Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2006

Trügerisches Qualitätssicherungssystemätssicherungssystem

Neue Vorstöße für einen Krieg gegen den Iran

Congress's Inaction Threatens Funding

The Republican-controlled Congress's decision to adjourn a week ago before completing many of the spending bills that finance the federal government is threatening a collapse of the budget process that some say was a long time coming.

Women Lose Ground in the New Iraq

For many Iraqi women, life has become unbearable. As Islamic fundamentalism seeps into society and sectarian warfare escalates, more and more women live in fear of being kidnapped or raped. They receive death threats because of their religious sects and careers. They are harassed for not abiding by the strict dress code of long skirts and head scarves or for driving cars.

Why Killing Whales is Murder!

Informant: binstock

"Keiner wird zur Verantwortung gezogen"

Der erst jetzt veröffentlichte Bericht eines britischen Diplomaten an der UN-Vertretung über die Kriegsvorbereitungen ist Anlass, über die Verantwortung für das Desaster im Irak nachzudenken.

Showdown Looms Over Domestic Spying

Federal agents continue to eavesdrop on Americans' electronic communications without warrants a year after President Bush confirmed the practice, and experts say a new Congress's efforts to limit the program could trigger a constitutional showdown.

Climate change: so where has all the snow gone?

Informant: binstock

Boston feels the warmth,0,4775240.story

Informant: binstock

Now, will the labor movement get behind impeachment?

Is it Fascism Yet?

The Republicans tried to impeach Truman for this, and the Supreme Court put him in his place.

Now, will the labor movement get behind impeachment?

Read this story:

US Army Might Break Goodyear Strike

By Bernard Simon in Toronto, Financial Times

The US Army is considering measures to force striking workers back to their jobs at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber plant in Kansas in the face of a looming shortage of tyres for Humvee trucks and other military equipment used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A strike involving 17,000 members of the United Steelworkers union has crippled 16 Goodyear plants in the US and Canada since October 5.

The main issues in dispute are the company's plans to close a unionised plant in Texas, and a proposal for workers to shoulder future increases in healthcare costs.

An army spokeswoman said on Friday that 'there's not a shortage right now but there possibly will be one in the future'.

According to Duncan Hunter, chairman of the House of Representatives armed services committee, the strike has cut output of Humvee tyres by about 35 per cent.

Mr Hunter said the army was exploring a possible injunction under the Taft-Hartley Act to force the 200 Kansas workers back to their jobs.

He proposed that they return under their current terms of employment, on the understanding that any settlement would be extended to them.

Talks aimed at ending the strike will resume on Monday, the union said last night.

Mr Hunter said that the army had stopped supplying tyres to units not related to the Central Command, which is responsible for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tyres were also not being provided to army repair depots.

While concern has centred on the Humvees, tyres are also critical to aircraft and other military equipment.

Goodyear brushed off concerns of looming shortages, saying that production at the Kansas plant, where the Humvee tyres are made, 'is near normal levels and will be back to 100 per cent in the near future.'

It added that 'we're in daily contact with the military to ensure delivery of the required Humvee tyres'.

The company said it was using salaried and temporary workers to keep the Kansas plant running. It has taken similar measures at other plants, as well as stepping up imports from overseas factories to maintain supplies to the car and truck industry.

The union claims that the strikebound plants are running at about 20 per cent of capacity. Goodyear has said that North American output is at about half normal levels, including non-union plants.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2006

David Swanson
david Personal Site Co-Founder Washington Director Board Member

WiMAX-Versteigerung: der Hammer ist gefallen

Anhörung im Bayerischen Landtag zum Thema Mobilfunk

Bei der Anhörung am 7.12.2006 nahmen neun Experten aus Medizin, Strahlenschutz und Mobilfunkindustrie Stellung. Die dpa informiert in einer Pressemitteilung über die Ergebnisse. Nach Angaben der Experten gibt es bisher keinen Nachweis für gesundheitsschädliche Wirkungen der drahtlosen Kommunikation. Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) rät aber Eltern, ihre Kinder nicht unnötig den Strahlen eines Handys aussetzen, da Langzeitfolgen derzeit wissenschaftlich nicht erforschbar seien.

Das Münchener Umweltinstitut mahnte, aus den Schadstoff-Skandalen der vergangenen Jahre zu lernen. Es sei falsch, erst etwas einzuführen und dann die möglichen Folgen zu untersuchen. Deshalb solle das Vorsorgeprinzip konsequent umgesetzt, die Standorte für Mobilfunkanlagen optimiert und die Grenzwerte deutlich gesenkt werden. Die gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Grenzwerte werden von den Experten aber nach wie vor als sicher angesehen. Auch aktuelle Ergebnisse aus dem Deutschen Mobilfunk Forschungsprogramm bestätigen diese Einschätzung.

