Montag, 4. Dezember 2006

Phone giant talks over new mast

Villagers were due to hold a crunch meeting with mobile phone bosses today over controversial plans for a new mast. The meeting will be held in West Felton, near Oswestry.

Villagers have called for the mast, in fields near The Avenue, to be taken away from homes and schools as they are frightened of possible health risks from radiation.

They recently snubbed an alternative site put forward by the mobile phone giant Orange, who own the mast.

Campaigners say the new site proposed at Aston Moor will still be an eyesore for residents in The Avenue and will also be intrusive for those living in Queens Head and Lady Hill, who have now also joined the fight.

Full story in tonight’s Oswestry edition

Justices Must Protect Minorities' Rights

Justice Stephen G. Breyer says the Supreme Court must promote the political rights of minorities and look beyond the Constitution's text when necessary to ensure that "no one gets too powerful."

Two More Years

Paul Krugman writes: "We need people in Washington who are willing to stand up to the bully in chief. Unfortunately, and somewhat mysteriously, they're still in short supply."

Bush's Second-Biggest Mistake

"The New York Times Sunday ran a series of articles by prominent historians who endeavored to answer the question, 'Is Bush our worst president?' In the interest of balance, there was a 'yes' piece, a 'no' piece, and a 'we don't know yet' piece. Fair enough," writes William Fisher. "But what struck me about these articles is how little attention they devoted to Bush's second-biggest mistake."

Padilla: Turning A Man Into 'Furniture'

Torture doesn't require being beaten; the case of citizen Jose Padilla reveals what the war on terrorism can do to a human.

By refusing to fight climate change, we're devastating the African continent

Africa Is Burning

Speak out to keep a destructive road out of California's White Mountains

Furnace Creek is a rare desert stream that drains America's largest desert mountain range, the White Mountains of California's eastern Sierra. The creek's surrounding ecosystem of cottonwoods and willows provides habitat to endangered species such as the southwestern willow flycatcher and the western sage grouse.

The Bureau of Land Management has proposed constructing a new
(and unnecessary) road through the heart of Furnace Creek that would cut across the White Mountains Wilderness Study Area and invite motorized vehicles into other fragile lands of the White Mountains. The road also would lead to illegal off-road vehicle activity, resulting in habitat damage and conflicts with hikers, equestrians, hunters, anglers and other visitors.

The BLM is accepting comments on its road proposal through December 11th.

== What to do == Send a message, before the December 11th comment deadline, urging the BLM not to build the road through Furnace Creek and the surrounding wilderness of the White Mountains.

== Contact information == You can send an official comment to the BLM directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Hector Villalobos, Field Office Manager BLM Ridgecrest Field Office
300 South Richmond Road Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Fax: 760-384-5499 Email:

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Adopt Alternative 2 for Furnace Creek

Dear Field Manager Villalobos,

I urge you to protect the rare desert riparian ecosystem of Furnace Creek and the White Mountains Wilderness Study Area. I oppose any new road construction in this endangered riparian wetland.

I urge you to adopt Alternative 2 of the Furnace Creek Environmental Assessment. This alternative offers the best management, follows the law and would advance the public's interest in conservation and sustainable recreation for these lands. I strongly oppose Alternative 4 because building a road along Furnace Creek is unjustifiable, harmful and illegal.

Current laws clearly prohibit motorized vehicles and new road construction in wilderness study areas, and require a full environmental impact statement before approving any road through such an area. The proposal also fails to demonstrate a sufficient need for a road through Furnace Creek, where there are no private lands or other driving access needs. In addition, building a road through Furnace Creek would lead to unauthorized off-road vehicle use throughout these wilderness lands, resulting in more habitat damage and conflicts with hikers, equestrians, hunters, anglers and other visitors. The proposal also fails to demonstrate how the BLM would effectively monitor and enforce motorized use in this fragile area and the wild lands that surround it.

Again, I urge the BLM to live up to its stewardship responsibilities for Furnace Creek and the White Mountains by halting this ill-conceived and illegal proposal.


[Your name and address]

From California Activist Network Action Alert, 12/4/06

Help protect the marine life along California's Central Coast

In 1999 California passed the Marine Life Protection Act, the first law of its kind in the country. The act requires the state to improve the way it protects its coastal waters and marine life. After two failed attempts to implement the law, the Fish and Game Commission is now poised to adopt a network of protected areas along California's central coast, a region from Half Moon Bay to Point Conception. This region contains some of the most remote areas of the coast, such as Big Sur, the deep Monterey Canyon, elephant seal rookeries at Point Ano Nuevo, kelp forests and near-shore rocky reefs.

In August the commission announced its "preferred alternative" -- a network of underwater parks and wilderness sites covering 18 percent of California's central coast. Of the overall area of more than 200 square miles, eight percent would be fully protected marine reserves, 10 percent would allow limited fishing and the remaining area of the coast would remain open.

The proposed network is the product of an unprecedented partnership of the state and local fishermen, business owners and residents, involving more than 100 hours of public input, scientific review and economic analysis. Weakening the network now would undermine that process and could leave key habitats and species without safe havens. But industry is pressuring the commission to make the network even smaller.

The commission will adopt a final proposal at its March 1 meeting, and is accepting public comments through February 23rd.

