Impeach07 Campaign Launched

The impeachment movement is uniting and expanding. is joining with many other organizations to launch Impeach07, a coordinated series of nationwide actions aimed at impeaching Bush and Cheney through widespread public protest, creative dissent, media activism, education, and lobbying:

Bush and Cheney have misled this nation into an aggressive war, spied in open violation of the law, and sanctioned the use of torture - among numerous other offenses. Newsweek reported in October that a majority of Americans favor impeachment, and in January that 58% said they wished the Bush administration were over. "Only a great popular upheaval," historian Howard Zinn said recently, "can push both Republicans and Democrats into compliance with the national will."

We need to end the Iraq War and prevent an Iran War, and impeachment is the way we will do it.

On March 17, the anniversary of the start of the Iraq war (and the 40th anniversary of the famous 1967 March on the Pentagon), Impeach07 will mobilize for a March on the Pentagon to demand peace and impeachment:

On March 18-20, Impeach07 will organize local events for peace and impeachment around the country:

Impeach07 is also planning:

A "Make Hip Hop, Not War" bus tour promoting peace and impeachment on March 19 - April 21:

A boycott of major corporations that are profiting from the Bush administration's policies, making a killing off of killing, on April 15- 22:

And a nationwide day of protest: Impeachment Day, April 28, 2007:

Initial participating organizations represent hundreds of thousands of antiwar, military family, peace, youth and women activists and lawyers. They include After Downing Street, Backbone Campaign, Center for Constitutional Rights, Citizens Impeachment Commission, CODE PINK Women for Peace, Constitution Summer, Consumers for Peace,, Democracy Rising, Gold Star Families for Peace, Green Party of the United States, Hip Hop Caucus, Impeach the President,, Military Free Zone, National Lawyers Guild, Patriotic Response to Renegade Government, Progressive Democrats of America, Independent Progressive Politics Network, Velvet Revolution, and World Can't Wait: Drive Out the Bush Regime.

NM Leads State Race to Send Impeachment Resolution to Congress

House rules allow impeachment to begin with a Resolution from one state legislature. Three states have begun the process - NM, WA, and VT - and NM has an early lead...

1. New Mexico's resolution (SJR 5) cleared its first hurdle last Friday when it passed the Rules Committee on a unanimous 5-0 vote. Citizens turned out in force and gave powerful emotional appeals for impeachment. Incredibly, not a single Republican showed up to defend Bush! (Is that a signal that Republicans want to quietly help Democrats impeach Bush before the 2008 election to avoid a repeat of the 2006 GOP wipeout?) The NM bill must clear two more committees before it goes to the full Senate. Video and details here:

2. In Washington State, Senator Eric Oemig's Resolution (SJM 8016) will have its first hearing on March 1. Activists led by "state-at-home mom" Linda Boyd will hold a rally for impeachment and investigations in Olympia on the Capitol steps in at 1:00 p.m. Video and details here:

3. In Vermont, Rep. Daryl Pillsbury's resolution (JRH-15) has 22 co-sponsors, with 75 needed for passage. State legislators are getting heavy anti-impeachment pressure from Vermont's Members of Congress, so a strong grassroots movement is urgent. Cindy Sheehan and John Nichols will barnstorm VT for impeachment from March 2-4. Audio and details here:

The main argument against state (and local) resolutions has been that states (and towns) should not get involved in national policy. Of course states have always been involved - state legislatures actually appointed U.S. Senators until 1913, and have always weighed in on national issues. Right now 20 legislatures are considering resolutions against Bush's escalation in Iraq. It's time for all state legislatures to call for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney!

Scooter Libby Lied to Cover Up Cheney's Crimes - Impeach Cheney First!

"There is a cloud over the Vice President," special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald told the jury in the Scooter Libby trial. Libby lied to Fitzgerald in 2003 to cover up Cheney's direct role in outing covert CIA operative Valerie Plame by having his staff leak her identity to reporters.

And why did Cheney "out" Plame at great damage to the CIA's war on terror? Because her husband Joe Wilson had exposed Bush's State of the Union Big Lie about Iraq trying to buy uranium from Niger - a lie that was thoroughly debunked by the CIA but included in the SOTU at the insistence of Dick Cheney's neocon agent on the National Security Council.

Based on the evidence revealed at the Libby trial, Emptywheel has written a detailed indictment of Cheney for his direct role in outing Valerie Plame:

We certainly hope Fitzgerald will prosecute Cheney:

But even if he doesn't, Emptywheel provides more than enough evidence for Congress to begin Cheney's impeachment. Sign our petition to Impeach Cheney First:

Forward this message to everyone you know!


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