Samstag, 3. Februar 2007

Bush to Seek Record $716 Billion for Defense Spending

Informant: Carlos Rovira

From ufpj-news

Libby: Don't Release Grand Jury Tapes

Former White House aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is fighting to keep his grand jury testimony about the leak of a CIA operative's name from being released and broadcast. Libby's grand jury testimony - the sworn statements he gave investigators about his conversations with Vice President Dick Cheney and journalists - is at the heart of his perjury trial. Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald plans to play hours of recordings of that testimony in court next week to bolster his case that Libby lied and obstructed the investigation.

Justifications for Attacking Iran on Shaky Ground

The Bush administration is stepping up its confrontation with Iran, accusing the Islamic regime in Tehran of supplying arms to Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq for attacks on US forces. But the White House's failure to document its case, its acute credibility deficit, and a new US intelligence finding that outside meddling is "not likely" a major cause of the bloodshed are raising questions about President Bush's intentions.

Dissent of an Officer

Carolyn Ho was at her apartment that overlooks Kaneohe Bay on the windward side of Oahu, on another enviable evening of silk-shirt temperatures, when the phone rang. It was New Year's Day 2006. Her son, Ehren, was calling from Fort Lewis, near Tacoma, Washington, where he was stationed as an artillery officer in the US Army. She assumed he was calling to wish her a happy New Year. He had something else on his mind. He told her he was opposed to the war in Iraq and was going to refuse to deploy there.

Petition to Eradicate the Law of Stoning

A message from Janice

Please read this letter and sign the petition.

Sophia D.


My name is Soheila Vahdati and I am the International Public Relations Coordinator for the Stop Stoning Forever campaign. It is great to hear from you and learn that you are supporting the campaign and willing to help us. I think that stoning to death for adultery is a form of honor killing that is administered by the state. What we need most is to spread the word about stoning in the world, raise awareness, and eventually collect signatures in objection to this inhuman practice.

We have a petition on our website:

We would very much appreciate your help in collecting more signatures for this petition. As you sign the petition, a copy of your letter is sent the the Head of Judiciary and another copy is sent to the parliament leader. In the case you could write in local papers, etc. about this campaign, please send us a copy of your article and we'll post it on the website, too.

Many thanks again, Soheila

White House Refuses to Take Action Against Global Warming

Despite a strongly worded global warming report from the world's top climate scientists, the Bush administration expressed continued opposition Friday to mandatory reductions in heat-trapping "greenhouse" gases.


Bush Backers Offer Payoffs to Undercut Global Warming

The new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just been released, and it looks like bad news for the home team, i.e., the entire human race. Things are going to get hotter, coastlines are going to go under, deserts are going to get wider, and millions if not billions of people are going to be on the move.

Carbon dioxide rate is at highest level for 650,000 years

Informant: binstock

Ask the Governor to protect us from drinking water contamination

A message from Sophia

Original Message

Please write a letter to help the Pacific Rim. URL below. Cross Post widely and forward. Thanks for your help.


Safe drinking water is a basic need for all Californians. Despite this, polluters have leaked the top chemical in rocket fuel (perchlorate) into the drinking water supplies of more than sixteen million Californians.

Now big polluters are trying to convince Governor Schwarzenegger to ignore the danger that rocket fuel contamination poses to newborn babies and pregnant women and let them off the hook for cleanup.

Let the Governor know that you want him to protect the health of all Californians from drinking water contamination. Then ask your friends and family to help by forwarding this email on to them.

To take action click on the link below or paste it into your Web browser:


Perchlorate is a component of rocket fuel that contaminates water supplies for approximately 20 million people in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico.

Tiny amounts of perchlorate, the equivalent of a few drops in an Olympic-sized swimming pool, can result in serious health problems. At greatest risk are pregnant women. According to studies released by the Centers for Disease Control and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, perchlorate can interfere with essential body hormones and brain development in the womb and in some cases lead to attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities in young children.

To date, perchlorate has polluted more than 400 drinking water wells in California. The Kerr-McGee perchlorate factory in Henderson, Nevada has also leaked over a million pounds of the toxin into Southern California's Colorado River water supplies. In addition, contamination also plagues dozens of communities, including the cities of Rialto, Colton, Pasadena, San Gabriel Valley, Redlands, Santa Clarita, Sacramento County, Simi Valley, Beaumont, and San Martin.

