Dienstag, 22. August 2006

Please Help Save Lion Frida From Canned Hunting

A message from Judy

Please help save Frida the lion cub! See below...

Original Message:

Dear friends,

Please know that I don't send messages like this out often - this is close to my heart and close to home, and I therefore am asking for your help.

I am upset, outraged, tearing my hair out, over what may happen to a lioness named Frida.

Please read about it here http://www.care2.com/news/member/379549259/159099 and please please sign the petition, I am going to be calling this place in the morning to find out what is going on.

A summary of Frida's plight: "This lion cub was sentenced to death. Sentenced by people for whom only money matters. She can be shot at any time, or restricted in a cage and forced to breed. Again, till death. Only for money."

This will be my first of many steps on a campaign to put an end to canned hunting, trophy hunting.

Thank you so much!


Connecticut Groups Push to Remove Lieberman From Ballot

Critics of Senator Joseph Lieberman's independent run to keep his job attacked on two fronts Monday, with one group asking an elections official to throw him out of the Democratic Party and a former rival calling on state officials to keep his name off the November ballot.



President on Another Planet


Conservatives Love Government

"Conservatives want the government to redistribute income upward," writes Dean Baker. "This is done through a variety of mechanisms, the most obvious of which are their tax policies, which favor upper-income people. But conservatives want the government to intervene in the market in a wide variety of ways that have the effect of redistributing income from those at the middle and the bottom to those at the top."


They Called It Katrina

"The storm came, the levees failed, and the nightmares began to unfold. Days passed without any help coming from the federal government. Memories and images of the devastation left behind in the wake of Katrina - in Alabama, Mississippi, and most searingly in New Orleans, Louisiana - are today as much a part of this nation's tragic history," writes William Rivers Pitt, "as the memories and images of September 11, Pearl Harbor, and the San Francisco earthquake of 1906."


The Best War Ever

"Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber have a new book, which is always a good thing," writes David Swanson, "but this one is especially good. It's called 'The Best War Ever: Lies, Damned Lies, and the Mess in Iraq.' It's 206 pages, and you'll read it in one sitting, because it's more entertaining than the corporate media whose infotainment is the book's focus."


Welfare Law, Lauded as Milestone, Finds Many Left Behind

As political leaders give two cheers on Tuesday for the 10th anniversary of the welfare reform law that helped draw many single mothers from dependency into the work force, though often leaving them still in poverty, social workers and researchers are raising concerns about families that have not made the transition and often lead extraordinarily precarious lives.


Officials Push for Personal Profiling of Airline Passengers

United States and European authorities, looking for more tools to detect terrorist plots, want to expand the screening of international airline passengers by digging deep into a vast repository of airline itineraries, personal information and payment data.


Pull the Plug on Electronic Voting

Aviel Rubin writes, "I am a computer scientist. I own seven Macintosh computers, one Windows machine and a Palm Treo 700p with a GPS unit, and I chose my car (InfinitiM35x) because it had the most gadgets of any vehicle in its class. My 7-year-old daughter uses email. So why am I advocating the use of 17th-century technology for voting in the 21st century - as one of my critics puts it?"



Tamworth Herald

10:30 - 17 August 2006

Almost every month, controversial phone mast applications are submitted to the council.

These applications are ignoring Tamworth's 100m IPG policy. My own surveys indicate that over 97 per cent of Tamworth's residents support this policy and the signs/indications are that the applicants are seeking to undermine its importance.

The problem is not unique to Tamworth and in Telford there are now over 400 masts; 'the people do not want these close to their homes'.

Over on the east coast, residential groups have been set up who work with the applicants and the local authority to identify and assist in identifying appropriate locations that satisfy the applicants' views and also respect the views of the community. To date, the applicants are not showing respect for the local views.

I propose that the residents of Tamworth form a similar group. These will not go away and we need to accept that these phone masts are required. I have talked with a few councillors and a few residents and the idea has received support.

I therefore ask the residents of Tamworth to communicate with me if they are willing to consider working to set up such a group and to move forward constructively.

The intention is, once a group is set up, to register with the local authority as a non statutory consultee purely on this single issue.

