Mittwoch, 5. März 2008

ACLU Urges Congress Not to Rubberstamp FISA Plan

With McCain Visiting the White House, New Spotlight on Lobbying Scandal

Soldiers and Democracy: Know Your Rights!

Obama Glosses Over Colombian Attack in Ecuador, Clinton Calls for Escalation Against Venezuela

Now It Gets Dangerous for Democrats

EPA Chief Under Fire for Ignoring Scientists

Code Pink Seeks Fast Exit For Bush

Bundeswehrverband sieht Grenzen der Einsatzfähigkeit erreicht

Nach Ansicht des stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden des Bundeswehrverbandes, Ulrich Kirsch, sind Teile der Bundeswehr an die Grenzen ihrer Einsatzfähigkeit gelangt. Dies sei der Fall bei Heeresfliegern, Sanitätsdienstsoldaten und Feldjägern, sagte Kirsch den Dortmunder "Ruhr Nachrichten". "Diese Gruppen sind übermäßig stark belastet. Oftmals gebe es zwischen den Einsätzen nicht genügend Raum für "Pausen und für Training".

Vermehrte Sanktionen bei Hartz IV und ALG I offenbar großteils rechtswidrig

Leistungskürzungen und Leistungsentzüge

Die von den Behörden vorgenommenen vermehrten Leistungskürzungen und Leistungsentzüge bei Hartz IV und beim Arbeitslosengeld I waren offenbar zu erheblichen Teilen rechtswidrig. Das geht zumindest aus einer Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Kleine Anfrage der Linksfraktion zu "Sanktionen im Bereich des Zweiten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch und Sperrzeiten im Bereich des Dritten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch" hervor. Darin gibt die Bundesregierung an, dass die Zahl der Leistungskürzungen und Leistungsentzüge bei Hartz IV und beim Arbeitslosengeld I extrem gestiegen ist. Bei Hartz IV nahm sie den Angaben zufolge von 2006 bis 2007 um 66 Prozent zu, beim ALG I um 21 Prozent. Gleichzeitig stellt die Bundesregierung fest, dass Widersprüche gegen die Sanktionen bei Hartz IV zu 35 Prozent und beim ALG I sogar zu 41 Prozent erfolgreich für die Betroffenen verlaufen.


Hartz IV Sanktionen oft unberechtigt

Die Bundestagsfraktion der Linken hat einen kleine Anfrage im Bundestag gestellt. Aus einer Antwort der Bundesregierung ist zu entnehmen, dass die Zahl der Hartz IV Sanktionen gegenüber Arbeitslosengeld I und II Empfänger deutlich gestiegen sind. Beim ALG II sind die Sanktionsfälle um 66 Prozent im Vergleich zu Vorjahr gestiegen. Beim Arbeitslosengeld I sind die Sanktionen um 21 Prozent angestiegen.

Lesen Sie weiter:ürzung

Abstieg der Mittelschicht ist für Attac Beleg für neoliberales Versagen

Für das globalisierungskritische Netzwerk Attac ist der überwiegende Abstieg der Mittelschicht in Deutschland ein Beleg für das Versagen der neoliberalen Politik. Attac nimmt hierbei unter anderem Bezug auf den jüngsten Wochenbericht des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) vom 5. März, wonach die Schicht der Bezieher mittlerer Einkommen in Deutschland in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich geschrumpft ist. Ihr Anteil an der gesamten Bevölkerung sei von 62 Prozent im Jahr 2000 auf 54 Prozent 2006 zurückgegangen, so das DIW. Entsprechend gestiegen sei der Bevölkerungsanteil an den Rändern der Einkommensverteilung. Besonders prekär: Laut DIW war in der Mittelschicht "die Abwärtsmobilität stärker ausgeprägt" als der Aufstieg in höhere Einkommensklassen. Attac kommentiert auch unter Bezugnahme auf eine weitere Studie des Instituts für Makroökonomie und Konjunkturforschung (IMK): "Beide Studien belegen: Die neoliberale Globalisierung schafft viele Verlierer und nur wenig Gewinner - auch hier zu Lande." Zudem sei das deutsche Steuer- und Sozialsystem nicht in der Lage, eine gerechte Verteilung und soziale Sicherheit für alle zu gewährleisten", kritisiert Stephan Schilling von Attac.

