Freitag, 23. März 2007

World Must Pay Poorer Nations to Keep Forests

A major UN conference on global warming in December should target setting up a system to pay developing nations such as Indonesia and Brazil to keep their forests, an influential climate change expert said on Friday.

Sampson to Testify Under Oath Before Congress Next Week

Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee extended an invitation for Alberto Gonzales' former chief of staff Kyle Sampson to testify. If he didn't want to come voluntarily, the committee said, he'd be subpoenaed. Today, via a letter from his lawyer to the committee, he accepted - no subpoena necessary.

Gonzales, Cheney Blocked Appeals to Close Guantanamo

In his first weeks as defense secretary, Robert M. Gates told President Bush that the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should be shut down as quickly as possible. Gates' arguments were rejected after Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and other government lawyers expressed strong objections to moving detainees to the United States - a stance that was backed by the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Bush Ex-Interior Deputy Pleads Guilty in Abramoff Scandal

Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles pleaded guilty Friday to obstruction of justice in a Senate committee's investigation, becoming the highest-ranking Bush administration official convicted in the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal.


Another Bush Crony Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case

by Jim Kouri

James Steven Griles, the former deputy secretary of the Department of the Interior, has pleaded guilty to obstructing the U.S. Senate's investigation into the corruption allegations surrounding former Washington lobbyist Jack A. Abramoff. Griles admitted that he knowingly and willfully lied and concealed material information about the relationship that he had with.....

Former #2 at Interior gets 10 months in prison

“Former Deputy Interior Secretary James Steven Griles - who pleaded guilty in March to a single felony charge of obstructing justice by lying to a Senate committee about his relationship with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff - was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court to 10 months in prison and a fine of $30,000.00. U.S. District Judge Ellen Huvelle said, to Griles that this is a ’serious offense,’ and ‘you are not above the law.’” (06/26/07)


Former #2 at Interior gets 10 months in prison



Former Deputy Interior Secretary James Steven Griles - who pleaded guilty in March to a single felony charge of obstructing justice by lying to a Senate committee about his relationship with convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff - was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court to 10 months in prison and a fine of $30,000.00. U.S. District Judge Ellen Huvelle said, to Griles that this is a ’serious offense,’ and ‘you are not above the law’...

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Glos erwägt eine Arbeitspflicht für alle Empfänger von Hilfsleistungen

Bundeswirtschaftsminister Michael Glos (CSU) beabsichtigt offenbar 1,4 Millionen Empfänger von Hilfsleistungen zu Arbeiten zu verpflichten. Das Konzept von Glos sieht vor, dass alle Empfänger von Hilfsleistungen einer einer regulären Arbeit nachgehen müssen, anderenfalls hätte das Auswirkung auf die Unterstützung. Hartz IV werde damit nicht mehr als bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen wahrgenommen, so Michael Glos, sondern als "Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe".


Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat des Bundesfinanzministerium fordert eine "Arbeitspflicht" für Hartz IV Empfänger

Damit Erwerbslose zur "energischen Suche nach Jobs" angehalten werden, fordert der Wissenschaftliche Beirat des Finanzministeriums eine ausgeweitete Arbeitspflicht. Eigens dafür wurde ein Gutachten erstellt durch den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat erstellt. Der Beiratsvorsitzende Clemens Fuchs sagte bei der Präsentation des Gutachtens in Berlin: "Wir halten es für richtig, von Hartz-IV-Empfängern zu verlangen, dass sie ihre Arbeitskraft zur Verfügung stellen".

Lesen Sie weiter:

Ex-Guantanamo Detainees Joining Lawsuit Against Rumsfeld

Two former Guantanamo Bay detainees are suing former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other military officials, accusing them of mistreating and imprisoning them for years despite knowing they weren't enemy combatants.

Fewer Pledge Allegiance to the GOP

Public allegiance to the Republican Party has plunged during George W. Bush's presidency, as attitudes have edged away from some of the conservative values that fueled GOP political victories, a major survey has found.

Reid Wonders If Abramoff US Attorney Is a "Bushie"

"Today we hear the US attorney in Florida is going to try and reduce Abramoff's sentence," Reid proclaimed, referring to the disgraced former lobbyist sentenced to six years in federal prison, who has also pleaded guilty to three other charges. The Democratic majority leader rhetorically asked reporters gathered in his Capitol Hill office: "Is he a Bushie?"

Constitutional Showdown Over US Attorney Firings?

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the authorization for subpoenas earlier today to be issued for Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, and other top White House aides, following the House Judiciary Subcommittee's approval on Wednesday.

