Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2006

Die Deutschen sorgen sich ums Klima und fahren Auto

Courageous Chinese Lawyers

Harassed when they defend individuals against local government abuses, these courageous Chinese lawyers deserve vast international support.

The Myth of More

Michael Schwartz describes the Myth of More: "Almost without exception, whatever proposals are being raised about changing Iraq policy avoid mentioning, or explicitly reject, the idea that the United States should abandon its three-year-old attempt to occupy Iraq and actually withdraw its troops. Instead, each new suggestion or set of recommendations calls for the United States to do not less, but a whole lot more of something that is already a part of existing policy."

Becoming What We Despise

Robert Scheer writes: "Jose Padilla, a US citizen, has been tortured by his own government for the better part of three and one-half years, suffering years of systematic sensory deprivation documented in his attorneys' filings and supported by photos of the prisoner published this week by the New York Times. In that time, Padilla, who has been judged by professionals as mentally ill as a consequence of his brutal treatment, has been denied his Constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial and was permitted no legal representation for 21 months."

Iraq: One by One, They Tell the Truth

"As Tony Blair flies out to meet George Bush, the latest admission of failure in Iraq has made the two leaders appear even more isolated." The editors of the Independent wonder when they will join the others who are telling the truth about Iraq.

"Man hat euch arm gemacht": Kritik an SPD wegen Armut und Reichtum in Deutschland


Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Linksfraktion, Klaus Ernst, griff in Zusammenhang mit den vom Statistischen Bundesamt vorgelegten Zahlen, nach denen 10,6 Millionen Menschen in Deutschland von Armut gefährdet seien, heftige Kritik an der SPD. "Die neue Armut trägt die Handschrift von Sozialdemokraten. Das schmerzt", so Ernst, der eigenen Angaben zufolge vor zwei Jahren für seine Kritik an der Schröder-Politik aus der SPD "verstoßen" wurde. Man müsse den Menschen die Wahrheit sagen und die heiße: "Man hat euch arm gemacht und zwar zugunsten einer Schicht, die inzwischen in Reichtum regelrecht badet". Die Steuer- und Abgabenpolitik habe "den einen das Geld aus der Tasche gezogen und den andern zugesteckt".

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

"Bürgerrechte in Gefahr": Empörung bei Rechtsexperten über Journalistenbespitzelung


Der erneute Fall von Journalistenbespitzelung durch staatliche Behörden ist bei Rechtsexperten und Verbänden auf Empörung gestoßen. Laut einem Bericht der "Süddeutschen Zeitung" hörte die Staatsanwaltschaft München bei ihren Ermittlungen im Fall des 2004 vom US-Geheimdienst CIA nach Afghanistan verschleppten El Masri gezielt Telefonate von Journalisten ab, um - wie es heißt - die Entführer des Deutsch-Libanesen zu finden. Grüne und FPD sprachen am Mittwoch von einem Skandal. Der Deutsche Journalistenverband (DJV) forderte einen besseren Schutz vor Lauschangriffen des Staates. FDP-Fraktionsvize Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger sagte, niemand habe sich vorstellen können, dass solche Abhöraktionen im deutschen Rechtsstaat möglich seien. Die Bürgerrechte seien in Gefahr.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Der ärmeren Hälfte der Menschheit gehört nur ein Prozent des globalen Reichtums

Gähnende Kluft

Die Handyfalle: Spionagesoftware für Jedermann


Einfluss des Mobilfunks auf die menschliche Befindlichkeit


Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D. 6-12-06

Liebe Mitstreiter,

wie wir gerade erfahren haben findet morgen eine Anhörung im Landtag statt. Programm anbei. Ich hoffe, dass noch einige von uns teilnehmen können, trotz der kurzfristigen Ankündigung!!! Bitte weitersagen!!

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

Susanne Oszwald,

Der Ausschuss führt am

Donnerstag, 07. Dezember 2006

von 09.15 bis 13.00 Uhr im Konferenzsaal

eine Anhörung zum Thema

"Einfluss des Mobilfunks auf die menschliche Befindlichkeit“


Die Damen und Herren der Medien sind zu dieser Anhörung herzlich eingeladen.

s. pdf-Anlage


Government studies for Autism Treatment

A message from Debs

Original Message


tks, hugs- agnesC

We are asking For: Victims of Child Welfare Memorial Day

Autism - Support - Health Insurance - Research/Studies

Epidemic out of control

Jennie B.