== What to do == Send a message, before the February 23rd comment deadline, urging the Fish and Game Commission to adopt the proposed network of marine protected areas for the central coast.

== Contact information == You can send a message to the commission directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

John Carlson, Executive Director California Fish and Game Commission
1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: 916-653-5040 Email:

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Adopt the proposed marine reserve network for the central coast

Dear Mr. Carlson and members of the commission,

California's coast defines the state, and all of us who live, work and play here have a responsibility to see that our coastal waters thrive for future generations. This is why I support the commission's proposed regulations for marine protected areas along the central coast.

Marine reserves are an investment in the future health of our coastal waters. Scientific studies confirm that these areas harbor more and bigger fish and support a greater diversity of life than fished areas. With the oceans facing serious problems from years of abuse, California has the chance to take real action to help restore them.

The commission's proposed regulations account for the needs of fishermen by leaving more than 80 percent of the region open to fishing. The divers, scientists, teachers, fishermen, local business owners and central coast residents who participated in this process asked for more protection than the commission has proposed; the state certainly deserves no less.

We are facing a new era where we manage oceans for their long-term health, not just our short-term needs; in the end, when we protect the ocean, we all benefit. I urge you to adopt the proposed network of marine protected areas for the central coast and expand it along the rest of the coast as soon as possible.


[Your name and address]

From California Activist Network Action Alert, 12/4/06

Speak out to help save southern California's Salton Sea

As California's largest lake and a key stopover for threatened brown pelicans, snowy plovers and millions of other migratory birds every year, the Salton Sea is a national treasure. The more than 400 species of birds (including five endangered species) that live at and visit the sea each year have attracted avid birders from around the world.

But the fate of this southern California desert jewel hangs in the balance. The water that sustains the 360-square mile lake will decrease by more than 30 percent within the next 20 years, rapidly shrinking the lake and increasing the amount of dust and salt that blows through the Imperial and Coachella valleys.

The California Department of Water Resources has just released a draft environmental impact report assessing eight potential plans to restore the sea and outlining the consequences if we fail to act. No single plan, however, provides a solution that would maximize fish and wildlife habitat while protecting air and water quality. Instead, adopting a plan that incorporates different parts of all of the report's alternatives would provide the best path to restoring the Salton Sea while protecting the people and wildlife that depend on it.

The Department of Water Resources is accepting comments on its proposed plans through January 16th.

== What to do == Send a message, before the January 16th comment deadline, urging the Department of Water Resources to set the best possible course for a successful restoration of the Salton Sea.

== Background information == Salton Sea Coalition

Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program

== Contact information == You can send an official comment directly from NRDC's Earth Action Center at or use the contact information and sample letter below to send your own message.

Dale Hoffman-Floerke Salton Sea PEIR Comments CA Department of Water Resources Colorado River & Salton Sea Office
1416 9th Street, Room 1148-6 Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: 916-654-4925 Email:

== Sample letter ==

Subject: Comments on Draft PEIR for Salton Sea

Dear Ms. Hoffman-Floerke,

I am writing to offer my comments on the draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program.

There is no question that California must take action at the Salton Sea. A shrinking Salton Sea would subject the residents of Imperial and Coachella valleys to hundreds of additional tons of harmful dust each year that would be blown off the exposed land. A smaller, saltier sea also would be of little or no value to many of the 400 species of birds that currently use the sea. With the loss of nearly 95 percent of California's wetlands, many of these birds would have no other place to go, leading to catastrophic losses.

Fortunately, a successful plan can be pieced together from the proposed alternatives in the draft report. I therefore urge your department to combine the following features from the proposed alternatives into a final preferred alternative to restore the Salton Sea:

** as described in Alternatives 1 and 2, include 38,000 to
50,000 acres of shallow habitat for shoreline species at the southern and northern ends of the sea;

** as described in Alternative 4, create concentric rings using geotubes or other dirt-filled barriers to provide additional shallow habitat, deeper marine habitat, shoreline and view protection, air quality protections and recreation opportunities;

** similar to the lakes found in Alternatives 5 through 7, provide a large (approximately 10,000-acre) North Lake, which would be the largest recreational lake in southern California, fed by the Whitewater River to provide recreation and development opportunities without the costs and risks associated with a major mid-sea barrier or the costs of pumping water from the southern end of the sea;

** as described in Alternatives 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8, provide at least one-half acre-foot of water per acre of exposed seabed to prevent dust pollution; and

** as described in all of the proposed alternatives, construct shallow saline habitat (known as "early start habitat") immediately to provide resources for birds during the long permitting and construction process.

A final preferred alternative that includes all of these components, each of which is present and analyzed in one or more of the draft alternatives, would best meet the legal requirements to maximize habitat, air quality and water quality, while also providing substantial recreation and development opportunities.


[Your name and address]

From California Activist Network Action Alert, 12/4/06

The Surreal Politics of Premeditated War

R.W. Behan writes, "Ron Suskind of the New York Times learned how the Bush administration works, from a 'senior advisor to Bush' (Karl Rove is a suspect): 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.' They have done that, incessantly, and it is the source of the surrealism. Spins, evasions, omissions, jingoisms, distortions, 'perception management' (i.e., propaganda), and deliberate lying, all contribute to a political discourse adrift from what is honest, true, and reliable."

