Samstag, 5. August 2006

One Year After the Death of Chase Comley

"This weekend marks the first anniversary of my nephew's death in Iraq. August 6, 2005, is the date Marine Lance Cpl. Chase Comley was killed instantly by a vehicle-borne IED. My brother, Chase's father, received the news just after midnight, early on the 7th. 'We regret to inform you.' These are the words that shifted the earth's plates," writes Missy Comley Beattie.

Clinton Dodges Political Peril for War Vote

40,000 US Troops Have Deserted Since 2000

Since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the military have deserted. Those who help war resisters say desertion is more prevalent than the military has admitted. "They lied in Vietnam with the amount of opposition to the war and they’re lying now," said Eric Seitz, an attorney who represents Army Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the war in Iraq. specific non-thermal effect..microwave rad..06.....

Dear Marjorie: Here is finally a meaningful study that combines research re "amyloid" even tho there appears to be a reluctance to "call a spade a spade."

Evidence for a specific microwave radiation effect on the green fluorescent protein

As you know, you were very supportive when I reported the connection between low level EMF/EMR exposures (powerlines and/or wiring errors and improper grounding -- prior electric meter exposure) and findings of Reactive Renal Amyloidosis (necropsy) in my guinea pig, Kelley (Project Z, Z-1). You came up with the information re subterranean life (I have the reference in stacks.....) that included explanation of "heat shock protein effects." You accurately concluded at that time that "environmental stress protein" might be the proper term.

I have no idea when other scientists began to also use the term "esp" in addition to, or in place of "hsp," but we know now there are several instances (also in my files). Drs. Goodman and Kwee have conducted studies re EMF/EMR and heat shock proteins but I do not recall right now the details re heat vs. no heat, etc.

It is sad and ironic that such an important study comes out of Israel at a time of such turmoil and even sadder that our friend, Iris Atzmon, does not appear to be the person who sent the Israeli abstract to Klaus.

I will obtain the full study as soon as it is available.

I am very thankful also for the support of numerous other "EMF friends" -- their encouragement and interaction that helped me stay on track and/or to get back on track in my search for answers and explanations re non-thermal effects over these many years!!! I have included several persons as copy recipients but know there are many more who also deserve a lot of thanks.......... Together, "we will" sort all of this out and continue to demand proper tests and answers that will help save children and adults from "EMR-induced, preventable health problems and needless suffering and death!!!

Best wishes to all!!! Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: (8-5-06)

Be loyal to your country always, and to the government only when it deserves it. -Mark Twain

"No ray of sunshine is ever lost, but the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout, and it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith." - Albert Schweitzer

Fury as twice rejected mast gets go ahead

03 August 2006

ANGER: Local community oppose the plans.

RESIDENTS are baffled after a phone mast proposal, rejected twice by council chiefs, was given the go-ahead by the government.

The Planning Inspectorate's decision to give T-Mobile the thumbs-up to build a 3-G mast at the bottom of Oxleas Meadows, Rochester Way, Eltham, on July 19 has caused uproar among residents.

An application for the mast was first rejected in May last year, before a second was rejected in September and residents are up in arms at the latest decision.

Resident Chris Rusher said: "It is shocking that not just our objections but also Greenwich council's decisions seem to have been completely ignored."

Fellow resident Sue Putnam added: "The proposed site is very close to residential homes and the alternative sites we suggested were dismissed out of hand."

Eltham North ward councillor, Spencer Drury branded the decision 'disgraceful'. He said: "The application was turned down twice by Greenwich Council who thought it was inappropriate.

"So T-Mobile appealed to the Government's planning inspector who overturned the decision without even bothering to talk to residents.

"This is being built at the bottom of open, green, beautiful land and it will undoubtedly spoil it."

The Inspectorate's office said it could not comment on the decision, because an appeal could be launched.

However, in his report, inspector Jonathan Bore said installing the mast would have 'no significant' affect on Oxleas Meadows or Woods or on residents' health.

He also said the equipment conforms to guideline levels for public exposure to radiation.

Eltham MP, Clive Efford has written to the Planning Inspectorate to express his anger at the decision and has asked T-Mobile for a meeting at the site.

The MP has suggested moving the mast a few hundred metres to the east. He said: "Moving the mast eastwards will mean that it would be lost in the trees and be less obtrusive."

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Iran Says Oil May Hit $100/Barrel

Iran's Deputy Oil Minister Mohammad Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian said on Friday global crude oil prices could touch $100 a barrel on geopolitical tension and soaring winter demand.