Irakische Regierung stimmt Vergabe von Verträgen an Ölkonzerne zu

Beveor das Ölgesetz verabschiedet wird, sollen die befristeten Abkommen für eine Zwischenlösung sorgen.

Ölpreis und US-Kontrolle des Irak

Karl Rove, der 2007 zurückgetretene einflussreiche Berater von US-Präsident Bush, über die Notwendigkeit, die US-Truppen nicht aus dem Irak abzuziehen.Ölkonzerne

Mitarbeiter von Atomanlagen haben erhöhtes Infarktrisiko

Nach einer umfassenden Studie über Angestellte von britischen Atomanlagen gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen erhöhter Strahlenbelastung und Mortalität durch Kreislauferkrankungen.

Neue Opfer des "Finanzmarkt-Tsunamis"

Massive Zinserhöhung für US-Kommunen nund Bundesstaaten.

New Sanctions on Iran, Dubious Data from US to IAEA Sets Basis

The Malign Magic of Misdirection

For In These Times, Terry J. Allen explores the subtle magic of misdirection in politics and economics, writing: "It's the oldest trick in the book. The magician flashes the shiny object to misdirect the audience's attention from the real action. In the theater of politics and economics, the magic consists in getting people to focus on poor options so as to shift their sight from wider, more fundamental possibilities for reform. Distracted by half-truths and seduced by shortsighted strategies, we squander time, energy and political capital."

Hope When?

The New York Times editorial board writes on White House efforts to pull homeowners out of their mortgage woes, "A report issued Monday by Hope Now, the White House-backed mortgage industry group formed to help hard-pressed homeowners, makes one thing clear: homeowners aren't getting the help they need."

Oppose Oil Drilling in Yukon Flats

British study links radiation to heart disease

Informant: Mark G.

Bush asserts right to ignore Congress and UN and set up long-term bases in Iraq

Bush officials: Congress irrelevant on Iraq

Informant: Gomez


Bush asserts right to ignore Congress and UN and set up long-term bases in Iraq

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news


President Can Keep Troops In Iraq Even After UN Mandate expires

The administration can keep troops in Iraq into next year even after the current U.N. mandate governing operations there expires and without Congress' permission, a senior State Department official told a Democratic lawmaker on Wednesday.

Bush Tries To Circumvent Congress Over Bases In Iraq

The Bush administration yesterday advanced a new argument for why it does not require congressional approval to strike a long-term security agreement with Iraq, stating that Congress had already endorsed such an initiative through its 2002 resolution authorizing the use of force against Saddam Hussein.

From Information Clearing House

Codex Alimentarius Commission: A threat to mankind

New Hampshire Catches Impeachment Fever

By David Swanson

Iran denounces U.N. Security Council as 'tool' of US foreign policy

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Phone mast protest warning

By Staff Copy

MOBILE phone operator Orange is set to connect its controversial mast at Sheriff Hutton in the near future, it has been revealed.

And at public meetings in the village last week police told campaigners who have spent more than two years trying to get the mast relocated that only peaceful protests will be allowed when it happens.

The meetings were called by Ryedale commander Insp Helen Taylor and eastern area operations commander Supt Alison Higgins.


Please act now: Keep this dangerous legislation out of Bush's hands

Next-up news N°500

Out of place: City should have power to keep towers out of neighbourhoods

A 14-storey tall transmission tower doesn't belong in the middle of a residential neighbourhood, and city council should be able to keep it out.

