Cell damage: Wireless library is a health hasard

My letter appeared in todays Argus letters (Sussex) - though over two thirds of it was cut out and the rest edited heavily.

If anyone wants to follow up using my and Sarahs (below mine) letters below, email the Argus at letters@theargus.co.uk making sure to include full name & address and no more than 250 words.


Cell damage (The Argus March 12)

Now people have some legal protection from unwanted exposure to cigarette smoke, why do we have absolutely none from passive mobile phone and phone mast radiation?

In 2002, a group of European Doctors launched a global petition, the "Freiburger Appeal" [ http://omega.twoday.net/stories/566350/ ]. They wrote: "We have observed a dramatic rise in serious diseases." They attribute this to "installation of mobile telephone sending stations, intensive mobile telephone use, and installation of cordless phones at home or in the neighbourhood"

Recently, Robert Kane [ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Robert+Kane ], an ex Motorola Senior Research Scientist, wrote: "Recent research indicates that even short-term exposure to radiation from cell phones modifies brainwaves, affects short-term memory, and modify a person's ability to perform physical tasks such as driving.."

Wireless library is a health hasard (The Argus March 10)

I was surprised to hear the new eco flagship Jubliee library in Brighton has installed digital cordless DECT phones on every floor.

People don't seem to realise the base unit of these phones emits microwave radiation all the time whether or not one is on a call.

The levels will be higher than from a nearby phone mast - both DECT and Wi-fi use the same technology as mobile phone masts.

It is for this reason that the German Health Protection Agency issued a warning on DECT phones last year.

I was also disappointed to read that East Grinstead library are trialling Wi-fi computer access (The argus March 6).

Before these trials are put in place, those in charge should review the health implications for librarians and users.

There is evidence coming to light these systems are less than safe. The frequency is the same as used in a microwave oven.

The intensity inside the library will be the same or higher than from a phone mast outside.

The Times recently reported that schools which are also installing Wifi are having to dismantle it at the request of parents and teachers who have experienced serious adverse health effects.

Librarians in the USA are resigning over this issue. The Salzburg public health dept warns not to put Wi-fi in schools and nurseries.

There is a lot of research into the effects and many people made ill from exposure to the radiation emitted by these systems. It is possible to cable in computers for internet access. Wifi is not necessary.

Sarah Purdy
Mast Sanity



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