To be successful, residents who are members of other groups all over Tamworth or are active in the community and know their area are required. The success of such a group will depend on its community input.

Anyone interested in helping to move this forward should contact me. All responses will be answered and an evening weekday meeting will be arranged. Please give in your response, evenings that suit you.

To date, I understand that the council has rejected all those that do not comply with the 100m policy and consequently, eight appeals have been registered. Time is short for local action.

Please do not leave this to others because we are all likely to be affected.

Any councillor who is not on the planning committee will also be welcomed/invited to respond.

Ken Forest

Although I am not a resident in Tamworth, I am pleased to see that more and more people are waking up to the human rights abuse of the insensitive placing of mobile phone masts. I am a Parish Councillor in a village where we are being placed "under siege" by mobile operators who are now installing and upgrading at will. I would urge anyone who feels that their rights are being abused to contact their MP - or the Government direct if your MP is unwilling to take up this cause - and demand that planning laws are tightened to restore democracy. OFCOM - who are supposed to be the Government Body who oversees this Industry are, I am afraid, very heavily committed to rolling out the networks and, therefore, would appear to be operating with a serious conflict of interest. I wish this new group every success.

Cllr Sylvia Wright,

Victory in campaign over mast

Aug 18 2006

Stafford ic network

By Justine Halifax

FAMILIES are celebrating victory over a mobile phone giant after plans for a mast near homes and a primary school were thrown out.

Vodafone told Tamworth Borough Council it wanted to erect a 12m high mast, equipped with a microwave dish, on a grass verge in Pennine Way, Stonydelph.

It sparked fierce opposition from families over fears it would have been just ten metres from the nearest house and 150 metres from Stonydelph Infants and Junior School.

Angry residents joined forces to object to the plans and won when the council rejected Vodafone's application.

Independent councillor Chris Cooke, of Stonydelph, said: "This must have been one of the cheekiest applications yet.

"It was barely 150 metres from Stonydelph school and close to an old people's complex. There were literally dozens of homes within the 100 metre reach. This application was totally insensitive."

A council spokesman said: "The siting of the proposed mast within ten metres of a residential property is considered insensitive and ill thought out.

"Ten metres is not judged an acceptable distance from a residential property to site a telecommunications mast, nor appropriate given the residential density of the area.

"The proposed mast will appear visually intrusive and is likely to have a detrimental impact on the character of the area."

Vodafone defended its decision to site a mast so close to homes and a school.

A spokeswoman said: "Every reputable scientific body has said that providing we comply with guidelines, there is no risk to human health whether you are right next to it or a mile away."

It is the second bid by Vodafone to be thwarted following campaigns in Tam-worth this month.

Last week jubilant families blocked the company's plans for a 12m high mast in Overwoods Road, Hockley, Wilnecote.

No go for mobile mast

We need a few more news items like this and they are around. With David's info sheets on planning and a little help with writing letters, we are making dents in the system.


No go for mobile mast

Aug 22 2006 icSouthLondon

By Emily Twinch

PARENTS and residents are celebrating victory after plans for a mobile mast on a pub near a school were withdrawn.

Campaigners started fighting in September last year against the proposed mast on top of the Crystal Palace Tavern in East Dulwich.

Punch Tavern, owners of the pub in Crystal Palace Road, has now agreed with T-Mobile to withdraw the application.

Resident, lead campaigner and mum-of-two Lisa Precious,35, said: "Everybody is delighted - overjoyed. We were getting to the point where we thought it was going to be a victory for T-Mobile.

"We are not against technology. We see the need for it, and mobiles can save people's lives.

"But until research has been done, a cautious approach should be taken to sites near schools."

The mast would have stood 46ft from the ground and been about 260 yards from Heber Primary School, 56 yards from Gumboots Nursery, near Dulwich Medical School and near an after-school club.

Three petitions were raised with more than 500 signatures,and nearly 700 letters of objection were written to Southwark council.

Councillor Richard Thomas wrote to Punch Taverns in April and the application was withdrawn last month.

But the residents and parents of children at Gumboots Nursery and Heber School will not be resting on their laurels and are gearing up to fight again.

They want an existing mast on the Castle pub, also in Crystal Palace Road near Heber School, and another in Barry Road near St Anthony's School, taken down.

