halbierung des Kohlendioxid-Ausstoßes bis 2050 wäre bezahlbar. Die Kernkraft bleibt umstritten.

Klimawandel: Die Zeit läuft ab

Ohne drastische Gegenmaßnahmen ist der Klimawandel nicht mehr aufzuhalten.

Der Klimawandel trifft vor allem die sozial Schwächsten

Ein Forschungsprojekt an der Freien Universität Berlin untersucht die Einflussfaktoren, welche die Anfälligkeit (Vulnerabilität) von gesellschaftlichen Gruppen gegenüber den Folgen des Klimawandels bestimmen.

Hazards of RF MW radiation and EMF in populated areas

Friday, February 23, 2007 4:42 PM
Subject: Thank You.

Chairman Leslie Daigle, Media & Communications Committee

Thank you for allowing Chris Sullivan a generous amount of time to speak against citywide Wi Fi at the February 12th Media & Communications Committee Meeting. While listening to the general discussion it became apparent to me that the issue of biological harm from non-ionizing RF MW radiation is not well understood by this Committee. For example, members are unaware that Safety Guidelines issued by the FCC over a decade ago do not reflect current scientific opinion regarding the minimum exposure level at which harm to living beings begins.

I know that you are an advocate of Women's Issues, including health, and have dedicated an impressive amount of time in successfully promoting an awareness of these issues. I now plead with you to learn more about women's health as it relates to man-made, non-ionizing RF MW radiation in our environment. Accurate information on this cannot be obtained from scientists affiliated with/funded by the Telecom Industry. They have an obvious conflict of interest.

I handed a letter to your Committee on February 12th recommending a consultant who has worked in the City of Irvine and many other California cities on reducing the hazards of RF MW radiation and EMF in populated areas. I do not know this consultant (Cindy Sage) personally but have read thoroughly researched, well documented, unbiased papers she's presented to international conferences over the years. I believe her expertise will help the City of Newport Beach make informed decisions about whether (and where) to locate RF MW emitting installations (including cell phone towers) within its boundaries. This will help my health, the health of all women and children who reside in Newport Beach. Not to mention the health of men of our species, pets and wildlife. I trust that you are listening, that you care and will become involved in this potentially grave matter.

With your background of twelve years in the Telecom Industry and your personal goal of helping women, I think you are the right person at the right time to make a difference in the future well-being of every resident, tourist, worker in Newport Beach. And if all our City Council Members join you in becoming more knowledgeable about the medical aspects of this issue, the Council can make enlightened decisions that won't compromise health for commerce. This will put Newport Beach on the map with other forward-looking cities that genuinely value quality of life.

A final note: I believe it is safe to say that the now scientifically established link between disease and exposure to RF MW radiation will insure that the wave of the future in communications will not be microwave.


Suzanne Bonnet
524 De Anza Drive, CDM CA 92625

Informant: Martin Weatherall

US is sponsoring terrorism inside Iran & risks unleashing 'darker forces'

Informant: Charles Jenks

US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

Informant: Amy Sasser

From ufpj-news


US Funds Terror Groups to Sow Chaos in Iran

By William Lowther in Washington DC and Colin Freeman

America is secretly funding militant ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.


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Februar 2007


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