White House Under Fire Over Iraq Memos

The White House found itself on the defensive from the second recent leak of an insider's memo on Iraq in a week. The latest, first reported in Sunday's New York Times, showed that Donald H. Rumsfeld called for a "major adjustment" in US tactics on November 6 - the day before an election that cost Republicans the Congress and Rumsfeld his job as defense secretary.

Gates Hearing Has New Urgency

Robert Parry writes, "George W. Bush's back-of-the-hand to the Baker-Hamilton Commission's Iraq War troop drawdown plan - and the disclosure that Bush ousted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld after he sought a major shift in war policy - has given new urgency to the December 5 hearings on Robert M. Gates to be Bush's new Pentagon chief. Senators who were inclined to rubber-stamp Gates's nomination may have reason to think twice."

Next-up News n°136

Next-up News n°136

Bolton Resigns From UN

Unable to win Senate confirmation, UN Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his recess appointment expires soon, the White House said Monday. Bolton's nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans.

Parents to boycott phone mast church

By Rob Devey

FURIOUS parents are threatening to boycott services at a church which has won planning permission to install four mobile phone antennae in its bell tower.

Councillors granted permission for Vodafone to install the 20-metre high antennae at St John the Evangelist Church in Church Street, Farnworth, despite being handed a 201-name petition opposing the plan. Vodafone will pay the church £5,000 a year "rent" on the antennae.

Parents whose children attend St John's CoE Primary School began the protest petition. They say that their children's health will be put at risk from radiation emitted by the masts.

Now some parents are considering withdrawing their children from the weekly school service at the church Michelle Daubney, of Hesketh Walk, Farnworth, who organised the petition, said parents were "disheartened." by the council's decision.

Miss Daubney, whose son Jack, aged five, attends St John's, said: "I think people will be angered by this decision.

"There's no proof these masts are not harmful and the safety of our children should come above everything.

"I am now considering whether I should stop Jack from attending the church services because of the phone antennae."

St John's headteacher, Tom Heaton, said he was confident the antennae would not pose a risk to his 150 pupils.

He said: "From what I've read, you get more radiation from using mobile phones than from the masts and most of our children have mobile phones.

"I wouldn't countenance anything I thought would harm our children."

The vicar, the Rev Cherry Vann, said the Vodafone rental would help meet the building's £90,000 annual running costs.

She added that only one member of the church's 100-strong congregation had raised health concerns.

Bolton Council's planning and highways committee approved the scheme by eight votes to six.

Committee members claimed that they were faced with the dilemma of conflicting guidelines when reaching a decision.

The Government-commissioned Stewart Report suggests masts could be rejected if opposed by a nearby school community.

However, official government guidance to local authorities states health grounds should not be considered if the applicant has an International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection certificate.

Cllr Ian Hamilton said: "The Government has made it quite clear that there's no evidence to say there's anything wrong with these masts."

Vodafone spokesman, Rob Matthews, said: "We design and operate our mast sites in accordance with stringent international exposure guidelines."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

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Repeating history

Liberty For All
by Lady Liberty


In part because of the military overextension and in even larger part thanks to entitlement programs, the federal budget is entirely out of control. The tax-and-spend Democrats just elected to control of Congress are likely to escalate the programs of the tax-and-spend Republicans we just kicked out of office, and little will change except the names of the people we’re blaming. And still I’d be willing to bet that more people will watch the Super Bowl than will vote (in 2004, a presidential election year which enjoyed what was considered a high voter turn-out, only 55% of eligible voters bothered)...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How Washington works

Foundation for Economic Education
by Sheldon Richman


A recent Wall Street Journal editorial nicely illustrates how Washington works. The Bush administration has been pushing for a measure to 'normalize' trade relations with Vietnam. (Normalize is a Washington term that does not mean free trade.) Congress said no just as President Bush was preparing to visit that country last week, a major embarrassment for the administration. But as the Journal pointed out, '[T]his failure is an even bigger fiasco than it appears because of the White House's pandering to the U.S. textile industry. It's a case study in how protectionists never stay bought'...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don't let Congress spend its way home

by Dick Armey


Before leaving town for the holidays many Members of Congress are hoping that the current lame-duck session will deliver more spending, more earmarks, and more pork. Some big spenders just didn’t seem to learn a lesson from the recent elections and are content to drive spending through the roof with an omnibus package of no less than nine spending bills that they will seek to pass next week. This is one package Americans don’t need to find under the tree!

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Women warriors face the enemy

Iron Mountain Daily News


In Iraq and Afghanistan, women warriors are writing a new chapter in military history, serving by the tens of thousands, fending off enemy fire and taking on — and succeeding in — high-profile roles in the battlefield and the skies as never before. 'The American public is beginning to realize that women are playing an equal part in this war and that they are facing the same risks,' says Duckworth, who lost both legs in the 2004 insurgent attack...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Media Bias and Bush’s War on Terror

Betriebsratsvorsitzender wegen kritischer Haltung zu 1-Euro-Jobs gekündigt

Rausschmiß von Betriebsrat nicht rechtens

„Arbeitsgericht weist Kündigung von Interessenvertreter in Recklinghausen zurück. Betroffener hatte Einsatz von Ein-Euro-Jobbern in Seniorenheim kritisiert. Eine Schlappe mußte die Geschäftsführung des Städtischen Seniorenzentrums Grullbad in Recklinghausen am Mittwoch nachmittag vor dem Herner Arbeitsgericht hinnehmen: Die fristlose Kündigung des Betriebsratsvorsitzenden Rolf Kohn war nicht rechtmäßig. Ihm war Vorteilsnahme durch fehlerhafte Abrechnung von Essensmarken vorgeworfen worden…“ Artikel von Werner Sarbok in der jungen Welt vom 01.12.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Dezember 2006

Mülheim als Modell: vier statt ein Jahr Arbeit für Ein-Euro-Jobber

Diakoniewerk setzt Pilotprojekt durch.