A Punch Taverns spokeswoman said: "We have decided this pub is no longer a suitable area for a mast installation and we have agreed with the telecoms operator to withdraw the application."



Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

No War on Iran!


Say NO to war and sanctions against Iran!



Informant: Bruce


Tell Target to help clean up dirty gold


Still Staying The Wrong Course: Bush used the same lines about Iraq at his latest press conference


Source: http://ga3.org/ct/1p20pgF1dzuk/

USA: Genreis entdeckt - Gen-Reis von Bayer nicht in der EU zulassen!

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren

Presse-Information vom 22. August 2006

Nach dem Skandal in den USA: „Gen-Reis von Bayer nicht in der EU zulassen!“

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren fordert die europäischen Behörden auf, keine Import-Genehmigung für gentechnisch veränderten Reis zu erteilen. Der jüngste Skandal in den USA belege, dass sich die Risiken von modifizierten Pflanzen nicht kontrollieren ließen.

Am Wochenende hatten US-Behörden bekannt gegeben, dass in mehreren amerikanischen Bundesstaaten herkömmlich angebauter Reis mit der von BAYER CropScience hergestellten Sorte LL 601 kontaminiert ist. Der genmanipulierte Reis ist resistent gegen das von BAYER hergestellte Herbizid Liberty Link. Die US-Landwirtschaftsbehörde kennt weder den genauen Umfang der Verunreinigung noch ihre Ursache. Japan verhängte daraufhin einen sofortigen Import-Stopp für Langkorn-Reis aus den USA. In der Europäische Union kam der kontaminierte Reis offenbar bereits in den Handel.

Philipp Mimkes von der Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG): „Der Fall bestätigt alle Befürchtungen: eine nicht zugelassene gentechnisch veränderte Reis-Sorte landet in der Nahrungskette, und niemand weiß, wie sie dort hineingelangt ist. Der Umfang der Verunreinigung ist ebenso unklar wie die gesundheitlichen Risiken für die Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher. Dies muss Konsequenzen für die Zulassung von Gen-Reis in der EU haben“. BAYER hatte 2003 in der EU eine Import-Zulassung für genmanipulierten Reis der Sorte LL 62, der ebenfalls gegen Liberty Link resistent ist, beantragt. Insgesamt neun EU-Mitgliedsstaaten äußerten Bedenken, weswegen die European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) bis heute keine Zulassung erteilt hat. Die CBG fordert die Bundesregierung auf, sich gegen eine Importgenehmigung von LLRice62 auszusprechen.

BAYER ist weltweit zweitgrößter Anbieter von gentechnisch verändertem Saatgut. In Europa will das Unternehmen gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen wie Raps, Zuckerrüben, Kartoffeln und Mais in den Markt drücken. Die weltweit folgenschwerste Entscheidung betrifft jedoch die Zulassung von Gen-Reis. Neben den Risiken für die Konsumenten stehen dabei besonders die Auswirkungen in den Anbau-Ländern, vornehmlich in Asien, im Blickpunkt. Philipp Mimkes: „Die Einführung von Gen-Reis hätte dramatische Konsequenzen. Millionen Bauern in den Ländern des Südens, die bislang durch Tausch und Eigenzüchtungen ihr Saatgut selbst produzieren, drohen in Abhängigkeit von multinationalen Konzernen zu geraten - die Verwendung ihrer Ernte als Saatgut wäre wegen des Patentschutzes künftig verboten. Durch den bereits in der "grünen Revolution" beobachteten Konzentrationsprozess würden Millionen Landwirte ihre Existenz verlieren und in die Elendsgebiete rund um die Metropolen abwandern.“

Dr. Suman Sahai, Direktorin der indischen Initiative Gene Campaign, warnt vor den ökologischen Risiken für ihr Heimatland: Lokal angepasste Reissorten würden durch Hochertragssorten verdrängt, was zu erhöhten Schädlingsaufkommen, verstärktem Einsatz gefährlicher Pestizide und einer Verringerung der Artenvielfalt führt.

