Sonntag, 27. August 2006

Profiting from Disaster

Fraud, Scandal and Greed Has Crippled the Gulf Coast's Recovery, But Made Some Very, Very Rich.

From Information Clearing House

Modest Proposal: Waterboard Congress

The White House wants military tribunals hearing the cases of terrorism suspects to be able to use "coerced" confessions. As Acting Asst. Atty. Gen. Steven Bradbury helpfully assured Congress last month, "there are gradations of coercion much lower than torture."

You wouldn’t catch me dead in Iraq

Scores of American troops are deserting — even from the front line in Iraq. But where have they gone? And why isn’t the US Army after them? Peter Laufer tracked down four of the deserters.,,1-531-2318643-531,00.html

From Information Clearing House

Revelations from the Watada Court Material: A Religious Motive for Iraq War Deceptions?


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Avenue
Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

Jonathan Tasini would take on political giant Hillary Clinton for her adamant pro-war stance

War Protesters Follow Bush to Maine

At every wedding, it seems, something happens not according to plan. Expect the unexpected, planners warn. But how many brides and grooms expect a peace protest? That is what happens when the president shows up for the ceremony in the midst of a polarizing war. About 700 demonstrators marched past the seaside church where President Bush's second cousin was to be married Saturday and then up to the checkpoint guarding the family summer compound to protest the war in Iraq.

US has been knowingly shipping banned food here all year

Rice contaminated by GM has been on sale for months

US has been knowingly shipping banned food here all year. But only now do they tell us

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor Published: 27 August 2006

Britons have unwittingly been eating banned GM rice imported from the United States for months, if not years, food safety experts fear.

Imports of the rice were stopped by the European Commission (EC) on Thursday. But investigations in the US show that it has long been "wide-spread" in grain destined to be shipped overseas.

It was first discovered in January that the banned crop, which has never received safety clearance, was contaminating export stocks of long-grain rice. But it was not until nine days ago that the US government informed importing countries.

European governments are furious that the Bush administration delayed warning them. And the row threatens ministers' plans for growing GM crops in Britain.

The unauthorised rice, codenamed LLRICE601, was developed by Bayer CropScience to tolerate weedkiller. It was tested on US farms between 1998 and 2001, but the company decided not to market it and never submitted it for official approval.

In January, it was found to have contaminated rice from Arkansas-based Riceland, the world's largest miller and marketer, which is responsible for one-third of the entire US crop.

In May, Riceland tested samples from "several storage locations", finding the contamination in a "significant" number. It concluded, in an official statement, that it was "geographically dispersed and random" throughout its rice-growing area.

Bayer officially notified the US government on 31 July. But it was a further 18 days before the Bush administration told importers, informing EU countries such as Britain just an hour before holding a press conference to make details of the contamination public.

On Thursday, the EC prohibited any shipments from the US unless they could be proved to be free of the banned rice. But it remains concerned that Britons and other Europeans may have been eating it for months, possibly years.

Britain has imported more than 42,000 tons of long-grain rice from the US since January, when the problem was first discovered. No one knows how much of this was contaminated, but the Food Standards Agency is planning to carry out tests on rice that has yet to be sold to the public.

The Arkansas government suspects that the crisis began when pollen from the rice tested on US farms spread to contaminate conventional crops. This would mean that it has been present - and presumably been exported - at least since 2001, when the trials stopped.

Richard Bell, the state's agriculture secretary, admits that the contamination is "widespread" and predicts it will show up again in this year's crop when it is harvested.

The Bush administration says that "there are no human health, food safety or environmental concerns associated with this rice". But the EC's Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner, Markos Kyprianou, says it must not be allowed to enter the food chain.

Bayer, which had no part in exporting the contaminated rice, says it is "co-operating closely" with the US authorities. But it says that while the matter is being investigated, it cannot say when it first knew of the problem .

Britons have unwittingly been eating banned GM rice imported from the United States for months, if not years, food safety experts fear.

Imports of the rice were stopped by the European Commission (EC) on Thursday. But investigations in the US show that it has long been "wide-spread" in grain destined to be shipped overseas.

It was first discovered in January that the banned crop, which has never received safety clearance, was contaminating export stocks of long-grain rice. But it was not until nine days ago that the US government informed importing countries.

European governments are furious that the Bush administration delayed warning them. And the row threatens ministers' plans for growing GM crops in Britain.

The unauthorised rice, codenamed LLRICE601, was developed by Bayer CropScience to tolerate weedkiller. It was tested on US farms between 1998 and 2001, but the company decided not to market it and never submitted it for official approval.

