Samstag, 2. Dezember 2006

Next-up News n°135

Old forest sucks up greenhouse gas, study says

Informant: Teresa Binstock


Old-Growth Forests May Continue Removing Carbon

Anti-Terror-Kampf: Fromm würde Folter-Geständnisse nutzen,,OID6155526_REF1,00.html


Informant: NHNE

Stephen Cambone, "Rumsfeld's Enforcer," to Resign

Stephen Cambone, the US Defense Department's top intelligence official and a person known as the "henchman" to outgoing defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, will resign on December 31, the Pentagon said on Friday. Cambone is widely regarded as one of the architects of post-war Iraq planning, which has proved to be disastrous.

Celebrate International Human Rights Day by standing up for the America we can all believe in

Widespread Corruption in Iraq Costs Taxpayers $4 Billion a Year

The Iraqi government is in danger of being brought down by the wholesale smuggling of the nation's oil and other forms of corruption that together represent a "second insurgency", according to a senior US official. Stuart Bowen, who has been in charge of auditing Iraq's faltering reconstruction since 2004, said corruption had reached such levels that it threatened the survival of the state.

Pentagon Seeks Huge Cash Infusion to Continue Funding Wars

The Pentagon is seeking at least $100 billion to continue paying for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the agency has been using these funds on the broader fight against terrorism, which critics say could be interpreted to cover almost anything.

Eco-catastrophe: The Cairngorms

Winter is coming again to Britain's largest National Park. But life in the Cairngorms is changing with alarming speed. Rising temperatures are having dramatic effects on flora and fauna.

So is this spectacular region facing its greatest eco-catastrophe since the Ice Age?

Peter Marren reports
Published: 02 December 2006

Informant: binstock

Scientist warns over GM potato trials

By Louise Hosie,
Scottish Press Association
Published: 02 December 2006

A scientist whose controversial study first ignited fears over genetically modified food warned today the decision to approve trials of blight-resistant potatoes in the UK meant preventing cross-contamination was "almost impossible".

Dr Arpad Pusztai caused an academic uproar when he claimed in 1998 that rats fed on GM potatoes suffered organ damage.

Today the Hungarian-born nutritionist said he was opposed to the approved GM trials in Derbyshire and Cambridgeshire, which he described as an "extremely stupid move".

"If these potatoes are going to be grown on a large scale then it is almost impossible to avoid genetic contamination," he said.

"Sooner or later the same gene will get into our common potato.

"There is no demand for genetic modification in this country and it could be the death nail for the potato because it is not going to be bought by the general public."

He added that he felt the Government had approved the trials in order to change the public's negative attitude about genetic modification.

"We are dealing with a very unstable genome which will almost certainly be producing some toxic effects and if they get into our human food chain it will cause a huge calamity," he said.

"I think the general public will have a great deal to say about this and I don't think the local farmers will be overjoyed."

Dr Pusztai, who eats only organic potatoes, said he felt the company planning to grow the potatoes saw Britain as a "soft touch" as the trials would not be allowed in many other EU countries.

"If people agree that they don't want this, then it can be stopped," he said.

"There are very good natural varieties of potatoes and I think doing this is just playing with fire."

Dr Pusztai said his research found GM food could weaken the immune system of rats, stunt their growth and damage their internal organs.

His study was discredited by the Royal Society and he later retired from his job at Aberdeen's Rowett Institute.

A scientist whose controversial study first ignited fears over genetically modified food warned today the decision to approve trials of blight-resistant potatoes in the UK meant preventing cross-contamination was "almost impossible".

Dr Arpad Pusztai caused an academic uproar when he claimed in 1998 that rats fed on GM potatoes suffered organ damage.

Today the Hungarian-born nutritionist said he was opposed to the approved GM trials in Derbyshire and Cambridgeshire, which he described as an "extremely stupid move".

"If these potatoes are going to be grown on a large scale then it is almost impossible to avoid genetic contamination," he said.

"Sooner or later the same gene will get into our common potato.

"There is no demand for genetic modification in this country and it could be the death nail for the potato because it is not going to be bought by the general public."

He added that he felt the Government had approved the trials in order to change the public's negative attitude about genetic modification.

"We are dealing with a very unstable genome which will almost certainly be producing some toxic effects and if they get into our human food chain it will cause a huge calamity," he said.

