Montag, 12. Februar 2007

Send a Valentine to Chairman Martin

Greenpeace locks down Kimberly-Clark’s Canadian HQ

As you read this, I’m locked down inside Kimberly-Clark’s Canadian headquarters in Toronto, along with three other dedicated Greenpeace activists. We got here at nine this morning, and will be here until K-C’s Vice President of Environment, Ken Strassner, agrees to meet with us.

To see photos and videos of the action, click here:

To hear audio updates from me and the other activists throughout the day, click here:

As the four of us entered the office and locked ourselves down, others broadcast chainsaw noises and spread woodchips in the corridors to highlight the company’s ongoing destruction of Canada’s Boreal Forest and to further disrupt operations in the office (don’t worry, unlike the wood K-C uses, all the wood chips we used were reclaimed waste from city tree trimming operations!). Others are outside the building holding a banner that reads “Kleenex destroys ancient forests.”

Kimberly-Clark executives want to ignore us, and they want to ignore the immense problems caused by forest destruction. They want to continue on with business as usual, making throw-away products out of ancient forests while global warming accelerates and species disappear.

But we’re not going to let that happen. Our campaign won’t end until Kimberly-Clark agrees to stop sourcing from endangered forests and start making its products out of fibre that’s recycled or sourced from truly sustainable logging operations.

Help us make that happen. Take action now:

It’s going to be a long, hard day locked down in this office. But knowing you’re all behind us will keep us going right until the end, fighting to protect what’s left of the magnificent Boreal forest.

Christy Ferguson
Greenpeace Forests Campaigner

Approval sends clear message on aerials

Schwerwiegende Gründe für die Ablehnung des Baus eines Mobilfunkmastes

Schwerwiegende Gruende Ablehnung Mobilfunkmast

Freitag ist Schustertag - Ergebnis Gespräch OB Schuster

Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmasten
Bismarckstraße 57

Rundmail 11, 12.2.2007

Liebe Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner,

1. Am Freitag ist Schustertag! OB Schuster empfängt am Freitag, 16.2., 15.00 eine 10-köpfige Delegation der Stuttgarter Bürgerinitiativen zu einem einstündigen Gespräch. Dies ist auf unser Auftreten auf der Bürgerversammlung West zurückzuführen. Wir gehen mit den anderen 4 Stuttgarter Initiativen zu OB Schuster. Aus dem Westen werden wir ihm über 1800 Unterschriften übergeben und unsere Forderungen vortragen. Die Hauptforderung: Eine „Integrierte kommunale Mobilfunkplanung“ , die die Gefahren der Strahlung minimiert. Und: der Mast in der Bismarckstraße muss weg.

Unsere Bitte an Sie: um 14.30 machen wir vor dem Rathaus eine Kundgebung. Kommen Sie, das verleiht unseren gemeinsamen Anliegen Nachdruck. Um 16.00 ist nochmals eine Kundgebung, auf der die Delegation berichtet, was bei dem Gespräch herausgekommen ist. In der Zwischenzeit führen wir Info-Stände durch.

2. Neu ab Morgen auf unserer Homepage: Die „Schweizerische Ärztezeitung“ hat in ihrer neuen Ausgabe ein Bulletin „Mobilfunk und Gesundheit“ veröffentlicht, in dem sie den sofortigen Stopp des Mobilfunkausbaus wegen unkalkulierbarer Risiken fordert. Ein bemerkenswerter und mutiger Vorgang. Der Artikel steht im Original unter , Aktuelle Nummer [ ]; und ab Morgen Mittag auf unserer Homepage zum Download. Weiter neu auf unserer Homepage: bei der Recherche sind wir auf einen Alarmruf der deutschen Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK) gestoßen. Sie prangert an, dass die Forschung zum Strahlenschutz seit Jahren zurückgefahren wird und der Forschungsaufwand nicht mehr den gestiegenen Erfordernissen genügt. Der Originaltext steht unter „ Staatliche Dokumente“ auf der Homepage. Er widerlegt die Behauptung der Politik, alles sei im Griff.

3. Am Mittwoch, 14.2. sendet das Bayrische Fernsehen unm 20.15 Uhr das „Bürgerforum“ aus Oberammergau zum Thema „Mobilfunk“. Dort sind über 100 Menschen in Mastnähe erkrankt, Dokumente dazu auf unserer Homepage. In der Anlage die offizielle Sendungsankündigung.