That specific example refers to the situation in the Valleyview Drive subdivision, just north of Parkhill Road and south of Jackson Park, where Telus Mobility wants to stick a cellphone tower.

Many of the neighbouring homeowners object, but are having a hard time getting anywhere. The roadblock they face is that no local authority has any say in the matter. Whether the tower gets a thumbs up or thumbs down is entirely up to a federal agency, Industry Canada.


Ron Paul Hammers Neo-Con Rival To Retain Congressional Seat

Record Warm Winter for Northern Europe

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Politician Resigns over Mobile Phone Tower Planning Mistakes

A mess up over the planning application for a mobile phone tower on the outskirts of London, UK has caused a local politician to resign in protest. Peter McMillan, a member of the centre-right Conservative Party sent a resignation letter to council leader Di Collins following the failure to block the construction of a tower by O2 due to mistakes in the planning process.


Why is Yellowstone Destroying Its Bison Herd?

A Sickening Slaughter

Informant: radtimes

War Is Hell: One Week at War in Iraq and Afghanistan for $3.5 Billion

William D. Hartung writes for "So, perhaps you're wondering, what does that $3.5 billion per week actually pay for? And how would we even know? The Bush administration submits a supplemental request - over and above the more than $500 billion per year the Pentagon is now receiving in its official budget - to pay for the purported costs of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and for the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). If you can stay awake long enough to read the whole 159-page document for 2008, it has some fascinating revelations."

A Clean, Fair Fight

The editors of The New York Times write: "If recent history is any guide, this fall's presidential election will be marred by vote suppression and cynical dirty tricks. Congress still has time to stop some of the worst offenses. The Senate is considering two bills, one to outlaw so-called vote caging and another to rein in duplicitous robo-calls. Congress should pass both bills well before Election Day."

To be or not to be FREE that is the question

Liberty For All
by Ed Lewis


Having not been a student of Shakespeare, I was rather surprised to find relevance of one of his soliloquies to modern day America. It may be, for all I know, that all are in some way or another but the start of the fourth (4th) soliloquy in Act Three, Scene One of Hamlet for sure is appropriate. To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. This is the question that sooner or later all Americans are going to have to face...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Fear is not an American value and neither is ignorance

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
by Rusty White


Well, it didn’t used to be. Sadly, our people have succumbed to and have been led to cowering to taught fear mongering and mind conditioning to the point that common sense and reality are not allowed in analyzing or justifying our policies. Common sense and reality are intentionally removed from any discussion. WHY? When did we start to refuse to accept reality, or stop demanding accountability based on facts and logic and the truth?

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nobody is safe in a police state

Even Orwell would be shocked

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Medvedev, Hillary and “media bias”

by Justin Raimondo


It is supposedly a sign of creeping totalitarianism that Putin is staying on in the office of the prime minister while his successor officially takes the reins — although we all know who’s really holding them. How is this really all that different from the prospect of having Bill Clinton’s designated heir in the White House, with Bill effectively sharing power with his wife? At least the dynastic element is — so far — entirely missing from Russian politics, while in America, the land of the free, we practically have royal families. We are bombarded on an almost daily basis with anti-Russian, anti-Putin propaganda in the mainstream media, falsely claiming that the ‘independent’ media is being curtailed by the Kremlin...

A chance to mend relations with Russia

Boston Globe
by Jeffrey Mankoff


The charade of Russia’s presidential elections is now past, and to no one’s surprise, Sunday’s plebiscite ratified the Kremlin’s choice of Dmitry Medvedev to succeed Vladimir Putin. Medvedev’s victory provides an opportunity to turn the page on a difficult chapter in relations between Russia and the United States, and the Bush administration needs to reach out to Medvedev in the early stages of his presidency if it wants to reverse the dangerous downturn in relations with Moscow. After a period of great optimism following Russia’s decision to aid the United States in the war on terror, US-Russian relations have gone into an apparent free fall during Putin’s second term as president. The principal reason for this downturn has to do with the increasingly aggressive tone of Russian diplomacy. Flush with cash from its oil and gas, the Kremlin has increasingly rejected Western leadership and sought to assert itself internationally in ways that have often been damaging to American and Western interests...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Children's Defense Fund Calls President Bush's FY09 Budget Shameful

The Pentagon Is Financed Like Enron and Run Like General Motors

Gitmo 'Attack Dog' Turns on His Pentagon Masters

Is a Lean Economy Turning Mean?