„Neue Hoffnung für Ein-Euro-Jobber: Das Diakoniewerk Arbeit und Kultur hat mit der Sozialagentur der Stadt eine Regelung vereinbart, die Pilotcharakter hat. Ab sofort können Ein-Euro-Jobber beim Diakoniewerk vier statt bislang nur ein Jahr lang Geld hinzuverdienen. Wie der Leiter der evangelischen Einrichtung, Ulrich Schreyer, erklärte, "wird damit eine der unsinnigsten Vorschriften von Hartz IV beseitigt". Für kaum einen der 300 Ein-Euro-Jobber beim Diakoniewerk an der Georgstraße war nach dem Ablauf von zwölf Monaten ein regulärer Job in Aussicht. Und die Leute danach "zurück zu Bierflasche und Glotze zu schicken, ist ein Aberwitz", sagt Schreyer. Das Mülheimer Modell sieht zunächst ein Kontingent von 60 Plätzen vor, befristet auf drei Jahre. In dieser Zeit zahlt die Sozialagentur weiterhin einen Euro als Stundenlohn. Das Diakoniewerk, sagte Schreyer, ist bereit, einen weiteren draufzulegen…“ Artikel in Neue Ruhr Zeitung/Neue Rhein Zeitung vom 30.11.2006

Siehe dazu: „Ist dies der vom DGB geforderte 2. Arbeitsmarkt? Wenn ja, wo sind die DGB Vertreter die hier für sozialversicherungspflichtige Vergütungen eintreten?...“ Kommentar im Sozialticker

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Dezember 2006


Vier statt ein Jahr Arbeit für Ein-Euro-Jobber: Diakoniewerk setzt Pilotprojekt durch

Hartz IV: Offener Brief an die Diakonie

Offener Brief an Herrn Schreyer, Diakoniewerk Mühlheim, von Thomas Müller vom 05.12.06

Aus dem Text: „… Wie ist es möglich, daß sich christliche/kirchliche Organisationen ohne vor Scham im Boden zu versinken, dazu herablassen ein weiteres Mal vom Elend der Menschen zu profitieren? (…) Es profitieren nur die Sklavenhalter, nicht die Sklaven. Egal wie man versucht es schön zureden. Und wir verbitten uns die Unterstellung, daß wir alle Säufer wären, die vor dem Fernseher verblöden würden, wenn man uns nicht alternativ in Zwangsarbeit ausbeutet. Das ist üble Nachrede die in Deutschland sogar strafrechtlich relevant ist: Die Erwerbslosen Deutschlands erwarten eine Entschuldigung! Und wir erwarten die Abkehr der Diakonie von der Unterstützung von Zwangsarbeit!...“

Aus: LabourNet, 7. Dezember 2006

Das Lager als Struktur bundesdeutscher Flüchtlingspolitik

Unterbringungssituation und Sachleistungsauszahlung von Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen in den einzelnen Bundesländern - Überblick über die Praxis der Bundesländer von Tobias Pieper, Stand November 2006 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Dezember 2006

Armut wächst und Ladenschluss weg?

Info Ladenschluss von ver.di-Thüringen FB 12 (pdf, gezippt)

Aus: LabourNet, 4. Dezember 2006

Congressman Kucinich's statement on the AETA

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Congressman Dennis Kucinich's Special Assistant sent me his statement yesterday regarding the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) and asked that I post it to my blog ( ). However, I figured it would be more widely read if I posted it in discussion groups.

Kucinich has been the only elected official in Congress (out of 100 Senators and 435 Representatives) to speak out and vote against the AETA. To thank the Congressman for standing by those who exercise their first amendment rights to protect animals from abuse, visit his website ( ), where you can also learn about and join his efforts to support humane treatment of farm animals.

Mat Thomas

Statement of Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) on the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act:

I stand with every Member of the House in defense of the rights of individuals to be free of bodily harm or injury under all and any circumstances. But, the fact of the matter is, existing Federal law already includes any place which does Federal research.

So the question is, why create a new and specific classification here?

We, of course, need to protect peoples' right to conduct their work without fear of assault. But, a larger question remains yet unanswered by this Congress: How should animals be treated humanely?

There are some specific principles with respect to humane treatment of animals but, these do not go far enough. My concern about this bill is that it does nothing to address the real issue of animal protection but, instead targets those advocating animal rights. This legislation will have a real and chilling effect on people's Constitutionally protected First Amendment rights.

I am not talking about people who would threaten anyone with death because they don't agree with them, but there are individuals who love animals, who don't want to see animals hurt, who have a point and a right to speak out. I think for that reason, this bill has not yet reached its maturity.

I understand what the sponsors of this bill are trying to do, but I don't think that they will reach the end they are hoping to achieve unless this Congress makes a clear statement about ethical principles with respect to animals and how we treat animals in research and other enterprise.