4. Unsere Broschüre „Mobilfunk - Acht Behauptungen, die wir nicht mehr glauben “, wird bereits in der 2., überarbeiteten Auflage gedruckt. Sie behandelt das Thema gründlich. Von Fachwissenschaftlern, denen wir sie zur wissenschaftlichen Überprüfung geschickt haben, kamen positive Rückmeldungen. So schrieb uns u.a.Prof.Josef Lutz (Lehrstuhl für Leistungselektronik und elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, TU Chemnitz) kurz und knapp: „Ich bin begeistert!“ Lesen Sie die Broschüre und verbreiten Sie sie weiter. Auch damit unterstützen Sie die Bürgerinitiative und verbreiten das Wissen über das Risiko Mobilfunk. Die Broschüre kann über Mail bestellt, im Stuttgarter Westen beim „Immergruen“ oder Zeitungsladen Kunz gekauft werden.

Bis zum

„Freitag ist Schustertag“

Peter Hensinger



Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmast
Bismarckstr.57, Stuttgart

Kurzmittteilung Nr.4

Liebe Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner, liebe Mitstreiter,

sicher sind Sie daran interessiert, was am Freitag bei dem Gespräch mit Oberbürgermeister Dr.Schuster herausgekommen ist. Wir haben mit ihm und seinen „Experten“ 1 ½ Stunden heftig und viel diskutiert und müssen erst mal in Ruhe besprechen, was dort eigentlich abgelaufen ist und welche Konsequenzen wir ziehen müssen. Und wir werden das mit den anderen Stuttgarter Initiativen abstimmen. Bis dahin bitten wir um Geduld.

Unsere Nachbesprechung ist am Mittwoch, 21.2., um 19.30 im „Zom Spätzlesschwob“ Ecke Vogelsang/Seyfferstraße

Und am Donnerstag, 1.3. wieder im Yol (Spittaecke), 19.30

Interessierte sind auf diese Sitzungen der Bürgerinitiative herzlich eingeladen. Wir möchten den zahlreichen Teilnehmern der Kundgebung für die Unterstützung und das Ausharren in der Kälte danken.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter Hensinger

Dissent Takes Center Stage at the Grammys

The Dixie Chicks got the last laugh Sunday night. "Not Ready to Make Nice," the group's defiant answer to the angry country fans who'd criticized the group for criticizing Bush, won song of the year, the industry's top songwriting award. "I am, for the first time in my life, speechless," Natalie Maines said. Earlier, the protest singer Joan Baez had introduced the Dixie Chicks as "three brave women who are still not ready to make nice."

Dixie Chicks Sing "I Will Never Apologize"

Informant: dmetke


Dixie Chicks Among Esteemed Outlaws


WPost Disses the Dixie Chicks

Shame on the Post's Editorial Page

Informant: Alan Dicey

Iran Tempted to Suspend Nuclear Activity; US Could Provoke War

Liberation reports possible Russian diplomatic success in persuading Tehran to stand down on nuclear enrichment; while Reporterre highlights the most damning of Zbigniew Brzezinski's recent statements before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Until the War Ends ...

Bob Herbert writes: "Senator Barack Obama, in his speech in Illinois Saturday formally launching his presidential bid, gave us an excellent reason for being serious: Ladies and gentlemen, there's a war on. After going through a litany of lofty goals for a new generation to strive for, including health care for all Americans, a rejuvenated public education system, an end to poverty and real progress in dealing with global warming, the senator offered a hard and simple truth: 'All of this cannot come to pass until we bring an end to this war in Iraq.'"

Iraq War Debate Shifts to the House

As the House this week launches its first major debate over the Iraq War since the November elections, Democrats are counting on many Republicans to join them in passing a resolution opposing President Bush's troop buildup.

Cheney Snubbing Japan Official Over Anti-War Remarks

Vice President Dick Cheney will not meet with Japan's defense minister during his trip to the country next week, a decision Japanese media characterized as a snub over the official calling the US-led invasion of Iraq a "mistake."

Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation

Paul Wolfowitz, former under secretary of defense, has been identified in recently released grand jury transcripts as being involved in a White House smear campaign against Joseph Wilson, the former US ambassador who accused the Bush administration of manipulating intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq War.