Peter S. Goodman of The New York Times reports, "In many communities, dreams of upward mobility are yielding to despair and the grim realization that the economy - not strong for less-educated workers even when it was growing - may now be shrinking, making it tougher than ever to find a job."

Warming May Have Caused Salmon Collapse

The Associated Press reports that "Scientists examining the sudden and widespread collapse of West Coast salmon returns are pointing to the unusual changes in weather patterns that caused the bottom to fall out of the ocean food web in 2005."

The War Election

Writing for Truthout, Norman Solomon says, "Maybe it sounded good when politicians, pundits and online fund-raisers talked about American deaths as though they were the deaths that mattered most."

Hillary's Math Problem

Newsweek's Jonathan Alter writes: "Hillary Clinton may be poised for a big night tonight, with wins in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island. Clinton aides say this will be the beginning of her comeback against Barack Obama. There's only one problem with this analysis: they can't count."

Tellerwäscher ohne Obdach

„Die Immobilienkrise machte Millionen Familien obdachlos. Jetzt wird mit Notdarlehen das große Geschäft gemacht. Die Zinsen sind enorm. Die Verschuldungsspirale dreht sich immer schneller. Das geborgte Leben ist in den USA die normalste Sache der Welt. AmerikanerInnen erstehen alles auf Kredit: das Haus, das Auto, das Studium, die Hochzeit und die Scheidung, Essen und Kleidung, ja sogar die Arztrechnung und die Bestattungskosten werden so bezahlt. Das Realeinkommen ist bloß ein Budgetfaktor unter anderen. Daneben belehnen die meisten mit unverwüstlichem Optimismus das Potenzial der Zukunft…“ Artikel von Lotta Suter, Boston, in der schweizerischen WOZ vom 28.02.2008

Aus: LabourNet, 5. März 2008

Brechstangenpolitik der Bundesregierung auf dem Balkan

Wankendes Gefüge

„Mit der gestrigen Anerkennung des illegalen Sezessionsregimes in Pristina setzt Berlin seine Serie flagranter Völkerrechtsbrüche gegenüber Serbien fort. Man bereite die "Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen" zur "Republik Kosovo" vor, teilt ein Sprecher der Bundesregierung mit. Damit verstößt Deutschland erneut gegen die UNO-Charta und setzt das Prinzip der Unverletzlichkeit der Grenzen in Europa endgültig außer Kraft. Separatisten in mehreren EU-Staaten, aber auch im Kaukasus und in Kanada kündigen an, den kosovarischen Präzedenzfall zur Durchsetzung ihres Abspaltungsverlangens zu nutzen. Gegen Demonstranten, die die rechtswidrige Abtrennung des Kosovo von den übrigen serbischen Landesteilen nicht akzeptieren wollen, schreiten inzwischen NATO-Truppen ein - im Auftrag des deutschen Protektoratsverwalters im Kosovo, Joachim Rücker. Rücker handelt offiziell im Namen der UNO, deren Charta die Sezession eigentlich verbietet, deren Generalsekretär jedoch trotz der tiefen Spaltung des Sicherheitsrates die Aggression gegen Belgrad toleriert. Das beispiellose Vorgehen Berlins sowie weiterer westlicher Staaten bringt das nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zwecks globalen Machtabgleichs geschaffene UNO-Gefüge ins Wanken…“ Artikel bei „Informationen zur Deutschen Außenpolitik“ vom 21.02.2008

