Iran on the Brink: What's It Like Waiting Around to Be Bombed?
"'Are you aware that the US is considering a military strike on Iran?' To many respondents, it might have been news. Unless you work in a foreign-policy think tank, the subject probably doesn't come up much, if at all. Meanwhile, those aware of it are likely to comfort themselves with the thought: 'We'd never do that. We're already overextended in Iraq.' Americans have enough trouble dealing with - or, as the case may be, screening out - one war. We push the mute button on the drumbeat of war at our own peril. But it's even more dangerous when those in harm's way are in denial. It turns out that much of the Iranian public is tuning out the threat of an attack, too," writes Russ Wellen.
rudkla - 26. Mär, 17:14