National Security Letter nightmare
Free Market News Network
by Noel Gibeson
From the beginning many Americans were concerned with the new powers given the federal government when the Patriot Act was first passed and then re-authorized with even greater powers. The potential for abuse of power was great. Now we know from the FBI’s own inspector general that the powers given the FBI were abused in the brief study that they conducted. Revelation of still greater abuse is yet to come...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
by Noel Gibeson
From the beginning many Americans were concerned with the new powers given the federal government when the Patriot Act was first passed and then re-authorized with even greater powers. The potential for abuse of power was great. Now we know from the FBI’s own inspector general that the powers given the FBI were abused in the brief study that they conducted. Revelation of still greater abuse is yet to come...
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
rudkla - 15. Mär, 13:58