These are very serious questions that millions of Americans care about. I understand the intent here, but I think that you must be very careful about painting everyone with the broad brush of terrorism who might have a legitimate objection to research with or treatment of animals that is inhumane.

Bringing up a bill like this under procedures that only allow limited debate, and no amendments, no matter how well intentioned, is problematic.

I am not and never have been in favor of anyone using a cloak of free speech to commit violence. The Supreme Court Justice said, your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose. No one has the right to yell "fire'' in a crowded theater. We have heard those kinds of admonitions.

I am not for anyone abusing their rights by damaging another person's property or person, but I am for protecting the First Amendment and not creating a special class of violations for a specific type of protest.

Balancing Constitutional concerns against the protection of people and property is never easy. Unfortunately, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act goes too far in the wrong direction.

Informant: Scott Munson

LAN Lamps: transmission through light waves instead of radio waves

Another safe way forward for wireless.

Eileen O'Connor

LAN Lamps – transmission through light waves instead of radio waves

In Japan, the Ministry of Communication, in conjunction with scientists, telecommunications operators and electronics manufacturers, is in the process of forming a consortium to develop the use of visible light for the wireless transfer of large quantities of data. The new technology shall be ready to be introduced into the market within the next five years. The consortium aims for a data transfer speed of 100 Mbps. This means the technology will also be capable of transmitting moving images in high resolution over short distances.

The new technology would provide an alternative to today’s wireless Lan networks in closed environments. The technology is based on LEDs which transmit data as waves within the visible light spectrum, which can then be received by a computer interface placed within the cone of light. The vision: Wherever you are, in a restaurant, the library or at home – just connect the lamp to an electrical cable which also carries data, switch on, and immediately start streaming videos on your screen under comfortable lighting.

Read more (in German):


The debate about a safe way forward for wireless

Strafanzeige gegen Rumsfeld und andere

Anbei eine eMail des Hamburger Rechtsanwalts Armin Fiand mit der Bitte um Beteiligung (Name und Anschrift eintragen, unterschreiben und per Post abschicken) und Weiterverbreitung...

Anneliese Fikentscher und Andreas Neumann
Arbeiterfotografie - Forum für Engagierte Fotografie
Anneliese Fikentscher
Andreas Neumann
Merheimer Str. 107
D-50733 Köln
Tel: 0221/727 999
Fax: 0221/732 55 88
eMail: arbeiterfotografie

Die Medien haben darüber berichtet:

Ein internationales Bündnis renommierter Rechtsanwalts- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen sowie elf Folteropfer haben am 14. November 2006 beim Generalbundesanwalt in Karlsruhe Anzeige gegen den ehemaligen US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, den ehemaligen CIA-Chef George Tenet, die ehemaligen Regierungsjuristen John Yoo und Jay Bybee, General Ricardo Sanchez sowie weitere Mitglieder und Angehörige der US-Regierung und US-Streitkräfte erstattet. Ihnen wird darin vorgeworfen, Kriegsverbrechen begangen sowie gegen die UN-Anti-Folterkonvention verstoßen zu haben.

Die Anzeige hat der bekannte und sehr aktive Berliner Rechtsanwalt Wolfgang Kaleck eingereicht. Sie ist eingehend und juristisch überzeugend begründet (383 Seiten!). Ich meine, daß die Aktion unsere volle Unterstützung verdient. Diese Unterstützung sollten wir konkret in der Weise leisten, dass wir uns der Anzeige anschließen. Nach beiliegendem Muster.

Vervollständigt bitte den Text, unterschreibt ihn und sendet die Erklärung sodann möglichst umgehend mit der normalen Post (bitte keine Mail und kein Fax) an den Generalbundesanwalt. Je mehr sich der Anzeige anschließen, umso besser. Zu wünschen wäre, dass der Generalbundesanwalt ganze Waschkörbe voller Post erhält. Er muß jedem eine Antwort geben.

Die Anzeige selbst und die hierzu herausgegebenen Pressemitteilungen können auf der WebSite der Rechtsanwälte Kaleck abgerufen werden.

Armin Fiand
Minsbekweg 4 a
22399 Hamburg
tel.: 040-60849595
fax: 069-1330-4218963
email: fiand


Neue Strafanzeige gegen US- Verteidigungsminister

Muster-Brief (Word-Datei) zur Beteiligung an der Strafanzeige des internationalen Bündnisses renommierter Rechtsanwalts- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen sowie elf Folteropfer haben am 14. November 2006 beim Generalbundesanwalt in Karlsruhe Anzeige gegen den ehemaligen US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, den ehemaligen CIA-Chef George Tenet, die ehemaligen Regierungsjuristen John Yoo und Jay Bybee, General Ricardo Sanchez sowie weitere Mitglieder und Angehörige der US-Regierung und US-Streitkräfte erstattet. Ihnen wird darin vorgeworfen, Kriegsverbrechen begangen sowie gegen die UN-Anti-Folterkonvention verstoßen zu haben.

Aus: LabourNet, 5. Dezember 2006

Phone masts ring up £410,000

Housing bosses in Leeds raked in £410,000 last year from controversial mobile phone mast schemes.

Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that 38 of the city's masts are located on council-owned land and buildings.