Antarctic melting may be speeding up

Informant: binstock

Keep Torture Flights Out of Scotland

From Eleanor

Torture is wrong. It happened in the Dark Ages. This is the 21st Century. There is no excuse for it. I can't bring myself to argue that it is useless because that would give it legitimacy. It has none. Imagine yourself being tortured and asked to give information you just don't have. How long would it take us to say anything to just stop the torture? That's what happens. Please take a few minutes to sign this petition - signatures from around the world would be so welcome. Let the MSPs in Edinburgh know that we Scots are not alone in condemning this hideous practice of kidnapping people and flying them to countries where torture is routinely used. My thanks.

Get the Lead Out for California Condors!

Rachel's News #899

U.S.A.: Radioactive water near Hopi springs

Informant: MoJo

Sign Up to Take Action: Help Us Transform the Catalog Industry

Congress Throws Over $100 Billion More at War

Nine Heroes in Congress Make a Stand for Peace

Informant: David Swanson

From ufpj-news

Russischer General erwartet amerikanischen Angriff auf Iran

Exxon: Pay the victims!

A 1996 law continues to allow outrageous abuses in American prisons

Legally-Sanctioned Negligence

by Margo Schlanger and Giovanna Shay,

A labor group is collecting hundreds of tragic stories about the nation's health care mess

Health Care Hustle's Casualties

by Tula Connell,

Help Restore Clean Water Act Protections for Gulf Waters!

Next-up News n°213


Soziale Unterschiede werden größer: immer mehr einfache Arbeiterfamilien drohen zu verarmen

„Armut hat sich in den vergangenen fünf Jahren in West- und Ostdeutschland noch einmal deutlich verfestigt. Das Phänomen konzentriert sich auf gering qualifizierte Bevölkerungsgruppen. Die Einkommensarmut ist in Deutschland zuletzt sechs Jahre in Folge gestiegen, und zwar von zwölf Prozent im Jahr
1999 auf über 17 Prozent im Jahr 2004. Die Situationen von Armut halten zudem länger an und sind zunehmend durch mehrfache Notlagen in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen (Wohnungsprobleme, Konsumdefizite, Arbeitslosigkeit oder fehlende Rücklagen) geprägt. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt der aktuelle Wochenbericht des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) anhand der zusammen mit Infratest erhobenen Längsschnittstudie Sozio-ökonomisches Panel (SOEP). Hauptbetroffene sind demzufolge nach wie vor Arbeiter, vor allem Arbeiterfamilien mit Migrationshintergrund und mehreren Kindern….“ Artikel von Roland Bunzenthal in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 22.03.2007

Siehe dazu auch:

Armut in Deutschland: Zunehmende Verfestigung, aber keine Ausbreitung auf die Mitte der Gesellschaft

Pressemitteilung des DIW Berlin vom 21.03.2007

Aus: LabourNet, 23. März 2007

Mitbestimmung des Personalrats bei „Ein-Euro-Jobs"

„Das Bundesverwaltungsgericht in Leipzig hat in zwei heute verkündeten Entscheidungen, die sich auf die Städte Mainz und Wetzlar beziehen, das Recht der kommunalen Personalräte zur Mitbestimmung bei der Besetzung sog. „Ein-Euro-Jobs“ durch die Kommune festgestellt…“ Pressemitteilung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts Leipzig vom 21.03.2007,5d9ceb7365617263685f646973706c6179436f6e7461696e6572092d0938343432093a095f7472636964092d09353737/Pressemitteilungen/Pressemitteilungen_9d.html

Siehe dazu auch:

Urteil: Mitbestimmung bei Ein-Euro-Jobs "großer Erfolg"

„Als „großen Erfolg” wertete der stellvertretende Vorsitzende der Vereinten Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di) Gerd Herzberg das Urteil des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts zur Mitbestimmung bei sogenannten Ein-Euro-Jobs. Das Gericht gab den Klagen zweier Personalräte recht, die mit Hilfe des ver.di-Rechtsschutzes einen Anspruch auf Mitbestimmung bei der Einstellung von „Ein-Euro-Jobbern” geltend gemacht hatten. „Die Beschäftigtenvertretungen achten im Rahmen ihrer Mitbestimmung sehr genau darauf, dass keine regulären Beschäftigungsverhältnisse abgebaut und durch Ein-Euro-Jobs ersetzt werden”, so Herzberg…“ ver.di-Pressemitteilung vom 22.03.2007

Euro Jobs: Nach der Entscheidung des Bundesverwaltungsgerichts muss jetzt ver.di handeln

Pressemeldung des Erwerbslosen Forum Deutschland vom 22.03.2006

Die Redaktion des LabourNet Germany weist jedoch darauf hin, dass die Möglichkeiten den Abwehr von Ein-Euro-Jobs mittels Mitbestimmung schon immer bestanden… Wird ein neues Urteil zu ihrer Nutzung beitragen?