Paria-Staat Iran?

Der Konflikt mit den Atomwünschen Irans ist schwierig, aber es wäre höchste Zeit für diejenigen, die nicht auf eine Verschärfung setzen, das Sündebockspiel zu beenden.

Macht und Raum auf der Sicherheitskonferenz

Ein soziologischer Nachtrag über die räumlichen Ein- und Ausschließungsprinzipien der privaten "Teltschik-Festspiele" in München.

Protect Mountain Caribou Habitat

From BMutiny

Told to Wait, a Marine Dies

Jonathan, an Iraq war veteran with two Purple Hearts, neatly packed his US Marine Corps duffel bag with his sharply creased clothes, a framed photo of his new baby girl, and a leather-bound Bible and headed out from the family farm for a 75-mile drive to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Family and friends had convinced him at last that the devastating mental wounds he brought home from war, wounds that triggered severe depression, violent outbursts, and eventually an uncontrollable desire to kill himself, could not be drowned in alcohol or treated with the array of anti-anxiety drugs he'd been prescribed. He wanted to be admitted to a psychiatric ward. But, he was told that the clinician who prescreened cases like his was unavailable.

GOP Expects Defections as House Debates Iraq Resolution

Three days of intense debate over the Iraq war begins in the House today, with Democrats planning to propose a narrowly worded rebuke of President Bush's troop buildup and Republicans girding for broad defections on their side.

Who Got Iraqi WMDs Wrong Highlights Iran Claims

"Saturday's New York Times features an article, posted at the top of its Web site late Friday, that suggests very strongly that Iran is supplying the 'deadliest weapon aimed at American troops' in Iraq.... What is the source of this volatile information? Nothing less than 'civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies.' Sound pretty convincing? It may be worth noting that the author is Michael R. Gordon, the same Times reporter who, on his own, or with Judith Miller, wrote some of the key, and badly misleading or downright inaccurate, articles about Iraqi WMDs in the run-up to the 2003 invasion," writes Greg Mitchell.

Edwards Steps out Front on Health Care

Dean Baker writes: "For the people who will vote in the Democratic primaries next year, the Iraq War will rightly be the central issue. On this topic, it is worth noting that we already have a president who can't admit that he made a mistake. But, after Iraq, health care will almost certainly stand out as the most important issue. John Edwards moved the health-care debate forward last week when he outlined a plan that could provide universal coverage at an affordable price."

Passing the Buck on Health Care

The New York Times writes: "President Bush's new budget would extend the administration's warped priorities deep into the realm of federally supported health care programs. The administration long ago sacrificed any meaningful domestic agenda to finance tax cuts for the wealthy and its reckless war in Iraq. The White House's reckless determination to make the tax cuts permanent is now driving it to slash domestic spending in health and other vital programs."

Monsanto helped to create one of the most contaminated sites in Britain,,2011156,00.html

Informant: binstock

Residents say no to phone mast

- 12 February 2007

A NUMBER of residents in Ilford braved torrential rain on Monday to protest against the activation of a mobile phone mast.

The mast sat dormant at the junction of Malvern Drive and Longbridge Road for around five years until O2 decided to switch it on last week, much to the outrage of people living nearby.

One said: "It was put up without notifying any of us accept for six flats and we got 300 signatures on a petition within 48 hours and they abandoned using it.

"Now they've decided to activate it."

James Stevenson, of O2, said: "When it was put up we didn't require it for the network. But now we do. BT engineers have been down to connect the wires and they will be back.

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Phone mast goes up despite protest

Outcry over the city schools cashing in on mobile masts

Wake Up! The Next War Is Coming

by Ray McGovern,

There are second chances in life: Congress can stop Bush's Iran war plans.

Explosively Formed Distractions

Can the media make up for its Iraq sins by paying attention to the Bush Iran steamroller?

Discovering What Democracy Means

by Bill Moyers,

The media should convey the ideas and facts that help us become "We, The People."