Last year Leeds City Council was paid the sum by phone firms for renting out space on its property, the highest for any of the 84 councils across the UK who have made their phone mast income public.

Another 50 authorities said they would not, or could not, disclose how much they were making from the telecommunications industry.

News of the council's deals was greeted with alarm today by campaigners.

They say no more phone masts should be built on council property until the confusion over their potential health risks is cleared up.

Although many people are convinced that long-term exposure to the radio waves emitted by the structures is dangerous, scientific opinion remains divided.

Mark Dobson, who fought a long-running battle against plans for a 12-metre high mast near East Garforth train station, said the number of council-backed schemes in Leeds was of "great concern".

Mr Dobson, a member of Garforth Residents' Association, told the YEP: "What is really worrying is that the odds are stacked against the public when it comes to objecting to these things.

"Because of the uncertainty surrounding the health risks, they are not taken into account when the planning decisions are made - and that, to me, is grossly unfair."

Thirty six of the masts are sited on residential properties - many of them tower blocks.

One more is at an office complex in Hunslet while another is on Potternewton playing fields in Chapel Allerton.

Today council leader Andrew Carter said the majority of the masts in question had been given the green light under the authority's previous, Labour-run, administration.

Admitting he had concerns about the possible impact of phone masts in general, Coun Carter said: "We are now taking a very strict line on this - for example, we are advising schools not to put them on their premises."

He also pointed out that many of the residential properties involved were the responsibility of the arms' length management organisations which now run the city's council housing.

The local authority would, though, be undertaking a review of the sites under its control, added Coun Carter.

Apart from two, all are on residential properties.
Marlborough Towers, Little London; Grayson Heights, Kirkstall; Queenswood Heights, Headingley; Clayton Court, Stourton; Lovell Park Towers, Little London; Potternewton playing fields, Chapel Allerton; Gledhow Towers and Lidgett Towers, Potternewton; Shakespeare Towers, Burmantofts; Gipton Gate West and East; Middleton Road, Middleton; South Point, Hunslet (offices); Meynell Heights, Holbeck; Cottingley Towers, Cottingley; Holbeck Towers, Holbeck; Gaitskell Grange and Whincover Grange, Wortley; Burnshall Grange and Burnshall Gardens, Moor Top; Beecroft Hill, Bramley; The Heights East and The Heights West, Armley; Poplar Mount, Stanningley; Barncroft Grange, Barncroft Court, Barncroft Heights and Barncroft Towers, Seacroft, pictured; Elmete Towers, Parkway Towers and Parkway Grange, Gildersome; Queensview, Headingley; Sherburn Court, Swarcliffe; Seacroft Gate, Seacroft; Lakeland Court, Alwoodley; Norman Towers, Kirkstall; Leafield Towers, Moortown; Clayton Court, Stourton.

04 December 2006

All rights reserved © 2006 Johnston Press Digital Publishing.

Act NOW to Bring the Troops Home! Massive antiwar march in DC Jan 27

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Tell the New Congress:

Act NOW to Bring the Troops Home!

Join United for Peace and Justice in a massive march on Washington, D.C., on Sat., January 27, to call on Congress to take immediate action to end the war.

On Election Day the voters delivered a dramatic, unmistakable mandate for peace. Now it's time for action. On January 27, 2007, we will converge from all around the country in Washington, D.C. to send a strong, clear message to Congress and the Bush Administration: The people of this country want the war and occupation in Iraq to end and we want the troops brought home now!

Congress has the power to end this war through legislation. We call on people from every congressional district in the country to gather in Washington, DC -- to express support for those members of Congress who are prepared to take immediate action against the war; to pressure those who are hesitant to act; and to speak out against those who remain tied to a failed policy.

The peace and justice movement helped make ending the war in Iraq the primary issue in this last election. The actions we take do make a difference, and now there is a new opportunity for us to move our work forward. On Election Day people took individual action by voting. On January 27 we will take collective action, as we march in Washington, DC, to make sure Congress understands the urgency of this moment.

Join United for Peace and Justice in this crucial push for peace!

1) Make a donation right now to support the January 27 mobilization and help give us the funds we need to make this a truly massive outpouring for peace.

2) Make sure your organization endorses the January 27th mobilization. Click here to add your endorsement.

3) Ride Board:

4) Help spread the word! Pass this email along to everyone you know, post it on blogs and websites -- do everything you can to help us get the word out about January 27th.

- Pat Elder for UFPJ

Iraq Study Group Won't Rock the Boat

"With Iraq falling apart, it's getting lonely at the top for President Bush. His hawkish neo-con advisers are deserting him. He had to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. The Democrats have won control of Congress. US allies are angry at his Iraq policies. And even Henry Kissinger - one of Bush's foreign policy advisers and a key architect of the Vietnam debacle - has decided Iraq is a can't-win situation," says Helen Thomas.

Senator-Elect Webb Not to Be Toyed With

Eleanor Clift writes: "Every so often a politician comes along who doesn't pander to the president. Fresh off a nasty campaign that centered on the war in Iraq, Virginia senator-elect Jim Webb had no interest in a picture of himself with President Bush, and he didn't want to exchange small talk with the man whose war policies he opposes. So he skipped the receiving line at a White House reception for newly elected members of Congress, creating the first of what we should all hope will be many ripples in Washington."