Save our Open Space

Voting For Peace In 2008

by David Corn,

Sizing up the the likely presidential candidates based on a crucial decision: How they voted on Iraq.

The Man Who Hoped Too Much

by John Prados,

His acceptance of Bush's definition of the mission in Iraq shows Robert Gates lacks the independence we need in a new defense chief.

Universal Condemnation Meets UK Government’s Green Light for GM Potato Trials

Anticorruption whistle-blower takes Alaska's top job

Informant: binstock

Richest 2 Percent Own Half the Wealth

The richest 2 percent of adults in the world own more than half of all household wealth, according to a new study by a United Nations research institute.


World's richest 1% own 40% of all wealth, UN report discovers,,1965033,00.html

Informant: binstock

Jesse Jackson: Congress Must Insist Bush Isn't Above Law

Jesse Jackson begins: "Should President Bush be impeached? The very idea seems extreme, if not loony. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has explicitly ruled impeachment off the Democratic majority's agenda. But activists and legal scholars are organizing to pressure Democrats to begin impeachment hearings. And the incoming chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. John Conyers, has issued two remarkable studies on abuses of presidential authority, raising the question of impeachable offenses."

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Locals object to phone mast disguised as Christmas tree

This is one Christmas tree that is unlikely to be covered in lights and decorations this year, at least mobile phone users will hope so as it's really a phone-mast.

Vodafone erected this phone mast - or base station as it's known as in the telecommunications industry - in 2005 near the Cappagh Road in Galway.

A spokesperson for Vodafone said that base stations like this are standard practice and are designed, in consultation with local authorities, to suit the look of the area.

However local residents want the mast to be removed despite its pleasant aesthetics.

They claim that they were not informed of the correct final date to appeal its erection to Bord Pleanala and therefore missed out on their chance to stop it being put in place.

They also allege that is a health risk and damaging to the environment.

Search for Crops That Can Survive Global Warming

Urgent action is needed to make sure a warming climate doesn't slash crop yields, heighten the risk of famine and deepen poverty for the world's most vulnerable, international experts said on Monday. "Climate change is not just in the future. It's happening now," said Cynthia Rosenzweig, a NASA scientist and co-chair of an international panel on climate change.

States Hope to Skirt Forest Protections

The future of some of the West's most unspoiled national forestlands remains in flux more than two months after a federal judge reinstated protections on nearly 50 million acres of backcountry. Nowhere is that uncertainty more in evidence than in Idaho, which has the largest and wildest assemblage of roadless national forest in the lower 48 states.

Boxer Says No More Environment Rollbacks

Environmental rollbacks from the Bush administration "in the dead of the night" are history, the incoming head of the Senate environment committee declared Tuesday. "That's over. We are going to bring these things into the light," Senator Barbara Boxer said.

The Housing Crash Recession of 2007

"As we approach the end of 2006, the economy's prospects for next year appear more gloomy with each new piece of economic data," says Dean Baker. "And, just like President Bush in his assessment of the situation in Iraq, the economic forecasters are gradually revising their forecasts downward, as it no longer appears credible to present the rosy pictures that they had been trying to sell. The trouble began early in the year, when the housing boom that was supposed to continue forever turned into a housing bust."

U.S. Administration tried to cut payouts to nuke workers

The Bush administration repeatedly sought ways to limit payouts to nuclear weapons workers sickened by radiation and toxic material, according to a memo written by congressional investigators and obtained by USA TODAY.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

David Hicks: Unconvicted, Tortured, Broken

If the Australian government thinks it can breeze through yet another anniversary of David Hicks imprisonment in an American military hellhole, they are going to brutally surprised.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Hicks's lawyers granted urgent court hearing

The legal team has launched an action against the Commonwealth, alleging the Federal Government has failed in its duty to protect an Australian citizen abroad.

From Information Clearing House

Iran to replace dollar with euro in foreign trade

Finance Minister: Iran has decided to replace dollar with euro in its foreign trade given the continual impediments and hostile policies directed by U.S. toward the country, Iranian finance minister said on Monday.