What the world needs now is to reduce carbon emissions

Christian Science Monitor
by Daniel Schorr


In his State of the Union address last month, President Bush went out of his way to stress that the challenge of global warming would be met by new technologies. He was undoubtedly aware that soon afterward would come a report by a distinguished international panel of scientists saying that global warming is here and now, and primarily caused by human activities. And then the words that carbon-burning industries hate to hear — that the world can be saved only by a ‘really massive reduction in emissions,’ in the words of Richard Somerville, a lead author of the study. To the hundreds of scientists on the international panel, the menace of global warming is unequivocal. But to the industries that produce the emissions from the smokestacks and tailpipes, nothing is unequivocal...

Climate bills are self-defeating

Competitive Enterprise Institute
by Steven J. Milloy

Will 2007 be the year that the U.S. signs up for global warming regulation? After looking at the five climate bills being considered so far in the 110th Congress, I’m not so sure it will be. A bill drafted by Senate Energy Committee chairman Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., is the most economically palatable bill and seems to have the most interest on Capitol Hill. But it would likely accomplish little in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions — the ostensible purpose of global warming regulation...,05756.cfm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US says Iran leadership arming Iraqis

Seattle Post-Intelligencer


U.S. military officials on Sunday accused the highest levels of the Iranian leadership of arming Shiite militants in Iraq with sophisticated armor-piercing roadside bombs that have killed more than 170 troops from the American-led coalition. The military command in Baghdad denied, however, that any newly smuggled Iranian weapons were behind the five U.S. military helicopter crashes since Jan. 20 — four that were shot out of the sky by insurgent gunfire...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain denies links to “soft money”



Sen. John McCain blasted a report in the Washington Post that said the Arizona Republican, who has campaigned against the use of ’soft money,’ is using just those kinds of funds to support his GOP presidential nomination. McCain told CNN the article is ‘worst hit job that has ever been done in my entire political career.’ According to the story published on Sunday, campaign and IRS records show several of McCain’s finance co-chairmen ‘have given or raised large donations for political parties or 527 groups’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Here are three toll-free numbers you can use to call your own members of the U.S. Senate right now, 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803, and tell them BRING THE TROOPS HOME NOW.

After the embarassing spectacle of Republican Senate sponsors voting against their own resolution, the heat is really on the House this week to stop a further escalation in Iraq. We all know that a non-binding resolution is not nearly enough, it will take a courageous confrontation to actually derail the Bush/Cheney military disaster machine. But you can say exactly that when you call and write your House members this week. And it would not hurt to also berate those senators who acted with such cowardice when they had their chance.


We have all week to lean on them with our voices leading up to a vote at the end of the week, and there are already indications that the Republicans are finally caving in to the will and sanity of the American people. So let's rally our friends and neighbors to call the toll free numbers and submit the easy one click action pages so no member of the House can pretend they did not hear from us in sufficient numbers.

To put the car in reverse, first you have to put on the brakes and stop it. And after we do, we will press even harder to get them to start bringing our troops home.


We also have some news about an exciting new project, Activist Radio. How would you like to have your own radio show? Many of you will remember the Desktop Action software we debuted last year, allowing you to send messages to Congress with one click right from your computer desktop. We are in the final stages of a major upgrade to this program including a potentially unlimited selection of audio transmission channels.

As we are finishing up the coding of the new interface we would like to invite you to start submitting your audio content so we can but together a beta playlist as a demonstration. We are interested in any and all of your own recordings of a progressive nature, commentary, interviews, music, comedy, whatever you are inspired to produce that you think will inspire others to speak out on the issues. The only stipulation is that all submission must be your own creation, where you can personally authorize broadcast.

Here is a special upload page for the new Activist Radio resource to get in on the ground floor of this new resource.


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved May be reproduced for activist purposes

Beeinflussen Handys Gesundheit?

Handys können Krebs auslösen

Zunahme der Hirntumore bei Handy-Vieltefonierern: Risiko steigt um 39 Prozent

Lösen Handys Krebs aus, Krebs durch Handy-Strahlung?

Handy am Ohr: Hirntumor?

Langzeitstudie aus Dänemark: kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys?

Elektrosmog als Krebsrisiko: Kein Krebsrisiko durch Handy-Strahlung?

