Another Significant Step Toward A US War On Iran
Statement Opposing the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act
By Ron Paul
Mr. Speaker, I am concerned that many of my colleagues opposing war on Iran will vote in favor of this legislation, seeing it as a step short of war to bring Iran into line with US demands. I would remind them that sanctions and the blockades that are required to enforce them are themselves acts of war according to international law.
Leaking of dubious document spurs new wave of anti-Iran propaganda
By Ron Paul
Mr. Speaker, I am concerned that many of my colleagues opposing war on Iran will vote in favor of this legislation, seeing it as a step short of war to bring Iran into line with US demands. I would remind them that sanctions and the blockades that are required to enforce them are themselves acts of war according to international law.
Leaking of dubious document spurs new wave of anti-Iran propaganda
rudkla - 17. Dez, 08:56