Keep your phone mast off our village haven


09 February 2007 08:56

A vision to create a picturesque spot in a village on the edge of the city could be shattered by proposals for a 39ft mobile phone mast.

Villagers in New Costessey have been told the communications company T-Mobile intends to obtain permission to put the mast next to a parade of shops in New Road.

The small strip of grass had been earmarked by parish councillors as a natural spot for a village sign and flower beds to create an attractive centre for New Costessey.

South Norfolk Councillor John Denby said councillors had written to T-Mobile objecting to the plan to erect the mast on that particular spot.

He said: “We haven't as yet had an official planning application come through. I think they are trying to soften up the public before an application comes in.

“It would be right in the middle of a highly populated residential and shopping area. It would be really detrimental to the street scene and is on a very narrow strip of grass in an area which is already overcrowded, with a pedestrian crossing, two mature oak trees, a bus stop and a village notice board.”

Norfolk County Councillor Tim East said he hoped the phone company would listen to the concerns of homeowners in the area.

He said: “The area was supposed to be developed by the parish council as a natural centre to New Costessey.

“We were going to introduce benches and a new village sign - a cast metal copy of the one in Old Costessey - which we wanted to put on this space.

“We wanted to put in flower beds and really tart up the area and make it an attractive centre for New Costessey.

“How attractive will it be if you put a 39ft mobile telephone mast there? It will scupper that plan completely.”

Retired John Wilkinson, who lives in Norwich Road, said although the mast could be disguised as a telegraph pole the site was already cluttered and unsightly.

He said: “Some people do still have concerns about it being so close to the school.

“I'm rather surprised that they need it anyway, my understanding is that T-Mobile customers can get signals quite well in Costessey.”

Are you fighting to stop a phone mast in your area? Contact Kim Briscoe on 01603 772419 or e-mail kim.briscoe

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