Despite the threat that perchlorate contamination, polluters are urging Governor Schwarzenegger to let them off the hook. In memos to the media, meetings with decision-makers and on web sites, polluters are urging decision-makers to ignore the health effects of perchlorate on pregnant women and young infants and set a final drinking water standard for perchlorate that does not protect them. They've even hired the same public relations firm that worked for Phillip Morris to downplay the health dangers of second hand smoke.

Please take a moment to email urging Governor Schwarzenegger to set a final standard for perchlorate in drinking water that protects all Californians, including pregnant women and newborn infants.

To take action, click on the link below or paste it into your web browser:


Dan Jacobson
Environment California
Legislative Director

Native American Grandmothers at Big Mountain resist relocation

From Clyde A.

PLEASE pass this on

Do any of you know how to write a petition for these brothers and sisters?

If so will you?

Thank you.

Bear Warrior

Danish government: Stop your whaling support!

From Pam F.

This is my video (Lego made) asking to the Danish government to stop support ’s whaling. Please!!! Note and Forward!!!!!!

Thanks a lot for your support, Lucrecia

Petition against killing of stray dogs in Rousse, Bulgaria

From Rosemary R.

Original Message

Marie, I have gladly signed, this is so cruel....

Petition against killing of stray dogs in Rousse, Bulgaria!

Bulgaria joined EU just a month ago, BUT the brutal killing of stray animals goes on, they have to stop it immediately. (German - Bulgarian association to help (stray)animals) Please open the link, fill out the required fields and send. Thank you so much for your support that I really appreciate.

Pflichtangaben = required

Vorname = first name

Nachname = last name

Wohnort = city/town

Email Adresse = email address

freiwillige Angaben = optional

homepage and comment

abschicken = send

Thorpe's double phone mast fight


03 February 2007 09:05

Families are being urged to fight plans for two phone masts in Thorpe, just weeks after campaigners defeated another mast in the area.

T-Mobile wants to install a 12m monopole, plus telecommunications equipment and cabinets, on the island at the junction of the Ring Road and Pound Lane, opposite Sainsbury's.

Pre-application consultation is continuing until February 9 on plans by Vodafone to put six dishes on the existing St William's Way mast, to improve its mobile phone network in the area.

Campaigner Andy Street, 69, of Eastern Avenue, Thorpe, said: “My main concern is that people in the area don't seem to know about the plans.

“I'm urging people to get in their comments to the councils as soon as possible. Neighbours tell me they are getting a petition together but letters have more credence. With the help of the Evening News, we managed to get plans for a similar phone mast in Dussindale turned down, and we can do it again.”

Thorpe town councillor Peter Harwood, a governor of St William's Primary - close to the St William's Way mast, - said: “I'm particularly concerned about the plans for the St William's mast, because I don't think it requires planning permission. People should be writing to Broadland council, because it has a duty of well-being. The fear of illness can be just as debilitating as the real thing.

“It's regrettable that phone companies are still determined to go ahead, despite residents' objections.”

Last December, Broadland District Council refused an application by 3, formerly Hutchison 3G, to put up a 22.5m phone mast on land off Pound Lane in Thorpe.

Comments on either plan can be sent to Thorpe Town Council, before February 12, and Broadland District Council up until February 15.

Are you fighting against a mobile phone mast? Call reporter David Bale on 01603 772427 or e-mail david.bale2

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

America's Struggle With Health Care

"Forty-seven million Americans are without health insurance, dependent on the emergency room, or getting no care at all. And here we go again with a complicated plan going nowhere," writes Daniel Schorr.

All Schools in England to See Al Gore Climate Film

As a panel of the world's top scientists issued a new report blaming mankind for global warming, the English government has decided to distribute Al Gore's dramatic film, "An Inconvenient Truth," to all secondary schools in England in its fight to tackle the climate crisis.

Bush Downplays Costs of Troop Increase

A report released on Thursday reveals that President George W. Bush's plan to send 21,500 more combat troops to Iraq could include sending an additional 27,500 in support troops.