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Are We Changing Planet Earth

David Attenborough - BBC Video Documentary

David Attenborough explores just how much climate change is altering our planet. He looks ahead to find out what needs to be done to save Planet Earth from the worst impact of global warming and discovers what could happen to the planet once a 'tipping point' of carbon emissions is reached. He also discusses the solutions we can all adopt to prevent catastrophic change.

Click to watch.

Solving the ‘Stability’ Problem

By Patrick J. Buchanan

America is failing in the Middle East because our leaders of both parties will not look at the region through Arab eyes. What Bush saw as a glorious liberation of Iraq, Arabs saw as an invasion.

CIA veteran: how Gates cooked the intel

Mother Jones
by Daniel Schulman


Intelligence cherry-picked for ideological purposes; the claims of a single, unreliable source treated as fact and stovepiped straight up to the White House; a National Intelligence Estimate riddled with dubious claims; efforts made to connect an enemy regime with international terrorism. Echoing the prelude to the Iraq War, these are, in fact, a sampling of the allegations directed at Robert Gates 15 years ago, when the Senate Intelligence Committee considered Gates' nomination to be the director of Central Intelligence...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush's strategy of wishful thinking

Boston Globe
by H.D.S. Greenway


America has been consumed by semantic silliness over whether the catastrophe in Iraq is a civil war. It has been clear for almost a year that a civil war between Shia and Sunni factions is in progress, but the White House remains in denial, just as it previously refused to admit there was an insurgency. There are good reasons for not admitting to a civil war. During our own internal conflict, Southerners spoke of 'The War of Northern Aggression.' In the graveyards of New England, you find monuments honoring those who died putting down 'The Great Rebellion.' Neither side wanted to admit to any moral equivalence that the neutral term civil war might imply. Both sides wanted grander terminologies to justify their losses. In contrast, the Bush administration wants to minimize Iraq's struggles because insurgency and civil war spell failure...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Roots of Iraq debacle are in neocon ideology

Philadelphia Inquirer
by Justin Logan


Early reports indicate that the Baker-Hamilton commission will recommend that U.S. troops 'pull back' from the fighting in Iraq, perhaps cutting the U.S. presence in half. But James Baker and Lee Hamilton aren't in charge of U.S. foreign policy, and the report itself can do little more than provide political cover for the president to change course -- if he wants to. However, as President Bush said on Thursday: 'This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all.' Part of the problem is rooted in the neoconservative ideology by which the president is inspired. The track record of neoconservative thought is not good...

Baker-Hamilton can't save us

Cato Institute
by Justin Logan


Next week, the Baker-Hamilton Commission will make its recommendations on U.S. Iraq policy, and Congress will begin hearings on defense secretary nominee and Cold War realist Robert Gates. Both events will reflect the failings of the Bush administration's policy in Iraq. But even as a grudging acceptance of reality takes hold in Washington, the architects of the war are urging that we double down on the losing bet in Iraq. Amid spiraling sectarian violence, the leading advocates of invading Iraq seem now to have centered on an explanation for how their idea has driven that country to blood-soaked disaster: deposing Saddam Hussein and replacing him with a secure, stable and democratic government would have required around 400,000 troops -- as well as a willingness to occupy Iraq for many, many years. But that was never going to happen...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Americans vote NO on Bush; impeachment off table

Liberty For All
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster


Mark your calendar. On December 10th, Human Rights Day, Americans from across the country will meet to discuss the Impeachment of George W. Bush and Richard Cheney, President and Vice-President of the United States. The congruence of Human Rights Day and consideration of Impeachment is curiously appropriate. What better day to begin the process that is so needed to mend the lives of Americans? While Nancy Pelosi considers the color of her drapes and tables discussion of an impeachment sentiment that propelled her and other Democrats into office Congresspersons ready themselves for oncoming rounds of business as usual...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Gingrich wants to "revise" free speech rights

Manchester Union Leader


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday in Manchester said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism. Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a 'different set of rules' may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message. ... Gingrich spoke to about 400 state and local power brokers last night at the annual Nackey S. Loeb First Amendment award dinner, which fetes people and organizations that stand up for freedom of speech...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

If Americans Knew

Informant: Amy Sasser

Please Contact Your US Senators and US Representative in December

Thank you for all your help and support.

