The "On The Table" Impeachment Movement Spreads, More Primary Challenges Breaking Out

Inspired by the courageous leadership of Shirley Golub in San Francisco, challenging the majority leader herself for the Democratic congressional primary nomination there, we have been told that there are now primary challenges is most of the districts in the state of Oregon, running on an impeachment now platform.

And we could not have asked for a more valiant candidate than Joe Walsh, who has been leading his fellow constituents in their own weekly rally in front of Earl Blumenauer's district office in OR-03, demanding action on impeachment, and on ending the indefensible and ruinous occupation of Iraq.

Joe needs your help this weekend, to put together the filing fee of $1,000 to pay for the publication of his full platform in the official Oregon voter pamphlet. This is critical in the state of Oregon to get our message out, as it is a completely vote by mail state. This should be so easy for us to do. Please make whatever contribution you can make now, small or large, and we will certainly reach this very modest goal.

Joe Walsh is a long time dedicated peace activist, who gave up a Navy career he already had, by filing as a conscientious objector in 1970 during the Vietnam War, and received an honorable discharge. He has put his own body on the line many times as a political activist also, for demonstrations in front of Oregon senator Smith's office last year, for another example.

But more than that, Joe is well known to his local community for his generous volunteer work, also donating many hours on a weekly basis working for Portland's "Fish", who distribute emergency food to people in serious trouble.

The primary in Oregon is coming up fast on May 20. So your contribution can have an immediate impact on Congress right now, by demonstrating that any incumbent who does not get it can, and will, face a serious primary challenge.

Won't you make a contribution to Joe now if you can, so that he can carry the banner of impeachment, and all the other issues we are fighting for, in the official Oregon voter pamphlet. We need his voice. Without him there would be no challenger in his district, and people like Blumenauer would just blithely think that they forever disregard the will of the people.

And even if you can't make a contribution, please spread the word about the growing "On The Table" impeachment movement, and take heart that in just the next couple months we can apply enough pressure through these primary challenges to make impeachment an actual reality.

Paid for by Joe Walsh for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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