Kucinich Boosts Impeachment

Kucinich Talks Impeachment

Kucinich: "Impeachment May Well Be the Only Remedy"

Today Rep. Dennis Kucinich defied Speaker Nancy Pelosi and put the Impeachment of George W. Bush "on the table" where it urgently belongs. Kucinich said,

"This week the House Appropriations committee removed language from the Iraq war funding bill requiring the Administration, under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, to seek permission before it launched an attack against Iran. Since war with Iran is an option of this Administration and since such war is patently illegal, then impeachment may well be the only remedy which remains to stop a war of aggression against Iran."

Of course speaking about impeachment is not the same as introducing Articles of Impeachment. But Kucinich is stepping into a firestorm of opposition from the corporate media and his own party's leadership - and needs our support to keep him going.

Please thank Rep. Dennis Kucinich for speaking out on impeachment - and ask him to make his remarks real by introducing Articles of Impeachment:

info @kucinich.us

Read more of Kucinich's speech in "The Ides of March" by Cindy Sheehan: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19708

On Wednesday night, Kucinich spoke with a group of citizens about Iran and impeachment. Here's video: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19680

We also highly recommend this new video of an impeachment workshop with Mimi Kennedy, John Nichols, Antonia Juhasz, David Swanson, and Tim Carpenter: http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19700

Is the Progressive Caucus Standing Firm on Iraq? Help Us Find Out

Today the House Appropriations Committee passed the "Supplemental" spending bill for the war (and arrested 10 activists who tried to get into the room to observe the proceedings). Next week, the full House will vote.

Barbara Lee (D-CA) has an amendment that would require that any money appropriated for Iraq be spent only for a "fully funded withdrawal," bringing American troops home by the end of this year. Some members of the House Progressive Caucus have previously stated they would vote against the Iraq supplemental unless it includes Lee's amendment. But the House leadership is now pressuring them to back down. We need to find out quickly: where do Progressive Caucus members stand?

Working together with other anti-war groups, we are creating a whip list on this issue. Please take a moment now to call one of the representatives in the "UNKNOWN" category at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19669 , and ask them:

Are you committed to voting NO on the current supplemental spending bill for Iraq if it doesn't include Barbara Lee's amendment for a fully funded withdrawal?

You can find the phone number of each progressive member at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19669 or just call the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected.

The aides answering the phone may know the answer; if not, ask to speak to their press secretary or legislative assistant for foreign policy.

Then, leave whatever answer they give you at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/19669

Please call as many Progressive Caucus Members as you can, not just your own representative.

More here, including a podcast with Rep. Lee: http://pdamerica.org/articles/news/2007-03-07-17-50-28-news.php

This Saturday, March 17, March on the Pentagon for Peace and Impeachment

Make plans now to join hundreds of thousands of veterans, military families, and peace and impeachment activists in a nonviolent march for peace and impeachment, beginning at 12:00 at the Vietnam War Memorial (23rd Street and Constitution Ave. NW) and ending at the Pentagon.


At the assembly site, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:30, there will be a pre-march People's Assembly. Contingents and organizations will be providing information displays and literature tables. We will be joined by the famous Bread and Puppet Theater. There will be children's activities, including sign-making for the march, where our children can also pick up anti-war balloons. There will be a large Impeach Bush tent with impeachment materials and a place for impeachment advocates from around the country to gather.

We are encouraging every impeachment organization to register to march with the impeachment contingent, so we can publicize the groups making up the Impeachment Contingent. You can do this by clicking on this link for the contingent form and specifying "Impeachment" for the "Name of contingent." http://tinyurl.com/2jlfyu

Forward this message to everyone you know!


Kucinich Boosts Impeachment but Moveon Betrays Peace Movement

Rep. Dennis Kucinich took another step towards introducing Articles of Impeachment with a video:

"We need to reevaluate the direction of this administration by looking at its conduct in office, by determining whether it has faithfully followed the laws of our nation. I'm prepared to start that process. I began this week with a speech on the floor of the House, which warned the administration that its actions toward Iran already constitute a case to ask the question about impeachment. So I'm asking you, what do you think? Do you think it's time?"

Watch the video and answer him here:

Vote in our poll: Should Rep. Kucinich Introduce Articles of Impeachment?

Moveon Betrays Peace Movement

Even as hundreds of thousands were protesting the 4th anniversary of Bush's illegal and disastrous war in Iraq, Moveon was urging its 3.2 million members to support $93 billion more for Bush's War. Moveon conducted a dishonest member "poll" which deliberately left out the Barbara Lee Amendment that would limit new spending to a "fully funded withdrawal" of our troops by the end of the year.

Moveon used its dishonest poll to claim 85% of its members support the $93 billion Supplemental. Send a message to Moveon by voting in our poll:

And if you want to quit Moveon, tell them why:

Progressive Democrats in Congress Can Stop the Supplemental

The Iraq Supplemental can be defeated if only 15 of the 68 progressive House Democrats vote against it. Under tremendous pressure from Speaker Pelosi, only 6 Democrats are definitely voting no: Barbara Lee, Lynn Woolsey, Maxine Waters, Dennis Kucinich, Raul Grijalva, and Pete Stark. Another 7 are leaning no: Steve Cohen, Danny Davis, Lloyd Doggett, Keith Ellison, Sheila Jackson Lee, Juanita Millender-McDonald, and Diane Watson. Speaker Pelosi says the only alternative to her toothless bill is a blank check for Bush. But Rep. Pete Stark says simply: "We can write a better bill."

We need your help calling all 68 members of the Progressive Caucus and telling us what they say:

Forward this message to everyone you know!


Kucinich Asks 'Is it Time for Impeachment?'


"Impeachment: I'm Asking You. Do You Think It's Time?"

By Dennis Kucinich

This past week in the Congress of the United States, I noted that the administration has threatened aggressive war against Iran. This is a violation of the UN charter. Charters are treaties. Article 6 of the Constitution of the United States says that treaties are the law of our land, the supreme law of our land. It's illegal to threaten aggressive war against another nation.

Video and transcript



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