Turning the Tide on Global Warming

On Thursday, the American Solar Energy Association (ASES), with the backing of several US representatives and a senator, released its new nuts-and-bolts approach to reducing carbon emissions with a combination of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

New Orleans Veterans for Peace

Mobilfunk: 8 Behauptungen, die wir nicht mehr glauben

Liebe Mobilfunkgegner,

wir möchten Ihnen die Broschüre der Stuttgarter Bürgerinitiative West

"Mobilfunk - Acht Behauptungen, die wir nicht mehr glauben" Umfang 28 Seiten


Die Broschüre stellt anhand neuester Dokumente den Stand der Mobilfunkdiskussion dar und ist professionell gestaltet. Sie ist für diejenigen, die sich auch mit dieser Bedrohung konfrontiert sehen, ein gründlicher Einstieg in die Problematik. Sie schließt eine Publikationslücke zwischen kurzen Infoblättern und Büchern. Acht wichtige Fragen werden auf je einer Seite behandelt, dazu enthält die Broschüre einen Artikel über die zentrale Frage, ob Strahlenschutz und Gesundheitsvorsorge erst dann erfolgen können, wenn die Wechselwirkung zwischen Strahlung und Krankheiten endgültig geklärt ist. Die Broschüre wurde von Dr.Horst Eger, Prof.Josef Lutz, Dr.Schorpp, Dipl.Ing.Ruoff und Dr.Warnke gegengelesen. Prof.Josef Lutz (TU Chemnitz) schrieb kurz und trocken: "Ich bin begeistert". Dr.Eger schrieb: "Persönlich darf ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass sich hinter dieser Zusammenfassung eine ernsthafte, wichtige und tragfähige Recherche erkennen lässt, die Einfluss auf die Zukunft nehmen wird." Die Broschüre argumentiert auf der Grundlage ausgewählter, meist staatlicher Dokumente, so dass die Argumentation für jedermann nachprüfbar ist. Sie ist für diejenigen, die auch mit dieser Bedrohung konfrontiert werden, ein gründlicher Einstieg in die Problematik. Interessierte Leser und Bürgerinitiativen können anhand der Quellenangaben selbst weiterrecherchieren. Auf der Homepage der Bürgerinitiative steht eine Rechercheseite, auf der alle Dokumente im Original überprüft und abgerufen werden können. Die Schutzgebühr beträgt 3 Euro, zzgl. Portopauschale.


Über Mail: info

Postadresse: Bürgerinitiative Stuttgart West Bismarckstraße 63
70197 Stuttgart


Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmasten
Bismarckstr.57, Stuttgart West
Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmasten

Stuttgarter Mobilfunk - Broschüre erschienen

Liebe Anwohnerinnen und Anwohner, sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

von unsere Bürgerinitiative ist am 1.2.2007 die Broschüre

„Mobilfunk – Acht Behauptungen, die wir nicht mehr glauben“ Umfang 28 Seiten, erschienen.

Im Anhang senden wir Ihnen eine Leseprobe. Die Broschüre stellt anhand neuester Dokumente den Stand der Mobilfunkdiskussion dar.

Die Presse berichtet seit einer Woche ausführlich über die Gefahren von Handys und Mobilfunkmasten. Mosaiksteine der Wahrheit kommen zu Tage. Die Berichterstattung ist unzureichend. Sie wollen genauer Bescheid wissen? Dazu trägt diese Broschüre bei. Die Broschüre ist für diejenigen, die sich auch mit dieser Bedrohung konfrontiert sehen, ein gründlicher Einstieg in die Problematik. Und von Handys und Bestrahlung ist heute niemand mehr verschont.

Wir haben diese Broschüre verfasst, weil zwischen kurzen Infoblättern und Büchern eine Publikationslücke besteht. Acht wichtige Fragen werden auf je einer Seite behandelt, dazu enthält die Broschüre einen Artikel über die zentrale Frage, ob Strahlenschutz und Gesundheitsvorsorge erst dann erfolgen können, wenn die Wechselwirkung zwischen Strahlung und Krankheiten endgültig geklärt ist. Sie analysiert und dokumentiert auch die politischen Hintergründe des ungebremsten Antennenwildwuches. Wir argumentieren auf der Grundlage ausgewählter, meist staatlicher Dokumente, so dass unsere Argumentation nachprüfbar ist. Die Broschüre ist für diejenigen, die auch mit dieser Bedrohung konfrontiert werden, ein gründlicher Einstieg in die Problematik. Die Broschüre ist so geschrieben, dass interessierte Leser und Bürgerinitiativen selbst weiterrecherchieren können. Alle Zitate sind deshalb mit Quellenangaben – und Hinweisen dokumentiert. Auf unserer Homepage steht ab Montag, 5.2. zur Broschüre eine Rechercheseite, auf der alle Dokumente im Original überprüft und abgerufen werden können. Die Schutzgebühr beträgt 3 Euro, zzgl.Portopauschale.