Weitere Informationen:

Flugblatt „Reis in Gefahr“: 20046GenReis.pdf

Umweltverbände schreiben an 25 EU-Regierungen Übersichtsartikel „Bitterer GenReis" Umweltverbände gegen EU-Import von gentechnisch verändertem Reis Briefing about the food safety and environmental risks of Bayer's GMO rice

Frankfurter Rundschau, 21. August 2006

USA: Genreis entdeckt

Washington - Nicht zugelassener Genreis von Bayer ist in den USA in Reis-Containern für den Markt entdeckt worden. Bei den Spuren handele es sich um die Genreis-Sorte Llrice 601, die ein Protein enthalte, das den Reis gegen bestimmte Unkrautvernichtungsmittel resistent mache, so das US-Landwirtschaftsministerium. Gefahr für Verbraucher oder Umwelt bestehe nicht.

Es ist unklar, woher der Genreis genau stammt. Mit der Sorte wurden in den USA Feldversuche unternommen, die aber 2001 endeten. Bayer arbeite eng mit den Behörden zusammen, so der Konzern.

Pläne, den verunreinigten Reis zurückzurufen oder gar zu zerstören, gibt es nicht. "Es gibt nichts, was wir gesehen haben, das diesen Schritt rechtfertigen würde", sagt US-Landwirtschaftsminister Mike Johanns. Eine Untersuchung sei eingeleitet.

Bayer Crop-Science, Pflanzenschutztochter des Konzerns, hat inzwischen die Zulassung der Genreis-Sorte in den USA beantragt - obwohl Bayer nach eigenen Angaben nicht vorhat, die Reis-Sorte in den USA zu vermarkten.

Verbraucherschützer sparen nicht mit Kritik. "Die Biotech-Industrie handelt weiter unverantwortlich und ohne die Regeln zu beachten", sagt Greg Jaffe vom Center for Science in the Public Interest: "Der Vorfall wird nur die Unsicherheit der Verbraucher im Hinblick auf die Technik verstärken."

Experten gehen davon aus, dass die USA in diesem Jahr eine Reis-Ernte im Wert von 1,88 Milliarden Dollar haben; die Hälfte davon ist für den Export bestimmt. US-Reis-Pflanzer haben derzeit einen Anteil von etwa zwölf Prozent am weltweiten Reis-Handel. rtr

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Fon 0211-333 911, Fax 0211-333 940
Fordern Sie per eMail kostenlos weitere Informationen an.


Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, MdB, Berlin
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (gest. 2003)


EU beschränkt Einfuhr: SPD will von Bayer über nicht zugelassenen Gen-Reis informiert werden (24.08.06)

Die EU hat Einfuhrbeschränkungen für Langkornreis aus den USA erlassen. Bei EU-Grenzkontrollen war der Verdacht aufgetreten, dass der US-Reis mit der nicht zugelassenen, gentechnisch veränderten Bayer-Reissorte LL Rice 601 kontaminiert worden war. Der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Ulrich Kelber, findet es "schade", dass der Chemieriese Bayer nicht offen über den Einsatz des nicht zugelassenen gentechnisch veränderten Reises in den USA spricht. In einem Brief an die Bayer AG bittet der Politiker um die Offenlegung aller Informationen. Wer sich in diesen Tagen auf der Website von Bayer CropScience informieren wolle, "findet leider nur ein paar dürre Zeilen, in denen unter Hinweis auf amerikanische Behörden versichert wird, dass keine Gefahr bestehe. Kein Wort darüber, dass es sich um den nicht zugelassenen gv-Reis LL601 handelt, der zuletzt im Jahre 2001 in den USA im Erprobungsanbau freigesetzt worden ist und für den bisher keine Zulassung beantragt oder erteilt worden ist", kritisiert Kelber. Es stellten sich viele Fragen, beispielsweise die wie es sein könne, "dass nicht zugelassener gentechnisch veraenderter Reis noch mehrere Jahre nach Abbruch der Versuche in Lebensmitteln vorhanden ist und offenbar erst jetzt entdeckt wurde?"