We urgently need to push the US Congress to pass effective election integrity legislation ASAP and not the kind of ill-considered legislation that Common Cause helped push through in 2002 or has been trying to push through recently.

Please print this 2 page (2-sided) document and send it to your two U.S. Senators and your one U.S. Representative:

I've attached a cover letter that you could revise and use to send it if you would like. Please be sure to include your Senator or Representative's name and address at the top of any cover letter, and your own name and address at the bottom. Here are the web sites to obtain the fax numbers or mailing addresses of your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative: and

It is critical to mankind's future that we ensure the integrity of our democracy in time for the 2008 federal elections, which means that legislation must be passed by Spring 2007.

Please pass this request on to your friends and ask them to also send letters and include our recommendations for federal legislation to ensure the integrity of our democracy. Please do this in December because bills are being written now, in advance of the January session, and it is urgent that Congress not hastily pass another ill-considered bill without sufficiently consulting with experts.

There is nothing more important to safeguard our future than to safeguard our democracy.

Thank you.

I am currently working on creating a list of experts (computer scientists, attorneys, researchers, investigators, mathematicians/statisticians specializing in voting and elections) soon who can help review detailed legislative language.

The fact that the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC) rejected the advise of the National Institute of Standards and Technology to require software independent voting systems this week, shows how urgently some of our recommendations are needed - before the TGDC votes to adopt the 2007 voluntary federal voting system guidelines.

Best Regards,

Kathy Dopp

Put a Stop to Blood Diamonds


Movie Fans: Write to your Local Newspaper about Dirty Gold

The recent Hollywood release, Blood Diamond starring Leonardo DiCaprio, may be on your holiday viewing list. The film has received widespread media attention because it highlights how the illegal diamond trade has helped to fuel and finance armed conflict in parts of Africa.

Natural resources, instead of bringing wealth, have fuelled conflict in the Dem. Republic of Congo. Credit: Richard Wainwright/CAFOD Unearth Justice

Gold mining, too, bears the scars of conflict, destruction, and human rights abuse. For example, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), armed groups fighting for control of gold mines and trading routes have tortured and killed civilians and used gold sales to buy weapons. Rather than bringing prosperity to the nation, gold has been a cause of enormous human suffering in the DRC.

Please help us raise awareness that "dirty gold" is as great a threat as "blood diamonds" by writing a letter to your local newspaper. The letters section is widely read, and it offers a great opportunity to reach your entire community.

We have provided some helpful facts and figures that you can use to craft your letter. It is helpful to relate your letter to topics the newspaper has covered recently, so keep an eye out for articles relating to the movie "Blood Diamond".

Thank you, and best wishes for the holidays, The No Dirty Gold Campaign team

P.S. Please share your letter with us by emailing it to info Send us a link to your published letter and we will send you a No Dirty Gold t-shirt.

Use these helpful facts and figures about "dirty gold" to write your letter to the editor. NOTE: Newspapers generally limit letters to between 100 and 200 words.

* Gold mining is one of the dirtiest industries in the world. The production of a single gold wedding ring generates 20 tons of mine waste.

* As with "blood diamonds," gold mining bears the scars of conflict, destruction, and human rights abuse. Gold mining fueled a war in the Democratic Republic of Congo that led to more civilian deaths than any war since World War II.

* In places as diverse as Guatemala, Ghana, Peru, and Indonesia, local communities and indigenous peoples have encountered intimidation, abuse, and even violent suppression when voicing opposition to mining projects.

* The majority of gold is used to make jewelry. Jewelers should ensure that they are not selling their customers gold that has been produced at the expense of communities and the environment.

* Jewelers can take an important step by endorsing the No Dirty Gold campaign's "Golden Rules" and supporting an independent certification system to weed out "dirty gold."

impf-report Newsletter Nr. 44/2006

Censoring The Internet

Informant: NHNE


Informant: NHNE

Condemn Death Sentence of Saddam Hussein

EPA Stifles Internal Wetlands Protection Protests

Report Calls for Closing Mississippi River Channel

Report Calls for Closing Mississippi River Channel that Costs U.S. Taxpayers Tens of Millions of Dollars Annually, Was Major Cause of Katrina Damage.