Brechstangenpolitik der Bundesregierung auf dem Balkan

„Nach der Anerkennung der einseitigen Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovo durch die deutsche Bundesregierung fangen neue Probleme - wie erwartet - an: In vielen Regionen der Welt wird sich nun auf diesen von westlichen Staaten unterstützten einseitigen Schritt des Kosovo, berufen, bis hin zu völlig unsinnigen Forderungen, wie die nach der Unabhängigkeit "Padaniens" durch die italienische Lega Nord. Die Bundesregierung betreibt auf dem Balkan wie anno 1991 (Anerkennung Kroatien und Sloweniens durch Deutschland) wieder eine Brechstangenpolitik, ohne die Folgen abzusehen. Die jetzigen Appelle an die serbische Regierung und Bevölkerung, Ruhe zu bewahren und friedlich zu bleiben, sind zutiefst heuchlerisch. Sie gleichen dem Appell eines Einbrechers an sein Opfer, doch Ruhe zu bewahren und zu kooperieren…“ Artikel von Tobias Pflüger im IMI-Standpunkt 2008/013

Aus: LabourNet, 5. März 2008

Brattleboro, Vermont, Votes to Indict Bush and Cheney

NGOs Wary of Doomsday Seed Vault

Informant: Teresa Binstock

House Dems Near Surrender on Bush Spying

Tuesday's Washington Post reports that House Democrats are close to granting all of President Bush's demands for more domestic spying powers and telecommunications amnesty, in exchange for, well, nothing.

From Information Clearing House

Torture Shocks

Dozens of former military leaders, in a campaign orchestrated by the human rights organization Human Rights First, have been actively working to get all forms of inhumane interrogation outlawed, including those practiced by the CIA.

From Information Clearing House

UN torture investigator says US Diego Garcia detention allegations 'credible'

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak [UN profile] told AP on Sunday that multiple sources have confirmed that the US detained terror suspects at the US military base on the British island of Diego Garcia between 2002 and 2003, a claim which the US has previously denied.

From Information Clearing House

Russia, China scuttle resolution plans

It came a day after the U.N. Security Council imposed another round of sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment. - Moscow on Monday had threatened not to back the new U.N. sanctions against Iran unless the West gave up its IAEA resolution plans.

Iran: Russia Blocks New IAEA Resolution Against Tehran

Diplomats in Vienna say Russia's support for new UN sanctions against Tehran is linked to a pledge from Western states to drop plans for a new Iran resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Anti-Iran nuclear move 'dropped'

Plans for a new resolution against Iran at the UN's nuclear watchdog have been dropped, reports quoting diplomats say. Diplomats speaking anonymously to news agencies said Western states had scrapped the plans in the face of opposition led by China and Russia.

Iran wants world ban on nuclear weapons

IRAN wants to ban all nuclear weapons through an international treaty, the country's foreign minister said at the UN's Conference on Disarmament.

From Information Clearing House

IRAQ: 'Not Our Country To Return To'

More Iraqis continue to flee their country than the numbers returning, despite official claims to the contrary.

From Information Clearing House

Sunni Insurgents Exploit U.S.-Sponsored Militias

The mainstream Sunni insurgents who have been fighting al Qaeda appear to have outmaneuvered U.S. strategists by using Awakening Councils to pursue their interests in weakening their most immediate enemy, reducing pressures from the U.S. military and establishing new political bases, while continuing to mount attacks on U.S. and Iraqi government forces.

From Information Clearing House

Worshippers of Death

From Information Clearing House

A Word From Ron Paul

911 Octopus: New World Order

Final Warning: A History of the New World Order


A History of the New World Order



Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds: Hearings Now!

New video about whistleblower Sibel Edmonds who tried to expose corruption and the danger of the selling of nuclear technology on the black market, and was fired and gagged by the FBI to protect corrupt officials. See and click on Sibel Edmonds.

