EU endorses damning report on CIA
The European parliament has approved a damning report on secret CIA flights, condemning member states which colluded in the operations.
Switzerland Approves Probe of CIA Flight
Switzerland on Wednesday followed Italy and Germany in raising the threat of criminal prosecution of CIA operatives involved in anti-terrorism operations in Europe.,,-6416237,00.html
CIA sounded-out Italy about 'renditions' in 2001
The CIA spoke with Italy's spy chief about kidnapping terrorism suspects in Italy and flying them abroad days after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to testimony being used to prosecute U.S. and Italian agents.
EU nations censured over CIA 'torture' flights
THE European Parliament has approved a report admonishing 15 European countries and Turkey for helping the CIA transport terrorism suspects held in secret or for failing to co-operate in the Parliament's investigation of the practice.
European investigator says U.S. refuses to let him question Guantanamo prisoners
The Swiss senator leading a European investigation into reports that the CIA operated secret prisons in Europe and illegally transferred terror suspects complained Friday that the United States has refused to let him question prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.
From Information Clearing House
EU Report Says Some Colluded With CIA
The European Parliament on Wednesday approved a controversial report accusing Britain, Germany, Italy and other European nations of turning a blind eye to CIA flights transporting terrorism suspects to secret prisons in an apparent breach of EU human rights standards.
CIA Sounded Out Italy About "Renditions" in 2001
The CIA spoke with Italy's spy chief about kidnapping terrorism suspects in Italy and flying them abroad days after the September 11 attacks, according to testimony being used to prosecute US and Italian agents.
Geheime CIA-Gefängnisse: Schweizer Journalisten droht Strafe wegen unliebsamer Berichterstattung
Drei Journalisten der Schweizer Zeitung "SonntagsBlick" droht nach Angaben des Deutschen Journalisten-Verbandes wegen "Verletzung militärischer Geheimnisse" bis zu fünf Jahre Haft. Die SonntagsBlick-Autoren Sandro Brotz und Beat Jost hatten den Angaben zufolge Anfang 2006 in einem Artikel die Inhalte eines vom Schweizer Nachrichtendienst abgefangenen Faxes veröffentlicht. Aus dem Fax seien Indizien für die Existenz geheimer Gefängnisse des US-Geheimdienstes CIA in Osteuropa hervorgegangen. Anfang Februar habe das Schweizer Militärgericht Anklage gegen Brotz, Jost und den ehemaligen Chefredakteur des SonntagsBlicks Christoph Grenacher erhoben worden. Der Journalisten-Verband fordert das Gericht auf, die Anklage fallen zu lassen.
Switzerland Approves Probe of CIA Flight
Switzerland on Wednesday followed Italy and Germany in raising the threat of criminal prosecution of CIA operatives involved in anti-terrorism operations in Europe.,,-6416237,00.html
CIA sounded-out Italy about 'renditions' in 2001
The CIA spoke with Italy's spy chief about kidnapping terrorism suspects in Italy and flying them abroad days after the Sept. 11 attacks, according to testimony being used to prosecute U.S. and Italian agents.
EU nations censured over CIA 'torture' flights
THE European Parliament has approved a report admonishing 15 European countries and Turkey for helping the CIA transport terrorism suspects held in secret or for failing to co-operate in the Parliament's investigation of the practice.
European investigator says U.S. refuses to let him question Guantanamo prisoners
The Swiss senator leading a European investigation into reports that the CIA operated secret prisons in Europe and illegally transferred terror suspects complained Friday that the United States has refused to let him question prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay.
From Information Clearing House
EU Report Says Some Colluded With CIA
The European Parliament on Wednesday approved a controversial report accusing Britain, Germany, Italy and other European nations of turning a blind eye to CIA flights transporting terrorism suspects to secret prisons in an apparent breach of EU human rights standards.
CIA Sounded Out Italy About "Renditions" in 2001
The CIA spoke with Italy's spy chief about kidnapping terrorism suspects in Italy and flying them abroad days after the September 11 attacks, according to testimony being used to prosecute US and Italian agents.
Geheime CIA-Gefängnisse: Schweizer Journalisten droht Strafe wegen unliebsamer Berichterstattung
Drei Journalisten der Schweizer Zeitung "SonntagsBlick" droht nach Angaben des Deutschen Journalisten-Verbandes wegen "Verletzung militärischer Geheimnisse" bis zu fünf Jahre Haft. Die SonntagsBlick-Autoren Sandro Brotz und Beat Jost hatten den Angaben zufolge Anfang 2006 in einem Artikel die Inhalte eines vom Schweizer Nachrichtendienst abgefangenen Faxes veröffentlicht. Aus dem Fax seien Indizien für die Existenz geheimer Gefängnisse des US-Geheimdienstes CIA in Osteuropa hervorgegangen. Anfang Februar habe das Schweizer Militärgericht Anklage gegen Brotz, Jost und den ehemaligen Chefredakteur des SonntagsBlicks Christoph Grenacher erhoben worden. Der Journalisten-Verband fordert das Gericht auf, die Anklage fallen zu lassen.
rudkla - 15. Feb, 13:12