In January, it was found to have contaminated rice from Arkansas-based Riceland, the world's largest miller and marketer, which is responsible for one-third of the entire US crop.

In May, Riceland tested samples from "several storage locations", finding the contamination in a "significant" number. It concluded, in an official statement, that it was "geographically dispersed and random" throughout its rice-growing area.

Bayer officially notified the US government on 31 July. But it was a further 18 days before the Bush administration told importers, informing EU countries such as Britain just an hour before holding a press conference to make details of the contamination public.

On Thursday, the EC prohibited any shipments from the US unless they could be proved to be free of the banned rice. But it remains concerned that Britons and other Europeans may have been eating it for months, possibly years.

Britain has imported more than 42,000 tons of long-grain rice from the US since January, when the problem was first discovered. No one knows how much of this was contaminated, but the Food Standards Agency is planning to carry out tests on rice that has yet to be sold to the public.

The Arkansas government suspects that the crisis began when pollen from the rice tested on US farms spread to contaminate conventional crops. This would mean that it has been present - and presumably been exported - at least since 2001, when the trials stopped.

Richard Bell, the state's agriculture secretary, admits that the contamination is "widespread" and predicts it will show up again in this year's crop when it is harvested.

The Bush administration says that "there are no human health, food safety or environmental concerns associated with this rice". But the EC's Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner, Markos Kyprianou, says it must not be allowed to enter the food chain.

Bayer, which had no part in exporting the contaminated rice, says it is "co-operating closely" with the US authorities. But it says that while the matter is being investigated, it cannot say when it first knew of the problem.

Informant: binstock

Petition Donald Rumsfeld to STOP the IRR Marine Involuntary Recall


This week the Pentagon announced yet another massive involuntary call up from the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR), intended to be deployed only in case of national emergency. But for the Bush administration, there is no honorable commitment by our servicemen and women that they will not abuse for the purpose of expediency. Instead of facing up to their wrong-headed policies which have had such a negative impact on our military, they force our national guard troops into overseas combat, callously extend tours of duty, impose stop-loss orders, and now again drain our IRR to fill regular boots on the ground.

Is it any wonder that the grossly counter-productive result has been the increasing reluctance of our citizens to make a commitment to military service, or that it has gotten increasingly tougher to get those who have served to re-enlist? Those who serve with honor must be treated with honor, their promises from the government must be fulfilled, and they should not be called to sacrifice even more because this administration will not face up to its political responsibilities and change their disastrous course in Iraq.

Many of us have a family member or friend who has already been affected directly by the failure of leadership of the Bush administration. Our loved ones may have been killed or injured, or face that grim chance every day, just so that Bush can style himself a "war president". Cloy, the son of my own campaign manager, is a patriotic American who enlisted in the Marines at the age of 17, received the Presidential Unit Citation for serving honorably in Iraq, only to struggle to find employment stateside by corporations who preach "Support our troops". And it now appears they will take him again back into harm's way under the IRR.

Send your personal message to the department of Defense and your members of Congress now. Tell them your OWN story. And tell them the back door drafts must stop now.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Stop the Back Door Draft." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.


This alert is brought to you through the activism of Veronica Hambacker, running for the U.S. House in the 8th Congressional district, and one of the leading progressive voices in the state of Missouri. Veronica won her primary with your help and will your continued loyal support with be victorious for also in November.

Veronica wants to keep running the call to action radio spots that that have been so effective in rallying her constituents, including contributing to the pressure which finally brought about a cease fire in Lebanon. Veronica thanks you for your courage in speaking out. Please make whatever contribution you can to help her encourage others to raise their voices as well.


Nobody can predict how a particular race will turn out. But we know that the spots we ran on impeachment had tremendous secondary impact, as TWO other groups were inspired to run their own call to action ads on this issue as a result of the investment we made in this action. If you are able to do so, please make whatever donation you can to continue the stand we are taking on issue after issue.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved

US-Notenbankchef fordert gerechtere Globalisierung,1518,433705,00.html

U.S. built major Iranian nuclear facility,0,1434982.story?coll=sfla-newsnation-front

Informant: ranger116

Handy am Strand ist Störfaktor Nummer eins

War Profiteer Blackwater Faces Trial

In a major blow to one of the most infamous war profiteers operating in Iraq, Afghanistan and New Orleans, a federal appeals court has ruled that a wrongful death lawsuit filed against the mercenary firm Blackwater USA can proceed in North Carolina's state courts.

From Information Clearing House

The Cheney presidency

The press buys the pretense of Bush being "the decider," and relentlessly covers Bush -- meeting with world leaders, cutting brush, holding press conferences, while Cheney works in secret, largely undisturbed.