GOP Pays $135K in New Hampshire Call Jamming Suit

State and national Republicans will pay $135,000 to settle a suit involving a scheme to jam Democratic get-out-the-vote calls on Election Day 2002.

Army Mishandled Friendly-Fire Case

Army officials destroyed critical evidence that could have determined who shot and killed Pfc. Jesse R. Buryj at an Iraq checkpoint in May 2004, one of several problems with the friendly-fire inquiry that may permanently shroud Buryj's death in mystery.

Blowing the Whistle on Big Oil

During a 22-year career, Bobby L. Maxwell routinely won accolades and awards as one of the Interior Department's best auditors in the nation's oil patch, snaring promotions that eventually had him supervising a staff of 120 people. He and his team scrutinized the books of major oil producers that collectively pumped billions of dollars worth of oil and gas every year from land and coastal waters owned by the public ... Gale A. Norton, then the secretary of the interior, in a 2003 citation, praised Mr. Maxwell's "perseverance and leadership" while cataloguing his "many outstanding achievements." Less than two years later, the Interior Department eliminated his job in what it called a "reorganization." That came exactly one week after a federal judge in Denver unsealed a lawsuit in which Mr. Maxwell contended that a major oil company had spent years cheating on royalty payments.

Help Free Bill, The Chimpanzee, From Solitary Confinement

Please sign Bill's petition Friday, 1:33 PM

This petition started in January, so you may not have seen it. It is to have an ageing and sick chimp, named Bill, removed from the dreadful conditions he presently exists in, to a sanctuary where he can live out what remains of his life with a measure of comfort.

The creator of the petition, Mara, has been fighting a long and tireless battle for Bill, and very much deserves our support.

Please, sign and forward for this poor old fellow!

Thank you.


Protect tigers by re-routing trains away from Tiger Reserve

A message from Linda

Original Message

We need more signatures!
Please sign the petition.............Thanks and

Sommer 2007: die „Weltregierung“ zu Gast in Deutschland

Look who owns U.S. debt now

Other nations hold a record 52% of it, leaving U.S. economy vulnerable.

So the dollar's worth 50p. Stay cool

Just when you think War, Death and Pestilence have the field all to themselves, along on the rails comes the fourth horseman — the nightmare of every beleaguered US president — a collapsing dollar.,,6-2480466,00.html

The long, unwinding road to a dollar adjustment

Here are the facts: the US, the richest country in the world, consumes more each year than it produces. Its already high standard of living is being increased by net imports from abroad worth some 6.5 per cent of GDP. These imports (eg from China) are paid for in dollars, with which the Chinese monetary authorities obligingly buy US securities.

Europe awaits impact of plummeting dollar

The latest slide was triggered by a sharper than expected 1% fall in construction spending, with house building recording the seventh monthly drop in succession.

From Information Clearing House

No 'Dirty Bomb' Questions During Padilla Interrogation?

An official record of the first FBI interrogation of Jose Padilla following his 2002 arrest contains no reference to al Qaeda or a "dirty bomb" plot Padilla was allegedly spearheading.

From Information Clearing House

US pressured Blair into arms bribery inquiry

A bribery investigation threatening the future of 50,000 British jobs followed heavy pressure on Tony Blair from George Bush's administration.

From Information Clearing House

US urges end to Somalia arms ban

The US is calling for an arms embargo against Somalia to be lifted and a regional peacekeeping force to be deployed to protect the largely powerless interim government.

U.S. funding Somali warlords - intelligence experts

CIA-operated flights into Somalia have been bringing in $100,000 to $150,000 per month for the warlords. The flights remain in Somalia for the day, he said, so that U.S. agents can confer with their allies.

From Information Clearing House

US tells banks to shut down Iran operations

Several of the UK's largest banks fear they could face the full legislative wrath of the US government unless they bow to Washington's pressure to shut their operations in Iran.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq: Corruption: the 'second insurgency' costing $4bn a year

The Iraqi government is in danger of being brought down by the wholesale smuggling of the nation's oil and other forms of corruption that together represent a "second insurgency".,,1962245,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Rumsfeld pre-resignation memo urged Iraq shift

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told the White House before he resigned last month the Bush administration's strategy in Iraq was not working and he proposed changes, including possible troop reductions, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

From Information Clearing House

Rumsfeld’s Memo of Options for Iraq War

Following is the text of a classified Nov. 6 memorandum that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld sent to the White House suggesting new options in Iraq. The memorandum was sent one day before the midterm Congressional elections and two days before Mr. Rumsfeld resigned.

Iraq government to police press

The Ministry further threatened to sue journalists who do not modify stories that the ministry deems inaccurate upon receiving a demand to do so.

From Information Clearing House

Annan: Iraq in civil war, worse than under Saddam

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Iraq was in the grips of a civil war and many people were worse off now than under Saddam Hussein, according to an interview to be broadcast on Monday.

From Information Clearing House

US Iraq raid kills child and women

Residents in the village of al-Lihaib near the town of Garma, said 24 people had been killed and some buildings levelled in the assault.

From Information Clearing House

Plunging dollar will set world markets reeling

By Heather Stewart, economics correspondent

Wall Street is now betting that Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke will slash interest rates to stave off a recession. The dollar ended the week at $1.98 against the pound, and $1.32 to the euro, but analysts say there is further weakness to come. 'I think the dollar's going to hell in a handbag,' said David Bloom, currency strategist at HSBC. '

Saudis and Iran prepare to do battle over corpse of Iraq

By Philip Sherwell

The gulf's two military powers, Sunni-Muslim Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran, are lining up behind their warring religious brethren in Iraq in a potentially explosive showdown, as expectations grow in both countries that America is preparing a pull-out of its troops.

