The Final Showdown: Please Call Congress Again Against Telecom Immunity

Before we tackle the telecom immunity issue, for hopefully the last time, let us take a moment to celebrate the magnificent win of Dennis Kucinich last night against an out-of-district corporate-financed interloper. Your magnificent response to our appeals to support him in his own time of need is what made it possible for us to hold the line there.

And yet one more time, we need to hold the line against the bully push from the White House for letting the telecoms off the hook for knowingly collaborating with their criminal actions in completely disregarding the law to wiretap million of ordinary peace loving U.S. citizens.

Please call your House member yet again, tollfree at 800-828-0498,
800-614-2803 or 866-340-9281, and let them know how disgusted you would be if they were to cave in yet again.

And then please consider visiting the action page that Shirley Golub, seriously challenging Nancy Pelosi for the House seat from San Francisco, has created to send an email to your House member to back up your phone call.

Here's what Shirley Golub has to say on the subject:

No telecom immunity, or, for that matter, to anyone who cooperates with the illegal demands of the Bush administration. Warrantless wiretapping is a violation of the people’s right to privacy (please read the 4thamendment). When an administration takes an oath of office and then proceeds to act in an irresponsible manner, ignoring that oath, those corporations and/or individuals who assisted must not be "forgiven".

And certainly a request for a retroactive action additionally causes those who might consider illegal activities in the future to believe that their "indiscretions" will be pardoned. Our internet and phone communications have been violated, and these acts have been admitted to by Bush. Congress must defend our Constitution and stand strong for our rights.

And we should add some choice words of our own:

What we have in the House of Representatives is a leadership problem at heart. There has been no "new direction", a worn out threadbare slogan if there ever was one. It's just been the same old endless caving in and bending over. And the best and surest way to STOP it is to support real progressive primary challenges against the weak-kneed and ineffectual, like the challenge that Shirley is mounting now.

Shirley Golub Video:

On the page above you can see the Shirley's latest YouTube video, running right now in heavy rotation on MSNBC cable in San Francisco, calling on her fellow citizens to join her in a weekly impeachment and primary challenge rally in front of Nancy Pelosi's district office every Thursday. And hundreds every week are.

Maybe you can't be in San Francisco this Thursday at noon at 450 Golden Gate Ave. But you be there in spirit by making a contribution to Shirley now, to run more and more of these TV spots, and print ads, and to put her on the radio and everything else with her "I'm on the table" message.

Or if you would, just send this email to other people you know, to encourage them to visit Shirley's site, you can help her to spread the impeachment now message, and inspire other candidates to step forward and do the same thing in their own districts. For if the speaker of the House can be successfully challenged, why not any member of Congress who still cannot find their spine with both hands?

Paid for by Shirley Golub for Congress

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.


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The easy revolution

Downsize DC
by Jim Babka


Currently, in Congress, because of the intense pressure received from constituents, the Democrats are taking serious steps to make sure that no bill coming out of Congress grants immunity to the telecom companies that helped the government to illegally spy on the American people. This is very good news, and it happened because of people like you, who have given the Democrats reinforcement. We will have more to say about it in the days ahead...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


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