Aus: FGF-Infoline vom 14.12.2006
Der Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk e.V. (FGF), gehören alle deutschen Mobilfunkbetreiber an.


Wissenschaft zu Mobilfunk

Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk

Gesundheitsrisiko Mobilfunk

The Army, Despite Its $168 Billion Budget, Is Out of Money

The Iraq war has exposed more than a decade's worth of mistakes and miscalculations that are now seriously undermining the world's mightiest military force. According to Major General Stephen Speakes, the Army was sent to war in Iraq $56 billion short of essential equipment. Army officials told the White House that it needs at least an additional $24 billion, not in the 2007 budget, just to pay its current bills. Cash shortfalls have forced the Army to lay off janitorial staff, close base swimming pools, and even stop mowing lawns on Army bases.

Help Save America's Companion Animals!

A message from Tina

SWIFT die hegemonischen Überwachungsbestrebungen der USA

The A to Z Guide to Political Interference in Science

Message from Paul Doyon
Associate Professor, Kyushu University
"Arrogance is the highest form of ignorance."

Legislation to ensure the integrity of elections

Our U.S. voting and elections systems are still insecure and wide-open to vote fraud and voter disenfranchisement.

Here are recommendations for federal legislation to ensure the integrity of our democracy:

Here is a list of experts that we recommend that the U.S. Congress consult with:

on questions and details concerning federal legislation that would ensure the integrity of our democracy. We wanted to keep the list to a managable size. The experts we've recommended know many other experts who they can confer with.

For ordinary citizens to exercise oversight over our election integrity and be empowered to detect vote miscount and voter disenfranchisement, it is vital that:

1. Sufficient, transparent, verifiable manual audits be conducted of machine vote counts, and

2. Election records and data be publicly released

prior to any election results being certified.

Please contact your US House Representative and Senators and urge them to support our recommendations and to consult with independent experts prior to finalizing the wording of any legislation.

To have any possibility for having auditable voting system and sufficient manual audits of vote counts in place by the November 2008 election, federal legislation must be passed and funded in early 2007.

Please contact the staff of your representative and senators before the end of January.

Thank you very much!

Kathy Dopp

Grameen Shakti for renewable energies

Ten years ago, in Bangladesh Grameen Shakti was established as a not-for-profit organization with a view to promoting, developing and extending renewable energy technologies in the remote rural areas of Bangladesh. Grameen Shakti is a Daughter Company of Grameen banc, which got the nobelpeaceprize last Sunday.

Klimawandel gefährdet deutsche Skigebiete

Viele Skigebiete in Deutschland und rund 70 Prozent der Skiregionen in Österreich könnten bald nicht mehr schneesicher sein. Die deutschen Skigebiete sind Experten-Berechnungen zufolge am stärksten von der globalen Erwärmung betroffen.

Grameen Shakti: Solarstrom für die Ärmsten

Vor 10 Jahren wurde in Bangladesch die Grameen Shakti als Tochter der Grameen-Bank gegründet. Grameen heißt Dorf und Shakti heißt Energie. Muhammad Yunus, der diesjährige Friedensnobelpreisträger, wollte den Armen nicht nur Kredite geben, sondern auch günstige Kredite zur Finanzierung von Solar Home Systems - also zur Finanzierung von kleinen netzunabhängigen Photovoltaikanlagen. Bis Ende 2006 wird Grameen-Shakti knapp 100.000 Photovoltaikanlagen in Bangladesch finanziert und installiert haben. Bis 2010 sollen es eine Million und bis 2015 über fünf Millionen sein.

Talk of Satellite Defense Raises Fears of Space War

Please Help Save Sea Turtles & Other Wildlife from Corporate Developers

Informant: Scott Munson

The deadly effects of climate change are already being felt in the developing world,,1965820,00.html

Informant: Scott Munson

The Fourth World War

Informant: Scott Munson

Flu Shot Dangers Far Outweigh Benefits

by Greg Ciola

First, let us all agree that the flu is an inconvenience and usually not life threatening. The only time it is life threatening is if someone is immune deficient. When you consider what is in the shot and how it is made, the toxic ingredients and additives are much worse for the body than the illness. Most people, including doctors, do not know what additives, preservatives or adjuvant are in this shot and therefore.....

Protect Wildlife in Bristol Bay from Oil Drilling

A message from BMutiny

Save Alaska’s Bristol Bay

A message from BMutiny


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Dezember 2006


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