John Calvert

Added: February 28, 2008


The 'laptop of mass destruction'

Informant: Romi Elnagar

Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney

Informant: John Calvert


Vermont Town Votes on Bush "Indictment"

The Associated Press reports from Brattleboro, Vermont: "Voters in two Vermont towns approved measures Tuesday calling for the indictment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for what they consider violations of the Constitution."

The telco regulator is appealing the Information Commissioner's decision that the public has the right to know where cellphone masts are located

This message is to remind you that you can use 'Freedom of Information'
or 'Information Commissioner's' resources to find out information about
cell phone antennas and other antennas in your area.

When reading this story, you need to ask - what are the cell phone
companies trying to hide, by not wanting to disclose the location of
cell phone masts? If a person develops cancer, should that person not be
able to get information about antennas nearby which are emitting strong
levels of C radiation, that may be related to the development of the

If a person is electro hyper sensitive (EHS) and cannot live in his home
due to electro magnetic radiation, should he not be allowed to see the
location of cell phone antennas, so that he may find a safe place to live?


The telco regulator is appealing the Information Commissioner's decision
that the public has the right to know where cellphone masts are located



Important: phone mast information

Posted: Thu Mar 6, 2008 12:13 pm (PST)

Campaign for health studies around mobile phone masts

I would like to stress the importance of recording existing phone mast site information for future health studies following the news regarding the decommissioning of phone masts by the phone operator.

Please take photographs of the phone mast site on a regular basis, make sure you include the date the picture was taken, you could include a copy of the daily news paper in your photograph showing the date on the paper in the picture.

Download details about your phone mast from sitefinder ASAP while the information is still available. Please read the enclosed email above from Martin Weatherall regarding the withdrawal of information supplied by the operators to sitefinder.

One of the greatest problems in phone mast health studies is the history of a certain site. It is important to have complete and detailed site history. This should be headed up by the authorities under the freedom of information act.

Every change such as the new mast sharing idea will make it harder to pinpoint health effects. This is why it is important to have all telecom data on hand for future health surveys. All decommissioned phone mast sites emission history should be recorded and held on record for up to 50 years for future studies.

The authorities should monitor all the RF/MW sources (Radio, TV, GSM, UMTS, Base Stations, etc.) and record when the source is shut off, showing date of decommission.

Details of Technical data such as (system, antenna type including the type number, azimuth, mechanical down tilt, electrical down tilt, antenna input power, height of the antenna above ground, exact coordinates of the antenna) from the respective authority even for sources that had been operated 30 years ago should be held on record.

This is of extreme importance, lobby your local councillors and MP to fight for this information to enable researchers to carry out epidemiological studies today and in the future.

Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust - UK registered charity

Re: Important - phone mast information

Posted by: karlmuller30
Fri Mar 7, 2008 1:13 am (PST)

This is INCREDIBLY important. The operators of course record full details of every single call made from their masts, they have the history. We need the full radiation history to know what happened around each mast. I believe we have the right to know what radiation we are being exposed to by military, police, commercial microwave links, and commercial and military radars as well.

There must be nowhere the industry can hide when the tsunami of health claims starts flooding in. It will take just take one class action case in the US to succeed (as I understand it, there are seven such claims currently moving through the courts) and **that** will be **that**. I remember a top top lawyer here telling me about how much money there would be in claims against the cellphone companies ... I could almost literally see the dollar signs spinning in his eyes. Millions and millions for each mast. And they cannot get health insurance for handsets. I wonder what they are really doing behind the scenes to prepare for this. I have asked the operators innumerable times if they have set aside reserves for health claims, they just duck.