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet: http://www.ngo-online.de/ganze_nachricht.php?Nr=14295

EU und USA wollen Zugriff auf Passagierdaten erweitern


Congress at the buzzer

by Dick Armey


The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll indicates a scant 25 percent of all Americans approve of the way Congress is doing its job, while 60 percent disapprove. Why? Americans expect Congress to do its job, and they know what that job is: To pass laws that secure the blessings of liberty. By this simple measure, this Congress is not doing well and voters know it. Instead of going to voters in November with a list of legislative accomplishments, Republicans are set to return home with little more than a litany of excuses and missed opportunities...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

An American turning point

Consortium News
by Peter Dyer


If and when President Bush is impeached and removed from office, the next step should be to arrest him and the other architects of the unprovoked invasion and occupation of Iraq. If Americans ever find the will to do this, as we once did to German aggressors, history will remember it as a turning point in international relations. It will go down as one of the most spectacular and complete affirmations of the very best of American ideals...



Calendars show Armitage met reporter

Ft. Myers News-Press


Then-Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage met with Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward in mid-June 2003, the same time the reporter has testified an administration official talked to him about CIA employee Valerie Plame. Armitage's official State Department calendars, provided to The Associated Press under the Freedom of Information Act, show a one-hour meeting marked 'private appointment' with Woodward on June 13, 2003...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Dangerous disgrace: the FBI’s continued technological incompetence is putting America at risk


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Bush: Iraq 'straining psyche' of America

Roseburg News-Review


President Bush said Monday the Iraq war is 'straining the psyche of our country' but leaving now would be a disaster. Bush served notice at a news conference that he would not change course or flinch from debate about the unpopular war as he campaigns for Republicans in the fall congressional elections. In fact, he suggested that national security and the economy should be the top political issues, and criticized the Democrats' approach on both...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Trotz „Headset“ vierfaches Unfallrisiko bei Autofahrten


They Say It's Global Warming

"First, their fathers noticed the palm trees that seemed to be inching toward the water's edge.... Later, researchers came, scribbled measurements, and offered a grim diagnosis: the sea is coming. There is not a power line or factory or air conditioner within a day's walk of this village of 400 people in the southwest Pacific, but these subsistence fishermen are no strangers to the power of industrialization and climate change," writes Evan Osnos.


Air Marshals Across Country Warn Passengers Aren't Safe

Federal air marshals across the country are telling 7NEWS that airline passengers' safety has been compromised and managers lied to Congress to cover it up.


From Information Clearing House

Peace Activist Forced to Change T-Shirt Bearing Arabic Script Before Boarding Plane at JFK

Iraqi blogger and activist Raed Jarrar was not allowed to board a flight at JFK airport because he was wearing a T-Shirt that said "We will not be silent" in English and Arabic.


From Information Clearing House

The Coming Conflict: Natural Resources are Fuelling a New Cold War

Oil and gas supplies are becoming scarcer and more expensive. The hunt for the world's remaining resources is creating new alliances and the danger of fresh conflicts. China is moving aggressively to sate its growing appetite for energy, potentially setting up a confrontation with the United States for the dwindling resources of the Middle East and Africa.


The Global Battle for Natural Resources

The global economy is booming, and experts predict it will stay healthy. But competition for natural resources will change the balance of power among the world's nations as a new age of conflicts over energy begins.


From Information Clearing House

President May Take Military Action Against Iran In 12-18 Months

The mid- to long-term fallout from Israel-Hezbollah conflict could be a good thing because it may prompt Bush to take military action against Iran.

Watch it:

From Information Clearing House

Fmr. Lincoln Group Intern Describes Paying Iraqi Press to Plant Pro-American Articles Secretly Written by U.S. Military

"I Was a Propaganda Intern in Iraq"

SAS men get £100,000 to bribe Iraqi fighters

BRITISH Army officers in Iraq are being handed stashes of up to £100,000 in cash for “operational expenses” without formal controls on how it is spent.


Sinister Events in a Cynical War

Here are questions that are not being asked about the latest twist of a cynical war. Were explosives and a remote-control detonator found in the car of the two SAS special forces men "rescued" from prison in Basra on 19 September? If true, what were they planning to do with them?


Bush Contemplates Rebirth of Dictatorship for Iraq


U.S. government employs 7.7 million more people than does manufacturing

Paul Craig Roberts

It is unclear how much longer the world will trade Americans real goods for pieces of paper that the US economy cannot redeem with tradable goods and services.