Aus: LabourNet, 23. März 2007

USA: Aus für Handys in Flugzeugen

23. März 2007

Kommunikationsbehörde sieht technische und soziale Probleme

Nachricht von Helmut Langenbach, Siegen


US-Behörde sagt "Handy im Flugzeug" ab

The controlled demolition of the American republic

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Blood and treasure

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gore Warns Congress of Planetary Emergency

Gore delivered blunt messages to a joint meeting of two House committees yesterday morning and a Senate panel in the afternoon. He warned that humans are artificially warming the world, the risks of inaction are great and meaningful cuts in emissions linked to warming will happen only if the US takes the lead.

Anger at US "Rendition" of Refugees Who Fled Somalia

At least 150 people arrested in Kenya after fleeing violence in Somalia have been secretly flown to Somalia and Ethiopia where they are being held incommunicado in underground prisons. "This is extraordinary rendition," said Maini Kiai, chairman of the Kenya National Human Rights Commission. "Britain and America are involved in interrogating suspects."

GAO Faults US Military Over Munitions in Iraq

The US military's faulty war plans and insufficient troops in Iraq left thousands - possibly millions - of tons of conventional munitions unsecured or in the hands of insurgent groups after the 2003 invasion, allowing widespread looting of weapons and explosives used to make roadside bombs that cause the bulk of US casualties, according to a government report released yesterday.

House Democrats Increasingly Confident on Iraq Vote

House Democrats are increasingly confident that they have the votes to pass legislation designed to force an end to the war in Iraq next year. Several party members dropped their opposition to the bill following days of wrangling within a deeply divided caucus. The House planned to vote Friday on a $124 billion spending bill that would finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but require that combat troops return home before September 2008.

Watada resumes public speaking

Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Tell Congress to Vote NO on the Iraq War Supplemental

We will win this phone mast fight

23 March 2007 08:45

The fight against phone masts in Earlham Road has returned - this time with telecoms firm O2 appealing against a council decision to refuse permission for a mast.

Two months ago campaigners helped persuade Norwich City Council to turn down O2's plan for a 12.5m mast near schools and homes.

But now the company is appealing that decision to the Government's Planning Inspectorate, and families are gearing up for another battle.

Ward councillor Bert Bremner said: “We have challenged and won against plans for four masts in the area and won two appeals. We hope to win this next battle but time is running out to put in more objections.

“The community objected to these masts simply on planning grounds - the masts with their great big boxes are an eyesore.

“Earlham Road is a wonderful tree-lined residential road, cut through by the Norwich outer ring road. It is at that point that the mast is proposed.

“We are trying to keep the verge free from damage, parking and clutter. The mast and its associated equipment would be an ugly addition to the area. Putting in the mast on the verge, as proposed, would be a visual insult to the community.”

In January the council went against officers' recommendations to approve the mast after more than 40 people raised concerns and planning committee members received 11 letters of objection.

O2's appeal comes a month after campaigners beat a T-Mobile application to install an 11.8m mast near St Anne's Church on Colman Road. City council planners under delegated powers turned that down after more than 100 people objected. However, campaigners fear that if the new appeal were successful it would open the same area to an application by T-Mobile, which could result in two masts being set up.

The proposed O2 mast would be within half a mile of Heigham Park First School and St Thomas More Roman Catholic Primary School and within a mile of Earlham High School, whose deputy head Alan Shawcross expressed concern that a mast could be close to schools.

The Evening News is fighting the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe as part of our Put Masts On Hold campaign.

In January 2005, Sir William Stewart, chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board, published an independent report calling for a precautionary approach to masts near homes and schools. An Evening News investigation in the same month revealed one in five primary schools in Norwich and its suburbs was within the threshold experts claim could put youngsters at risk.

To onbject, write to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/16 Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, BRISTOL BS1 6PN, Ref: APP/G2625/A/07/2038177/NWF. The deadline is April 4.

Are you fighting a phone mast application? Call David Bale on 01603 772427 or email david.bale2

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Joy as Hempnall phone mast plan refused

22 March 2007

A protest campaign in Hempnall has led to the rejection of controversial plans to erect a mobile phone mast a short distance away from the village school.

South Norfolk Council's planning department threw out T-Mobile UK's application without even putting the matter before members of the south west area planning committee.