Bürgerinitiative gegen den Mobilfunkmasten
(Stichwort: Bestellung Broschüre)

Postadresse: Bürgerinitiative Stuttgart West
Bismarckstraße 63
70197 Stuttgart

Im Stuttgarter Westen kann man sie kaufen bei: Ökoladen Immergruen (Ecke Seyffer/Bismarckstr), Zeitungsladen Kunz (Ecke Bismarck-/Rötestr).

Peter Hensinger

Amnesty International USA: Plugged In February 2007

Beweis politischen Versagens

Bezüglich der Mobilfunkdiskussionen in Freigericht (Main-Kinzig-Kreis) erschien im heutigen HANAUER ANZEIGER nachfolgender Leserbrief:

Alfred Tittmann

Exxon's 'outlandish' earnings spark furor

With UN poised to blame global warming on fossil fuels, firm posts $40-billion profit.

From Information Clearing House

Hicks shown Saddam pictures as 'intellectual stimulation'

Hicks's legal team was outraged during this week's visit to the US prison camp to learn Hicks had viewed photos of Saddam's execution and trial.

Justice Minister calls Hicks' incarceration totally inappropriate

Australia's Justice Minister Chris Ellison has spoken out strongly against the detention of David Hicks in Guantanamo Bay, describing Mr Hick's five year incarceration without charge as "totally inappropriate".

From Information Clearing House

Hillary Clinton calls Iran a threat to U.S.

Calling Iran a danger to the U.S. and one of Israel's greatest threats, U.S. senator and presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton said "no option can be taken off the table" when dealing with that nation.

Clinton, Edwards Will Square Off At Aipac Tonight

From Information Clearing House

Sailors ship out on short notice to USS Reagan carrier

The Reagan's rapid deployment is part of the Fleet Response Plan, which the Navy says will provide the military with the ability to respond to any global commitment on short notice.

From Information Clearing House

World must share more of Iraq refugee burden

The world must share more of the burden of Iraqis fleeing violence or persecution in their homeland, amid signs of strain in major host countries Jordan and Syria, the United Nations refugee agency said on Friday.

From Information Clearing House

Slovaks pull soldiers from Iraq, PM says war wrong

By pulling out, Slovakia joins fellow European Union nations Spain and Italy that also withdrew troops from Iraq following a government change.

From Information Clearing House

Pentagon alters how wounded are calculated

Statistics on a Pentagon Web site have been reorganized in a way that lowers the published totals of American nonfatal casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From Information Clearing House

Playing politics with Iraqi and U.S. lives: U.S. Senate edges closer to confronting Bush

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada set a vote for Monday on whether to consider the measure, which would put the Senate on record against Bush's planned troop increase but not bind him to any action.

From Information Clearing House

Bush Budget Hikes War Funding

Keeping troops in Iraq for another year and a half will cost nearly a quarter-trillion dollars — about $800 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. — under the budget President Bush will submit to Congress Monday.

Bush administration seeks $245B for wars

The Bush administration will ask for another $100 billion for military and diplomatic operations in Iraq and Afghanistan this year and seek $145 billion for 2008, a senior administration official said Friday.

From Information Clearing House

On Coming to Terms with Society

No Defense Against Persecution

By Sarah Shields

“Has anyone told you that you look like Gandhi?” my companion asked Professor Sami al-Arian. Al-Arian was sitting behind a plastic wall, wearing striped prison clothes and speaking into two telephones.

A Massacre And a New Civil War

Bush administration seeks $245B for wars

Informant: ranger116

Hazardous Substances: Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Autism....Dr. Perlmutter's Blog/"Autism"....Mueller response 2-2-07

Joanne C. Mueller Says: [ - Dr. Perlmutter's Blog - Response to topic "Autism" -- re TV exposure question re causality....... ]

February 2nd, 2007 at 9:15 pm

The above site lists EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) as TOXIC.

Certainly sitting or standing very close to a TV for extended periods of time would not be good.

However, the issues surrounding reduction of Melatonin and restoration of circadian rhythm, etc. — adverse effects of improper sleep all related to sleeping close to electrical items at night is “a major concern!!”

Electric and gas meters, ANY electric clock, monitors, fans, touchlamps, lamps with dimmer switches, power supply boxes for games and cordless phones, and much more including but not limited to improper wiring or waterpipes carrying currents over or under beds are all potentially deadly depending upon proximity and amount of chronic prolonged exposure.

Night after night of improper sleep/lack of sleep contributes to every health problem from poor sleep to cancer.