"I think the general public will have a great deal to say about this and I don't think the local farmers will be overjoyed."

Dr Pusztai, who eats only organic potatoes, said he felt the company planning to grow the potatoes saw Britain as a "soft touch" as the trials would not be allowed in many other EU countries.

"If people agree that they don't want this, then it can be stopped," he said.

"There are very good natural varieties of potatoes and I think doing this is just playing with fire."

Dr Pusztai said his research found GM food could weaken the immune system of rats, stunt their growth and damage their internal organs.

His study was discredited by the Royal Society and he later retired from his job at Aberdeen's Rowett Institute.

Informant: binstock

Olbermann 's Hot News

Nancy Pelosi: Same Old Same Old?

United States v. George W. Bush et al: The Grand Jury Testimony

Mainstream-media political journalism is in danger of becoming increasingly irrelevant

What are 'Inalienable Rights'? If You Don't Know, You Don't Get Them

Federal Institute Blasts Paperless Vote Machines

US manufacturing activity weakens

US manufacturing has weakened sharply in a fresh sign that the world's largest economy is slowing down, according to a key survey.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. legislator warns of Bush plot to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

A U.S. legislator who backs tough anti-immigrant measures and more security at the Canada-U.S. border is warning Americans that President George W. Bush is plotting to integrate the continent.

A U.S. border security program that photographs and fingerprints visitors from most foreign countries has apprehended just one terrorism-related suspect since its 2004 inception, officials said on Wednesday.

From Information Clearing House

White House Fears ACLU Campaign

Khaled el-Masri, formerly the victim of a CIA kidnapping operation in Macedonia and now the claimant in an international trial against US President George W. Bush's anti-terrorism policies, has finally made it to the USA. He was supposed to visit the country last year, but US authorities turned him back at the airport without further explanation. This time the ACLU took the precaution of applying for Masri's visa.,1518,451652,00.html

From Information Clearing House

U.S. warns of possible Qaeda financial cyber attack

Brian Jenkins, a terrorism expert with the RAND Corp., said that such threats were not unusual.

Never Heard of al-CIA-duh Group Threatens Banksters

This is simply more propaganda designed to convince the bovine masses that the internet poses a threat, as the neocon Newt Gingrich declared the other day, and serious measures will need be taken, that is if we value our safety over our liberty.

From Information Clearing House

US pushes for UN vote on Iran sanctions

The United States said Thursday that it might try to force through a United Nations resolution imposing sanctions on Iran over its suspect nuclear programme despite objections from Russia and China.

From Information Clearing House

Iraq $100 billion spending bill to test Democrats

The Bush administration is hammering out its largest-ever appeal for more Iraq war funds - a record $100 billion, at least, and that figure reflects cuts from wish lists originally circulating around the Pentagon.

US Air Force seeks $33.4 bln in extra 2007 funds

The U.S. Air Force on Tuesday said it asked Pentagon officials for $33.4 billion in extra funding for fiscal 2007 to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and costs related to the "longer war on terror."

U.S. military equipment worth billions wearing out in Iraq, Afghanistan

About 2 billion U.S. dollars' worth of U.S. Army and Marine Corps equipment, from rifles to tanks, is wearing out or being destroyed every month in Iraq and Afghanistan.

From Information Clearing House

1 in every 32 U.S. adults behind bars, on probation or on parole in 2005

The Associated Press

Racial disparities among prisoners persist. In the 25-29 age group, 8.1 percent of black men — about one in 13 — are incarcerated, compared with 2.6 percent of Hispanic men and 1.1 percent of white men. And it's not much different among women. By the end of 2005, black women were more than twice as likely as Hispanics and over three times as likely as white women to be in prison.

New Rules Make Firms Track E-Mails, IMs

By Associated Press

U.S. companies will need to keep track of all the e-mails, instant messages and other electronic documents generated by their employees thanks to new federal rules that go into effect Friday, legal experts say.

U.S. Rates Travelers for Terror Risk


Without their knowledge, millions of Americans and foreigners crossing U.S. borders in the past four years have been assigned scores generated by U.S. government computers rating the risk that the travelers are terrorists or criminals. The travelers are not allowed to see or directly challenge these risk assessments, which the government intends to keep on file for 40 years.