The very, very worst mast we've encountered in Johannesburg had
(according to the company which leased the mast) -- military, police, dept of intelligence, Telkom microwave and cellphone antennas on it. The cellphone masts were the lowest on the pole, about 8m off the ground. This is the one mast where we measured levels that looked as though they might be higher than ICNIRP overall, right off the scale on our Elektrosmog meter, the people across the road were being totally fried. The woman had died of breast cancer, the man there had prostate cancer and severe Alzheimer's (wonderful old guy, very intelligent, but was clearly in great trouble). Heart palpitations, headaches and sleeplessness. All of these symptoms disappeared when he slept at his daughter's house. We gave him a letter recommending that he move, as he was clearly sensitive to this radiation. Beautiful house. Such a shame.

The mast was right next to another house, which had a satellite dish in the garden, on the ground, on the other side of the house to the mast. This was the only place they could find where the mast didn't blank out their satellite TV reception.

We have a Freedom of Information Act here too, and -- when we have time -- we're going to look at getting all this information. We really need to know what's in the air. It is simply outrageous that because this pollution is invisible, it is basically deemed not to exist.

Thanks for this, it's extremely useful for us, and you are doing brilliantly there Eileen, this is quite an inspiration.

Re: Important - phone mast information

Posted by: CGamba
Fri Mar 7, 2008 1:50 am (PST)

They know they have a big problem and have set aside money for this for years. I was told this by someone who works in the Insurance Industry on the legal side. They have also put the onus for liability on the landowners ect in the contracts, Read the report by a Barrister working for an international Insurance loss adjusters on tetra by Rowena Bryant Jones. She is a trained Barrister working for the insurance industry and her report is a complete legal case for someone to use. The companies are also putting their masts in street furniture and they are talking about people getting a mast in their home if they have a phone. The problem with the pulsed signals being used is they are very high at the pulse but the industry levels it out. I found a very high pulsed signal from Radar. One pulse in 4 was at the highest level on the instrument for measuring, but may have been even higher than that. Class actions are the answer to getting the problem recognised. Under the freedom of information act you can get the information from ofcom in the UK on what is on a mast. Military stuff is exempt. Other Countries must also have regulatory bodies to manage the spectrum who have the information. Planning authorities were told to keep information on masts and i have reports from several places of what is on them obtained from planners at the local Authority. The real culprits or criminals in this are the people in the NRPB in the UK for their cover up of the problem. The WHO as well and you will find the same people all the time sitting on everything claiming there is not a problem. They are liars, as well as guilty of crimes against humanity.


Re: Important - phone mast information

Posted by: karlmuller30
Fri Mar 7, 2008 2:46 am (PST)

Very interesting, Catherine, thank you. I am not sure that they have set aside reserves in South Africa, but: we shall see.

We had a very interesting conversation with an insurance man once. We had been invited to measure in the neighbourhood (this was actually the very same mast I was talking about, festooned with antennas). It was about 6pm, and this guy meet us Scotch in hand and had already had quite a few drinks, I have a feeling this may have helped him talk. He said they provided insurance cover of up to R20 million per mast (about $2.5 million at today's rate) for health claims, but they would not insure handsets for health risks. His explanation was "It's harder to prove with a mast" -- very interesting.

We have looked at contracts here, and it's murky, but we don't see that the landowner is on the face of it liable, although there are possible challenges to this which we pointed out to one landowner. I wish I could remember the details -- it was a church that wanted a mast in their 11m-high steeple, and they were very smug that they had a legal opinion that they were not liable for any damages, but we found something in the environmental legislation that may have changed that. Nonetheless, we scared the church off, it seems, by using other means. (I threatened to leaflet the entire neighbourhood, which is near where I live, telling them what the church wanted to hide in their steeple, and how they had no regard whatsoever for the health of their neighbours ... )

I asked them if they were going to have to put a warning sign on their steeple, and they stared at me rather blankly.

I can't find any reference to that report by Rowena Bryant Jones, perhaps you could post it on the forum or mail it to me, Catherine? Sounds very interesting.