PROPOSED LAW N° 2491 Related to the reduction of public health risks from mobile phone installations and apparatus

The Charter of the Environment


ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE: Nouvelle Proposition de Loi

EPA to Ban One Pesticide, Lets 32 Others Stay in Use

Nearing the end of a 10-year review of all pesticides, the US Environmental Protection Agency plans to ban a farm chemical that has tainted water and proved deadly to birds, but the agency approved continued use of 32 other widely used insecticides.

World Must Race to Develop Green Energy

An urgent project on the scale of the Apollo moon landings is needed to boost research into green energy sources and save the planet from environmental disaster, according to Britain's top scientist.

Group Sues EPA Over Beach Pollution

An environmental group has sued federal regulators, charging that they failed to protect beaches and the Great Lakes from pollution and that negligence by the Bush administration exposed swimmers and surfers to potential illnesses.

John Conyers: The Constitution in Crisis

Congressman John Conyers released the final version of his report today, the "Constitution in Crisis." The report, which is some 350 pages in length and is supported by more than 1,400 footnotes, compiles the accumulated evidence that the Bush administration has thumbed its nose at our nation's laws, and the Constitution itself.

Americas Gulag: Guantanamo detainees may remain indefinitely

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said the US government could "indefinitely" hold foreign 'enemy combatants' at sites like the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

From Information Clearing House

The Sound of One Domino Falling

It's been obvious for years that Donald Rumsfeld is in denial of reality, but the defense secretary now also seems stuck in a time warp," writes the New York Times. "Americans who once expected the Pentagon to win the war in Iraq have now been reduced to waiting for an indication that at least someone is minding the store."

Panel rings in relief for mobile operators

Saturday, August 05, 2006 01:45 IST

MUMBAI: A committee headed by the director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has held that radiations from mobile phone base stations installed on top of buildings do not pose direct health hazards to humans.

Omega this is not true. See under:

The committee was appointed pursuant to a Bombay High Court (HC) order in a PIL on health hazards posed by cellular phone base stations on top of residential buildings, schools and hospitals.

The committee’s preliminary report, submitted to the HC on Thursday, said, “Over all there is not enough evidence to show direct health hazards of radiofrequency (RF) exposures from mobile phone base stations”.

The committee, headed Dr NK Ganguly, said radiofrequency from mobile base stations were less than those emitted from radio, FM radio and television transmissions.

But, as a precautionary measure, it had recommended the adoption of guidelines laid by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) for limiting electro-magnetic field (EMF) exposure till further research data was available on the issue.

The PIL filed by residents of Jolly Maker Apartments (No 2), Cuffe Parade, quoted studies listing the harmful effects of radiations like genetic defects, cancer, alzheimer, fatigue and irritability.

The petition, which named Airtel, Orange, BPL and MTNL as respondents, sought a ban on the installation of such stations in residential areas, near schools and hospitals.

The committee, noting that the strength of radiofrequency fields in front of the antennae varies with distance, quoted three international human studies pertaining to radiations from base stations and said there were no quantitative parameters related to health hazards from such radiations.

The HC had in December 2005 ordered the constitution of the committee observing that even children now use mobile phones and in a state of cut-throat competition between cellular service providers, the risk to public health and safety cannot be brushed aside. The PIL will be heard by the HC on August 16.


Senate Rejects Cynical Attempt to Gut the Estate Tax

Voting Iraq War Up or Down

Major Media Struggles Loom on the Horizon

Being a TV Expert Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Exonerated, Florida Death Row Inmate Tells His Tale

US Threatens Suit if Maine Probes Verizon Ties to NSA

Mobilfunk Masten, Gefahr für Gröbenzell

Liebe Nachbarn und Newsletterabonnenten,

folgende Bekanntmachung erhielten wir von unseren Mitstreitern aus Gröbenzell.

Viele Grüße,

BV gegen die Mobilfunkanlage in Dachau Süd

Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 1:35 PM
Subject: Mobilfunkveranstaltung am Di, den 8. August in Gröbenzell

Liebe Mitstreiter,

am Dienstag, den 8. August 2006 findet eine Infoveranstaltung zum Thema "Mobilfunk Masten, Gefahr für Gröbenzell" statt.

Referenten sind: Herr Dr. Claus Scheingraber, Mediziner und Herr Lorz, Architekt und Grundstücksgutachter. Moderation Dr. Martin Runge Gemeinderat und MdL.

Beginn um 20.00 Uhr im Bürgerhaus Gröbenzell.
(siehe Anhang)

Im Namen der 4. Bürgerinitiative in Gröbenzell laden wir herzlich dazu ein.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Lilli Kammerl und Paul Hornyak

The UN is guilty of being controlled by the US

Baghdad, Beirut, Doha: Trade Talks Failure a Blow to US Strategy in Mideast

Human Action: ideas are our best weapon in the struggle for liberty


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