Ghosts in the Machine: Encounters With The NSA

By Charles Sullivan

Quite some time ago, I am not sure exactly when, the thought police (National Security Agency) clandestinely moved into my computer. It did so without my permission and in violation of the law, not to mention the Constitution. The prying eyes of government are watching my every move, noting my every keystroke and monitoring my every electronic transmission and telephone conversation.

Terrorist case against Denver family ended

By Bruce Finley

A federal judge on Wednesday declared the end of the government's four-year case against a Denver Pakistani-American family once targeted by the FBI as terrorists. Family members whose lives were turned upside down simply wept. "We've lost everything," longtime Colorado restaurateur Abdul Qayyum said.

Bob Gates & Locking You Up Forever

By Robert Parry

As the next Defense Secretary, Robert M. Gates will be in charge of a new star-chamber legal system that can lock up indefinitely “unlawful enemy combatants” and “any person” accused of aiding them. Yet, despite these extraordinary new powers, his confirmation is being treated more like a coronation than a time for tough questions.

Bush is putting NATO at risk by using it to enlist European support for a global resource war


By Mike Whitney

NATO has been a useful tool for the United States. It’s helped to conceal America’s imperial ambitions behind the mask of US-European solidarity. Now Bush is putting the alliance at risk by using it to enlist European support for a global resource war.

Still George W Bush is in denial

By Robert Fisk

More than half a million deaths, an army trapped in the largest military debacle since Vietnam, a Middle East policy already buried in the sands of Mesopotamia - and still George W Bush is in denial. How does he do it? How does he persuade himself - as he apparently did in Amman yesterday - that the United States will stay in Iraq "until the job is complete"?

Suffocating Right to Strike: Federal Judges Block Work Actions at Bankrupt Airlines

From auto parts to carhauling to airlines, employers have used bankruptcies to gut union contracts over the last five years. Now airline union members are beating the drums about another disturbing trend emerging from bankruptcy courts: throwing out unions' right to strike.

Health Plan Touted as US Model

San Francisco's groundbreaking plan to provide access to affordable medical coverage for an estimated 82,000 uninsured residents is an opportunity to create a system from top to bottom that could serve as a model of basic care for the rest of the nation.

There is Only One Way to End The War in Iraq

Informant: John Calvert

As Pensions and Health Care Benefits Shrink, Life Gets Riskier

As employers and governments cut back on pensions and health insurance, the burden of taking care of ourselves increasingly rests on our own shoulders.

Calculating and Compensating for One's Own CO2 Production

Companies in France are beginning to make it easier for individuals to understand - and compensate for - their own contributions to global warming.

Bush v. Gore 's Movie

In light of yesterday's oral arguments to get the Supreme Court to force the federal government to classify C02 emissions as pollutants and therefore subject to regulation, Alexandra Walker writes, "As bizarre as the Bush administration's aversion to recognizing the causes of global warming seems today, imagine how it will seem to people decades from now, who will be reeling from its effects."

Leahy: Terror Screening Oversight a Must

The incoming Senate Judiciary chairman pledged greater scrutiny Friday of computerized government anti-terrorism screening after learning that millions of Americans who travel internationally have been assigned risk assessments over the last four years without their knowledge.

Keith Olbermann: "We Fight for Liberty by Having More Liberty and Not Less"

Keith Olbermann responds to Newt Gingrich 's recent comments at the annual Loeb First Amendment Dinner in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Gingrich stated, "This is a serious long term war and it will inevitably lead us to want to know what is said in every suspect place in the country."

Powell Says US Should Talk to Iran, Not Attack

Former US secretary of state Colin Powell does not believe the United States will attack Iran and says Washington should speak to Tehran and Syria.


Informant: NHNE


TSA's revealing X-ray screening raises privacy concerns

The federal government plans this month to launch the nation's first airport screening system that takes potentially revealing X-ray photos of travelers in an effort to find bombs and other weapons.

From Information Clearing House


Phoenix Airport to Test X-Ray Screening

Software Will Let Users Dodge Government Internet Censorship

‘Greedy, dishonest’ US visa system

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Who are these mighty rulers of American medicine?

Why Not Invade Vietnam Too?

Apocalypse soon: on Bush, Bible, and bombing

Informant: Lew Rockwell

James Webb ’s Fight Against Political Correctness

War, Imperialism, and State


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Dezember 2006


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