From Information Clearing House

The CIA-Contra-Crack Connection, 10 Years Later

TEN YEARS AGO today, one of the most controversial news articles of the 1990s quietly appeared on the front page of the San Jose Mercury News. Titled "Dark Alliance," the headline ran beneath the provocative image of a man smoking crack — superimposed on the official seal of the CIA.

Documents reveal details of U.S. aid stirring suspicion in Venezuela

Russia blocks sanctions against Iran

Russia ruled out imposing economic sanctions on Iran yesterday, delivering a blow to America's efforts to isolate Teheran's regime in protest over its nuclear programme.

From Information Clearing House

U.S. May Curb Iran

If the U.N. Security Council won't penalize Tehran for its nuclear program, the White House may forge an alliance to do so.

Protection Racket: Judicial Cover for Crony Contractors

Cooking again intelligence

By Gordon Prather

The members of the Cheney Cabal continue to forcefully assert – without offering any proof whatsoever – that Iran has a nuclear weapons program that has already "reached a point of no return."

What has Bush done right?

Not a Clue

By Charley Reese

What have you gotten for your $300 billion, your 2,600 dead, your 8,000 seriously maimed in Bush's ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Stability? Don't make me laugh. Security? America is hated in more parts of the world today than at any time in its history. What has Bush done right?

Empire, and resistance to it, is the central issue of our time

From Iraq and Lebanon to Afghanistan, the Anglo-American attempt to remake the world by force is failing.


Informant: ranger116

Oil is harmful to the environment every step of the way

Oil spills - Philippines, Indian Ocean and Lebanon

Oil is harmful to the environment every step of the way. Every year millions of gallons of oil enters the ocean from routine ship and car maintenance, off shore oil drilling operations and ship spills.

Zerstört die Bundesregierung die Reinbiokraftstoffwirtschaft?

Grundstein für weitere Klimazerstörung

Giftige Cola: "Das Herz will Pestizide"

Die indische Bevölkerung befindet sich in Aufruhr, die Regierung beschwichtigt, und die Firmen machen wohl weiter wie gewohnt. Wie aus einem Getränk ein Insektenvernichter wurde. Ein Bericht von Joseph Keve, Bombay.


USA drohen Indien wegen Getränkeboykott - Kampagne gegen verseuchte Softdrinks von Coca Cola und Pepsi zieht weitere Kreise

„Einen Monat, nachdem sieben indische Bundesstaaten den Verkauf von Cola- und anderen Brausegetränken eingeschränkt haben, formiert sich im größten Unionsstaat des Subkontinents, in Uttar Pradesh, eine starke Bürgerbewegung gegen den internationalen Getränkekonzern Coca-Cola. Im Mittelpunkt der Kampagne steht die Coca-Cola-Abfüllanlage in Mehdiganj. Die Betreiber werden beschuldigt, die Grundwasservorräte zu erschöpfen und das Grundwasser mit giftigen Schwermetallen wie Blei, Cadmium und Chrom zu verseuchen…“ Artikel von Praful Bidwai/IPS in junge Welt vom 12.09.2006

Aus: LabourNet, 12. September 2006

How HHS Bullies Citizens

by Mitchel Sanderson & Stepen Baskerville

Those who work in what was once nobly known as the Civil Service – and what has degenerated into the “bureaucracy” – are required by law and ethics to be politically neutral. Presidents and members of Congress, cabinet and sub-cabinet secretaries can voice opinions. Even judges are permitted (and often abuse) a privilege of obiter dicta. But career officials are supposed to implement the policies of the people and their elected officials, not publicly advocate what those policies should be.....

The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity

by Deanna Spingola

David Rockefeller said: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” So David was 9-11 the “right” major crisis or are there others planned.....

The One World Order: Weapons of Mass Inhumanity
Part 9

by Deanna Spingola

A government that does not value the life of its own citizens yet claims to demonstrate their compassion and concern by the “humanitarian bombing” of a populace in a foreign nation thousands of miles away is practicing extreme hypocrisy and devilish deceit.....

Toward A North American Union (NAU)

by Patrick Wood

The global elite, through the direct operations of President George Bush and his Administration, are creating a North American Union that will combine Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a superstate called the North American Union (NAU). The NAU is roughly patterned after the European Union (EU). There is no political or economic mandate for creating the NAU, and unofficial polls of a cross-section of Americans indicate that they are overwhelmingly against this end-run around national sovereignty.....

Scientists find new perils in global warming


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


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