Flucht aus Oberammergau: Pfarrer flüchtet vor Handy-Strahlung

Mobilfunk und Gesundheit

Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Iran 'Fooling' U.S. Military

New evidence is emerging on the ground of an Iranian hand in growing violence within Iraq. As the United States heads for a confrontation with Iran over allegations of Iranian involvement in bombings, the massacre in Najaf last month indicates that Iran could be working also through the Iraqi government, local leaders in Najaf say. The slaughter of 263 people in Najaf by Iraqi and U.S. forces Jan. 29 provoked outrage and vows of revenge among residents in and around the sacred Shia city in the south. The killings have deepened a split among Shias. Iran is predominantly Shia, one of the two main groupings within Islam along with the Sunnis. Iraq has for the first time a Shia-dominated government, comprising groups that have been openly supportive of Iran. The people killed were mostly Shias from the Hawatim tribe that opposes the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq as well as the Dawa Party. These two pro-Iranian groups control the local government in Najaf and the government in Baghdad.

First Results from the President's Offensive

Das bisher größte Verbrechen, dass jemals auf die Menschheit und die Natur losgelassen wurde

Liebe Freunde der Natur!

Wir ermuntern Euch, schaut mal auf unserer Homepage vorbei! (Link news u. downloads Trickfilm Meatrix)! Unsere Plattform kämpft schon seit über sechs Jahren, gegen das bisher größte Verbrechen, dass jemals auf die Menschheit und die Natur losgelassen wurde! Vielleicht ist es auch Euch möglich, etwas dagegen zu tun, viele auch noch so klein erscheinende Schritte sind wichtig für das Ganze, bevor die Sache irreversibel wird!

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Hin zu einer Zweiklassenlandwirtschaft, die es verfehlt, qualitativ gute Nahrung für alle zugänglich zu machen.

Privatarmeen sahnen ab

Der Krieg im Irak ist ein Milliardengeschäft für private USA-Firmen: Hunderttausende hochbezahlte Söldner, die nur ihren Bossen unterstehen, marodieren durch das Land. Artikel von Mumia Abu-Jamal in junge Welt vom 10.2.07

Aus: LabourNet, 12. Februar 2007

Restore Indian Reservation Lands

From Bette M.

Iran tests missiles "able to sink big warships"

Informant: ranger116

States Struggle to Cover Retirees

by Devvy Kidd

We the people are making progress on some issues, i.e., getting our states to repudiate and reject the insidious National ID. However, unless the state legislatures and Congress take the necessary steps to at least minimize the coming financial tsunami, everything you've ever worked for won't survive......

Newsweek cover story on ‘hidden, unfolding’ US-Iran war

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Mast bid reinstated by Government

12 February 2007 08:51

Campaigners fear an unwelcome precedent has been set after Government bosses overturned a council's refusal of a mobile phone mast.

Broadland District Council's refusal to allow mobile phone giant 02 to build a 12.5 metre mast on the verge in Dussindale Drive, Thorpe St Andrew, has been overturned on appeal.

The application was originally turned down by the council last year amid fears the mast would have a detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the site, and upon neighbouring properties in Lynn Close and Newcastle Avenue.

Issue was also raised over safety concerns.

However, the planning inspectorate dismissed the refusal, stating there was little evidence to support health fears and that emissions from the mast would be within international guidelines.

Now campaigner Andy Street fears the decision will put more pressure on the authority to approve two other controversial plans.

T-Mobile wants to install a 12m mast, plus telecommunications equipment and cabinets, on the island at the junction of the Ring Road and Pound Lane, opposite Sainsbury's and a pre-application consultation on plans by Vodafone to put six dishes on the existing St William's Way mast, to improve its mobile phone network in the area, ended on Friday .

Mr Street, 69, of Eastern Avenue, Thorpe, said: “It puts more pressure on the council to approve these two new plans.

“In the future if there seems to be a need for a mast it will be very difficult for our council to turn it down, especially if it is going to get overturned in appeal.

“Our concern is that it is the commercial power of the phone mast companies and not the needs of these service users that are driving this. Health and the public's increased stress do not seem to matter. In a democracy we should go with the majority, and most people do not want more masts.”

Mr Street and other campaigners are urging people to attend Thorpe Council's planning committee meeting at the Dussindale centre in Pound Lane at 7.30pm tonight when the mast near Sainsbury's will be discussed.

Comments on either plan can be sent to Broadland District Council up until February 15.