It won't be the Cheneys who suffer


Bush Now Says What He Wouldn’t Say Before War: Iraq Had ‘Nothing’ To Do With 9/11


Informant: shane_digital

GM contamination warning triggers call for ban on US rice

Greenpeace Demands Global Ban on Imports of US Ricehttp://www.commondreams.org/news2006/0821-05.htm

GM contamination warning triggers call for ban on US rice

EU Set to Stop GMO-Tainted US Rice


GM contamination warning triggers call for ban on US rice

Informant: binstock



USDA Secretary Mike Johanns has announced that domestic and export stocks of long grain rice has been contaminated by a genetically engineered variety of rice that is not approved for human consumption. Johanns said that the contamination was admitted to be the fault of Bayer Corporation, but the USDA doesn't know how widespread the contamination is. According to Johanns the biotech rice poses no health risks, but could damage the U.S. $1 billion rice export market, since many nations refuse to import genetically engineered rice. Japan has already announced a ban on long grain rice imports from the US. Last year, Japan and the EU banned US corn imports as a result of yet another GE contamination scandal.

Learn more: http://www.organicconsumers.org/2006/article_1584.cfm

A Corporate Takeover of American Borders


Bush-Coke-Pepsi Triumvirate Under Fire in India



Bush Fulfills Few Promises to Gulf Coast


British military contractor BAE is major donor to U.S. candidates


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news



Informant: NHNE

California Redwoods Being Cut Along Russian River NOW

Did you see in the LA Times this weekend that the Bohemian Club in Monte Rio is cutting down their old growth redwoods along the Russian River. Apparently they have alot of redwoods along the river and up the hills just inland from Monte Rio. They are already cutting them down and causing clearcuts along the trails.

I tried to drive into the Bohemian Grove about 2 or 3 years ago, but they have many threatening signs along their private road so I eventually turned back. Did not see any people.

*Arnold has a miserable record on enviro, labor, and taking money from business to sell us out. NOW he is trying to get the votes of the dummies who have not been following his record for the last 3 years.


Informant: bigraccoon

Spychips in Passports May be Just the Start


Jail to the Chief


Informant: ranger116

Bush Trying to Repeal 22nd Amendment Limiting Presidents to 2 TERMS


Informant: ranger116


Implanted Chips in Our Troops?

Chip the Soldiers

VeriChip wants to test human implantable RFID on military

VeriChip wants to chip every US soldier

VeriChip Wants To Test Human Implantable RFID On Military

US Military To Be Tagged With Spychips?

VeriChip wants U.S. Military to embrace RFID tags



DC EXAMINER - A microchip company with powerful political connections is lobbying the Pentagon for the right to implant chips under the skins of the nearly 1.4 million U.S. military personnel. Verichip Corp., which is based in Florida and planning to offer its stock to the public soon, has been one of the most aggressive marketers of radio frequency identification chips. Company officials have touted the chips as versatile, able to be used in a variety of situations such as helping track illegal immigrants or giving doctors immediate access to patient's medical records.

Now the company is "in discussions" with the Pentagon, spokeswoman Nicole Philbin said. She added that Verichip wants to insert the chips under the skin of the right arms of U.S. servicemen and servicewomen. The idea is to be able to scan an arm and obtain that person's identity and medical history.

The company has political muscle in the form of Tommy Thompson. A former secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Thompson is a partner at the lobbying law firm of Akin Gump and is a director of Verichip.

Thompson said he's sure that the chip is safe and that no one - not even military personnel, who are required by law to follow orders - will be forced to accept an implant against his or her will. He has also promised to have a chip implanted in himself.

Liz McIntyre, author of a book critical of the chips, said that VeriChip is "a huge threat" to public privacy. "They're circling like vultures for any opportunity to get into our flesh," McIntyre said. "They'll start with people who can't say no, like the elderly, sex offenders, immigrants and the military. Then they'll come knocking on our doors."


Informant: bigraccoon

Abolish the Public School System


Many of Bush's pardons will focus on crimes committed in the name of the "war on terror"


Benevolent Hegemony Goes Down the Tubes


The 'War President's' Latest Fiasco



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