House call

The State of Our Union

Next week, when President Bush delivers his State of the Union Address, the American people will watch and wonder: why don’t the policies from the Republicans in power match the priorities of the American people? The President has consistently failed to lead on issues such as home heating costs, gas prices, and prescription drug costs. Republican leaders in Congress have refused to address rising education costs and continue to push for budget policies that increase our crippling deficit and cut student aid to pay for extravagant tax cuts for the wealthy.

House Democrats have real solutions to these problems. We have an Innovation Agenda that will prepare America for the economy of tomorrow. We have an AmeriSave plan that will ensure retirement security without bankrupting future generations. We have an efficient and compassionate health care plan that will put the needs of the American people ahead of insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry. And we have not forgotten about the survivors of Hurricane Katrina. We have an Honest Leadership, Open Government Act to eliminate corruption in the legislative process. Our plans are creative, innovative, and restore power back to the American people. Only then will America's policies be in line with America's priorities.

Read and watch Leader Pelosi's prebuttal.

Republican Medicare Prescription Drug Bill Tainted by Culture of Corruption: Fails Seniors While Helping Drug Companies and Private Insurers

The Republican Medicare prescription drug plan was the product of a corrupt legislative process and predictably, the first three weeks of its implementation has been a disaster. Hundreds of thousands of America’s seniors have had difficulty obtaining their prescription drugs. This Republican plan, written to meet the needs of drug companies and private insurers, is failing America’s seniors. Twenty-six states have intervened to ensure that their low-income beneficiaries can obtain prescription drugs – with many declaring “public health emergencies.” House Democrats are pushing for quick enactment of legislation that will ensure seniors immediate access to medicine, and provide federal reimbursement for pharmacies and states for the costs they have incurred as a result of the failures of the flawed Republican Medicare prescription drug bill.

This week, Leader Pelosi, Whip Steny Hoyer, and Congressman Henry Waxman, senior Democrat on the Government Reform Committee, sent a letter to Speaker Hastert asking for a congressional investigation into the role of the Alexander Strategy Group, a lobbying firm closely linked to Jack Abramoff and former Republican Majority Leader Tom DeLay, and whose largest single client was the pharmaceutical industry, in the passage of this deeply flawed special-interest legislation, which gives $139 billion in windfall profits to drug companies and leaves seniors and people with disabilities behind.

Read the letter.

Learn more about the flawed Medicare bill.

Republican Policies Ensure Future Deficits

The Congressional Budget Office released estimates on Thursday showing that the federal budget deficit will reach at least $337 billion this fiscal year, and a total of $1.3 trillion for 2006-10. But these deficits will go much higher because they don’t include the President’s tax cuts for the wealthy, the cost of the war in Iraq, or Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts. These additional costs will add tens of billions to the deficit every year. It is clear that the Republicans have lost control. Their policies have turned a $5.6 trillion budget surplus into a projected $3.5 trillion deficit and are creating a mountain of debt for future generations.

House Democrats want to put an end to fiscally irresponsible budget practices that put student aid at risk, that threaten our children and grandchildren with crippling debt, and put tax cuts for special interests ahead of the needs and concerns of America’s working families. The nation wants, needs, and deserves a responsible budget that is in line with our values – quality health care, secure retirement, fair energy and home heating costs, and affordable higher education. America can do better.

Pelosi statement on President’s comments on the raid on student aid.

House Democrats have a responsible budget plan.

House Democrats Hold Innovation Forum

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and several other House Democrats held an Innovation Forum last week with business experts to discuss ways to keep America strong and competitive in the global economy. With the world growing and changing, House Democrats have introduced an Innovation Agenda that lays out a clear plan that invests in education and training, increases funding for research and development in science and new technologies to create high-wage jobs, and provides small businesses the resources they need to grow and prosper. We need an economy that harnesses America’s innovative, entrepreneurial spirit and keeps America number one.

Learn more about the Innovation Agenda.

Informant: Bugs


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