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe through our Put Masts on Hold campaign

Are you fighting against a mobile phone mast? Call reporter David Bale on 01603 772427 or e-mail david.bale2

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

An explosion of disbelief: fresh doubts over 9/11

More than five years on, the accepted version of what happened on 9/11 is being challenged by a 90-minute internet movie made for £1,500 on a cheap laptop by three young American men. The film is so popular that up to 100 million viewers have watched what is being dubbed the first internet blockbuster.

Don't believe the official 'conspiracy' theory

We have to ask who stood to gain the most from the appalling events of 9/11, says Tim Sparke.,,2011648,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Video - Loose Change 2nd Edition

This film purports to show direct connection between the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the United States government. Evidence is derived from news footage, scientific fact, and most important, Americans who suffered through that tragic day.

Bush budget slashes Indian health care, education funding

Behind the modest funding increases in President George Bush's proposed 2008 budget for American Indian programs lie glaring cuts in funding for health care for those who live off the reservation and educational opportunities for Indian children who attend public schools.

From Information Clearing House

Bush may bypass Congress on Medicaid cutbacks

Democrats have made it clear: They don't support recommendations from President Bush that would shave an estimated $77-billion from government health programs for seniors and the poor.

From Information Clearing House

The End of Tibet?

As China tortures monks and drives Tibetans into poverty, many young activists are renouncing the Dalai Lama and resorting to violence. Is one of the world's most ancient cultures facing extinction?

From Information Clearing House

War crime risk for MPs in 'retro' case against Hicks

Australia's support of a new, retrospective terrorism charge against David Hicks has put members of the Federal Government at serious risk of committing a war crime, a leading Victorian silk and international law expert has warned.

From Information Clearing House

Putin's speech: Back to cold war?

Mr Putin said the US "has overstepped its borders"

Full text: Vladimir Putin's speech in English:

It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And at the end of the day this is pernicious not only for all those within this system, but also for the sovereign itself because it destroys itself from within.

From Information Clearing House

Iranian bombs have allegedly killed 170 Iraq occupation troops: unnamed source

Manufacturing consent for war

Sophisticated Iranian-built bombs smuggled into Iraq have killed at least 170 US and allied soldiers since June 2004 and wounded 620 more, senior US defence officials have said.

War pimp alert

US: Iraq roadside bombs came from Iranian gov't: Unnamed source

The US military has detected a significant increase in the number of sophisticated roadside bombs appearing in Iraq and believes that orders to send components for them came from the "highest levels" of the Iranian goverment, a senior intelligence officer said Sunday.

ABC And The IED's From Iran That Were Made In The UK

US baiting Iran retaliation

"They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something (the United States) would be forced to retaliate for," Hillary Mann, former director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs at the National Security Council, which reports to the White House, told the New York newsweekly.

Iran rejects US claim

“The problem is that the United States has decided on a policy and is trying to find or fabricate evidence if it cannot find one -- and I believe it hasn't been able to find an evidence -- in order to substantiate and corroborate that policy," Mr Zarif said.

Putin warns against "cornering Iran" over nuclear crisis

There is no evidence, after all, that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, he said.

From Information Clearing House

US ‘prepares for failure’ in Iraq surge

AS America’s troop surge in Baghdad gathers force, Robert Gates, the defence secretary, is already planning for failure. If the battle for security in Iraq does not succeed, he has told Congress he is prepared to move troops “out of harm’s way”.

Cronkite: Quest for profits crippling media companies

By Associated Press

Pressures by media companies to generate ever-greater profits are threatening the very freedom the nation was built upon, former CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite warned.

The Death March

By Al McKinnis

The following is a letter from Al McKinnis, an ex-Marine and auto worker in Minnesota, to his long-dead Uncle Earl, a Marine who died in the Bataan Death March, reflecting on what has become of his uncle's country in the years since he made the ultimate sacrifice. This letter offers profound, stirring insights into what has happened to the society and what we must do about it.

Squandering billions in Iraq while U.S. suffers

By Eric Margolis

By 2008, Bush’s wars in the Muslim world will have cost each American man, woman and child $2,300.

A road map out of Iraq

By Zbigniew Brzezinski

The painful reality is that the current Iraqi regime, characterized by the Bush administration as representative of the Iraqi people, largely defines itself by its physical location: the 4-square-mile U.S. fortress within Baghdad protected by a wall 15 feet thick in places and manned by heavily armed U.S. military popularly known as the Green Zone.