22nd Anniversary of the 1984 Bhopal Chemical Disaster

Media Sham for Iraq War: It's Happening Again

Republicans employ an interesting verbal arsenal when they sense a populist threat

Truth, Justice, and the Un-American Way

Ten Reasons To Impeach The President

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That Rummy Memo


The Rumsfeld Memo: “I was just about to change everything….Really!?!

By Mike Whitney

Rumsfeld’s memo is great reading for fiction-lovers. It provides a revealing snapshot of a leader who carefully considered every alternative before making a decision. It’s a stark contrast to the intractable narcissist who ignored his advisors and bullied his generals. But, like I said, it’s great fiction.

Bringing the War Home

Nonstick Chemicals Likely Cancer-Causing Agent

Near-Total Isolation Sought for Guantanamo Detainees

Little-noticed passage of law has opened door to martial law in US

From ufpj-news

Informant: Charles Jenks


A message from Linda

Original Message

Check out, consider to sign and forward the petitions in the end of the message, thank you!

peace, and joy!



We, the Peoples gathered at the Indigenous World Uranium Summit, at this critical time of intensifying nuclear threats to Mother Earth and all life, demand a worldwide ban on uranium mining, processing, enrichment, fuel use, and weapons testing and deployment, and nuclear waste dumping on Native Lands.

Past, present and future generations of Indigenous Peoples have been disproportionately affected by the international nuclear weapons and power industry. The nuclear fuel chain poisons our people, land, air and waters and threatens our very existence and our future generations. Nuclear power is not a solution to global warming. Uranium mining, nuclear energy development and international agreements (e.g., the recent U.S.-India nuclear cooperation treaty) that foster the nuclear fuel chain violate our basic human rights and fundamental natural laws of Mother Earth, endangering our traditional cultures and spiritual well-being.

We reaffirm the Declaration of the World Uranium Hearing in Salzburg, Austria, in 1992, that "uranium and other radioactive minerals must remain in their natural location." Further, we stand in solidarity with the Navajo Nation for enacting the Diné Natural Resources Protection Act of 2005, which bans uranium mining and processing and is based on the Fundamental Laws of the Dine. And we dedicate ourselves to a nuclear-free future.

Indigenous Peoples are connected spiritually and culturally to our Mother, the Earth. Accordingly, we endorse and encourage development of renewable energy sources that sustain - not destroy - Indigenous lands and the Earth's ecosystems.

In tribute to our ancestors, we continue centuries of resistance against colonialism. We recognize the work, courage, dedication and sacrifice of those individuals from Indigenous Nations and from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Japan, the United States, and Vanuatu, who participated in the Summit. We further recognize the invaluable work of those who were honored at the Nuclear-Free Future Awards ceremony on December 1, 2006. And we will continue to support activists worldwide in their nonviolent efforts to stop uranium development.

We are determined to share the knowledge we have gained at this Summit with the world. In the weeks and months ahead, we will summarize and disseminate the testimonies, traditional Indigenous knowledge, and medical and scientific evidence that justify a worldwide ban on uranium development. We will enunciate specific plans of action at the tribal, local, national and international levels to support Native resistance to the nuclear fuel chain. And we will pursue legal and political redress for all past, current and future impacts of the nuclear fuel chain on Indigenous Peoples and their resources.

Jamie Kneen
Communications & Outreach Coordinator
ofc. (613) 569-3439
MiningWatch Canada
250 City Centre Ave., Suite 508
fax: (613) 569-5138
Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6K7
e-mail: jamie
Skype: jamiekneen

Join signing following petitions and forward, spread the word, thank you

Tell the Department of Energy that we reject Nuclear Bombplex 2030! (US Citizens only)

One million signatures against nuclear power

Britain is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has made 'an unequivocal undertaking' to accomplish the total elimination of its nuclear arsenal.

Sign Declaration against Nuclear Weapons

We undersigned strongly urge the City Council, the Mayor and Citizens to take steady steps to join Mayors for Peace 2020 Vision and stating that the City and Citizens support the Program to Promote the Solidarity of Cities toward the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons.

Campaign: International Petition to Ban Uranium Weapons

Safer Energy Policy for EU, Russia and World


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Dezember 2006


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