The news has delighted local district councillor, Michael Windridge, who spearheaded the opposition.

“This is wonderful news for Hempnall School and residents living in the village's conservation area. People and parent power have ensured that common sense has prevailed on this most sensitive of planning issues. The decision by T-Mobile to promote this scheme was thoroughly insensitive, particularly as there was no demand whatsoever for a mobile phone mast in that particular location,” he said.

“I am sorry that - for legal reasons - the council is not able to adopt my call for a moratorium on all mobile phone mast applications close to schools and residential properties within the district until health concerns have been fully resolved.”

Miriam Elston, the school's headteacher, said it is recommended that children under six do not use mobile telephones and it is uncertain whether masts are a health hazard.

“We think we should be careful which is why I wrote in with an objection. We are very pleased that a mast won't be put right on the edge of the school,” she said.

The scheme was rejected because of the mast's unacceptable visual impact on the school, and the resulting anxiety it is likely to cause due to perceived health risks.

Copyright © 2006 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.

Progressive Democrats of America: Disappointed in Democratic Leadership

Slavery An Integral Part of Nation's Shared Ancestry

Come Together Right Now Over Him

The Decider is Delusional

A Time For Anger, A Call To Action

Open Skies Pact 'Will Worsen Climate Change'

Democrats See a Document Gap in Dismissals

Global Warming Activists Try to Stir Americans to Change

U.S. Urged to Abandon Trials by Military Tribunals

Handymast im All, Ersatz für terrestrische Versorgung?

Donnerstag 22.03.2007

US-Satellitentelefonanbieter TerreStar Global startet in Österreich und will von Wien aus in Europa durchstarten.

TerreStar verbindet terrestrische Kommunikation mit Satellitenkomponenten. Das vom Unternehmen entwickelte Satellitenkommunikationssystem soll ab 2010 in Österreich angeboten werden. und auch die Versorgung im hochalpinen Bereich sowie in abgelegenen Landesteilen verbessern.

"Mit unserem System sind wir in der Lage, eine europaweite, zuverlässige, ausfallsfreie und flächendeckende Breitbandkommunikation für mobile Endgeräte zu bieten", "Überall dort, wo keine terrestrische Versorgung mit Kommunikationsdiensten existiert, springt der TerreStar-Satellit ein. Im Prinzip ist es ein großer Handymast im All, der Europa komplett versorgt."

"Verabschieden kann man sich von den derzeit verwendeten großen und klobigen Satellitentelefonen, da unsere Technik in jedes Mobiltelefon integriert werden kann", sagte Robert H. Brumley, Geschäftsführer von TerreStar Global.


Nachricht von Helmut Langenbach, Siegen

Petition To World Leaders

Climate change is the greatest threat facing our world today - and we are almost out of time to stop it. You must tackle this problem now, decisively and together. Start working toward a new global agreement this year. Set binding global targets for emissions to avert catastrophic climate change. Take bold action immediately - and we will join our efforts with yours.

Terror Storm (in deutscher Sprache)

Unbedingt ansehen, das ist leider die Realität und wir sollten schnellstens aufwachen.


Environmental Nightmare Drags On

Four years after the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and despite 22 billion dollars spent on recovery and reconstruction, Iraq's environment remains in disastrous shape. Industrial waste, hospital waste, fertilizer run-off from farming, as well as oil spills plague the two rivers that define the Mesopotamia region and which provide much of the irrigation and drinking water.

"I sell half of our monthly food ration to raise money to flee..."

Marwan Hussein, 31, is an unemployed displaced father who has resorted to selling half his monthly food rations to make money to flee Iraq. "We've tried different ways to survive in a dignified way," says Hussein, "but we've reached the end of the road now. We need to leave the country but we don't have money for that. We are all tired of living without government support. We are on our own."

Biofuels Boom Spurring Deforestation

Nearly 40,000 hectares of forest vanish every day, driven by the world's growing hunger for timber, pulp and paper, and, ironically, by new biofuels and carbon credits designed to protect the environment.

"Billions Wasted" in Iraq Reconstruction

The leaders of a Senate panel said Thursday that the Defense and State departments must work more closely together to avoid repeating multimillion-dollar mistakes in the reconstruction of Iraq. Earlier this year, federal investigators determined that the Bush administration had squandered as much as $10 billion in reconstruction aid.

Demoted U.S. attorney protested office shutdown, loss of resources

A U.S. attorney targeted by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff complained to his superiors in Washington about losing investigative resources little more than a month before his demotion.

From Information Clearing House


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