I am a non-accredited EMF/EMR researcher with over 15 years’ experience as a victim myself (high voltage powerlines only 50 ft. from front of our house), grandmother of two boys diagnosed w/rare immune deficiencies AND research in my own home exposing guinea pigs to our back bedroom wall — exactly where our children slept while growing up and our grandchildren after that (daycare).

Bottom line: when “close sleeping exposures” were reduced, lab results confirmed improvement that was also being observed and documented.

Similar circumstances re guinea pig exposures, however, one out of each set of two guinea pigs tragically died within 30 days’ exposure.

The guinea pigs’ tests revealed a “collapse of immune function” — severe neutropenia and lymphocytosis!!!

I moved my husband’s electric clock radio. He had been diagnosed w/Alzheimers about two years ago.

My husband is now said not to have Alzheimers!! He is, however, still suffering moderate to severe memory and cognitivie impairment.

I believe the electric clock radio increased damage I did not know was occurring due to taking statins.

While this part of my commentary may not seem to pertain to concerns re autism, additional research I have done re certain vitamins and supplements indicate persons need to be very aware that, under circumstances of chronic EMF/EMR exposure — particularly when one’s body is trying to restore circadian rhythm/function of hormones, etc., even Vitamin C can become a free radical.

My concerns relate both to things consumed during the prenatal period but also anything prescribed for newborn, toddlers, or children or persons of any age regarding a combination of exposures that have the potential to wreak havoc on particularly the central nervous system.

While this website is important and interesting, I do not think the EMF issue is being given the serious attention needed in order to help the persons the government is trying to keep “uninformed.”

I am also concerned when a specific request is made to contact Dr. Perlmutter directly and the only response is “waiting for your comment on the blog!!!”

Best wishes to all for better health!!! Joanne C. Mueller, Guinea Pigs R Us, 731 - 123rd Ave. N.W., Minneapolis, MN 55448-2127
Phone: 763-755-6114….email: jcmpelican

Why is the US press silent on Brzezinski’s warnings of war against Iran?

Informant: Patrick


A political bombshell from Zbigniew Brzezinski

Ex-national security adviser warns that Bush is seeking a pretext to attack Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Libby May Have Consulted With Cheney

Informant: Bob Banner

Exxon Record Profits Shows Company Took Less Profit in Run Up to the Election

From Bush’s Mess in Mesopotamia to the Peril in Persia

The 'Alter-Globalists' Hit Their Stride

Surge for Peace

Feingold: How to End the War

Bangladesh: Climate of Fear in Sinking Country

18 Years on, Exxon Valdez Oil Still Pours into Alaskan Waters

Democrats Indicate They Will Do Little to Stop Bush Troop Surge

John Pilger foresees US war on Iran

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Oil Giants Offer Scientists Cash to Undermine Climate Study

Mobilfunkmast: Eltern schlagen Alarm

KULMBACH – Gegen eine „Aufrüstung“ des bestehenden Mobilfunkmastes auf dem Dach der ATS-Tennishalle machen Eltern der Kulmbacher Realschüler mobil. Rund 250 Meter von der Realschule und deren Sportanlagen entfernt will der Anbieter O² zusätzlich zu den bestehenden sechs Sendern von Vodafone drei weitere UMTS-Sender aufstellen und auch T-Mobile interessiert sich für den Standort. Durch diese zusätzliche Strahlenbelastung befürchten die Eltern gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen der Schulkinder.

„Die angegebenen Strahlenwerte von 3,14 Prozent des Grenzwertes, die für die Realschule vorliegen, scheinen niedrig. Jedoch können schon bei weit niedrigeren Werten Gesundheitsprobleme auftreten wie Konzentrationsprobleme, Lernstörungen, Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel oder Nervosität. Die Strahlenschutzkommission gibt Empfehlungen, besonders für Kinder. Warum tut sie dies, wenn es keinen Grund zur Besorgnis gibt, wenn diese Technologie unschädlich ist“, gibt die Elterninitiative zu bedenken.

Alle Interessierten lädt die Initiative deshalb für kommenden Donnerstag ab 19.30 Uhr zu einer Infoveranstaltung mit Siegfried Zwerenz, Vorstandssprecher des Dachverbandes der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog, in die ATS-Stadiongaststätte ein. In verschiedenen Arztpraxen, Apotheken und Geschäften liegen zudem Infomaterial und Unterschriftenlisten aus, in die sich Gegner weiterer Mobilfunkanlagen auf dem Dach der Tennishalle eintragen können.


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