Will They Nuke Iran?

By Alexander Cockburn

Shades of the Ho Chi Minh trail! Year after year first Johnson then Nixon would claim that the resistance in south Vietnam was not indigenous but created and armed by North Vietnam, backed by the Soviet Union and China--which these days has flourishing economic ties with Iran, particularly in the field of energy.

Charging Iran with "Genocide" Before Nuking It

By Gary Leupp

In a very interesting analysis last month, the former chief of staff of the Russian Army, Gen. Leonid Ivashov, predicted a U.S. nuclear strike on Iran by this April. "Within weeks from now," he wrote, "we will see the informational warfare machine start working. The public opinion is already under pressure. There will be a growing anti-Iranian militaristic hysteria, new information leaks, disinformation, etc." I'm afraid this has the ring of truth.

Overview of imperial grand strategy with the U.S.’s star bedimmed

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Killer Weather Ahead

Informant: binstock

Kindersoldaten: Kind sein dürfen

#Die Linkspartei.PDS: Pressemitteilungen

11. Februar 2007

Circa 250.000 bis 300.000 Kinder werden täglich in bewaffneten Konflikten als Soldaten, Spione, Träger, Köche oder Sexsklaven missbraucht. Vielen von ihnen sind Mädchen. Zum internationalen Tag des Kindersoldaten (Red Hand Day) erklärt das Mitglied des Parteivorstandes Helmut Scholz:

Der Red Hand Day ist erneut Anlass, auf die Schicksale von Tausenden von Kindern in Ländern wie Sierra Leone, der Demokratischen Republik Kongo oder Myanmar zu blicken. Doch auch in der EU gibt es Verbesserungsbedarf: 16jährige zu Soldaten auszubilden, so wie es in Großbritannien der Fall ist, unterminiert die Glaubwürdigkeit Europas. Die Linkspartei.PDS sagt diesen besonders schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen entschieden den Kampf an und fordert die Bundesregierung auf: ihr Gewicht für die Einhaltung der internationalen Normen einzusetzen und weitere Länder für die Ächtung des Einsatzes von Kindersoldaten zu gewinnen, um eine vollständige Beendigung dieser menschenverachtenden Praxis zu erreichen; unverzüglich entsprechende Schritte im Rahmen der UNO und des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes einleiten; höhere Anstrengungen für die Weiterentwicklung der Programme und Strukturen zum Schutz der Rechte der Kinder aufzuwenden, die als Soldaten missbraucht wurden; unverzüglich alle Waffenlieferungen an Staaten, die Kindersoldaten einsetzen, zu stoppen; den Missbrauch als Kindersoldat als Asylgrund anzuerkennen.

Die Ergebnisse der jüngsten, von der Republik Frankreich und dem UN-Kinderhilfswerk UNICEF ausgerichteten Internationalen Konferenz zu Kindersoldaten sind ein wenn auch kleiner - Schritt in die richtige Richtung. 58 Staaten, darunter die 27 EU-Mitgliedesländer und eine Reihe von Ländern in denen es Kindersoldaten gibt, haben mit der Einigung auf Leitlinien einen Auftakt zum Schutz der Rechte und Freiheiten von Kindersoldaten in ihren Ländern gefunden. Die Erklärung untersagt den Staaten, Kindern das Tragen von Waffen zu erlauben. In einem Krieg verpflichten sich die Regierungen, nach Kindersoldaten zu suchen, diese zu entwaffnen und die für ihre Rekrutierung Verantwortlichen zu bestrafen. Als Hauptziel ist die Wiedereingliederung von Kindersoldaten in die Gesellschaft benannt. Es bleibt noch viel zu tun, die Vorsätze umzusetzen. Die Erklärung von Paris ist rechtlich nicht bindend, d.h. unterzeichnende Staaten, die gegen diese Prinzipien verstoßen, haben keine Konsequenzen zu befürchten. Das muss dringend korrigiert werden, zumal einige Staaten, die die Pariser Erklärung unterzeichnet haben, das Zusatzprotokoll zur UN-Kinderrechtskonvention von 2002 nicht beachten.

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