Has He Started Talking to the Walls?

By Frank Rich

We’ve witnessed the troubling behavior of a president who isn’t merely in a state of denial but is completely untethered from reality. It’s not that he can’t handle the truth about Iraq. He doesn’t know what the truth is.

Is President Bush Sane?

Paul Craig Roberts

The president of the United States is so deep into denial that he is no longer among the sane.

End is near in Babylon

BY Eric S. Margolis

Iraq’s prime minister, Nuri Al Maliki, governs only over Baghdad’s US-protected Green Zone. The US controls what passes for Iraq’s police and armed forces. Maliki has no army of his own; his Shia supporters are divided and feuding. How can Bush expect a powerless prime minister to do what the mighty US cannot?

Monday, December 4th: National Mandate for Peace Congressional Call-in Day

On November 7, American voters issued a mandate for peace. Is Congress going to listen?

Call your Representative and Senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them:

Bring the troops home now by cutting off funding for the war!

Members of Congress return to Washington on Monday, December 4. The Democrats in the House have a meeting on December 5 to discuss Iraq strategy. The Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group will release its report on December 6. We must let every member of Congress know that the time for discussions is over. It is time to rein in an outlaw President and cut off the funding for his illegal war.

Call the Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

You can find out who your Representative and Senators are and their direct phone and fax numbers here:

Please make 3 phone calls: to your Representative and both Senators.


The United States has now been engaged in Iraq for longer than our engagement in WWII, and as long as our occupation of Iraq has gone on the situation there has grown worse. As long as we stay, we can expect it to worsen further. Only a negotiated peace that follows a commitment by the United States to quickly and entirely depart, and to fund a real reconstruction of Iraq by Iraqis, can give Iraq and all of us a chance at a better future.

A Johns Hopkins/Lancet study estimates that 650,000 Iraqis have died as a result of this war. The U.S. military has suffered 49,369 casualties, including 24,237 from hostile causes, of which 21,921 are wounded and 2,316 killed in action. Another 567 troops have died from "non-hostile" causes, and 147 U.S. contractors have been killed.

The Constitution gives Congress the power to end this war by cutting off the funding, as well as the power to investigate the war's justifications and to impeach its architects. Let Congress know that forgetting the message of the November 7th elections is an option that we're taking off the table!

For more information about the Mandate for Peace campaign, a joint effort of dozens of peace and community groups, go to

After You Call, Join Rep. Maxine Waters on a Conference Call

Join Rep. Maxine Waters, the Chair of the House Out of Iraq Caucus, and the United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) Legislative Action Network for an Urgent Discussion of the Implications of the Baker- Hamilton Iraq Study Group Report Monday, December 4
4 p.m. eastern time (1 p.m. pacific)
310-632-1100 code: 381726#

The Iraq Study Group has announced that it will release its recommendations on December 6. Congresswoman Waters is eager to discuss this with members of the UFPJ legislative action network and friends and allies who can make it. Please join us!

Prepare for December 10

While you're on the phone, call all your friends and ask them to meet you at an impeachment rally on December 10 (December 9 in NYC):

Forward this message to everyone you know!


Offener Brief an den Landrat von Calw, Hans-Werner Köblitz

Hiermit möchte ich Ihnen einen Offenen Brief an den Landrat von Calw, Herrn Hans-Werner Köblitz, zur Kenntnis bringen. Es geht hierin um einen einseitigen Vortrag von Dr. Wetzig, dem Leiter des Gesundheitsdienstes Calw, auf unserer Bürgerversammlung zum Thema Mobilfunk in Neusatz - Bad Herrenalb am 16.11.06. Der Brief darf gerne weitergegeben werden:

Ruth Wolfstieg


Pressfreiheit und zur Meinungsbildung

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herrn,

anbei sende ich ihnen eine Information. Wir wollten in unserm Amtsblatt -Mittelungsblatt der Stadt Bad Herrenalb eine kostenpflichtige Anzeige schalten wir hätten von der Bürgerinitiative bis zu 300,00 EURO für die Geschäftsanzeige bezahlt, wir wollten es als Gegendarstellung für den Vortrag und als Information von Dr. Wetzig Gesundheitsamt Calw veröffentlichen.

Zuerst bekamen wir eine Zusage und Preisabsprache vom Verlag und kurz vor dem Erscheinen des Mitteilungsblattes eine Absage der Veröffentlichung. Ich frage mich wer steckt da nun schon wieder dahinter unser Bürgermeister Herr Mai aus Bad Herrenalb oder die Mobilfunkindustrie.

So viel zur Pressfreiheit und zur Meinungsbildung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Carola Keppler-Merkle


Aussagen von Dr. Wetzig, Leiter vom Gesundheitsamt Calw, die so nicht stehen bleiben dürfen

Military Radio Signal Jams Garage Doors

From Global Network

Leahy: Bush Should be "Terrified"

Informant: Quechick Barnyard

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

The book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve Read word for word for audio:

For viewing Secrets of the Federal Reserve and follow along: go to


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