Call your members of Congress now toll free at 800-828-0498, 800-459-1887 or 800-614-2803.
It was a surreal spectacle to see the vice president attacking the Democratic plan for Iraq by arguing that it's "been called 'slow bleed'". Now, how exactly did that coined description end up coming out of the mouth of every corporate media toady out there, except for the fact that Cheney himself directly ORDERED them through his underlings to say it? It's reminiscent of when they would plant stories in the New York Times and then rely on the same stories as justifying authority for what they were doing.
You bet we want to slow down the bleeding (as opposed to the accelerating bleeding which is going on now). In fact, we want to STOP the bleeding altogether, and the amputations and the deaths too. And now at least we have a Senate bill which proposes a withdrawal timetable. While we agree with Senator Feingold in supporting it that the measure is still not binding enough, the Republicans are confident that can defeat it, which is the only reason they are allowing an actual vote.
Well, maybe, if enough of us call and email them we can make them a little less confident in defying the clear will of the American AND the Iraqi people. Especially if you have any Republican senators they need to reminded of when they are next up for re-election. And all of our Democratic senators need to hear from us so that they present a united front.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
It was a surreal spectacle to see the vice president attacking the Democratic plan for Iraq by arguing that it's "been called 'slow bleed'". Now, how exactly did that coined description end up coming out of the mouth of every corporate media toady out there, except for the fact that Cheney himself directly ORDERED them through his underlings to say it? It's reminiscent of when they would plant stories in the New York Times and then rely on the same stories as justifying authority for what they were doing.
You bet we want to slow down the bleeding (as opposed to the accelerating bleeding which is going on now). In fact, we want to STOP the bleeding altogether, and the amputations and the deaths too. And now at least we have a Senate bill which proposes a withdrawal timetable. While we agree with Senator Feingold in supporting it that the measure is still not binding enough, the Republicans are confident that can defeat it, which is the only reason they are allowing an actual vote.
Well, maybe, if enough of us call and email them we can make them a little less confident in defying the clear will of the American AND the Iraqi people. Especially if you have any Republican senators they need to reminded of when they are next up for re-election. And all of our Democratic senators need to hear from us so that they present a united front.
Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.
Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2006, Patent pending, All rights reserved
rudkla - 15. Mär, 14:04