I still think that one is entitled to know, even with military stuff, what level of radiation we are being exposed to. Perhaps we must just measure it ourselves and publish it. I was told a story by the former technical head of our Independent Communications Authority of SA, which is supposed to safeguard the public's interest in regard to broadcasting and which issues all the licences, one Wojtek Skowronksi. (Icasa does not lift a finger to protect the public on health grounds, Wojtek said that's the dept of health's problem -- and the dept of health suspended all its regulations in November 2002, so we have no regulations in force, and no protection at all in SA).

Anyway, Wojtek told me that he was always amused to see what happened in the parking lot of Johannesburg International Airport (now OR Tambo Airport). People would have their car immobiliser remotes, and would be vainly pressing them and trying to get their cars started. The radar at the airport would interfere to the point where many people couldn't start their cars. People need to know exactly where these high radiation levels are, so that for example a cleaner who works every day at the airport and starts getting headaches, knows that he is getting unusually high radiation doses.

The key to this is actually the insurance industry. They were very badly burned by tobacco, asbestos and pollution claims. It's interesting, the Prudential wrote to the US government as early as
1918, saying that they were no longer insuring the lives of asbestos workers, as they could see in their loss ratios that this was not a good risk, they could see these workers were dying young. It took the health authorities about 50 years to catch up with what the insurers saw. I think they are being very cautious with cellphones, the insurance industry is facing a beating with increasing global weather events, so they cannot afford to take on another disastrous risk.

We need something on this from an insurance insider.

The WHO and the NRPB (HPA) are without doubt culpable, but I'm beginning to think the real villains who set the whole ball rolling are actually to be found at the US Food and Drug Administration. To this day, the US remains totally uninformed about the risks. I saw a long story from AP the other day, about how there are now more cellphone users than non-users, and how this was the most fantastically fast-spreading technology of our times. Not one word about health risks (although the story may have been edited, it was in our Star newspaper here). I am considering taking this paper to the Press Ombudsman for biased reporting, because it is time now that there was acknowledgement that there are severe health risks attached to this technology.

I am still intending a long posting on the whole genocide/crimes against humanity aspect. The truth is, this is ultimately the only way to go. This whole thing is SO huge, it is a conspiracy at such a vast level, that it can only be tackled at that level.

In the meantime, I am being kept very busy with silly things. If anyone knows Cheryl Welsh of (formerly Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse), they will know about "street theatre", where people are harassed in the strangest of ways. I've been suffering quite a bit of street theatre lately, truly, life's a cabaret old chum. But I'm always inspired by a T-shirt I saw once, it said: "Annoy the bastards -- SURVIVE".

What does it mean to be a citizen?

Analysis on where the race goes from here and why Hillary Clinton is still not back in it

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

The Beginning of Martial Law

Resist in March

Why Most Voters Shouldn't Vote

by Selwyn Duke

Often the most fanciful ideas become the least questioned assumptions. In this election season a few have made themselves apparent, such as the notion that "change" is good by definition and "experience" is definitely good. Yet an even better example is the oft-repeated platitude that greater voter participation yields a healthier republic......

Judges Want to Terminate Family's Homeschooling Rights

by NWV News

Hearing about the Long's dilemma, one California homeschooling mother [who wished to remain anonymous] said that she went to her pastor asking for the church's involvement exposing the courts determination to end homeschooling in the state, and was told to her dismay that the church would not get involved citing Romans 13. She was told "We'll pray on it." I also prayed, which led me to come to you for help, she replied.


Court Deems Homeschooling a Criminal Offense

Bush Appoints Loyalist Fran Townsend To ‘President’s Intelligence Advisory Board’

Informant: Gomez

Waterboarders for God

Ray McGovern on the National Prayer Breakfast torturers.

Informant: Lew Rockwell

What is the USS Cole doing off the Lebanese coast?

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Crisis Point of the Inflationary Boom

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination

This war on terrorism is bogus

Informant: Lew Rockwell

Air travel is exploding in China

Sign on and Protect Horse Butte for Wild Bison

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